
How does Snow White reproduce evergreen?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, 1. The initial care is the peak growth period of Snow White from March to August every year, so it is necessary to water more and keep it moist. Water should be sprinkled frequently when dry in summer to increase air humidity. And during the growing season, Snow White also needs to fertilize water, once every two weeks. two。 Rizhao Snow White likes bright places and keeps them airy.

1. Initial care

Every year from March to August is the growing season of Snow White. At this time, you should water more and keep moist. Water should be sprinkled frequently when dry in summer to increase air humidity. And during the growing season, Snow White also needs to fertilize water, once every two weeks.

two。 Sunshine

Snow White likes bright places and keeps them ventilated. Summer temperature is high, to strengthen shade, autumn and winter as far as possible all-day sunshine, otherwise the lack of light note lodging, random growth, affecting the ornamental effect.

3. Temperature

Snow White's favorite temperature is 20 ℃-30 ℃, and the lowest temperature is 12 ℃. It is not cold-resistant, easy to be frostbitten, frostbite leaves yellow wilt, terminal bud necrosis, so it should be cultured indoors in winter.

4. Humidity

Snow White likes high temperature, high humidity and semi-shady environment, so the humidity should be kept at 60%, 70%.

Now that you know how to reproduce Snow White, but the leaves of plants will often get sick, do you know how to prevent diseases and insect pests? Let's teach you next.

How to raise Snow White flowers?

When we see Snow White, it is not a character in a big fairy tale we have heard since childhood. Today, the editor talks about a kind of flower, which has the laudatory name of "queen" in the room. In fact, the scientific name of Snow White flower is Castanopsis thunbergii, this kind of flower appears in the room in the form of potted plants because of its beautiful and elegant ornamental value, and has become one of the common indoor foliage plants. Next, let's take a look at the growth characteristics of the bedroom "queen" and how to cultivate it.

What is Snow White Flower?

Snow white flower is a kind of common name, its scientific name is white stem rough grass, it is a kind of perennial evergreen herb, it belongs to the most beautiful and ornamental plant of the genus evergreen, so it has the laudatory name of the golden queen; snow white flower likes water wet, so it should be sprinkled more in summer to improve the temperature of the environment. Growing in a semi-overcast environment, do not expose yourself to excessive sunlight, but if the light is too dark, it will also cause the leaves of the plant to fade.

The Culture method of Snow White Flower

First of all: initial management. Snow White flowers should always maintain the wettability of the substrate when raising them, especially in summer, which is the growing period of Snow White flowers between March and August, so they should be watered more and fertilized enough to promote their rapid growth. Fertilizer can be applied every two weeks, and the frequency can be reduced appropriately after entering autumn.

Secondly: light management. Snow White flowers like to grow in a bright and ventilated environment, so pay attention to temperature control in summer, and in autumn, full sunshine can be carried out. If the light is too strong, it will cause the leaves of snow white flowers to turn yellow and green. And too dark light will affect its ornamental value.

Again: temperature management. The most suitable growth temperature of Snow White flowers is between 25 degrees and 30 degrees. They like high temperature and are not cold-resistant. Therefore, it is necessary to take good anti-freezing measures in winter. If frozen, the leaves will turn yellow and wither, fall, and even the terminal bud will die.

Finally: humidity management. In general, the humidity of Snow White flower culture is best controlled between 60% and 70%. The environment of high temperature, high humidity and semi-shade is most beneficial to the growth of Snow White flowers.

In addition to the management and breeding in accordance with the above methods, we should also do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in advance and take corresponding measures according to different symptoms; while for the reproduction of Snow White flowers, we can use ramet breeding, of course, we can also sow seeds, but it is very difficult, and now the most popular breeding method is tissue culture, which is very simple and convenient.

How to raise coarse rib grass? Take Snow White as an example

Euphorbia angustifolia, also known as Aglaonema commutatum & # 39; Bailey evergreen (White Rajah), Araceae, Guangdong evergreen. Snow White is called the "queen" of the house. Generally, potted plants are used as beautiful and elegant indoor foliage plants with high ornamental value. So, the next thing I would like to introduce to you is how to raise the rough rib grass? Take Rabdosia angustifolia as an example.

