
Bonsai production of Ruyi flowers

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, 1. Flowerpot Ruyi flower pot, purple sand pot is the best, you can choose a lighter plain flowerpot, which can set off the plant type of five-color plum, the flower color is gorgeous, and can also be cultivated with tile pot or pottery pot, cement pot and so on. two。 Soil Ruyi flowers like to be moist, drought-resistant, and avoid stagnant water.

1. flowerpot

Ruyi flower pot, purple sand pot is the best, can choose a lighter plain flower pot, more can set off the colorful plum plant type vigorous, colorful, can also use earthen pot or pottery pot, cement pot and other better permeability pot cultivation.

2. soil

Ruyi flowers like moisture, drought resistance, avoid water, in the loose fertile drainage good sandy loam growth better. The soil configuration of the upper pot can be selected by using a mixture of rotten leaf soil and sand, and adding a small amount of base fertilizer such as bone powder, cake residue, animal hoof horn, etc.

3. watering

Ruyi flowers like wet environment, in the growing season, watering principle "do not dry water, water is poured through", to partial wet is appropriate, but strictly avoid water.

4. pruning

Ruyi flower has strong sprouting power and pruning resistance. It adopts the method of cutting trunk and storing branches. Attention should also be paid to pruning and pinching. In spring, proper pruning should be carried out to promote symmetrical and beautiful branches and excessive nature; In summer, it is necessary to often pinch or cut short, and pay attention to branch contraction after each flower to promote short and dense branches, compact crown and round head shape; Focus on the treatment of large lateral branches, generally cut one and keep one, or one long and one short, cut off over-dense branches, thin branches and cross branches, and keep beautiful shape.

Making of Ganoderma lucidum potted landscape 1. The selection of materials should be based on the type, color, shape, size, etc. of Ganoderma lucidum to choose different types of pots, generally dark ceramic pots are better. If it is red ganoderma lucidum, pine fir ganoderma lucidum, brown, purple basin is ideal, can make tonal coordination, simple and elegant. If it is black Ganoderma lucidum, black Ganoderma lucidum, white porcelain basin should be selected to highlight the morphological characteristics of Ganoderma lucidum in strong contrast. It is not advisable to use pots with the same or similar tones as Ganoderma lucidum to avoid a single tone. Ganoderma lucidum material, can be collected wild or artificial cultivation. During artificial cultivation, artificial control of temperature, light and air can cultivate Ganoderma lucidum materials with various shapes and various postures. Such as in the case of high temperature or hypoxia, can cultivate a slender stalk or branch coral-like Ganoderma lucidum. The cap was deformed when the light was reduced.

2. The production of bonsai ① with quartz sand or other sand congestion, so that Ganoderma lucidum shape born in sand, but pay attention to the sand not higher than the basin surface. Weave fine iron wire into a net and put it into a basin. Insert the ganoderma lucidum handle into the appropriate mesh, and then fill it with gravel.② Use latex, glass glue, etc. to bond Ganoderma lucidum and other accessories in place.④ Fix Ganoderma lucidum and accessories in the basin with gypsum. In addition to sand in the basin, but also foil dried moss, branch-like lichen, Selaginella and other non-fragile plants, so that bonsai appears natural. Another type of Ganoderma lucidum with short or sessile stipes has large fungi.

Cover, making bonsai more convenient, production of Ganoderma lucidum base after the adhesion in the pot can be flattened. These Ganoderma lucidum because of the large and flat surface, can be written on it poetry or painting landscape figures, but also carved a variety of patterns. When placed in the basin, it can be placed singly or several inlaid or overlapped together. Its surface is coated with transparent paint, which can be preserved and viewed for a long time.

3. The naming of bonsai gives a proper and profound name to the bonsai, which is one of the artistic techniques in making bonsai. The name plays well, can play the role of "painting dragon point clear"; otherwise, it gives people the feeling of "painting snake and adding feet". The name may be written according to a predetermined theme, or it may be determined according to the morphology of the material used. If it is a single Ganoderma lucidum, strong growth, shape Ruyi, can be named "auspicious Ruyi"; if two intact Ganoderma lucidum and connected together bonsai, can be named "concentric phase" or "forever knot concentric"...

