
Next, the editor introduces the plants suitable for indoor breeding, which can not only decorate the environment but also affect the human body.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, one。 Green apple economical green apple, put in the room is equivalent to an air purifier, can effectively absorb harmful gases such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene in the air. two。 The hanging orchid has the effect of purifying the air, absorbing formaldehyde and beauty, and it is green.

one。 Green pineapple

Economical green pineapple is equivalent to an air purifier in the room, which can effectively absorb harmful gases such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene in the air.

two。 Hanging orchid

The hanging orchid has the effect of purifying the air, absorbing formaldehyde and beauty, and is green and green.

three。 Tiger Pilan

Hupilan can effectively absorb carbon dioxide, radionuclides and remove formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, hydrogen sulfide, benzene, phenol, hydrogen fluoride, ether and heavy metal particles. It's also a good purification artifact.

How to cultivate mirror grass? methods and matters needing attention in breeding mirror grass

Mirror grass has a strange shape of leaves and looks like a small mirror, so people call it this name. generally, if you want to plant mirror grass well, temperature is one of the main conditions for growing it. Next, let's take a look at it. Besides temperature conditions, what other precautions need to attract our attention?

How to raise mirror grass

First of all, we need to know its growth habits, it is a kind of plant that likes warm and humid environment, the suitable temperature is 15 degrees to 25 degrees, the climate is warm in spring and autumn, its growth is relatively exuberant, the summer temperature is dry, so it grows slowly, it can be placed in a cool position, and it is not hardy in winter, the temperature should not be lower than 10 degrees, if long-term low temperature, it is easy to die, so it can be put in a warm greenhouse.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of mirror grass

I. Culture methods

1. Loose, fertile and humus-rich sandy loam should be selected for reproduction and cultivation, which can be mixed with garden soil, rotten leaf soil and river sand to keep the basin soil moist. The rarefied liquid fertilizer is applied once every half month in the growing season, and the ramets or cuttings are generally used for propagation by sowing. The best time for ramet and cuttage is from March to May every year.

Mirror grass is dioecious, with a flowering period of April and a fruiting period of May to June, which can be sown and propagated with seeds in Yunnan. Mirror grass is more hardy and can survive the winter safely outside in the south. It likes shade and should be maintained in places with shade. The suitable temperature for growth is about 15 ℃. It also grows well in a greenhouse with sufficient light, and is generally used as a pot ornamental.

When planting, there should be well-drained decaying soil mixed with sand, and tile should be used to pad the bottom of the basin to facilitate drainage. Mirror grass is very shady, as long as it can grow in the light of a general newspaper, so it is very suitable for family indoor potted plants. It likes warm and humid environment, chilling injury occurs when it is lower than-4 ℃, and the leaf color loses luster or even falls off.

2. Leaf insertion can refer to the leaf insertion method of begonia. The stem can also be cut into small segments of about 3 cm for cutting. If the leaves fall off from the freezing injury, but if the stem is not damaged, it can be maintained and managed according to the routine overwintering, and the leaves can be released again in spring. Don't shine directly in the strong sun in summer. The whole spring and summer is a vigorous time for the growth of mirror grass, it is necessary to strengthen fertilizer and water management, and often irrigate or foliar spray with 0.1% UV 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, irregularly replenish a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer during spring, and apply little or no nitrogen fertilizer in summer as far as possible.

During the whole growth period, the basin mainly remains moist, and it can be relatively dry in winter, but the drying phenomenon must not occur, otherwise the leaves are easy to wither and black, and water is often sprayed to and around the leaves in the dry season, resulting in a humid small environment.

II. Points for attention

1. It is suitable to choose loose, fertile and humus-rich sandy loam, which can be mixed with garden soil, rotten leaf soil and river sand.

2. Always keep the basin soil moist, but avoid stagnant water to prevent leaves from discoloration, withering and even stem rot. Watering to see dry and wet, in order to maintain air humidity, can often spray to the leaf.

3, like bright scattered light, avoid the scorching sun exposure, in order to prevent burning leaves, the leaf color turns yellow. From late autumn to the following spring, more sunshine can be seen.

4. Like warmth, the suitable temperature for growth is 15 ℃ to 20 ℃, and the lowest overwintering temperature is 10 ℃. The growth will stagnate and the leaves will fall off easily when it is more than 30 ℃ in summer. In particular, it should be noted that a sudden drop in temperature will cause leaf and stem discoloration and partial shedding.

