
The following editor is introducing to you some other plants that can be cultured indoors.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, 1. It is difficult for other plants to compare with millennium wood in terms of inhibiting harmful substances. Leaves and roots can effectively absorb xylene, toluene, trichloroethylene, benzene and formaldehyde and decompose them into non-toxic substances. two。 Green vines can effectively absorb chemicals in the air.

1. Thousand-year wood

It is difficult for other plants to compare with millennium wood in terms of inhibition of harmful substances. Leaves and roots can effectively absorb xylene, toluene, trichloroethylene, benzene and formaldehyde and decompose them into non-toxic substances.

two。 Green pineapple

Green basket vines can effectively absorb chemicals in the air and dissolve the residual odor after decoration.

3. Pendulous leaf banyan

Pendulous banyan plants can increase the humidity of the room, benefit our skin and breathing, absorb formaldehyde, xylene and ammonia and purify the turbid air, making it suitable for planting in semi-shade.

4. Ivy

Ivy can effectively resist the carcinogens in nicotine, absorb harmful substances through tiny pores in leaves and convert them into harmless sugars and amino acids, making them suitable for home breeding.

About whether the crab claw orchid can be raised in the bedroom, the editor will introduce you here. I hope the plant information recommended by the editor will be helpful to you. Thank you for your click to read!

Plants suitable for placing indoors keep these plants at home and live at least 10 more years! Tiger tail orchid: a natural scavenger that can remove harmful substances from the air. 2 aloe vera: it can beautify and purify the air. Evergreen aloe can absorb peculiar smell for a long time. 3 dripping Guanyin: it has the effect of removing dust from the air. Milan: natural scavengers can remove harmful substances from the air. Light fragrance, elegant 5 African jasmine: the volatile oil produced has a significant bactericidal effect. Can make people relax, conducive to sleep, but also improve work efficiency. 6 tortoise back bamboo: is a natural scavenger, can remove harmful substances from the air 7 green pineapple: this creature's "high-efficiency air purifier" originated in the Mexican plateau. Because it can purify benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde in the air at the same time, it is very suitable to be placed in the newly decorated room. The new floor is only one of the sources of harmful substances. 8 Golden Heart Orchid: it can remove harmful substances in the air and purify the air. 9 gold: absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen day and night. And easy to survive. 10 green leaf orchid: do not choose soil, light requirements are not strict. Has the extremely strong absorption toxic gas function has "the green purifier" the laudatory name. 11 Brazilian iron: Brazilian iron, also known as fragrant dragon blood tree, can remove harmful substances from the air. Osmanthus fragrans: can remove harmful substances from the air. The volatile oil produced has significant bactericidal effect. 13 Brazilian keel: absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen day and night. And easy to survive. 14 Ivy: can effectively resist the carcinogens in nicotine. Through the tiny pores in the leaves, harmful substances are absorbed and converted into harmless sugars and amino acids. 15 Wealth Tree: release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide; suitable for warm, humid and well-ventilated environment, Xiyang is also resistant to shade and convenient for management and maintenance. If you like, click the icon in the upper right corner, click "share to moments", and [send] to share more health knowledge with your friends! You can add our service number and Subscription account by "add friends"-> "search number"-> enter "Binhai TCM Health Care" and "Dongying Binhai TCM". We will promote health knowledge through Wechat, but also can interact directly with us and health consultation. Contact information: 0546Mai 8065968 Yellow River Auxiliary Road, south gate of Luban apartment, opposite Dongying Vocational College. Those who like to raise plants, look at the introduction of indoor hydroponics.

Putting some aquatic plants indoors is not only a good decoration, but also plays a certain role in improving the temperature, humidity and air quality of the local environment. Next, let's take a look at what are the indoor hydroponic plants?

Hydroponic plants have the following advantages: first, because water can evaporate freely, in the same environment, hydroponic plants play a more obvious role in regulating air humidity than plants cultivated in potted soil; second, hydroponic plants can omit the management of potted soil, clean and hygienic, and easy to maintain. Third, if the selection of some roots can be exposed to the light of the plant, coupled with a suitable container, the whole plant can be ornamental, fresh and elegant, with higher ornamental value.

There are two kinds of hydroponic plants. One is aquatic flowers, which grow in water in nature, such as lotus and water lilies that we are familiar with, and the other is hydroponic flowers, which generally grow in soil or cultivation media, such as rich bamboos and hyacinths. Because the indoor light is not enough, it is more suitable to cultivate the latter kind. In addition, they have low nutrient requirements and can basically grow in tap water, and some only need to add a small amount of nutrient solution.

Hyacinth, a common indoor plant raised by water

Hyacinth, a perennial herb, as long as you buy a seed the size of garlic and put it in water, it will open leaves and blossom at the right temperature. The leaves are thick and very tense. And the oval flowers are colorful and aesthetic, and each petal is as thick and qualitative as the leaves.

