
What if the leaves turn yellow?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Lack of fertilizer yellow for a long time only watering but not fertilizing or year-round do not change pots, the plant can not get fertilizer, resulting in yellowing leaves. At this time, the pot should be changed and fertilized frequently. Lack of water yellow leaves caused by long-term watering, its young leaves are not glossy, new leaves shrink not long, at this time must be controlled watering

deficiency yellow

Long-term only watering without fertilizer or perennial do not change pots, plants can not get fertilizer, resulting in yellow leaves. The pots should be changed and fertilized frequently.


As a result of long-term watering caused by yellow leaves, its tender leaves dull, new leaves atrophy is not long, then we must control watering, serious words can be dragged into the shade to dry again into the basin.

What is the cause of yellow leaves, yellow leaves do

Chlorophytum is a very common indoor plant, placed at home can beautify the environment, purify the air, but if chlorophytum sick, the owner can pay attention to. This article introduces what is the reason for the yellowing of spider leaves, and what to do with the yellowing of spider leaves?

Reason 1: excessive fertilization, more than the needs of the plant, fertilizer leaves will appear bright uneven, and later the root part of the rot due to malnutrition and yellow.

Treatment method: So this time should stop fertilization, more watering, or rice basin to wash the roots once, replacement of new soil is also a good way. It can be seen that spatial soil fluid concentration is important.

Reason 2: long time did not turn the soil, the soil hardened, when all the nutrients in the pot exhausted. The lack of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, the most important elements, causes the leaves to turn yellow.

Treatment method: this time should replace the soil or timely replacement of fertile loam and alum fertilizer irrigation.

Reason 3: The spider plant belongs to semi-shade flowers, but it also needs light, so it should ensure at least 4-5 hours of light every day. Otherwise the chlorophyll will decrease and the leaves will turn yellow.

Treatment method: The best way is to place it under indoor incandescent lamps or place it on balcony cultivation.

Reason 4: The permeability and water permeability of the basin soil are poor, resulting in long-term ponding of the basin soil, difficulty in root respiration, so the leaves naturally yellow.

Treatment method: This time should be timely loose soil and control moisture. Fifth, long-term irrigation is impervious. The root of spider orchid loses water, and the lower old leaves turn yellow. Water should be poured thoroughly to keep the basin soil warm and moist.

What is the yellow color of red leaves?

Sexual love warm, humid climate, growth temperature of 18~25℃, do not like hot, sunlight should not be too strong, should be placed under the greenhouse maintenance. Afraid of flooding. Winter dormancy period requires cold and humid climate, preferably 10~12℃, not lower than 5℃. Like rich humus, good drainage of sandy loam. What about the red yellow leaves? What about the yellow leaves? The following wed114 wedding network Xiaobian brings you detailed content.

What's wrong with red leaves?

1. Poor drainage or excessive humidity

Red like wet, but avoid water and too wet. Potted plants in poor drainage soil for a long time, easy to cause yellow leaves.

Remedy method: Watering too much can put flowerpot as far as possible ventilated place, loose soil, accelerate moisture evaporation, too serious direct change soil bar!

2. The light is too strong

Amaranthus communis grows vigorously in the sun, but the light is not too strong. Summer sun irradiation, leaves will be charred, yellow. At noon, the light is too strong to moderate shade.

Remedy: If the leaves have been burned, try to move the plants to a cool place, after a week to a sheltered outdoor, do not fertilize more watering, a month or so will gradually ease.

3. Improper fertilization

Excessive fertilization or application of undecomposed organic fertilizer, especially in high temperature environment, will cause fertilizer damage, yellow leaves.

Remedy: The best way to fertilize too much is to water, but not too much. Put the flowerpot directly in water and wash it a few times to reduce the concentration of fertilizer.

4. Diseases

Plants are exposed to hot and humid conditions and are vulnerable to disease. Leaf spot disease and leaf blight can cause yellowing of leaves.

Remedy method: yellow disease leaf is cleared, spray carbendazim disinfection.

What about the yellow leaves?

1. Metabolism

If the maintenance of amaryllis also appears yellow leaves, it is generally the normal metabolism of amaryllis plants, old leaves will gradually yellow fall, in this case do not need to change the maintenance habits, just need to cut off the old yellow leaves can be.

2. Variety difference

There are many varieties of amaryllis, not inferior to tulips. Generally, the leaves of amaryllis are green and green all the year round, but the leaves of amaryllis in Phnom Penh are green with yellow spots. If the leaves grow smoothly and normally, it is not caused by any disease, but by the difference of varieties.

3. Too much watering

Red like wet, but avoid water, whether potted or open field cultivation too much watering will cause yellow leaves. Solution: do not water red often, pot soil to keep a little dry better, but still need to provide sufficient water during growth, in addition to good drainage performance of the soil for planting, so as not to pot water.

4. Too much light

Red like light, but the light should not be too strong. Such as hot summer sun exposure, will cause leaf tip withered coke, yellow leaves. Solution: Red in midsummer should be placed in a place where the sun is not too strong or take appropriate shade measures.

5. Improper fertilization

Too thick fertilization or application of organic fertilizer without sufficient decomposition, especially in summer high temperature fertilization, will cause fertilizer damage, so that leaves yellow. Solution: Zhu Ding Hong can not be applied to the fertilizer without fermentation decomposition, can not apply pure phosphorus fertilizer.

6. Disease infection

When suffering from leaf spot disease and leaf blight, amaryllis amaryllis also causes yellow leaves. Solution: In the early stage of the disease, 50% Tuijunte 1000 times solution or 70% Tobzin 1500 times solution or 65% Zineb 800 times solution can be sprayed once a week for several weeks.

7. Pest damage

The main pest of amaryllis is red spider, and the appearance of red spider amaryllis leaves will also be damaged and yellowed. Solution: Red spiders can be less hand catch treatment, more serious available 40% dicofol EC 1000 times liquid spray kill.

Red is a flower plant with good ornamental effect. The flowers are big and colorful, the plant type is beautiful, and the leaves are green. However, if the leaves of red are not properly maintained, they will yellow and affect the viewing. The following seven reasons and solutions for the yellow leaves of red are sorted out for everyone. I hope they will help everyone.