
Maintenance skills of water tower flowers

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Winter heat preservation should be kept in the greenhouse in winter, 5-10 ℃ can survive the winter safely, and about 15 ℃ will grow well. When cultivating in the family, the potted plants should be placed indoors in the south-facing window during the day to fully accept the sunlight; in the evening, the plants should be moved away from the doors and windows to prevent freezing. Turning the basin in spring can be carried out in April.

Winter heat preservation

Keep it in the greenhouse in winter, 5-10 ℃ can survive the winter safely, and grow well at about 15 ℃. When cultivating in the family, the potted plants should be placed indoors in the south-facing window during the day to fully accept the sunlight; in the evening, the plants should be moved away from the doors and windows to prevent freezing.

Turn the basin in spring

The basin can be turned over and changed in April, and the basin soil should be made of peat soil with good drainage performance and acid. After turning the basin, it is moved under the outdoor shade shed to spend the summer, often maintaining a high air humidity.

Summer heat prevention

When the plant is more than 30 ℃ in summer, the plant will be in a semi-dormant state, so it should be placed under the shade to avoid strong sunlight, and water should be often sprayed to the ground to increase air humidity and play a role in preventing heat and cooling.

Fertilizer and water management

The mature cake fertilizer and water were applied once a week in spring and autumn, and the flower color could be brightened by applying phosphate fertilizer twice before flowering in autumn. Fertilizer application should be stopped in heavy summer days and severe winter. The basin soil is often moist, and often maintains a high air humidity, but avoid excessive wetness and stagnant water in the basin to prevent rotting roots, resulting in the death of the whole plant.

The culture method of water tower flower teaches you six culture skills.

The water tower flower is one of the household green plant varieties introduced in recent years, and it is a kind of indoor ornamental plant with beautiful flowers and leaves. Is it difficult to feed it? Let's take a look at the main points of the cultivation of water tower flowers:

Basic information about the water tower flower:

Billbergia pyramidalis, alias Flame pineapple, Bierjianya, red algae pineapple, flume pineapple, red pen pineapple, belongs to pineapple family, water tower flower genus, perennial evergreen herbaceous plant, introduced and cultivated in China in recent years, it is a good indoor foliage plant.

The water tower flower leaves are broadly lanceolate, acute, with serrulate, hard leathery and bright green edges, with thick horny layers and absorbing scales on the surface. The leaves are rotated and tufted from the rhizome, rosette at the base and barrel at the center. The leaf tube can hold water without leakage, shaped like a water tower, so it is named "Water Tower Flower". Spikes erect, taller than leaves, bracts pink, Corolla scarlet, petals revolute, margin purplish, more than blooming in winter and spring.

The culture method of water tower flower:

1. Soil: the growth of water tower flower does not require high soil quality, and it is better to use slightly acidic sandy loam with rich humus and good drainage and ventilation, but avoid calcareous soil.

2. Sunshine: the water tower flower lives mainly in the shade of the bushes or in the northwest of the hillside, and can accept part of the intermittent direct sunlight every day. So if it is maintained in direct sunlight in summer, it will grow very slowly or enter a semi-dormant state, and the leaves will slowly turn yellow and fall off due to burns, so pay attention to cover 50% of the sun. In other seasons, because the temperature is not very high, the water tower flower can be given direct sunlight to facilitate its photosynthesis and the formation of flower buds and flowering.

3, temperature: water tower flower originated in tropical or subtropical regions, like high temperature and high humidity environment, so the most suitable growth temperature is 18: 30 ℃, when the summer temperature is above 35 ℃, but the growth will be temporarily hindered, but the winter temperature below 3: 6 ℃ can not safely survive the winter.

4. Moisture: the water tower flower environment needs more water during the peak growth period, but the basin soil should not be too wet. In addition to watering to keep the soil moist, the central tube of the water tower flower plant can also be filled with water. Watering less in winter, do not add a lot of water to the central tube, keep it moist; usually spray water around the plant to maintain high environmental humidity, and often scrub the leaf surface with a soft cloth to keep the leaf surface bright and clean.

5. Fertilization: there are many requirements for fertilizer and water, but they are most afraid of random fertilization, concentrated fertilizer and partial application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizer. It is required to follow the principle of "frequent application of light fertilizer, less and more times, and complete nutrition".

6. insect pests: there are mainly leaf spot disease and virus disease. Leaf spot disease was sprayed with 1000 times of topiramine wettable powder; virus disease was sprayed with 20% morphine hydrochloride copper wettable powder, once a week, 2 or 3 times in a row.

The water tower flower is a relatively new indoor plant, which can blossom and is an indoor ornamental flower. The water tower flower is a good product for decorating balconies and halls, but there is more water on it, so it is easy to attract mosquitoes, so you should consider it when you choose.

How to maintain the colorful Red Star cultivation and maintenance of colorful Red Star

Colorful red stars are perennial herbs and wet pineapples. Indoor maintenance of potted colorful red stars should be placed in bright places, such as flower racks, tables, cabinets and coffee tables. Below we have a detailed understanding of how to maintain the colorful red stars, the cultivation and maintenance points of the colorful red stars.

Introduction of colorful red stars

Colorful red stars are native to the Andes in South America, near the tropics. Warm and humid environment, bright scattered light is beneficial to growth and flowering. Loam with loose, good drainage and humus is used, and the humidity in winter is not less than 10 ℃. Colorful red stars are wet gas pineapples, like bright light, but do not place them in strong light in summer to avoid leaf burns. The light should not be too dark, otherwise it will affect the full performance of the color. The overwintering temperature should be above 5 ℃.