1. Morphological characteristics of Rabdosia angustifolia.

Characteristics: leaves: the shape and color of the leaves vary, and the leaves are often inlaid with different markings.

Flowers: inflorescences of fleshy spikes several aggregated.

Fruit: the fruit is an oval berry, orange or red when ripe, with one seed.

Among the plants of the genus Aristolochia in Guangdong, the most beautiful and ornamental value is the Golden Queen, also known as Rabdosia angustifolia.

Lanceolate bright green leaves, inlaid with yellow-green patches, soft color, bright and elegant, popular at home and abroad.

Guangdong evergreen in China has straight stems and bright green leaves all the year round.

Can be potted and water-raised, extremely shade-resistant, is a widely used "green queen" in recent years. Snow White is known as the "queen" in the room.

Its leaves are narrow and long, the key is that its veins are white, the name should come from this, some people also call it "Chinese cabbage".

2. Geographical distribution of Rabdosia angustifolia.

Originally from tropical Africa, Philippines, Malaysia.

3. The growth habit of Rabdosia angustifolia.

Resistant to semi-shade, avoid excessive sunlight, but the light is too dark, it will also cause the leaves to fade. Like wet water, more water should be watered during the growth period from March to August. It is necessary to sprinkle water frequently in summer to increase environmental humidity.

Like high temperature, not cold-resistant, suitable temperature for growth 20-30 ℃. The lowest overwintering temperature is above 12 ℃.

4. Propagation method of Rabdosia angustifolia

I. initial management

The substrate should be kept moist during maintenance and more watering should be done during the growing period from March to August. It is necessary to sprinkle water frequently in summer to increase environmental humidity. During the growing period, the amount of fertilizer should be sufficient to promote its rapid growth, and fertilizer and water should be applied every two weeks from March to August. Reduce fertilization after autumn. Can be irrigated with flower balance fertilizer 20-20-20.

II. Management by license

Snow white coarse rib grass likes the bright and ventilated environment, and the light is controlled at 15000 to 20000LX in spring; due to high temperature, high temperature and high humidity in summer, shading and ventilation should be strengthened, and the illumination should be controlled at 8000-****Lx; the temperature is lower in autumn and winter, and the light is controlled to 20000-30000Lx or all-day sunshine. If the light is too strong, the leaves will be yellow and green, and the shade will be too long and lodging, which will affect the ornamental effect.

III. Temperature management

Snow White Rib likes high temperature and is not resistant to cold. The suitable temperature for growth is 25-30 ℃. The lowest overwintering temperature is above 13 ℃. Once frozen, the leaves will wilt, the terminal bud will be necrotic, and the bottom leaves will fall off. Heating equipment is needed for winter maintenance.

IV. Humidity management

Snow White coarse rib grass likes high temperature, high humidity, semi-shade or shady environment, and the humidity can be kept at 60%, 70%.

5. Pest control

1. Leaf spot

High humidity weather is easy to happen. The disease spot is straight brown spot at first, the periphery is water-immersed fade green, and shows wheel-like expansion, round to oval, the edge of brown inside gray-white. In the later stage, black-brown mildew spots appeared in the center of the lesion, and turned into a dark-brown mildew layer under wet conditions. The way to prevent and cure the disease is to remove the diseased leaves in time, and to control it with 800 times mancozeb, once a week, 3-4 times in a row.

2. Anthrax

It mainly occurs on the leaves and can spread to the petiole in severe cases. In the initial stage, the plaque showed a flooded small macula, and after expansion, it was oval to irregular brown or yellowish brown, slightly rimmed, and in the later stage, the plaque became dry and produced small black spots arranged in wheel patterns. The main reason for this disease is poor ventilation, and it is beneficial to the occurrence of the disease when it is harmed by shell insects. The method of this disease is to strengthen maintenance and increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer; at the initial stage of the disease, 1000 times chlorothalonil can be used, once a week, 3-4 times in a row.

6. The use of Trifolium pratense

Generally, potted plants are used as beautiful and elegant indoor foliage plants with high ornamental value.

Snow White is called the "queen" of the house. Generally, potted plants are used as beautiful and elegant indoor foliage plants with high ornamental value.