
Matters needing attention in raising green pineapple in water

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, 1. If you change water frequently to raise green pineapple, it is very necessary to change water frequently, usually every two to three days. The reason is that green pineapple has very high requirements for water quality, and it is also necessary to add nutrient solution in order to make green pineapple glow with brilliance. 2. The suitable temperature for green pineapple is above 10 ℃ in winter.

1. Change water frequently

If the green pineapple is raised by water, it is very necessary to change the water frequently, usually every two to three days. The reason is that the green pineapple has a very high demand for water quality, and it is also necessary to increase the nutrient solution in order to make the green pineapple glow with brilliance.

2. Suitable temperature

The safe winter temperature of green pineapple is above 10 ℃. The green pineapple can grow normally when the room temperature is above 20 ℃. Excessive temperature difference will affect the growth of green pineapple. At the same time, pay attention to the leaves away from the heating equipment.

3. The choice of water quality

It is the right choice to raise green pineapple with clean tap water or pure water, because it contains a lot of minerals.

Can green pineapple be raised in water? the culture methods and matters needing attention of green pineapple in water culture

Green pineapple is the most common plant in our office and life, which is usually potted when we buy it, so can green pineapple be raised in water? Today, let's talk about the breeding methods and matters needing attention of water-raised green pineapple.

Can green pineapple be raised in water?

It can be raised with water. Individual characteristics of green pineapple large evergreen vines. Growing in the tropics, it often climbs on the rocks and tree trunks of the rainforest and can grow into giant lianas. The green leaves have yellow patches. Its entanglement is strong and the air root is well developed. it can not only be attached to the column tied up with brown, placed in the foyer and hotel, but also can be cultivated into a hanging shape in the study and windowsill, which is a kind of flower which is more suitable for indoor display. The green radish vine is several meters long and has air roots at the internodes. With the increase of growth age, the stem becomes thicker and the leaves become larger and larger. Leaves alternate, green, a few leaves will also be slightly yellow mottled, entire, heart-shaped.

Water-raised green pineapple is one of the very good indoor decoration aquatic plants, climbing vine and foliage flowers. The stem of the radish is soft and the leaves are delicate. Let its vine stem droop calmly on the top of the furniture cabinet, or hang into a circle after the vine stem is too long, just like a green relief. Water-raised green turnips like warm and humid environment, which requires loose, fertile soil and good drainage. Water-raised green pineapple is extremely shady, and can be placed in the sunny place indoors. In dark rooms, it should be moved to the environment with strong light every semimonthly to recover for a period of time, otherwise it is easy to make the internodes grow and the leaves become smaller.

Second, the culture method of green pineapple in water.

1. Choice of aquaculture containers: vases, beakers and other transparent containers (such as glass bottles) can be selected.

2, the choice of water: water is the key element of water to raise green pineapple, tap water, well water, clean drinking water, etc., but should be placed for a day or two before use.

3. Cutting method: the healthy and strong green radish stem with aerial root should be selected as the water culture object, the branch length is 15cm~30cm, and the leaves of the basic 1-2 nodes can be removed and put into the water; the potted plant with better plant type can also be selected to wash the soil on the root and cut off the excess old root and put it into clean water.

4. water change cycle: in the early stage of water culture, the water should be changed frequently, once every 2 to 3 days, and once every 7 to 10 days after rooting. Water culture solution can be purchased for anti-inflammation and sterilization to promote root growth.

5. Root pruning: if the root system is too long, it should be cut short in time to prevent the loss of nutrients. If the root system is rotten and sticky, it should be cleaned in time, cut off the rotten root, and soaked and disinfected with potassium permanganate solution before restoration. The water should be changed according to the initial stage of water feeding.

6, temperature and light: in northern winter, the room temperature is above 10 ℃, which can safely pass the winter, and only when it is over 20 ℃ can it grow normally. At the same time, we should pay attention to avoid excessive temperature difference and not be close to the heating equipment. Water green pineapple needs sufficient scattered light to make the leaves stretch and the color is green. It should be placed where the scattered light is sufficient, such as a sealed balcony with light and a place with good indoor light.

7. Humidity: there are several ways to increase humidity: close to the humidifier, spray leaves, stems and air roots with sprayers, gently wipe the leaves with cold wet towels or toilet paper, and spray water to the growth of aerial roots.

Matters needing attention in raising green pineapple in water

1. Change water frequently. If the green pineapple is raised by water, it is very necessary to change the water frequently, usually every two to three days. The reason is that the green pineapple has a very high demand for water quality, and it is also necessary to increase the nutrient solution in order to make the green pineapple glow with brilliance.

2. Suitable temperature. The safe winter temperature of green pineapple is more than 10 ℃. The green pineapple can grow normally when the room temperature is above 20 ℃. Excessive temperature difference will affect the growth of green pineapple. At the same time, pay attention to the leaves away from the heating equipment.