5. thin liquid fertilizer is applied once every half month in the growing season, but it should be noted that too much nitrogen fertilizer will cause excessive growth of leaves, plant lodging, thick fertilizer and raw fertilizer will cause rotting roots and even death.

The main value of Mirror Grass

1. Watch

The fleshy leaves of the mirror grass are thick and nearly round, with a shield-shaped petiole, much like the mirror of ancient fairies. The leaf is dark green and glossy, with a golden dot in the upper center of the leaf. There are radiating veins from the center to all sides, with clear lines, like golden lines, with a bit of high-end atmosphere and elegance.

Since it was introduced into Europe in the early 20th century, it has been introduced and cultivated by botanical gardens and horticulturists in Britain, Sweden, Norway and other countries. It is regarded as a treasure of indoor foliage flowers and is loved by people. Its leaf shape is peculiar and its posture is beautiful. Growing rapidly. It is easy to breed and suitable for greenhouse, courtyard and indoor cultivation. It is not only an ideal foliage plant worth popularizing, but also a good material for making and decorating bonsai.

3. Purify the air

The respiration of mirror grass can absorb the waste gas in the air and then convert it into a conventional gas that is harmless to humans. Mirror grass can also absorb a certain amount of radiation to prevent radiation damage to the human body. There is a pot of mirror grass at home, which is not only pleasing to the eye, but also the air becomes fresh. A piece of leaves, swaggering in the wind, but also incidentally absorbed the dust in the air, it is really a good baby to see and use! No wonder Europeans regard mirror grass as a treasure.

3. Medicinal use

Mirror grass is a very important medicinal material in western Yunnan. In the hands of the Dai people, it can be a good medicine for reducing swelling and pain, can be an artifact of detoxification, and can connect tendons and bones. it is simply the closest plant that can be seen when living in the wild. Red, swollen and inflamed skin, with mirror grass can be very good anti-inflammation and detoxification. It is recorded in the Records of Dian Medicine.

The difference between Codonopsis lanceolata and Rabdosia angustifolia

1. Different appearance

The stem of Rabdosia angustifolia is thin and long, the leaves are round shield-shaped, and the back is covered with dense T-shaped villi, but its leaves are smaller and its veins are shallowly cracked, and it will give off the smell of celery when rubbed with hands. Yellow-green flowers bloom in summer and autumn.

Mirror grass is a perennial succulent herb, its leaves are dark green, fleshy and glossy, and its round and fat appearance is extremely lovable, and there is a golden round dot at the junction with the petiole. the vein of the leaf naturally radiates from the center and spreads around from a distance, much like an ancient mirror.

2. Different growth environments.

Rabdosia angustifolia likes humid environment, can survive in both land and water, and mostly grows in wetlands or artificial aquariums. It is not suitable to grow in direct sunlight, it can meet its demand for sunlight in half-sun or shade.

Mirror grass is suitable for growing in a warm and humid environment, like loose, well-drained loam, rich in organic matter, can only survive in the semi-shady soil, unlike Codonopsis lanceolata aquatic and terrestrial. Its growth room temperature is between 16 and 20 degrees Celsius, and chilling injury will occur if it is lower than minus 4 degrees Celsius.

3. Different values

Copper money grass is non-toxic, the whole leaf can be used as medicine, with the effects of relieving fire and diuresis, clearing heat and detoxification, detumescence and other effects. it can also be used for damp-heat jaundice, heatstroke diarrhea, sand bleeding, carbuncle, sore, injury and other diseases.

Mirror grass can not only be used as an ornamental flower, but also has high medicinal value. Its nature is "sweet and bitter" and "cool". It can be used as a raw material for heat-clearing and detoxification, removing blood stasis and detumescence, treating erysipelas, and it is also significantly helpful for fracture recovery.

Mirror grass has multiple functions, personally like its role in purifying the air, put a basin indoors, not only make people look pleasing to the eye, but also absorb some bad air at home, especially can absorb a certain amount of radiation, this is very beneficial to people who work on computers every day, and reduce the harm to the body.

Can green pineapple and orchid be put in the bedroom? the function of green pineapple and hanging orchid

Can I put the green apple in the bedroom? Many families like to plant green pineapple at home, and green pineapple can indeed bring some vitality and beautify the interior, which seems to bring spring into the room. So can I put the green apple in the bedroom? Next, I will tell you about the characteristics of green pineapple and hanging orchid and whether they can be put in the bedroom. I hope they can help you.

