
Maintenance and management of peacock trees

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, 1, appropriate shade in summer, autumn, winter to more sun, suitable temperature is 20°C-29°C. Winter temperatures are no lower than 5 ° C. 2. When the temperature reaches above 30℃, fertilization should be suspended. To 10-13°C, all forms of topdressing should be discontinued. When its leaves appear physiological yellowing

1. Proper shading in summer and more sun in autumn and winter. The suitable temperature is 20 °C-29 °C. The winter temperature is not lower than 5 ℃.

2. When the temperature is above 30 ℃, fertilizer should be suspended. To 10-13 °C, all forms of topdressing should be stopped. When the leaves are physiologically yellowed, 0.2% ferrous sulfate solution can be properly poured or sprayed.

3. Change the basin every two years as necessary.

4. Malachite wood is vulnerable to leaf spot and anthracnose, which can be controlled by spraying 500 times of 50% topazine wettable powder.

5. When the air is too dry, the leaves are easy to be damaged by shell insects, which should be checked in time, manually removed or sprayed with omethoate.

6. The trade in spring and summer is endangered by red spiders, so it is necessary to strengthen ventilation and early prevention.

Maintenance and Management of potted Flowers in August

Each season has its own characteristics, this year's summer is unusually hot, in such a bad environment, the flowers in the balcony and courtyard will also become very sad, if you do not pay attention to management, it will also cause a variety of diseases, serious even cause death. So in the hot August, how to manage the potted flowers on the courtyard and balcony? The editor will analyze several major aspects of daily maintenance for you.

Baobao flower

First, watering

In August, it should be watered between 9 and 10:00 in the morning and after 4 o'clock in the afternoon to keep the water temperature basically consistent with the soil temperature and air temperature. For those ornamental plant species that like acidity, 0.1% ferrous sulfate can be added to the irrigation water. It is worth noting that for ornamental plants with dense hairs on their leaves, such as Baobao, Tripterygium, Tripterygium, Begonia, etc., the leaves are not easy to evaporate after droplets, which can easily lead to leaf rot, and only a small amount of spray is feasible; the flower buds of Fulang flower (African chrysanthemum) and the leaf center of Magnolia can not be drenched with water, and the flow of dirty water into the leaves will cause heart damage. Pineapples must be watered less, sprayed more, and injected water into the leaf tube in order to meet their needs. When watering and spraying potted plants this month, you must pay attention to loosening the soil, but every 10 days, otherwise it will lead to pot soil hardening due to repeated watering. For dormant and semi-dormant flower species, watering and spraying should be controlled to keep the basin soil slightly moist, and a relatively cool environment can be created by spraying water around the flowerpot.

II. Fertilization

In August, foliage plants Such as tortoise back bamboo, one-leaf orchid, rubber tree, spring feather, brown bamboo, red (green) gemstone, southern sequoia, golden wasabi, beautiful needle sunflower, sunflower, fishtail sunflower, sunflower, green apple, Brazilian wood, Dutch iron, fortune tree, kidney fern, dew tree, ash wood (African jasmine), orchid cinnamon (peace wood), gold coin tree (dragon and Phoenix wood), taro, green emperor, green queen, poinsettia, pink leaf, goose palm wood, peach leaf coral, green queen Pocket coconut, leafy wood, star anise gold plate, etc. Can be applied with low concentration of liquid fertilizer, such as urea, flower special fertilizer or cake fertilizer. For species with long flowering period, such as rose, magnolia, jasmine, pearl orchid, crape myrtle, pomegranate, Milan, four seasons cinnamon, cinnamon, triangular plum, five-colored plum, etc., as well as daidai, bergamot, kumquat, lemon, rich seeds, firethorn, golden marbles, pomegranate, pumpkin, papaya, etc., in addition to ensuring nitrogen supply, we should also apply appropriate amount of available phosphate and potassium fertilizer, such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate and so on. For potted grass flowers blooming in autumn, such as red, thousand-day red, dry chrysanthemum, marigold, peacock grass, longkou flower, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum, pocket sunflower, etc., thin liquid fertilizer can be applied every semimonthly to ensure the reproduction of leaves and flowers after autumn. For the species of flowers and trees in flower bud differentiation, such as camellia, tea plum, plum blossom, sweet-scented osmanthus, rhododendron and so on, low concentration of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied to the leaves. When applying organic fertilizer to ornamental plants, do not drop the fertilizer on the leaves, so as not to cause the leaves to rot. For the sake of safety, spray water on the leaf surface in time after fertilization to rinse away the fertilizer droplets that may adhere to the leaves. For ornamental plant species in dormant or semi-dormant state, such as orchid, crabapple, calla lily, cyclamen, Daphne, aloe, longevity flower, purslane, crab claw orchid, sedum, purple triangle leaf sorrel, cactus, cactus, etc., it is necessary to stop all forms of topdressing, otherwise it is easy to lead to rotten roots or death.