3. The choice of water quality. Clean tap water or pure water to raise green pineapple, the right choice of water quality, because it contains a lot of minerals.

In fact, there are two kinds of green pineapple raised by water, one is pure water, and the other is to fill the basin or teacup with vermiculite and then fill it with water. How to raise green pineapple well, you still need to be patient.

The most complete green pineapple culture method and matters needing attention _ water culture green pineapple culture method and matters needing attention

Green pineapple, a large evergreen vine, is a kind of flower suitable for indoor display. In order to help the majority of pot-picking culture enthusiasts to solve the problem of green pineapple culture methods, below we have sorted out the most complete green pineapple culture methods and matters needing attention, welcome to read!

Culture methods of green pineapple

The breeding methods and matters needing attention of green pineapple should be analyzed and done well from the following five aspects. As long as it is done according to the requirements of the following five aspects, it will certainly produce a very good green pineapple.

The main results are as follows: 1. Indoor green pineapple culture should choose loose and well-drained soil for pot cultivation, and green pineapple is suitable for acidic soil.

2, temperature: the suitable temperature for breeding green pineapple is 20 to 30 degrees, the bottom can not be lower than 15 degrees, and about 10 degrees will be frozen to death, of course, most families are suitable for the growth temperature conditions of green pineapple farming, that is, we should pay attention to do a good job of heat preservation in winter. if the climate is too low, you can keep green pineapple warm by reducing the number of windows.

3. Illumination: because the green pineapple originally grew in the dark primeval forest, the sex likes the shade, so the demand for light is not strong, so as long as the green pineapple culture is usually put indoors where you can see the sun, you can also get it to bask in the sun at noon for better photosynthesis, and then take it back to the room for display. Although the green pineapple is very shady, it is not good to keep it in the dark for a long time. It should be illuminated with strong light for at least half a month.

4, moisture: green pineapple culture can not overwater, at most in its root spray water, as long as to ensure that the soil is wet, and if stagnant water occurs, it will breed mosquitoes, seriously affecting the growth and appreciation of green pineapple. Summer can be properly watered, the principle is to keep the basin soil moist and not stagnant water, winter should be controlled watering, once every two or three days, and indoor heating on, can be appropriate more watering, indoor temperature is too low to pay attention to reduce watering. When it cannot be watered, it can be cooled by adding wine to the leaves.

5. Fertilizer: for the fertilization of green pineapple farming, the general inorganic fertilizer is very difficult to be absorbed, so it is necessary to choose a special fertilizer, such as the flower god of Peking University and the flowers of Japan. Due to the slow growth of green pineapple in winter, we should apply less fertilizer, but in the growing period of green pineapple, we can increase fertilization appropriately, and spray liquid fertilizer can be used as the main fertilizer.

The culture method of green pineapple is different from other plant culture methods in that it is easy to feed because of the air root on its stem node, and the cuttage method is generally used for propagation. Especially from 15 ℃ to 25 ℃ is the fastest growing stage. The breeding methods and matters needing attention of green pineapple summed up here are very practical. Raising some green pineapple at home to add beauty and purify the air is not killing two birds with one stone.

Matters needing attention in the culture of green pineapple

Special attention should be paid to the temperature in the culture method of green pineapple, because it is native to the Indonesian archipelago and is warm in nature, so it is easier to breed in a milder environment. The cultivation method of potted green pineapple should choose the rotten leaf soil with fertile, loose and good drainage, and the partial acidity is better. Only in this way can potted plants be cultivated more easily. Green pineapple is a good helper to purify the air, which can absorb de benzene, trichloroethylene, formaldehyde and so on. It couldn't be better to choose green pineapple in a newly decorated room.

Propagation methods of green pineapple

The propagation of green pineapple can be done by cutting and burying stems, that is, in late spring and early summer, the sturdy green rattan is selected, the branches of 15 cm to 30 cm are cut, the leaves of 1 to 2 nodes at the base are removed (do not hurt the air root), and then inserted into the culture basin soil. bury the soil and irrigate and put it in the shade first. For a period of time, water should be sprayed to the leaves every day or covered with plastic film to moisturize, the room temperature should not be less than 20 ℃, and the survival rate is generally more than 90%.

Common problems and solutions of green pineapple culture:

1. The reason for the yellowing of green apple leaves

Many friends in the indoor green pineapple breeding process, found that the green pineapple leaves yellowed, then, why the green pineapple leaves yellow, green pineapple leaves yellow how to do? The editor will provide the most practical solution for everyone's analysis here.

What if the green pineapple leaves turn yellow?

The main reason for the yellowing of green apple leaves

On the whole, the leaves of green pineapple are yellow. if they are cultured in hydroponics, there are bacteria in the water, and if they are cultivated in soil, the roots may be rotting. Relatively speaking, the probability of yellow leaves in hydroponic green pineapple is higher than that in soil culture. The specific factors of green radish leaves yellowing are mainly improper watering, unbalanced light, incorrect fertilization and so on. The following editor makes a detailed analysis of the three major factors leading to the yellowing of green radish leaves.

