
The Culture method of Fulutong

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Watering potted Fulutong likes wetter soil and air environment. During the growing period, there should be adequate water supply and water should be watered every 1 to 2 days. According to the specific situation, dry and thoroughly irrigate the soil a little bit, but the watering frequency should not be too much to avoid causing stagnant water and rotting roots.


Potted Fulutong likes wetter soil and air environment. During the growing period, there should be adequate water supply and water should be watered every 1 to 2 days.

According to the specific situation, dry and thoroughly irrigate the soil a little bit, but the watering frequency should not be too much to avoid causing stagnant water and rotting roots.


Fulutong likes loose, fertile, well-drained sandy loam soil. Generally speaking, the soil is changed every two years in spring, and peat soil is used to match 1/3 of the river sand.


Fulutong is suitable for growing in a half-light, bright scattered light environment, it needs bright light, but at the same time avoid strong light exposure, especially after a long rain in early summer, to prevent leaves from being burned.

Fertilizer application

The growth of Fulutong requires plenty of fertilizer.

From April to June, when the growth is exuberant, secondary fertilizer is applied in one to two months, and the family potted plant can be irrigated with a mixture of 0.2% urea and 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate, or a small amount of multi-component slow-release compound fertilizer particles can be sprinkled or buried on the surface of the potted soil.

Maintenance methods of Fulutong

Fulutong is easy to grow. It can grow outdoors in full sunlight or even indoors where there is no natural light but fluorescent lamps. However, it is actually quite sensitive to changes in the environment. Just moved, it has not yet adapted to the new environment, so it is easy to drop the leaves. Once the leaves of Fulutong fall off, either the whole leaves fall from the trunk, or they will turn yellow one by one. It is impossible to reply when it turns yellow. With plenty of water and nutrients, it will grow exuberantly and rapidly. But there is too much watering every day. The root of Fulutong can adapt to dryness but is afraid of soaking. If it is too wet, it is easy to rot.

Let's take Fulutong as an example to take a look at the specific maintenance methods.

I. Lighting

Need bright light, lack of light can easily cause long stems and leaves, dim leaves, faded markings, but at the same time avoid strong light exposure, especially after a long rain in early summer, to prevent leaves from being burned. Family potted plants can be placed in a well-ventilated place near the south entrance, north or east windows in summer, and indoor light in winter.

Second, temperature

The near temperature of growth is 15: 30 ℃, of which it can be maintained at 20: 30 ℃ from April to October and at 13: 20 ℃ from October to April of the following year. In short, the room temperature should be maintained at no less than 10 ℃ in winter. When the summer temperature is more than 32 ℃, we can't let it go.

Third, moisture

Potted Fulutong likes wetter soil and air environment. During the growing period, there should be sufficient water supply, and then watering the surface of the basin soil after drying, the soil should be slightly dry, but it should not be watered too much to avoid causing stagnant water and rotting roots. The temperature is high in midsummer, in addition to sufficient watering, it is necessary to spray water on the leaf surface once a day, which can not only make the leaf surface clean and bright, but also improve the air humidity around the plant. In late autumn and early winter, when the temperature drops below 15 ℃, watering should be controlled. In winter, the amount of boiling water should be reduced, or water spraying should be used instead of watering, and the basin soil should be kept slightly moist and slightly dry, but when spraying foliage, we should pay attention to make the water temperature basically consistent with room temperature.

IV. Soil

Loose and fertile sandy loam with good drainage is the best to provide it with a loose, moist and fertile soil environment. In general, the soil is changed every two years in the spring. For fertilization, the mixture of 0.2% urea and 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be irrigated in the family pot plant, or a small amount of multi-component slow-release compound fertilizer particles can be sprinkled or buried on the surface of the pot soil. Pay attention to the balance of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium when fertilizing. If a disease occurs, the diseased leaves should be removed and destroyed in time.

