
The culture method of poinsettia

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, 1. For the cultivation of poinsettia, it is best to choose sandy soil with loose, fertile and good drainage, and the mixture of culture soil, rotten leaf soil and sand is the best for potted soil. In general, 3 parts of vegetable garden soil, 3 parts of humus soil, 3 parts of rotten leaf soil and 1 part of rotten cake fertilizer for poinsettia cultivation are mixed with a small amount of slag.

1. Cultivate soil

It is best to choose loose, fertile and well-drained sandy soil for poinsettia cultivation, and the mixture of culture soil, rotten leaf soil and sand is the best for potted soil. Generally speaking, 3 parts of vegetable garden soil, 3 parts of humus soil, 3 parts of rotten leaf soil and 1 part of rotten cake fertilizer are used in poinsettia cultivation, and a small amount of slag is added.

two。 Temperature

Poinsettia likes warmth and is not cold-resistant, but strong light and lack of light are disadvantageous to its growth. Therefore, poinsettia is a short-day plant, especially in the stem and leaf growth period, short-day growth is called rapid growth. If the sun is not enough, the branches are easy to grow and get sick, they will not blossom in the dark for a long time, and the leaves will fall in winter. And controlling light can advance or delay flowering.

3. Fertilizer application

Poinsettia likes rich sandy soil. When changing the basin, organic fertilizer and horseshoe slices can be added as base fertilizer. In the growing and flowering season, sesame paste residue liquid fertilizer diluted 5 times and fully mature is applied every half a month. After entering autumn, 0.3% compound fertilizer can be applied once a week for 3 to 4 times in a row to promote bract discoloration and flower bud differentiation.

4. Watering

Watering poinsettia is neither drought-resistant nor water-wet. watering should be properly irrigated according to the weather, basin soil and plant growth, generally watering to keep the basin soil moist and without stagnant water, so as to prevent it from being too dry and wet, otherwise it will cause the lower leaves of the plant to yellowing and fall off or the branches to grow unevenly, but watering should be reduced after flowering.

5. Pruning

General pruning is when Ching Ming Festival is affectionate, when poinsettia will be dormant, requiring us to cut off old roots and sick and weak branches to promote the germination of new branches. Two more times of heart removal are needed in the process of growth, namely, late June and mid-August. When the branch is 20 to 30 cm long, it begins to be shaped and bent, so that the plant shape is short, the flower head is neat, evenly distributed, and the ornamental is improved.

Now we all know how to cultivate poinsettia, but after all, poinsettia is too conspicuous and easy to be attacked by diseases and insects, so how to prevent poinsettia from being invaded by diseases and insect pests? Editor, let's tell everyone.

The cultivation method of poinsettia 1. Cultivate soil

It is best to choose loose and fertile sandy soil to raise poinsettia, and it is also good to cultivate it with a mixture of culture soil, rotten leaf soil and sand.

two。 Light

Poinsettia is a short-day plant. It needs plenty of sunlight all the year round. It should be given 8 hours of light a day. Of course, you can also control the lighting time to advance or delay the flowering of poinsettia. However, lack of light will also make the branches sick and will not blossom in the dark for a long time.

3. Watering

Poinsettia is not resistant to drought and waterlogging, depending on the season and growth conditions, it is generally appropriate to keep the basin soil moist, and it is necessary to reduce watering after poinsettia blossoms.

4. Fertilizer application

Poinsettia needs to be applied every half a month with fully diluted sesame sauce dregs and other fertilizer solution. Organic fertilizer solution should also be added during the growing period, and 0.3% compound fertilizer can be applied once a week after autumn for three consecutive times.

5. Pruning

If you want a poinsettia to have a shape, you can also pick the heart. In the spring, the new branches begin to germinate, and the old branches should be cut off appropriately.

The above is how much a pot of poinsettia costs and its cultivation methods. After learning so much knowledge, you can try to cultivate a pot of poinsettia to add color to life.

How to cultivate and manage poinsettia? The method of cultivating poinsettia

Poinsettia, Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae, also known as Christmas flowers, are used to decorate red flowers at Christmas. A discolored foliage plant native to the Tasco region of Mexico. Poinsettia is usually 60 cm to 3 m high and its dark green leaves are about 7 to 16 cm long. The top leaves are fiery red, red or white, so they are often mistaken for flowers, while the real flower is in the middle of the leaf bundle. The florescence lasts from December to February of the following year. The florescence is during the period of Christmas and New Year's Day, which is very suitable for the festive atmosphere. Poinsettia can be used as a medicinal plant with the effect of promoting blood circulation and resolving phlegm, bone grafting and detumescence.