Begonia semperflorens

Third, shading

In August, the heat is still strong, so it is still very important to manage the shade of potted flowers in the courtyard. For those cool ornamental plant species Such as tortoise back bamboo, spring feather, cherry angel, rubber tree, hulk, hulk, taro, taro, red (green) gemstone, brown bamboo, green apple, green emperor, green queen, bluegrass, pink daiye, pepper grass, pineapple, water mass flower, mirror grass, fern, Buddha belly bamboo, Phoenix tail bamboo, hanging orchid, auspicious grass, pocket coconut, netted grass, purple velvet, blood leaf orchid, silver silk grass, black leaf Guanyin lotus, crystal candle, anthurium, anthurium Begonia, rich bamboo, one-leaf orchid, asparagus, purple calyx, etc. Can continue to give shade, pull up the shade net at 9: 00 in the morning, and then withdraw after 4: 00 in the afternoon. If the number of potted flowers is small, they can also be moved indoors for 6 to 7 hours before and after noon. If there are conditions, you can also move it to the shade of big trees and wait until the middle of September to move out from the shade of trees.

4. Pruning

In August, those stump bonsai that are vigorous, pruning-resistant and easy to germinate continue to be heart-picked or trimmed, such as hammer elm, Finch plum, Fujian tea, banyan tree, white wax, bayberry, melon seed and yellow poplar. Cut the rose, pomegranate, Milan and so on after each flower. Potted chrysanthemums should do a good job of peeling buds and removing buds.

V. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

In August, scale insects, citrus butterflies, rose leaf wasps, peach red-necked longicorn beetles and other pests should be controlled. Pay attention to the prevention of orchid leaf diseases, including anthracnose, Botrytis cinerea, leaf blight and so on. Pay attention to the control of chrysanthemum aphids, leaf moths, borer and so on.

Contents and concrete measures of maintenance and management of landscaping project

In cultivation, as the saying goes, "planting three tubes and seven", the plants planted in greening are all living plants. When landscaping, many units often have high standards of planning and design and low level of construction and maintenance, resulting in a short period of good times. In the maintenance and management of greening, it is necessary to understand the special characteristics and characteristics of planting types and various varieties, and the key is to do a good job in the maintenance and management of fertilizer, water, disease, insect and shearing.

(1) maintenance and management of grassland

The principle of grassland conservation is: uniform, pure, evergreen all the year round. According to the data, under the general management level, green grassland (Taiwan grass) can be divided into four stages according to the length of planting time. First, planting to the full stage, refers to the first planting of grassland, planting to one year or fully covered (100% covered with no open space) stage, also known as the full period. The second is the prosperous and growing stage, which refers to 2-5 years after planting, also known as the prosperous period. The third is the slow growth stage, which refers to 6-10 years after planting, which is also called slow period. The fourth is the degeneration stage, which refers to 10-15 years after planting, also known as the degeneration period. Under the high level of conservation and management, the degradation period of grassland in Taiwan can be delayed by 5-8 years. The degradation period of coniferous grass is 3-5 years later than that of Taiwan grass, and that of big-leaf grass is 3-5 years earlier.