What are the functions of green pineapple? What is the function of green radish flowers? Many offices grow such plants, many people think that green pineapple is just good-looking, in addition, green pineapple also has the effect of purifying the air, and so on. Let's share the role of green pineapple and the effect of green radish flowers.

Green pineapple, also known as kudzu and devil vine, is native to tropical rain forest areas and is an evergreen vine of Araceae. It likes warm and humid environment and requires loose, fertile soil and good drainage. Its entanglement is strong and the air root is well developed. it can not only be attached to the column tied up with brown, placed in the foyer and hotel, but also can be cultivated into a hanging shape in the study and windowsill, which is a kind of flower which is more suitable for indoor display.

In daily life, household detergents and cooking fumes in the kitchen are harmful to the human body, and green pineapple can absorb these harmful substances, which can open the stomata on the leaves and absorb 70% of the harmful gases. keep the air clean in the room. So there will be some green turnip pots on the kitchen and balcony.

Green pineapple also has ornamental value: as one of the excellent interior decoration plants, climbing vine foliage flowers. The stem of the radish is soft and the leaves are delicate. Set a basin high on the top of the cabinet of the furniture, let its vine stem droop calmly, or hang into a circle after the vine stem is too long, just like a green relief. Green pineapple not only purifies the air, but also adds lines and bright colors to the interior.

Green pineapple plants have ornamental value, leaves can beautify the environment and purify the air, so what is the function of green radish flowers? In fact, green radish flower is also a beneficial drug, green radish flower has a significant effect on diabetes, coronary heart disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and other vascular inflammation. Green radish flower can reduce blood sugar and blood lipids, mainly for diabetes, fatty liver, coronary heart disease, obesity, hyperlipidemia, a variety of vascular inflammation has a good adjuvant treatment effect. In addition, it plays a good role in health care for eyes and liver.

Can I put the green apple in the bedroom? It doesn't matter if you have a green apple in your bedroom at night. If your room is full of green plants and the light is not very good, your life may be in danger.

Can I put the green apple in the bedroom? One more thing to note: carbon dioxide is not a poison gas. Too little oxygen in the air can make people feel uncomfortable.

In family decoration, decorating the bedroom with hanging orchids can not only beautify the room and bring a green meaning to the room, but also eliminate its indoor odor and absorb indoor harmful gases.

In the use of air conditioning, because the doors and windows are closed, isolating the circulation of indoor and outdoor air, for a long time, it will not only produce a peculiar smell in the room, but also cause a kind of "air conditioning disease", such as headache, nausea, weakness of limbs, coma in serious cases, and even death. And hanging orchid, play a better decorative role at the same time, but also for people to remove this worry.

Hanging orchid, also known as Crane grass, purple orchid, duck metatarsus, etc., is an evergreen persistent root herbaceous flower. Leaf strip or lanceolate, 20 Mel 45 cm long, stem phimosis, roots and leaves are like orchids, pedicel horizontal rise inverted Weir, it is appropriate to hang empty, hence the name hanging orchid. Common varieties are: gold-rimmed orchids with golden edges, silver-edged orchids with silver-white edges, and yellow-and-white jade orchids in the middle of leaves. Although the orchid is not a valuable flower, its ability to absorb toxic chemicals in the air is second to none in flowers, and its effect is even better than that of air filters. Just put a pot of orchid in the air-conditioned room; within 24 hours, the odorous carbon monoxide, nitrogen peroxide and other volatile gases in the indoor environment will be miraculously absorbed and transported to the roots. After the microorganisms in the soil are decomposed into harmless substances, they are absorbed as nutrients. Therefore, the air-conditioned room decorated with hanging orchids can not only add a taste, but also increase a point of security, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Some people worry that putting plants in the room at night will affect the air. In fact, a few pots of plants can not be expected to purify the air, nor do they have to worry about the impact of carbon dioxide release on the human body. A pot of plants does not have that much energy at all. Materials release fresh oxygen during the day and carbon dioxide at night. For a larger space, the production of these gases is negligible and the impact is negligible. Opening windows and changing air are much more important than this.

Cymbidium likes to be warm and humid and easy to cultivate, so it is generally propagated by the method of dividing plants. It can be carried out at any time from spring to autumn. As long as the branches with roots on the creeping branches are cut and planted in other pots to maintain a certain amount of water and give a certain amount of sunlight, after one or two months, it will become a beautiful bonsai.

The above is for you to talk about the characteristics of green pineapple and hanging orchid, is everyone clear? Please pay attention to more knowledge of home decoration.