
Matters needing attention in Orchid Culture

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, 1. Orchids are mainly distributed in the southeast and southwest. Most of them are wild in the shade places under the sparse forests and rock edges of the moist valleys, so they like warm and humid climate, like shade and dampness, and require shade of 70% to 90%, avoiding high temperature, dryness and strong light. 2. the withered and yellow old leaves and the leaves of diseases and insect pests should be cut off continuously in the cultivation of orchids.

1. Orchids are mainly distributed in the southeast and southwest. Most of them are wild in the shade places under the sparse forests and rock edges of the moist valleys, so they like warm and humid climate, like shade and dampness, and require shade of 70% to 90%, avoiding high temperature, dryness and strong light.

2. The withered and yellow old leaves and disease and insect leaves should be cut off continuously in orchid cultivation to facilitate ventilation. After the flower buds are unearthed, each plant should leave a strong flower bud and the rest should be cut off so as not to consume too much nutrients and affect flowering in the coming year. After the flower fades, the flower stalk should be cut off.

3. In winter, attention should be paid to cold protection, geophytic orchids have strong cold resistance, while orchids require higher overwintering temperature, so they should move indoors or use plastic sheds as soon as possible to avoid cold, and the room temperature should be kept at 10: 15 ℃. Indoor maintenance should pay attention to ventilation. As the climate gets warmer in spring, the orchid can be gradually moved to the courtyard or balcony.

4. Natural Rain Water, stream water, well water and river water are the best for family cultivation of orchids. If tap water is used, it should be stored in a tank first, and then used after being exposed to the sun to remove bleach. If the flowers are watered with tap water for a long time, the cultivation substrate will be gradually alkalized. Ferrous sulfate can be applied every once in a while to increase the acidity of the soil. in addition, watering orchids with fermented Amoy rice water can also keep the soil slightly acidic.

The above introduces the varieties of orchids and matters needing attention in breeding! For more information, please follow the four Seasons Plant Network!

Methods of orchid culture, points for attention and skills of orchid culture

Orchids include Chunlan, Jianlan, Cymbidium (Cymbidium), Cymbidium (Cymbidium), Cymbidium, Cymbidium, Cold Orchid, and so on. A wide variety, blooming in four seasons, color and fragrance, lovable. Orchids like fertile, loose, slightly acidic soil. The leaves are long and narrow, the inflorescence has sheathlike bracts, some are erect, some are drooping, and the flowers are elegant and fragrant. It is known as "the orchid does not smell fragrant in the room". Let's take a look at the breeding methods, techniques and points for attention of orchids.

The culture method of orchid 1. Orchid Culture: soil selection

The soil for orchid should be mainly humus, mainly humus soil or mountain humus soil. In the south, humus soil of origin, commonly known as orchid mud, can also be used to prepare loose, aerated and permeable culture soil with saprophyllite, vermiculite, perlite and so on. Generally, 8 parts of rotten leaf soil and 2 parts of river sand were mixed into culture soil, or 7 parts of rotten leaf soil, 2 parts of perlite, 1 part of river sand mixed culture soil, or 6 parts of rotten leaf soil (peat soil), 3 parts of compost soil and 1 part of river sand mixed culture soil. All the above culture soils are slightly acidic.

two。 Orchid Culture: fertilization method

Orchid fertilization, one is to apply base fertilizer in the culture soil, and the other is to topdressing during the growing period. Topdressing often uses liquid fertilizer or foliar fertilizer, and its concentration should be lighter than that of other flowers. Orchids change the culture soil once a year, apply less topdressing during the growth period, and pay attention to timely. Generally, in the growing season, about 15% of fully mature thin cake fertilizer water can be applied, or 0.1% urea fertilizer water plus 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate fertilizer water, once every 15 days; before flowering to the flowering stage, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or plant ash water can be sprayed on the leaf surface for 2 times to promote the development of roots, stems and flowers. Orchids are fleshy roots, do not apply unripe fertilizer, so as not to rot the roots.

