
How to raise flowers and leaves in Changchun

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Environmental flowers and leaves Catharanthus roseus like warm and sunny environment, but also shade-tolerant, cold-resistant, drought-tolerant, but in the shade, the yellow patches of leaves become lighter, which should be planted under sparse forests. The soil prefers fertile and moist soil. The cultivation of Catharanthus roseus requires loose and humus-rich sandy loam.


Catharanthus roseus prefers a warm and sunny environment, but it is also shade-tolerant, cold-tolerant and drought-tolerant, but in shady places, the yellow patches of leaves become lighter and should be planted under sparse forests.


Prefer fertile and moist soil. The cultivation of Catharanthus roseus requires loose and humus-rich sandy loam, and the mixture of rotten leaf soil garden and river sand can be used as substrate when potted.


Water should be watered during drought and drainage should be paid attention to in rainy season. Because of its rapid growth, the growing period should be fully watered to keep the basin soil moist, and liquid fertilizer should be applied 1-3 times a month to ensure the rapid growth of branches and bright green leaves. It is suitable for brightly lit environments. But in midsummer to avoid direct light, so as not to burn leaves; must be properly shaded, semi-overcast environment is the best.

The above is about the introduction of Changchun, want to know more about Changchun, please pay attention to the four Seasons Plant Network!

How to raise flowers and leaves in Changchun? Is the flower leaf vine Changchun poisonous? Flower and leaf vine Changchun is a kind of blue flower, very beautiful, but also very lovely, people can not help but want to raise it, there is no doubt that the sales of flower and leaf vine Changchun in the market is also very good, flower and leaf vine Changchun is also a very good purification plant, can play the effect of purifying the air, then, how to raise flower leaf vine Changchun? Is the flower leaf vine Changchun poisonous? I believe that friends who want to breed will take these into account, so today, the editor of the provincial many decoration network will introduce you to Changchun. What is the language of Catharanthus roseus? what is the language of Catharanthus roseus? happy memories, everlasting youth, the meaning of perseverance. Changchun is a kind of rooting plant, and its ability to adapt to the environment is very strong, so some people regard its flower language as adaptability. those who are blessed by Catharanthus roseus are not afraid of adversity and have a heart that is a state of affairs to the adverse environment, and it is nothing in the face of lovelorn once or twice.

How to raise flowers and leaves in Changchun? Environment

Catharanthus roseus is very elegant and is an excellent vertical foliage plant and ground cover plant. It is often used as a potted plant or hanging pot for indoor and outdoor use. It can also be used for bonsai or flower arrangement. Flowers and leaves vine Catharanthus roseus grows fast, spring and summer is the peak growth season, its ivy can hang more than one meter under the basin, if put on the support, but also can be made into a variety of shapes, very beautiful. How to raise flowers and leaves in Changchun? Habitual Catharanthus roseus (Catharanthus roseus) is native to the Mediterranean coast, India and tropical America. It enjoys a warm, sunny environment and is resistant to drought, cold and shade. Catharanthus roseus is not strict with the soil, it can grow in most soils, but it grows more luxuriantly in fertile, moist sandy soil. How to raise flowers and leaves in Changchun? Soil flowers and leaves vine Catharanthus roseus as a pot ornamental, should often be heart-picking, in order to promote its better branching. During the period of flower and leaf vine spring flower growth, attention should be paid to keeping the potted soil moist, but not stagnant water, it is appropriate to see dry and wet; fertilization is generally appropriate once every half month; flower and leaf vine spring flower should be pruned in summer and autumn to control the growth of branches and keep it beautiful. How to raise flowers and leaves in Changchun? Propagation of rosette vine Catharanthus roseus is commonly used in ramet, striping and cutting methods. Ramet is generally carried out every spring, and the stems and leaves are dug together with stolon nodes for planting. Cutting should be carried out during the mildew and rainy season from June to July every year. Cut the sturdy branches of Catharanthus roseus with a length of 10 centimeters, and choose 1 to insert two internodes into the rotten leaf soil. It can take root in about 20 days. Is Catharanthus roseus poisonous? Catharanthus roseus is non-toxic, can be potted indoors or hydroponic, potted plants should be maintained in a semi-shady place, it is appropriate to give bright scattered light in summer, avoid direct sunlight, and spray water to cool and humidify properly. There should be plenty of water during the growing period, and cake fertilizer should be applied 2-3 times a month. Move indoors at the beginning of winter and survive the winter safely as long as the temperature is not lower than 0 ℃.

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How to cultivate flower leaf vine in Changchun cutting propagation and management of flower leaf vine in Changchun

Catharanthus roseus, also known as Catharanthus roseus, is a variety of Catharanthus roseus, distributed in Jiangsu and other places in Chinese mainland. The dwarf branches grow creeping and grow more than 2 meters long. The leaves are oval and opposite, with petioles, the edges of the leaves are white, and there are yellow and white spots. Let's take a look at the breeding methods of Catharanthus roseus.

The growth habit of Changchun with mosaic vines

The flower and leaf vine in Changchun likes light and is tolerant to shade and low temperature. Under the temperature of-7 ℃, there is no frost injury when planted in the open field. Evergreen all the year round, tillering vines and violet florets in March cover the earth like flowers and green carpets, the scenery is very spectacular, it is an ideal ground cover material for flowers and leaves, strong adaptability, lax requirements for soil, and fast growth.

The Propagation method of Flowers and leaves in Changchun

1. Ramets: ramet propagation should be carried out in spring, when the old branches of the previous year are cut off, planed and separated, planted separately and watered thoroughly.

2. Cutting: cutting propagation can be carried out all the year round, and the cutting substrate is made of perlite, vermiculite or sand with good water retention. Cutting should be carried out in greenhouse or sunny bed in autumn and winter, and the rooting rate is higher in greenhouse in winter.

The Culture method of Flower and Leaf Vine in Changchun

1. Soil: Changchun prefers fertile and moist soil. Cultivation requires loose and humus-rich sandy loam. Rotten leaf soil garden and river-sand mixture can be used as substrate when potted.

2. Heart-picking: flower-leaf vine Changchun can plant many plants at the same time and pick out the heart at the right time, which can take shape rapidly. in order to promote multi-branches, it can be picked many times in the growing season, and how long adventitious roots can be accumulated in the node to promote the growth of vines.

3. Watering: Changchun culture of flower and leaf vines should be watered during drought, pay attention to drainage in rainy season, fully water during the growing period, keep the basin soil moist, and apply liquid fertilizer once or three times a month to ensure fast growth of branches and bright green leaves.

4. Lighting: flower and leaf vine Changchun is suitable for bright light environment, but in midsummer to avoid direct light, so as to avoid burning leaves, it must be properly shaded, and semi-overcast environment is the best.

5. Temperature: although the flower and leaf vine in Changchun likes to be warm, it is also resistant to cold. It can withstand a low temperature of about 0 ℃ in winter and can maintain a good color all year round except for the severe cold.

6. Diseases: the diseases of Changchun mosaic vines are often caused by Fusarium wilt, canker and leaf spot, which can be controlled by spraying the same amount of Bordeaux solution.

7. Insect pests: Changchun insect pests are harmful to shell insects and root wart nematodes, which are sprayed with 1000 times of imidophos EC, and root wart nematodes are controlled with 3% carbofuran granules.