A common indoor plant in water culture-- Cymbidium

Of course, there is no need to say much about the purification ability of Cymbidium. And its slender vines and leaves show a sense of strength in their weakness. In summer and autumn, the orchid will sprout tender leaves and root on the top or node, and bloom white flowers, which droop naturally with the branches, which is very beautiful.

In addition, the way of raising orchids by water is also relatively simple and sanitary, and you can take care of them in general.

Green pineapple, a common indoor plant raised by water

Green pineapple because the leaves are round, symbolizing wealth, so whether it is water culture or soil cultivation, there are many fans. It belongs to Panteng foliage flowers, because the natural growth environment is in the forest, so like the warm and humid breeding environment. The stems and leaves are soft and the leaves are alternate. Just change the water every two or three days and match it with a suitable nutrient solution. Because the vine can grow for several meters, so it can be hung on the top of the window, the decoration and purification effect is very good.

Ivy, a common hydroponic plant

Ivy is the most ideal vertical greening variety, because it is evergreen, and the branches are soft and have aerial roots, which can climb on the surrounding objects. As a result, many people use special shapes to attach to the ivy, so that it won't be long before the ivy can cover the frame. If you use the heart shape, there will be a green love with vitality.

A common hydroponic plant-- rich bamboo

Liliaceae is an evergreen upright shrub, which is very suitable for indoor hydroponic flowers. The leaves of Fugui bamboo are green, the stems are straight and round like bamboo. Leaves ovate, apex pointed, petiole base clasping. It is a very shade-tolerant plant. It still grows well and is tall and strong under weak light conditions. Can be placed indoors for a long time to watch the leaves, do not need special maintenance, as long as there is enough water, it can grow vigorously. When hydroponic culture, the rich bamboo stem will be cut into small segments of more than 20 cm as cuttings in water, as long as the cuttings can be soaked in water, they can take root and survive.

A common hydroponic plant-asparagus

Perennial evergreen herbaceous flowers of the genus Liliaceae. The stem is thin and weak, and the branches are slender and leafy, spreading horizontally. The flowers are small and white. Berries globose, black. After the fruit is ripe, it shows a little red in the thick green cluster, elegant and lovely. Plant strong negative tolerance, placed at the head of the bed, table case, elegant and generous, is a good indoor flower. Asparagus is also an ideal foil material for cut flowers. In recent years, water-raised asparagus has been successfully developed, which is even more elegant in the room.

A common hydroponic plant-- evergreen

Liliaceae, basal leaves thickly leathery, oblanceolate, broadly lanceolate or broad-band, 10mur40 cm long and 2.5 Mel 5.5 cm wide, apex acute, base long and narrow, with fibrous roots at nodes. Flowering stems short and thick, even inflorescences 4 Mel 8 cm long; terminal fleshy inflorescences long ellipsoid, flowers densely borne, sessile, yellowish, hemispherical. Rich in varieties, there are green leaves, mosaics and other types. Like the overcast and wet environment, put it in a shady place in summer to avoid strong light. Is a strong adaptation to ornamental flower varieties, usually pot ornamental, in recent years, more and more water-raised varieties, not only strong ornamental, but also can effectively clean indoor air pollution.

A common hydroponic plant-- millennium wood

Evergreen shrubs of the family tequila. The stem is round and straight, the leaf is slender, the new leaf elongates upward, and the old leaf hangs. The leaves are green in the middle and purplish red stripes on the edges. Sex like high temperature and humidity, but also resistant to drought, shade, simple water culture, fashionable appearance.

Brazil wood, a common hydroponic plant

The scientific name Xianglong blood tree, alias Brazilian iron tree, is a plant of the genus Liliaceae. Evergreen tree with neat plant shape and erect stem. The leaf cluster is born at the top of the stem, 40-90 cm long and 6-10 cm wide, the tip is slightly obtuse, curved into a bow, with bright yellow or milky stripes; the leaf margin is bright green, undulating and glossy. The flowers are small. Yellowish green, fragrant. The sex likes the environment with sufficient light, high temperature, high humidity, shade and dryness, and grows well in the bright scattered light and the dry environment of the northern bedroom. Brazilian wood is mostly propagated by cutting. As long as the temperature and other conditions are suitable, Brazilian wood can grow all the year round. it is a beautiful, regular and world-famous new generation of indoor foliage plants. In recent years, its hydroponic variety has developed rapidly, as long as it can grow normally with enough slow-release fertilizer, and it can be rotated in the living room, study and living room, with elegant style, simple style and strong appreciation.

Gerbera jamesonii, a common aquatic plant

Compositae perennial root herbs, large flower diameter, rich flowers and colors, often blooming all the year round. Like warm, sunny and well-ventilated environment, is a semi-cold-resistant flowers, like fertile and loose. African chrysanthemum is a good variety of cut flowers, which can be cultivated in water for a long time, highly ornamental, and good at absorbing formaldehyde.

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