3. Orchid culture: watering method

Watering orchids should be determined according to species, growth conditions and local climate, should be moist but not wet, dry but not dry; watering should not be too much or too little, and grasp the principle of not drying in autumn and not wet in winter. When the temperature is low in winter, the plant is in a dormant state, so watering should be controlled. Generally, it can be watered every 5-7 days, but the flowering magnolia in winter needs more water.

The water is watered every 2-3 days in spring and autumn, and the orchid is flourishing in summer when the temperature is high, with an average of 1 to 2 times a day. When watering, we should pay attention to prevent water spots from splashing on the leaves, so as not to appear black spots and affect the ornamental effect. During the growth period of orchids, water should be often sprayed on the leaves and sprinkled on the ground around flowerpots in summer to increase air humidity and promote the growth and development of orchids. Rain Water and Xueshui are the best water for watering orchids. If tap water is used, it should be stored for 2-3 days.

4. Orchid culture: temperature requirements

Northern potted orchids should be moved indoors when the temperature drops to 5 ℃ before and after the Frost Festival, and windows should be often opened at the initial stage to maintain ventilation. It is suitable to keep the room temperature about 10 ℃ in winter. Grain Rain later moved to the outside for maintenance. The suitable temperature for orchid growth is 16: 24 ℃. In winter, the indoor temperature is generally low, 10: 12 ℃ in the daytime and 5: 10 ℃ at night, the temperature and humidity should not be too high, and the summer temperature should not exceed 30 ℃.

5. Orchid culture: lighting requirements

Orchids like shade and are afraid of bright light, so they should be shaded in spring, summer and autumn. For family orchids, in order to control the amount of light, it is best to put them on the balcony windowsill or under the eaves with bamboo shade, generally shading from 9 am to 6 pm, and opening the curtain after 6 pm in the morning and after 6 pm to make it accept scattered sunlight. In winter, it should be moved to the place where the scattered light is visible indoors, but direct sunlight should also be avoided. The shade tolerance of orchids was the strongest, followed by Jian Lan, while Chunlan and Cymbidium were weaker.

6. Orchid culture: pot method

The environment where orchids are cultivated should be well ventilated, moist and pollution-free. The orchid basin should choose a high basin. The top is thick and the bottom is thin, with multiple drainage holes, or the basin wall is provided with drainage holes. The orchid pot itself should also have ornamental value.

Due to the slow growth of orchids, the pots can be changed every 1 ~ 2 years after the flowers fade. When putting on the basin, fill in tile grains, slag and so on about 3 cm at the bottom of the basin to facilitate drainage. Then, put into a layer of culture soil, and then put the orchid seedling into the middle of the basin, straighten the root straight and let it stretch naturally. Gently lift the orchid seedling in the middle of the filling, shake the flowerpot at the same time, so that the soil is closely combined with the root, when filling the soil 2cm away from the mouth of the basin, gently press it with your hand. After planting, pour water thoroughly and put it in a cool place, spray water once every morning and afternoon, and move to a shady place with flowers for maintenance after about 7-10 days.

Skills of orchid culture 1. Soil selection skills

Peat soil, black mud, pine soil, pastoral soil, fern root, moss and bark can be used as the culture medium for orchids. To do a good job in the drainage function of the basin floor and increase its permeability, the drainage hole can be paved with tiles, and then laid with a layer of broken brick and stone grains, with a thickness of 1/4 of the depth of the basin floor, and finally the cultivated soil will be laid on the top. When planting orchids, they should be upright and inserted into the soil, and then covered with soil until the bulb. Compacting the soil, no filling within two centimeters, easy to irrigate. After planting, pour water thoroughly, place it in a cool environment, and move the half moon into a ventilated and sunny environment. The basin can be paved with small gravel, which can not only moisturize but also enhance ornamental. Soil selection:

2. Skills of lighting and moisture

The above mentioned "spring is not out, summer is not day, autumn is not dry, winter is not wet", this is the orchid culture principle that needs to be followed. That is, because of the temperature in spring, getting out of the room is easy to be affected by the cold and affect the growth, so it is more appropriate to leave the room in April. Summer in the shade, do not direct sunlight, can be appropriate shade. Autumn is the sprouting period of orchids, and the maintenance of humidity is particularly important. In winter, it is necessary to control watering, because it needs less water, and too much water can easily lead to root and leaf diseases.