4. The preservation of Ganoderma lucidum bonsai ① should pay attention to moisture and insect resistance. Good ganoderma lucidum bonsai should be stored in a dry and ventilated place to prevent moisture regain and mildew; put appropriate amount of pesticides such as camphor balls in the pot to prevent pests. If insects are found, they should be fumigated, frozen or dried, or exposed to sunlight. If Ganoderma lucidum has damage or insect eyes, seal it with paraffin or adhesive tape to prevent pests from invading and breeding. Ganoderma lucidum mycelium is most likely to produce maggots or eggs, alcohol can be injected or wiped with alcohol cotton balls. But be careful not to spray alcohol on the surface of Ganoderma lucidum, otherwise it will damage the surface and lose luster.② Pay attention to painting and dust prevention. Because ganoderma lucidum bonsai can be placed for a long time, the surface is easy to pollute dirt and dust and lose luster. In order to prevent pollution and maintain brightness, the surface of Ganoderma lucidum can be painted with varnish, which can prevent insects and moisture, maintain the original luster, and avoid pollution (even if it is stained with dust). However, the paint should not be too thick, otherwise it will crack and affect the appearance. In order to prevent the invasion of dust and pests, glass covers can also be used to cover bonsai. Design and processing of bonsai making

After the material is determined, you can start to create. Before creation, you should nourish your heart and calm your mind, cultivate passion and calm down. Only when you are full of beautiful things can you produce good works. In addition, for how to compose the layout, what is the theme, processing order, how to arrange technical measures, there is a general framework in mind as a reference basis for operation, and must not act blindly. Creation must first have a design, or paper or mind, according to the characteristics of stone to consider how to shape, that is, according to their own experience in life practice, choose the most moving, the most beautiful shape, appropriate exaggeration, refinement, generalization, imagination to pay techniques, skillfully arranged in the picture, using skills, techniques to perfect the author's idea.

Soft stone is easy to complete according to the intention of the creator. It can draw the outline of the stone in its original state with white drawing, observe its drawn shape, imagine the change of vertical and horizontal curves, and sketch it. The satisfactory image can be used as the reference basis for production. It can also be used as a mark when processing.

Hard stone changes infinitely, processing is difficult, so it is difficult to make a design drawing, can make a basic sketch, and then imagine improvement, according to the material conditions according to the stone. The purpose of the idea is to perfect the shape, and the idea is also called conception. Conception and production are often carried out at the same time, while the conception of the creative side of the revision, gradually improve the idea, perfect creation.

soft stone design

Bonsai design can not be perfect, design for the defects of the object shape, with processing skills to make up for modification or addition, adhesion or deletion, using a variety of technical means to perfect the shape. The perfection of composition should be carefully considered for each detail, such as position, size, primary and secondary, density, weight, level, etc., so that they can be changed and unified in the basin. The quality of the picture lies in the skillful conception and technique.

(1) Rough processing: stone is too large, can be used to split the method of rough processing. Different stone types have different physical properties, so in order to obtain ideal parts and shapes, reduce losses, and strive to obtain large and many old materials, different splitting methods should be adopted. Thick stone with bedding structure can be split slowly along parallel grain with thin steel chisel from thick flat place of base (bad end). If stone is too wide, several thin steel chisels can be used to split longitudinally along the same grain.

If the obvious part of the grain is observed from the sawing surface, it can be easier to open it from now on. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the observation, experiment, research and summary of the rock structure at ordinary times. The structure of sea mother stone seems to be radial, and it can be split obliquely along the grain from the middle. The stone such as axe and stalagmite can be split along the sedimentary grain by using multiple thin chisels at a certain distance. The quartz stone can be found from the saw section or grain structure and split from it; it can also be cut around the rock. In short, the theme material and fabric can be obtained by splitting method, which can save labor and reduce trouble, but it should be bold and careful to reduce loss.