1. Resume the management of the full phase

According to the design and technological requirements, the newly planted grass bed should strictly remove weed seeds and grass roots, and fill it with pure guest soil, scraping and compacting more than 10 centimeters before sticking turf. There are two kinds of turf paste: one is full paste, the other is sparse paste. In general, 20 × 20 cm square turf and other areas are left empty and sparsely pasted, and there is no full growth period, only the recovery period is 7-10 days, 50% of the open space takes a certain time to grow, and the long full period of spring and summer turf is only 1-2 months. Autumn paste and winter paste take 2-3 months. In the maintenance and management, the emphasis is on the management of water and fertilizer, spring sticking, summer sticking, autumn and winter sticking grass windproof and moisturizing. Generally spray water once in the morning and evening after sticking grass, and check whether the turf is compacted, requiring the grass root to stick to the guest soil. Spray water once every evening for two or two weeks, and two weeks later, depending on the season and weather conditions, spray water once every two days, mainly to moisturize. Within one week to three months after fertilization and planting, fertilize once every semimonthly, spray with 1-3% urea solution combined with watering, dilute before thickening, and then use 4-6 jin of urea per mu once a month, dry application in rainy days, liquid application in sunny days, when all covered with grass 8-10 cm high, use a lawnmower to cut the grass. To get rid of weeds, early planting half a month, late January, weeds begin to grow, should be dug in time to remove roots, dug and compacted, so as not to affect the growth of the main grass. Newly planted grasslands are generally disease-free and insect-free, and do not need spraying. In order to accelerate growth, 0.1-0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be used to spray in the later stage.

2. the management of the prosperous and growing stage.

The second year to the fifth year after planting is the exuberant growth stage, and the ornamental grassland is mainly greening, so it is important to keep green. Water management, open the grass stem, the guest soil is dry but not white, wet but not stained, dry in spring and summer, wet in autumn and winter. Apply fertilizer lightly, less from April to September in a year, with more than two ends, and use 2-4 jin urea per mu after each grass cutting. In the prosperous growing season, the growth speed should be controlled by fertilizer control and water control, otherwise the times of grass cutting will increase and the maintenance cost will increase. Grass-cutting is the focus of this stage. The number of grass-cutting times and the quality of grass-cutting are related to grassland degradation and maintenance costs. The number of grass mowing should be controlled at 8-10 times a year, with an average of once a month from February to September and once every February from October to January of next year. Grass-cutting technical requirements: first, the best ornamental grass height is 6-10 cm, more than 10 cm can be cut, more than 15 cm, there will be a "grass pier", local hook bumps, at this time must be cut. The second is to prepare before cutting, check that the power of the lawn mower should be normal, the grass knife is sharp without defect, and clean the fine stone debris in the grass at the same time. The third is the operation of the lawn mower, adjust the knife distance, 2-4 cm from the ground (low shear in prosperous season, high shear in autumn and winter), advance at a uniform speed, and the scissors intersect 3-5 cm each time. Fourth, clean the grass leaves in time after cutting, and moisturize and fertilize.

3. the management of the slow-growing stage.

In the grassland 6-10 years after planting, the growth rate decreased, withered leaves and withered stems increased year by year, root rot was easy to occur in high temperature and humid season, and it was easy to be damaged by Artemisia angustifolia (razor worms) in autumn and winter. According to observation, Taiwan grass began to rot after three days of continuous waterlogging, and there was still life after draining the waterlogged water. After seven days of continuous waterlogging, more than 90% of the rotten roots were rotten, and there was almost no vitality, so it was necessary to re-paste the turf. Although there are few rotten roots after waterlogging for 1-2 days, high temperature and humidity after drainage is beneficial to bacteria culture, which leads to the occurrence of root rot. Topiramate or carbendazim was sprayed 2-3 times in the disease area (once every 2-10 days), and it was effective to control root rot. The old ground tiger (razor worm) cuts the base of the grass on the surface to form a block of dry, the area expands day by day, causing rapid damage, resulting in a large area of dry. The larvae need to be plucked away from the grass during the inspection. For early detection and timely use of drugs at the young instar of the larvae, methamidophos or quick culling is generally used 800 times to increase the liquid medicine for the harm. Three days later, the harmful withered grass is removed, and urea liquid is added, and the growth begins to resume a week later. Slow long-term fertilizer and water management should be strengthened than prosperous long-term, and extra-root fertilization can be increased. It is better to control the number of grass cutting at 7-8 times a year.

4. Management of grassland degradation stage.

The grassland began to deteriorate year by year 10 years after planting and seriously degraded 15 years after planting. Water management, dry and wet high replacement, waterlogging is strictly prohibited, otherwise aggravate the death of rotten roots, strengthen the inspection and control of diseases and insect pests, in addition to normal fertilization, fertilization with 1% urea, phosphorus and potassium mixed liquid roots every 10-15 days, or with commercial foliar protection, foliar fertilizer such as big Toyota and other roots sprayed, the effect is very good. Full patch replanting can be carried out on the local dead place. The degraded grassland recovers slowly after cutting, and the number of times of grass cutting should not exceed 6 times in a year. In addition, as the main grass is rare and easy to grow weeds, it needs to be dug up in time. In this period, it is necessary to strengthen the management in order to effectively delay the degradation of grassland.

