
Brazilian wood disease

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Prevention and control of Botrytis cinerea: the soil should be moist, sunny, loose, fertile, well drained and the overwintering temperature should be no less than 16 ℃. When the onset of the rainy season, remove the disease and debris, timely drainage after the rain, prevent moisture retention, strengthen ventilation and light transmission

Control of Botrytis cinerea:

During cultivation, the soil should be moist and sunny, the soil should be loose, fertile, well drained, and the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 16 ℃. When the onset of the rainy season, remove the disease and debris, timely drainage after the rain, prevent moisture retention, strengthen ventilation, light transmission. At the initial stage of the disease, 1000 times of 50% isobarbazide wettable powder or 50% carbendazim wettable powder and 30% strong water suspension were sprayed.

Control of Fusarium oxysporum leaf spot:

The Brazilian wood in the shed should not be too dense. Handle it gently when moving to prevent the branches and leaves from colliding with each other. Spray control with 800 times of 25% carbendazim cyclohexane EC or 700 times of 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder and 800 times of 50% methyl thiophanate suspension, spraying once every 10 days or so, 2-3 times continuously.

Anthrax prevention and control:

Mix garden soil, rotten leaf soil, sawdust or sawdust at 2:1:1 to make a pot substrate. In the peak growing season from April to August, thin fertilizer was applied once every 20 to 30 days and placed under the condition of bright scattered light to make its growth strong and improve its disease resistance. At the initial stage of the disease, 50% carbendazim sulfur suspension or 25% carbendazim wettable powder, 30% copper oxychloride suspension, 10% high water dispersible granule, 1000-fold methyl carbendazim wettable powder, 50% carbendazim wettable powder and 50% carbendazim wettable powder were sprayed and treated with spray.

The above is the introduction of Brazilian wood prices and disease control, to learn more, please pay attention to the four Seasons Plant Network!

Disease control of Brazilian wood

Brazilian wood, an evergreen tree of the family Liliaceae. The height is more than 6 meters, the pot plant is 50 cm ~ 150 cm high, branched; the leaf cluster is born at the top of the stem, 40 cm ~ 90 cm long, 6 cm ~ 10 cm wide, curved and arched, bright green and shiny. The flowers are inconspicuous and fragrant, which is a famous new generation of indoor foliage plants. The plant is graceful, regular and slightly shady. Like high temperature, below 13 ℃, the plant dormancy and stop growing. Prefer loose, well-drained soil; potted with rotten leaf soil or peat soil. Cutting propagation; a large number of cuttings are imported from abroad. The requirement of cutting temperature is higher. Like half-overcast sunshine and plenty of fertilizer. Common cultivated plants of the same genus are: Delilong blood tree, Fugui bamboo, silver star dragon blood tree and dragon blood tree and so on. Disease control of Brazilian wood.

Disease control of Brazilian wood

How to nurture when withered

Brazilian wood should be properly fertilized outside the root during the growing period, with 100 times dilution of nutrient spray leaves, once every semimonthly, after several years of cultivation, the plant is too tall or the lower leaves of the stem fall off, and the plant shape is poor, it should be pruned. Change the basin or soil every early spring.

Potted Brazilian wood, if the environment is not suitable, there will be red spiders, thrips, shell insects and other harm. In addition, excessive ventilation, drought, irregular watering and excessive fertilization can cause leaf tip scorch. Brazilian wood winter watering control is the key, generally depending on the indoor temperature and as little watering as possible. Large water will cause rotten roots, and winter is not suitable for cutting, both found and difficult to save. Therefore, I advise all flower friends not to water the flowers too hard in winter.

Brazilian wood can slightly open the bark to check for necrotic areas, and the normal flesh is light green and hydrated. When it is found that the flesh is dark brown, the trunk can be cut off, leaving a section of green meat. If it were all dark brown, unfortunately it would be hopeless! It should be because only the tree trunk whose flesh is light green can be inserted with sand and running water. The water plug should be carried out when the weather is not too hot about 25 degrees, and change the water every 3-5 days. Change the water once a day in summer or when the temperature is high. You can put some charcoal blocks in the water for anticorrosion. It is easier to insert sand. Dry the tree trunks and seal them with wax at both ends and insert them into the sand 1/3. Pour water thoroughly and put it in a half-shaded place. Also, do not spray water on the leaves in winter, it is easy to cause a bad heart. Note: slightly open the bark to check, do not peel off all the bark.