1) improper watering: too much or too little watering will cause the green apple to turn yellow, if the leaf surface is dark and yellow without luster, the new shoot shrinks not long, it may be too much watering, and if the leaf tip or edge is withered and dried, the new leaves grow normally, but the old leaves are withered and yellow and fall off is underwatered.

2) Sunshine: green pineapple likes shade, strong light will cause the tip and edge of flowers to wither, and the sunrise part of the leaf will appear macula. On the contrary, put in a dark environment for a long time, the leaves can not get enough sunlight, can not form chlorophyll, but also cause green radish leaves yellowing, need to replenish light in time.

3) Fat yellow: too much fertilizer, too much concentration, or no lack of fertilizer may cause the green gong leaves to turn yellow. when fertilizing too much, the green gong leaves are thick and without luster, and the leaves are not stretched, and the old leaves are yellow and shedding. Fertilizer can be reduced by washing. When there is a lack of fertilizer, the leaf color will become light green or yellow, should be timely supplement fertilizer, serious and important to change the basin soil.

2. The solution to the yellowing of green apple leaves.

The solution to the yellowing of green pineapple leaves should be adjusted in time according to the cause of yellowing. Because the green pineapple can be propagated by cuttings, it has a leaf bud on each root, so it can grow as long as one node is planted. Therefore, when the leaves of the farmed green gong are yellowed seriously, the rotten roots can be removed, and the yellow leaves can be removed and re-planted, and pay attention to the replacement of new water in hydroponics. You can also cut off the branches that do not have yellow leaves and replant them. In the process of planting, two to three knots should be buried, and the hydroponics should also be two to three knots, and the water should be changed once in three or four days (cold boiled water is better). When just planting, it can not be directed by strong light, but can be placed in a position with weak light, and the newly planted green gong will take root and grow in about 20 days. Culture methods and matters needing attention of hydroponic green pineapple

1. First of all, the branches and stems of green pineapple should be selected. Healthy and strong branches with aerial roots are good objects for hydroponic culture, so that branches with aerial roots can quickly adapt to the hydroponic environment after being cut off and put into clear water, and they can grow into hydroponic roots in about ten days. Note that the branches and stems put into the water can not have leaves, otherwise the leaves soaked in the water can easily affect the water quality.

2. Hydroponic green pineapple should pay attention to changing water in the first few days, change the same water as room temperature every two or three days, and change water once a week after the water takes root. Wait until the new leaves grow, you can add nutrient solution every ten days or so, or you can spray some diluted nutrient solution water on the leaves, which can make the leaves green and shiny.

3. Hydroponic green pineapple needs sufficient scattered light to stretch its leaves and green leaves. It is best to place them where there is enough scattered light at ordinary times. If the environment is too dark, it can be moved to a place with enough scattered light every ten days or so to receive several hours of light, and the glossiness of leaf color can also be maintained.

4. The root system of hydroponic green apple should be cleaned and repaired frequently. If the root system is too long, it should be cut short in time to avoid nutrient loss.

5, the green pineapple itself likes the warm and humid environment, the dry season should often spray water on the leaves, increase the environmental humidity, but also play a role in cleaning the leaves. Places placed in winter should leave the heating, and pay attention to anti-freezing damage, hydroponic leaves are delicate, very sensitive to temperature changes, so we should pay attention to keep room temperature normal as far as possible, not a large temperature difference.


1. Hydroponic green apple water is a very important part. Tap water, well water, clean river water, etc., can be used, but the water should be kept for a day or two before it can be used.

2. Water to raise green pineapple should be sure to change the water every 2-3 days, with simple nutrients. Green pineapple has a high ornamental value, vine stem naturally drooping, not only can purify the air, but also make full use of the space, for the rigid cabinet to add lively lines, lively color.

What are the functions of culturing green pineapple

Green pineapple in the bathroom can absorb the fumes very well.

There are many functions of home breeding green pineapple, which are mainly reflected in ornamental value, removal of odor and absorption of harmful gases such as formaldehyde.

First of all, green pineapple because of its delicate leaves, soft stems, and has a good ornamental, but also to the room to increase vigor and vitality, is a good indoor plant decoration. In addition to having the function of watching and beautifying the environment, green pineapple is also good at absorbing indoor formaldehyde. Its stems droop naturally, which can not only effectively purify the air, but also absorb most of the indoor formaldehyde, benzene and other harmful gases.

In addition, the green pineapple also has the title of odor absorber. Due to the well-developed green radish root, it has a strong ability to absorb the smell such as oil fume and detergent produced in family life, so many families will decorate the farmed green pineapple to the toilet to purify the air.

In addition to the above functions, aquaculture can also effectively improve the taste and personality quality of family members, thus bringing more integrated interest to family life.

About the green turnip basin