(2) maintenance and management of hedges

The maintenance and management principle of the hedge is to ensure the supply of fertilizer and water, luxuriant growth, pruning and forming the hedge into a wall, so as to achieve the function of ornamental and isolation.

1. Fertilizer and water management of hedges

Hedges should be continuously trimmed, with higher requirements for fertilizer and water conditions, and hedges should be planted first, digging ditches 40 centimeters deep according to the design requirements, filling pure and fertile guest soil, or mixing appropriate amount of mature organic fertilizer or compound fertilizer in guest soil, so as to grow quickly after planting. The principles of fertilization are as follows: the basic fertilizer is full and fast, mainly nitrogen, the combination of phosphorus and potassium, group application and thin application, and must be applied after cutting. Extra-root fertilization is also carried out if necessary. Water management, mainly to moisturize, the topsoil is dry but not white, drainage and waterproofing after rain, so as not to cause rotten roots and affect growth.

2. Pruning of hedges

Plane hedges, pattern hedges and crime-making hedges are all made by manual pruning to meet the design requirements. The role of pruning: first, inhibit the top growth advantage of plants, promote axillary bud germination, then branch growth, wall plump, conducive to pruning and shaping. The second is to speed up the molding to meet the design appreciation effect. The principle of pruning: from small to large, many times of trimming, smooth lines, shaping as needed. The general hedgerow design height is 60-150 cm, more than 150 cm is a tall hedge (also known as green wall), used to isolate the line of sight. The technical requirement for initial pruning is to start pruning when the hedge grows to a height of 30 centimeters. Trim into a prototype 3-5 times according to the design type. Pruning time: after the current pruning, remove the cut branches and leaves, strengthen fertilizer and water management, wait for the new branches and leaves to grow to 4-6 cm for the next pruning, the interval before and after pruning is too long, the hedge will be out of shape and must be trimmed. Noon, rainy, windy and foggy days are not suitable for pruning. Pruning operation: at present, the manual operation of hedgerow shears is mostly used, which requires that the knife edge is sharp and close to the hedge surface, no leakage and less heavy shearing, more shearing of the protruding part of the prosperous long and protruding part, less shearing of the weak long and sunken part, and line trimming at the straight plane. shape (round type, grinding type, fan type, Great Wall type, etc.) hedges are trimmed according to type, with more cutting at the top and less cutting around. Stereotyped pruning: when the growth of the hedge meets the design requirements, cut off all the new branches and leaves each time to maintain the shape of the design specifications.

3. Pest control of hedgerow.

The mountain beetle hedgerow is often damaged by wood lice, leaf miner and powdery mildew. Fujian tea is damaged by wood, shell insects and powdery mildew. Huangxinmei is more resistant to diseases and insect pests, and occasionally has wood lice. The disease can be effectively treated with conventional insecticides, such as quick culling, and fungicides, dobutamine, carbendazim and so on.

(3) Management of greening trees

In landscaping, the planting area of trees is not the largest, but it occupies the largest green space. The reasonable collocation of grassland, flowers, shrubs and trees reflects the effect of three-dimensional greening. As the saying goes, "green trees become shade and flowers are in full bloom", creating a good microclimate and beautiful environment. In addition, many shrub trees can be trimmed and shaped after planting, and the pavilions stand erect in the grass and scenic spots, and even produce a three-dimensional sense of motion.

1. Fertilizer and water management

The tree type is tall, the root system is developed, the root depth is broad, when planting needs to open the square 0.8-1.0 cubic meter big hole, fills the fertile guest soil to be 30 centimeters higher than the flat ground before planting. In terms of fertilization, compound fertilizer is the main type of fertilizer, and the proportion of N, P and K for young trees with the ratio of 1-3 years is 5-3-year-old trees and 3:2:1 for big trees more than three years old. The frequency of fertilization, within three years after planting, was applied once a year in spring, summer and early autumn, each time using compound fertilizer 1-2kg, less for small trees and more for big trees. The method of fertilization is: small trees combined with loose soil to apply liquid fertilizer, big trees evenly open holes in the canopy for dry application, tall trees for more than three years can not be fertilized in principle. The shrub type is small, mainly planted in shallow holes or shallow ditches, and the root system is shallow. according to the soil and tree potential, appropriate amount of compound fertilizer is applied, liquid application is combined with dry application, P and K fertilizer is appropriately increased for flowering and fruit shrub, and N fertilizer is increased for foliage shrub. The water management of greening trees focuses on young trees, the principle is to keep moisture unstained, and the topsoil is dry but not white. Tall trees, deep roots and luxuriant leaves, there is no impact on growth due to lack of water, shrubs short and shallow roots, pot planting must be drought prevention and moisturizing in order to grow normally.