Stone splitting indication (1) wide stone to narrow longitudinally (2) wide stone to narrow laterally (3) thick stone to thin

Some stone species hard and brittle, fracture surface irregular, in the split before careful measurement, as far as possible to reduce the damage of the old surface, not to blindly start and break large wood into small materials can not be used, if not sure or idea sawing is wonderful. It is impossible to obtain the standard size directly by splitting method. Generally, the size is appropriately relaxed when splitting, leaving room for processing, and the shape of splitting is unexpected. Occasionally, it cannot be regarded as inevitable. Do not hold fluke psychology. Once the ideal material is obtained, it will be re-designed and rearranged according to the new situation immediately.

(2) sawing: sawing is to completely obtain the subject part of the selected material, and according to the design requirements, it is stable in the basin, which is convenient for control in processing or can be moved smoothly and adjusted at will in the layout. Another method of sawing can remove unnecessary parts, reduce difficulties in processing, and reduce operating intensity. Can also fail works, damaged works, through careful consideration of the replacement angle saw cut, and then properly modified can play a role in reviving. Especially hard stone works, success or failure depends on a knife (saw), so before sawing, we must carefully examine the stone repeatedly, and then cut the saw, the front saw cut line is to determine the height and left and right posture angle, and then saw. The extension line of the side is matched with the front saw cutting line, which determines the reference line of the front and rear posture angle. When sawing, refer to this wire saw. Second line is drawn well, review is correct, before sawing open, even if sawing also check correction from time to time to obtain the desired effect.

Do not part saw off, and then for processing, can improve the efficacy

cave sawing

Saw thin small stones, such as distant mountains, slope beach, with manual saw easy to make rocks heat expansion and fragmentation, saw in addition to water cooling, but also pay attention to saw bow smooth, slow rhythm. Such as mechanical cutting film can not be too thick, saw blade to smooth, into the knife to be stable and slow.

① hard stone: some stone will be the basic shape of both ends and then cut, can reduce the loss, such as axe, stalagmite, etc., or to be sawed after the change in shape, a little careless broken too much and does not meet the design requirements, sometimes had to change the size.

The layout and sawing of hard stone are carried out at the same time. The main peak shall be erected first and then the guest mountain shall be matched. The layout shall be modified and adjusted while sawing, so that the height, front and rear, size, thickness and width meet the requirements of composition and setting (design requirements). After sawing is completed, the modeling layout shall be completed.

Saws (1) Side reference lines determine the angle between the front and rear poses (2) Front saws determine the angle between the left and right of the subject

After the peak is shaped, the line is sawed open

There are also a group of rocks in advance according to the basic idea of marking sawing, marking when considering the height, size, thickness, width of the match, can refer to the ratio of 1:3:5... cutting, that is, one main peak, three main peak, five auxiliary peak, seven secondary peak,... and so on, a certain number of rocks also have changes, especially the foot slope beach left and right direction should be matched, such arrangement, the foot slope needs to tilt left when there are materials available, right tilt when there are materials available, In short, the short ones should be more than the middle ones, and the middle ones should be more than the high ones. In this way, the ingredients can be selected according to the needs, which is conducive to the development of ideas. Especially when the stones are collected at the key points, the pictures will be lively and vivid. Otherwise, the number will be barely matched, and the works will lack charm and appeal. Sawing a group of rocks, in addition to ensuring their own center of gravity, angle, but also pay attention to the unity of texture. Large stones cannot be cut down at one time, but can be rotated at a certain angle and then continue to cut along the original saw seam, so repeated until sawn open.

If found saw uneven cross-section available chisel, grinding, shovel and other methods gradually smooth, be sure to make the bottom of the rock and the bottom of the basin coincide. The stone body is heavy and can be covered with a flat plate for testing. The concave part will be transparent, and the convex part will contact the plate surface in a dark color. It should be cut off. Repeat the correction so that the bright and dark points are uniform, and then grind with water to avoid scratching the bottom of the basin. During processing, attention should be paid to ensuring the posture angle and correcting it from time to time. Stone is too hard not easy to use manual sawing, can add emery infiltration into the saw can be sawed off, even ceramics can also be used emery split, emery can be recycled, repeated use.