3. Fertilization skills

The application of fertilizer should be taboo, so in the growing period, can be horseshoe sauce residue water, bean cake water, once every half a month. The effect is better if an appropriate amount of potassium dihydrogen phosphate is applied. Fertilization is not appropriate in the hot summer season, because the temperature is too high, water loss is fast, fertilizer concentration will become thicker, affecting plant growth. In addition, it needs to be watered every day and sprayed on the leaves several times. The water is slightly acidic, which is beneficial to plant growth.

4. Pruning skills

In the process of orchid culture, plant pruning should be carried out, such as when the old leaves are withered and yellow, which is beneficial to the growth of other leaves and can also be ventilated. On the other hand, the leaves with diseases need to be pruned in time to prevent infection. In addition, scissors also need to be disinfected to prevent infection.

Matters needing attention in Orchid Culture

1, the pot is not too large-small plants grow in large pots, the amount of plant material is large, it is easy to lead to poor ventilation, watering is not easy to control. If watering absorbs too much water, the plant material is not easy to dry, and bacteria invade and cause rotten roots.

2. Orchids should be planted shallowly-do not plant orchids too deep, otherwise long-term moisture will rot. When planting, filling the root, base, or pseudobulb must be exposed.

3. The roots should be unfolded-when planting orchids, the roots should be evenly expanded and should not be squeezed together, so that each root can touch the plant material and ventilation is good.

4. No watering for several days-the roots of newly planted orchids may be injured, and the wound is coated with fungicides, which can not be watered for 3-5 days to achieve efficacy and promote the growth of new buds and roots.

5. Avoid strong light-newly planted orchids must avoid direct sunlight to prevent dehydration. They should be placed in a warm and shady place, and spray can be used to increase the humidity in the air until the orchids return to normal growth.

Propagation methods of Orchid Culture

Orchids are often propagated by ramet and tissue culture, and the varieties are cultivated by sowing method.

1. Ramet propagation

Ramets are carried out in spring and autumn, and vary with different species. The species of flowering in winter and spring should be in late autumn, and the species of flowering in summer and autumn should be carried out before sprouting in early spring. It is common to have a ramet every 2-3 years. It is necessary to reduce watering before ramet, so that the basin soil should be properly dried; when ramet, hold the basin by hand, gently knock the mother plant out of the basin, remove the soil, cut off the rotten roots and leaves, then wash them with clean water and leave them in the shade for 3-5 hours. when the floating water disappears, the roots are white, soft and slightly wrinkled, then cut with a sharp knife from the middle of the false bulb, spread plant ash at the cut, and plant immediately after drying. Ramet operation should be careful to prevent damage to leaf buds and fleshy roots. Put it in the shade after putting it on the basin, and then transfer to normal management after resuming growth.

2. Tissue culture and rapid propagation.

In recent years, a large number of orchids have been produced by tissue culture in China. In addition to breeding orchids, tissue culture techniques are also used in the propagation of Phalaenopsis, Cymbidium, Dendrobium and other orchids.

The efficacy and function of Orchid methods and points for attention in Orchid Culture

Orchid has a pleasant aroma, orchid is one of the top ten famous flowers in China, loved by everyone, this kind of orchid has always been favored by people. So do you know the efficacy and function of orchids? Do you know the methods and precautions of orchid culture? I don't know. It doesn't matter. Let's follow and have a look.

I. the efficacy and function of orchids

1. The parts where orchids can be used are roots, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds. It can be said that orchids are treasures all over the body. The medicinal value of orchids is very high. The roots of orchids can treat tuberculosis and lung abscess and sprain. The roots of orchids can also be taken with bone grafting and Jianlan root decoction, which is a good medicine for birth.

2. The leaves of orchids can cure infantile pertussis, the fruits of orchids can stop vomiting, and the seeds of orchids can cure nebula. The whole grass of Cymbidium among orchids can be used to treat women's diseases.

3. The whole grass of Chunlan among orchids can treat neurasthenia and play a good role in Ascaris lumbricoides and hemorrhoids. The leaves of Jianlan can also treat deficiency of lung qi, while the pedicels of orchids can also treat ringworm. And Suxinlan and Huilan petals also have the role of promoting the birth.