2. Tree management

Greening trees, through artistic design, careful management, so that it is rare and dense, stylish and stylish, located, is one of the keys to the success of greening. The tree requires that the trunk be straight and straight, and do not pull out the fixed guard rod when planting prematurely, so as not to cause the stem to bend. The adult tree saws off the irregular branches in time, and does not cut off the wind-proof branches with large crown width and small leaves, and causes losses by pulling up the roots in case of heavy wind and rain. Shrubs are required to be neat and orderly, and the tree shape is formed by continuous growth and artificial pruning of trees, which can be trimmed into ball, square, fan, mushroom, abstract patterns, lines, piles, vertebral piles and so on. You can even use iron wire to weave words, "double dragons play beads", "Lion Ball", "Peacock Open screen" and so on to let the branches and leaves of shrubs grow in them and become by weaving and pruning. No matter the trees and shrubs should remove the dead branches and leaves in time, for the king coconut, false betel nut and other stalk trees, it is necessary to ensure that the trunk is straight and clean, the leaf sheath is large, and it is not easy to fall off naturally after drying up, and it should be removed manually in time.

3. Disease and pest control of trees

The main pests of greening trees are longicorn beetles, wood lice, leaf miner, leafy tiger, shell insects, beetles and so on. In recent years, the damage of planthopper is more serious in trees and shrubs, followed by shell insects. The control effect can be achieved by using conventional insecticides, quick killing, Jietrin and so on. The main diseases are root rot, powdery mildew, anthracnose and so on. The commonly used control drugs are topiramate, carbendazim, anthracnose and so on. In addition to drug control, cultivation should often clean up dead branches and leaves, keep them clean, rule out waterlogging, and spray after pruning if necessary.

(4) Management of flowers

"when the flowers are in full bloom, she smiles in the bushes." . Fresh flowers bring happiness to people. Planting flowers is an indispensable project in greening. The purpose is to enjoy the flowers with bright colors and different shapes. Flowers can be divided into herbaceous woody and vines. Some varieties only bloom once in a lifetime (a growth cycle). Some flowers bloom only once a year, and different flower varieties have different flowering seasons and flowering periods. In order to achieve flowers in full bloom throughout the year, in addition to scientific collocation of different varieties of planting, good management is the key.

1. Management of flowers planted in the ground

Canna, yellow flowers, multi-colored flowers and peaches, plums, apricot flowers, sweet-scented osmanthus, Michelia and firecrackers, honeysuckle and so on are more planted, which require fertile and loose land, good permeability, and strong water and fertility conservation. Fertilizer and water management, sufficient fertilizer and water in the early stage, mainly N, combined application of P, K, the combination of N, P, K in the middle stage, controlling fertilizer and water before flowering, promoting flower bud differentiation, and supplementary application of P, K, N fertilizer after flowering can prolong the flowering stage. Loosen the soil, weed and cultivate the soil once a month to loosen the topsoil, remove weeds, combined with fertilization. Herbaceous flowers, more liquid fertilizer, woody flowers, dry application in small holes in the rainy season. Plant tall ground to plant flowers and trees, can not show roots, proper cultivation of soil can prevent overturning. For pruning and mulching, dry branches and leaves should be cut off in time during growth, and surface mulching (cut Taiwan grass) in summer and autumn can moisturize and prevent drought and inhibit the growth of weeds. Pest control, spraying insecticides once a month and spraying fungicides after pruning or before and after typhoon falls have control effects. The difference in the management of rattan flowers is that tree pillars or frames are needed to make them grow.