A group of rocks are sawed off (1) to the left of the foot of the mountain (2) to the right of the foot of the mountain (3) to cut a knife around the stone and split it

② Soft stone: before sawing, carefully remove and clean loose impurities, expose the true appearance of the material, and then consider the relationship between the front side, upper and lower, high and low, and understand the internal structure of the rock from the sawing surface as a reference basis for creation and processing.

Soft stone sawing (1) center of gravity inclined to the side forward (2) soft stone removed impurities and then modeling

In order to ensure the stone posture and state, in addition to the reasonable marking, proper sawing, and regular inspection and correction, it is customary to tilt forward (tilt to the side and front) and vertical (the center line of the mountain or the rear line of the mountain) in the close-range sawing.

3. Height of main peak of sawing (proportion to basin): visual satisfaction is the main factor. For example, the production of small bonsai, one hand holding the pot in front, the other hand holding the stone in the back, moving up and down, that the proportion is appropriate to the scribe saw cut. Stone slightly can lie on the table, with the basin length equal to the wooden ruler up and down to move left and right, think the length can be taken as a mark and then saw open. The height of the main peak in the close-up view is generally set at two-thirds of the basin length, or about twice the basin width. Not too high, too high stone bottom area is also large. The height of the main peak of the prospect should not be less than five times the height of the basin. If the theme is not prominent below this ratio, of course, the basic conditions of width and thickness cannot be ignored.

The selection of the height of the main peak (1) The height of the main peak in the close-up view is about 2/3 of the basin length (2) The height of the main peak in the long-term view is not less than 5 times of the basin thickness.

Cut close-up materials, basically achieve a ratio of thickness to width of 1: 1.5, height of 2.5, such materials will have appropriate processing room, production can play. However, after processing and molding, the foot body should not exceed two-thirds of the basin width, so that there is a reasonable space in front of the basin.

Perspective (or close-up recumbent modeling) in the width is not enough available with stone to make up for, do not suppress the picture. When the material is dropped, pay attention to the width of the basin, the height is greater than the thickness, and the thickness should not exceed two-thirds of the basin width. The width of the main scene stone should not be less than two-thirds of the basin length, otherwise the left and right sides can be increased, but too much patchwork will dilute the theme (hard stone combination can overcome this defect).

Soft stone processing (1) The cross section of the rock does not exceed 2/3 of the basin width, leaving room for manoeuvre in front of the basin (2) Several pieces can be combined between the left and right (plane)

The so-called main part should not exceed two-thirds of the basin width, essentially reminding the author to pay attention to the proportion of water surface in the three-dimensional space when considering composition. Generally, the stone is tall and the bottom section is also large, which is regular and proportional. Therefore, attention must be paid to the selection of materials. Close view stone and water is 1∶1, near object is close to viewer, scene height distance is close, water surface is small; far rock and water is about 1∶2, object becomes short far away, water surface is open far away from viewer. Of course, the shape of the basin, landscape modeling format and the author's technique and other factors and flexible changes, if not according to the above proportion, as long as the method is handled, stone full will not be forced to plug, water wide and not empty loose, still can surprise victory.

④ Determination of the main peak posture (height and width) of giant bonsai: first draw the size of the actual pot on paper according to the scale, then draw the sketch of the relationship between scale, shape and position on it, and enlarge the painted rock according to the original scale, that is, obtain the actual sample. The appropriate height (including width) in the vertical basin can also be marked with a ruler to measure the size sawing.

Sometimes the height of the main peak or several matching peaks is not enough during construction, and the filling material can be supported to the design height, but the flaws cannot be exposed. Therefore, the height of the peak cannot be simply demanded during construction, and whether the matching peak has conditions should also be considered.

In short, when sawing rocks, the spatial relationship should be compact, and a certain space should be set aside on the plane (basin surface waterscape) to make the actual situation (water is virtual, stone is real). The peaks on the facade and the basins (including the matching peaks) should be coordinated and coordinated, and the separation and integration should be orderly. Stone thin, too thin, the result will be scattered absence; On the contrary, stone thick, bloated, the result will be forced to plug monotonous. Therefore, when selecting materials, we must consider the overall situation everywhere, and strictly control to produce satisfactory works.

The height of the main peak is not high enough, and the lower part can be raised and covered again, so as not to expose the broken phase.