Causes of yellowing

1, stagnant water: too much watering, there is stagnant water in the tray, which will make the plant roots lack of oxygen and rot, resulting in withered and yellow leaves. The solution is to remove the pallet from the Brazilian wood, water as little as possible, and preferably change the soil once.

2. Pests: the symptoms you describe may be red spiders or thrips (they can't be shell worms), so use 11200 times of mite light (cypermethrin is also OK), 2m / w three times a week (it must be sprayed at noon in winter) for 3 weeks.

Temperature: do you turn on the heating in your home? Too much or no heating will affect the growth of tropical plants such as Brazilian wood (I guess this is most likely your case). If the heating is too large, the indoor temperature and evaporation are correspondingly higher, so the number of foliar water spraying should be increased every day to maintain plant moisture. If the heating is not turned on, the indoor temperature is lower (for example, we do not have to turn on the heating in Chongqing in winter), and the frozen leaves of the plants will rot and turn yellow. The solution is to wrap the whole Brazilian wood plant around the film, or put it on a large plastic bag. Then move it to a warmer place in the indoor leeward (toilets are fine, but pay attention to keeping moisture) and move it out in March next year. Finally, no matter which of the above symptoms your Brazilian wood has, you must trim the yellow leaves. Remember to cut the incision into a / or / type to reduce the wound and spray carbendazim 1g / v 1000 times to prevent infection.

Pest control

Brazilian wood sometimes appears some phenomena such as leaf scorched edge and leaf tip scorch, which are mostly physiological diseases caused by drought, low temperature, improper watering, fertilization and so on.

The control methods are as follows: improving cultivation management, controlling temperature and humidity, reasonable fertilization and proper ventilation.

Brazilian wood should always keep its leaves clean and remove insects in time in the event of insect pests. Sugarcane Bian E is more harmful to Brazilian wood. The damaged Brazilian wood can be moved to an outdoor shady place and sprayed with 1000 times of omethoate EC or 1000 times of trichlorfon, once a week for 3 times in a row.

The common harm of leaf spot and anthrax can be sprayed with 1000 times of methyl topiramate wettable powder.

Insect pests are harmful to scale insects and aphids, and can be oxidized by 40%.

How to raise Brazilian wood? Guide to hydroponic culture and maintenance of Brazilian wood

Brazilian wood, also known as Brazilian iron tree, Brazilian millennium wood, fragrant dragon blood tree, its plant type is neat and beautiful, the stem is straight and straight, the leaf edge is undulating, verdant, high ornamental value! Because of its beautiful dry leaves and very few ornamental dry plants, it is suitable to be placed in bright light. Let's learn about the hydroponic culture methods and maintenance guidelines of Ximu with the editor.

1. Hydroponic culture method

The main results are as follows: (1) saw the perennial stem of large columnar Brazilian wood into stem segments of different length or cut off the leafy branches growing on the stem as materials. The upper end of the stem segment needs to be waxed.

(2) choose a glass container with a planting cup.

(3) truncate the Brazilian wood, keep the top leaves, remove the lower leaves, and dry for a few days. Then soak the stem cuttings of Brazilian wood in water, change the water every 3-5 days, and add some carbendazim aqueous solution for antiseptic disinfection. at this time, we should pay attention to keep a high temperature and place it in a place of bright scattered light to promote rooting.

(4) in the initial stage of hydroponic culture, the foliage foliage nutrient solution with the prescribed concentration of 1 beat 2 can be added properly, and the true water should be added in 7-10 days, and the nutrient solution should be renewed once in 25-30 days, pH5.5-6. The liquid level of the nutrient solution should not be too high at the beginning, and the root system should be submerged.

2. Maintenance guidelines

(1) Light and temperature

Brazilian wood likes a hot and humid climate. It is highly adaptable to light and can grow in a little shade or sunlight, but it is better to be exposed to sunlight in spring, autumn and winter, and shade or indoor ventilation in summer. Brazilian wood is afraid of the cold, it should be kept in a sunny place indoors in winter and the temperature should be maintained at 5-10 ℃.

(2) watering

When it is hot in summer, spray can be used to improve the air humidity and spray water on the leaves to keep it moist.

(3) Disease and pest management

Hydroponic Brazilian wood sometimes appears the phenomena of leaf scorched edge and leaf tip scorch, which are mostly physiological diseases caused by drought, low temperature, watering, improper fertilization and so on. The control method is to improve the cultivation management, control the temperature and humidity, apply the nutrient solution reasonably and ventilate properly.

The above is the water culture method and maintenance guide of Brazilian wood arranged by Huinong net Xiaobian. Have you learned all about it?