2. Management of potted flowers.

Potted flowers in landscaping mainly refer to two categories: potted flowers and potted shade plants. Potted flowers are cultivated through two stages, the first stage is to be cultivated in the flower bed, and the second stage is to grow in pots with ornamental price before and after planting or blooming, and put them in outdoor squares (flower beds), green scenic spots, and even indoor offices, conference rooms, halls and balconies. To cultivate potted flowers in flower beds, we should first select all kinds of seasonal flowers and shady plants for site preparation or cutting (asexual culture in shady sand ponds), strengthen the management of fertilizer and water diseases and insect pests at the seedling stage, and then prepare ceramic and plastic flowerpots with suitable specifications. Install pre-mixed formula flower mud (dry pond mud 65%, mature organic matter 10%, sand 20%, compound fertilizer 3-5%), pot bottom leakage intraocular pressure on tile 80% of the load, finally planted seedlings, classified and placed to strengthen management, before and after growing or flowering to the placement point.

The second stage of the management of potted flowers, due to scattered placement, focus on three precautions: anti-drought, anti-stain, anti-freezing. Drought prevention: in hot and hot weather, water transpiration is fast, outdoor water is drenched once every 2-3 days, indoor water is drenched every 5-7 days. Anti-waterproofing: the permeability and leakage of the basin body are very poor, only rely on the leakage eye of the basin bottom to leak water, the outdoor pot plant strictly forbids the pot bottom to fall directly to the mud ground, indoor and balcony pot planting, do not drench water every day, observe whether there is dripping water at the bottom of the basin every time, such as watertight, one is the consolidation of basin soil, the other is to loosen the soil properly, and to dredge or turn the basin in time. The failure of potted flowers is mostly due to the root rot caused by partial waterlogging at the bottom of the pot, which affects the growth and even death. Anti-freezing: tropical flowers and shade plants such as hulk, evergreen and other winter temperatures below 18 °C, many varieties began to appear frost injury, open-air and balcony potted flowers, in low temperature, frost weather, to build a shed to cover heat preservation or move into the greenhouse to prevent frost. In addition to the above "three precautions", shade plants should be protected from the sun, burning leaves under the sun, affecting growth and even death, and should be placed indoors and halls and balconies where there is no direct light.

Potted fertilization, the combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers, mainly woody organic, herbaceous inorganic, the proportion of P, K, N is (3:2:1), the foliage is (2:1:3) fertilization times, depending on the growth trend 1-2 times a month, combined with water application of liquid fertilizer, reduce dry application, it is forbidden to apply immature organic fertilizer, otherwise it is easy to hurt the roots, depending on the amount of pot soil, less can not be more, avoid fertilizer damage. If necessary, spraying "foliar protection" and "big Toyota" outside the root can make the leaf color dark green and prolong the florescence. Change pots: in order to make potted flowers with leafy roots and blooming on time, most perennial woody plants and some other flowers need to change pots. The time of changing the basin should consider two factors, one is the early change of the amount of basin soil and the quality of basin soil, the quantity of soil is less and the quality of soil is poor, the quantity of soil is more and better (such as the formula flower mud of pure dry pond mud), the other is the size and height of flowers, tall flowers change early, dwarf flowers change late, generally change pots once every 2-3 years. The method of changing the basin: put the tile on the empty basin to press the bottom hole of the basin, then put a handful of coarse sand on the tile, then put the formula flower mud into 1/3, do not water for 3-5 days before changing the basin, when changing the basin, pour a small amount of water around the basin, vibrate the basin body, tilt the flowerpot, use a stick or two thumbs, stand against the tile at the bottom of the basin, shake and press, so that the soil leaves the basin. Use a flower shovel to remove 1/3 of the old mud (no more than 50%). Keep the new root, cut off the old root with a branch, cut off the root, then carefully put it into the new basin, the root is dry, fill with formula flower mud, compacted and drenched (dripping at the bottom of the basin). Potted flowers due to dispersion, good ventilation and light, fewer diseases and insects, but to carefully examine once found, to use a hand-held sprayer pot by pot spray.

In addition, some flowers have strict requirements on soil PH value, such as Michelia mollissima, camellia and so on. Acid soil can be drenched with citric acid water 2-3 times a month, and the soil PH value can be kept at about 4.0.

(5) Management of bonsai

There are a small number of finished bonsai in landscaping, which are placed in pavilions and special scenic spots, and their cultivation management is roughly the same as that of woody potted flowers. the key to the difference is pruning and shape preservation, different bonsai have different artistic shapes, tree trunks grow higher and higher, branches and leaves continue to increase, if not pruned, they will be out of shape and lose their original design style. Bonsai trimming, need to be operated by technicians with professional knowledge and skills, gardeners, cut what should be cut, should not be cut, do not destroy the viewing noodles, lose the original school, style and artistic shape.