Potted poinsettia pot soil should be mixed with 7 parts of vegetable garden soil and 3 parts of green bran ash, or 2 parts of garden soil, 1 part of rotten leaf soil and 1 part of compost. After the seedlings are put on the pot, they should be given enough water, put them in a semi-shaded place for about a week, then move to a place where you can see the sun sooner or later, exercise for about half a month, and then place a sunny place for maintenance. When the seedling grows to 15 cm, it has to be heart-picked, leaving 5 leaves from the base up, and cutting off the end of the branch, so that the base has 5 lateral branches. When the branch grows to 15 cm, it can start to bend.

Poinsettia requires a uniform water supply throughout the growth process, which is afraid of both dryness and waterlogging. The evaporation is small in spring and autumn, and watering should be controlled; on a sunny day in summer, it should be irrigated once in the morning and evening every day, generally seeing that the basin soil should be watered after drying; watering in winter should be carried out before noon, and watering in the afternoon will lower the soil temperature.

Poinsettia has higher requirements for fertilizers, especially nitrogen fertilizer. In the growing period, if there is a lack of nitrogen, there will be a clan leaf phenomenon. Therefore, topdressing should be started 7-lO days after picking the heart. Late fertilizer to light is appropriate, do not apply thick fertilizer, once a week. Cold Dew moved into the room, given adequate light and ventilation, and kept the room temperature above 15 ℃. After the emergence of buds, when approaching flowering, it is appropriate to increase the application of phosphate fertilizer to make the bracts (flowers) bright color. After flowering, the flowering period can be prolonged by lowering the temperature to 12 ℃.

Poinsettia is a short-day plant, which naturally blossoms in December. If you want to make it blossom ahead of time, you can use short-day treatment, that is, shading regularly from the first ten days of August, so that the light time of the plant can be shortened to 8 min per day, so that it can blossom shortly before National Day.

How does poinsettia make a bend?

Poinsettia plant grows very fast, easy to grow, so that the plant shape is on the high side. For this reason, many flower growers bend it. It usually starts when the branches grow to about 18 centimeters, and do not water them two days before the bend. The operating time should be around 6: 00 in the afternoon, because poinsettia after a day of exposure, the branch water content is correspondingly reduced and soft. If you bend in the morning, the branches are brittle and hard and easy to break. To bend a branch into a bow with a string and fix it. It can be bent in different directions from time to time, and the branches can be thrown into a spiral around the left and right to make the plant shorter. The last bend should be about 20 days before flowering. When doing bending modeling, pay attention to the requirements of strong branches around, weak branches in the middle, strong branches bend downward to a greater degree, so that the distribution of branches and leaves of the plant is uniform, the height is uniform, the flower is neat, and the whole tree shape is plump and beautiful.

It has been reported that in order to dwarf the plant shape of poinsettia, in addition to the above methods, growth dwarfing agents B9 and CCC can also be used for foliar treatment or soil collapse to shorten the Internode and dwarf the plant shape.

How to change pots and trim poinsettias?

Poinsettia is suitable for changing pots and soil every early spring. When changing the basin, the old soil and rot on the shoulder and the periphery of the original soil should be eradicated, and the roots and branches should be trimmed properly. The broken bone slices were put into the bottom of the basin as base fertilizer, and then filled with the culture soil mixed with 3 parts of rotten leaf soil, 6 parts of sandy loam and 1 part of cake fertilizer, and then the plant was planted in the basin.

After planting, pour water thoroughly, put it in a shaded place, and move to a sunny place to cultivate after 10 days. When the cuttage seedling of the first year grows to a certain height, the trunk remains about 10 cm high, and the upper part can be cut off, which can grow 2 Mel 3 side branches in the same year; if it is a perennial old plant, 2 Mel 3 buds can be left at the base of each side branch, and all the upper branches can be cut off to promote the germination of new branches. If new buds are sent out after pruning, they should be removed at any time. Generally speaking, each medium flowerpot can leave 7 buds, 1 branch per bud, and 1 flower at the top of each branch. If there are too many buds, the branches are thin and the flowers are small, affecting the ornamental value.

The whole plant of poinsettia is poisonous. Once the white milk in poinsettia comes into contact with the skin, it will produce allergic symptoms such as redness and swelling, and there is a risk of poisoning and death by accidentally eating stems and leaves.