4. Orchids can also nourish Yin fluid, which is good for nourishing body fluid and moistening dryness, as well as for the treatment of malignant tumors. Orchids are a kind of pungent, smooth, sweet and non-toxic Chinese herbal medicine. It is recorded in the Compendium of Materia Medica. In modern Chinese medicine, orchids are mainly used to cool blood and moisten the lungs, as well as to treat dry cough, tuberculosis and leucorrhea.

2. Methods of orchid culture

1. Cushion basin

The bottom of the basin is covered with a tile, and then gradually filled with bricks, tiles or shells, in which the large gap is filled with mud or pea stone, which is generally about the height of the basin. The net height of the rest is about 10-15 cm, which is reserved for culture soil. Its specific height should be determined according to the type of orchid, the length of the orchid root and the height of the basin. The bedding should not be filled too close and too solid, and a little hole should be retained.

2. Planting

On the cushion layer, fill in 2cm or 3cm of culture soil first and compact it slightly with your hand. According to the size of the plant and flowerpot, you can plant several individual plants, 2 clumps, 3 clumps or more clumps in one pot. 3 clusters should be planted into a tripod. Four clumps can be planted in a square, and five clumps should be arranged in the shape of plum blossoms. Langen should stretch naturally, and the leaves should be covered in all directions.

To slowly put the Langen into the basin, so that the Langen naturally stretch, try not to rub with the inner wall of the basin. After the orchid plant is put into the basin, the posture of the orchid plant is gradually fixed. When potted in a clump, the old false bulbs should be deviated to one side, so that the new buds have room for development. If several clusters are planted in a pot, the old false bulbs of each cluster should be relatively gathered in the middle of the pot, so that there is enough room for new roots and buds to develop outward.

3. Fill

When planting, hold the leaves in one hand and add nutritious soil in the other to hold the base of the orchid plant up slightly to stretch the root system and shake the orchid basin at the same time. Let the culture soil go deep into the rhizosphere; continue to add soil, shake the orchid pot, and adjust the position and height of the orchid plant. Press along the edge of the basin by hand, but do not overweight and hurt the root, continue to add soil and squeeze until the basin soil is 2cm higher than the mouth of the basin, slightly in the shape of steamed bread. 4. Watering

After the planting is completed, water must be watered for the first time, so that the basin soil must be soaked, the water droplets should be small, and the impulse should be avoided. If immersed in a basin, do not soak for too long. As soon as the basin soil is soaked, move the orchid basin out immediately, and then move it to a shady place for maintenance.

5. Fertilizer

Orchids like light, fertilization is better light than thick. Like other plants, nitrogen can promote the growth of stems and leaves. Phosphorus can promote the development of orchid root, promote the development of reproductive organs, and stretch the stems and leaves. Magnesium, sulfur, iron and other trace elements can make leaves green and flowers strong.

More fertilizer should be applied during the peak growth period of orchids, but not during dormant or weak growth periods. If excessive fertilization, the roots and leaves will be burned, resulting in irreparable losses.

Matters needing attention in orchid culture

1, the pot is not too large-small plants grow in large pots, the amount of plant material is large, it is easy to lead to poor ventilation, watering is not easy to control. If watering absorbs too much water, the plant material is not easy to dry, and bacteria invade and cause rotten roots.

2. Orchids should be planted shallowly-do not plant orchids too deep, otherwise long-term moisture will rot. When planting, filling the root, base, or pseudobulb must be exposed.

3. The roots should be unfolded-when planting orchids, the roots should be evenly expanded and should not be squeezed together, so that each root can touch the plant material and ventilation is good.

4. No watering for several days-the roots of newly planted orchids may be injured, and the wound is coated with fungicides, which can not be watered for 3-5 days to achieve efficacy and promote the growth of new buds and roots.

5. Avoid strong light-newly planted orchids must avoid direct sunlight to prevent dehydration. They should be placed in a warm and shady place, and spray can be used to increase the humidity in the air until the orchids return to normal growth.

The above is what I want to tell you. I hope you can have a better understanding of orchids after watching it.