The cultivation method of Fulutong, also known as round-leaf Nanyangsen and round-leaf Nanyang ginseng, is an evergreen shrub or small tree of Araliaceae and Nanyang forest. The plant height is 1-meter-high, the plant is multi-branched, the lateral branches are slender, the branch lenticels are prominent, and the stems are grayish brown and densely covered with lenticels. Branches soft, leaves alternate, odd-pinnate, leaflets 3murmurl 4 pairs, opposite, elliptic or long elliptic, base cordate, margin serrulate, leaf green often with white spots, scattered inflorescences, flowers small, pale green. With straight and straight stems and bright and changeable leaves, it is a popular foliage plant in recent years, which is not only fashionable and elegant, but also natural and fresh, suitable for courtyard beautification or pot planting. Round leaf Fulutong originated in the Pacific Islands, like warm, humid and sunny environment, resistant to semi-shade, not cold-resistant, afraid of drought. The family can be kept in a brightly lit room for a long time, and it will grow more vigorously if you can see hours of sunshine every day. Pay attention to avoid the direct sunlight outside in summer. During the growing period, keep the basin soil moist without stagnant water, and often spray the plant with water close to room temperature to increase air humidity and make the leaf color fresh. Apply special fertilizer for foliage plants or mature thin liquid fertilizer every 2 weeks or so. If it is a variety of flowers and leaves, pay attention to that the content of nitrogen fertilizer in the fertilizer solution should not be too high, lest the pattern on the leaf surface decrease or even disappear. Stop fertilizing after September to make the new branches mature, which is beneficial to overwintering. Put it in a sunny place indoors in winter, properly reduce watering, the temperature should be maintained above 12 ℃, otherwise the temperature will be too low and lead to a large number of leaves falling off, or even plant death. Change the basin every 2 to 3 years, the basin soil is required to be loose and fertile, rich in humus, and has good drainage and air permeability, you can use saprophytic soil or peat soil plus 1 stroke 3 of river sand, and mixed with a small amount of mature chicken and cow manure as base fertilizer. 1-2-year-old branches can be cut for cuttage in the propagation of round-leaf flutunium. The selectivity of cultivated soil is not strict and the drainage is good. It can be carried out in both spring and autumn, but the effect of spring planting is better. Between March and April, 10-15 cm leaves can be cut, leaving only 2-3 leaves at the end, and the lower incision should be located at 0.2cm below the node. Soak in 500ppm's indolebutyric acid or No. 1 ABT rooting solution for 10 seconds, and then insert it into the sand bed or vermiculite. A small amount of cuttings can be made with vermiculite in a wide-mouth flowerpot. After pouring through water, it can be covered with plastic film to moisturize, maintain the proper temperature for rooting at 25: 30 ℃, and take root in 40% 50% shading at 20: 30 days. Cuttings germinate new buds and then transplant them into pots. From May to June, the sturdy stem was selected and peeled 20 to 25 centimeters from the top. The peeling width was about 2 to 3 times of the stem diameter. The peat or mud bitter medicine was used to wrap the ring peeling place and knead it into a soil mass. The plastic film was used to wrap it tightly, and the water port was left at the top. If the stem is thin and can not support the soil mass, you can insert a bamboo pole as a support, tie the soil mass to the bamboo pole, and always keep the soil mass moist, and it can take root after 2 months. You can also go to the flower market to buy woody stems specially for cuttings for cutting, and it is easy to survive. The clustered plants planted in the ground can also be propagated under low pressure. It likes the high temperature environment, not very cold-resistant; requires bright light, but also more resistant to shade, avoid sun exposure; like moist, but also more resistant to drought, but avoid wet water. The near temperature of its growth is 15: 30 ℃, of which it can be maintained at 20: 30 ℃ from April to October and at 13: 20 ℃ from October to April of the following year. Beautiful plants are usually more delicate, and so is Fulutong. Its variegated varieties are less resistant to cold. In general, even pure green leaf varieties should maintain a room temperature of no less than 10 ℃ in winter. When the summer temperature is more than 32 ℃, it can not be ignored, mass production should build a shed for shade, family viewing should be placed in a shady place, and water should be sprayed around to cool it, so as to create a cool small environment close to the original conditions. In late autumn and early winter, when the temperature drops to 15 ℃, it should be moved indoors in time to avoid cold damage. If the room temperature can be maintained more than 20 ℃ in winter, the stems and leaves will continue to grow; if the temperature is not high, the plant will stop growing and enter a semi-dormant state. Fulutong is easy to grow. It can grow outdoors in full sunlight or even indoors where there is no natural light but fluorescent lamps. However, it is actually quite sensitive to changes in the environment. Just moved, it has not yet adapted to the new environment, so it is easy to drop the leaves. Once the leaves of Fulutong fall off, either the whole leaves fall from the trunk, or they will turn yellow one by one. Yellowing is impossible to recover. With plenty of water and nutrients, it will grow exuberantly and rapidly. But there is too much watering every day, and the roots of Fulutong can adapt to dryness but are afraid of soaking. The most dry is the loss of leaves, slow growth, too wet it is easy to rot, it is difficult to save. A mixture of 0.2% urea and 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be irrigated in a family pot plant, or a small amount of multi-component slow-release compound fertilizer particles can be scattered or buried on the surface of the potted soil. Stop applying nitrogen fertilizer after the Mid-Autumn Festival and topdressing phosphorus and potassium fertilizer twice to increase the cold resistance of the plant and make it survive the winter smoothly. After the beginning of winter, the plant has stopped growing and should stop fertilizing so as not to hurt the roots.