Colorful red star indoor maintenance should be placed in a place with bright light, which is an excellent material placed on flower racks, tables, cabinets and coffee tables.

1. Morphological characteristics

Colorful red star potted plant, plant height of about 30 cm, crown width of 80 cm. The leaf blade is linear, the base is broad, light green, the leaf is 60 cm long, 5 cm wide. It blossoms only once in spring, and the flower stem is often more than 20 cm higher than the foliage. The flower stem, bracts and several leaves near the base of the flower stem are dark red for a long time, and the ornamental period can be up to 2 months.

2. Ecological habits

The colorful red star likes the warm and humid environment, and the bright scattered light is beneficial to the growth and flowering. The loam with loose, good drainage and humus is used in the soil, and the humidity is not less than 10 ℃ in winter.

The colorful red star is a perennial herb and a wet aerial pineapple. Like bright light, but avoid exposure to strong light in summer to avoid leaf burns. The light should not be too dark, otherwise it will affect the full performance of the color. The overwintering temperature should be above 5 ℃.

How to maintain the colorful red stars

First, the cultivation techniques of colorful red stars

1. Cultivation

Colorful red star potted plants are suitable for indoor windowsill or balcony maintenance to keep the pot soil moist throughout the year. There is no shortage of water in the rosette-shaped leaf tube, and the water quality is kept clean. Fertilization is applied once a month during the growing period, and there should be more sunshine on the south windowsill for indoor cultivation in winter.

2. Matrix preparation

Colorful Red Star uses imported peat with loose, draining and ventilating specifications of 10-30mm, smash the peat and mix well with water. (standard of adding water: after mixing well with water, hold a handful of peat tightly and the water seeps from the fingers) to be planted in the cup. The peat consumption in each basin of the 9cm basin is about 250ml, and a packet of 300L imported peat can hold about 1200 cups.

2. Culture methods

Hongxing pineapple is suitable for the growth of loose, fertile and humic acid soil. For family cultivation, you can find a container such as a small bucket or flowerpot, put the peeled fruit or rotten vegetable leaves picked in the kitchen into the leftover tea and rice, add 2/3 of the sand and seal it with a plastic bag for about a month. It can become a very good humus soil, and the nutrients of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are very high, which can promote the root system of Hongxing pineapple to develop, and the leaves are green and bright. Peat wood can also be mixed with fine sand at 2:1, which is called culture soil.

Generally speaking, red star pineapple blossoms in winter and requires adequate fertilizer. Thin organic liquid fertilizers such as bean cakes and sesame sauce dregs are usually used every two weeks (with a concentration of 20%), or soy beans or fermented rice panning water can be used. It is also necessary to apply a small amount of foliar fertilizer to the vane every 1 or 2 weeks, such as spraying Shibao, according to the instructions on the use of foliar fertilizer and the growth of flowers. If the water and fertilizer are well mastered, the flowers of Hongxing pineapple can bloom until June of the following year, with bright colors and bright leaves.

1. Temperature: pineapple originates from tropical South America, likes warmth, and the suitable temperature for growth is 16-24 ℃; it grows slowly below 13 ℃, and the lowest temperature in winter must not be lower than 10 ℃, otherwise it will cause freezing damage to the plant, yellowing the leaf color and affecting the healthy growth of the plant. Never have a large temperature difference between day and night.

2. Illumination: in order to make the pineapple leaves bright and blossom on time, light is very important and should be placed in a semi-overcast ventilated place and nurtured with scattered light. Summer sunlight should not be direct, strong light is easy to burn the leaves, the emergence of miscellaneous spots. But do not leave it in the shade for a long time, otherwise the leaves will lose their luster and become shallower and lighter. There should be at least 4 to 5 hours of direct sunlight every day in winter.

3. Soil: pineapple is suitable for loose, fertile and humus soil. In family cultivation, peat soil can be mixed with 2 parts of peat soil and 1 part of fine sand to prepare culture soil.

4. Watering and fertilizer: the root of pineapple is extremely underdeveloped, and the absorption of water and nutrients mainly depends on leaves. The basal leaves of pineapple are closely arranged in lotus-shaped tubes, and some of the centers are cup-shaped to store water without leakage, so it is necessary to keep the center and leaves moist during cultivation and management. There is usually no watering on cloudy and rainy days.

It is best to spray water on the leaves once a day to remove dust and make the leaves bright. at the same time, it is also conducive to photosynthesis and promote the healthy growth of plants. Pineapples bloom in winter and require adequate fertilizer. Thin organic liquid fertilizers such as bean cakes and sesame sauce dregs are usually used every two weeks (with a concentration of 20%), or soy beans or fermented rice panning water can be used. It is also necessary to apply a small amount of foliar fertilizer to the vane every 1 or 2 weeks, such as spraying Shibao, according to the instructions on the use of foliar fertilizer and the growth of flowers.

Third, maintenance skills

As a fine product of the pineapple family, the culture method of the red star pineapple can not be separated from the culture method of the pineapple family, for example, it should be placed in the semi-shade, take scattered light cultivation and so on.

1. Hua Mei is indeed more delicate. In the case of dry, muggy or low temperature, the leaf edge and tip of Hongxing pineapple are easy to scorch, so to keep the basin soil moist, you can spray water on the leaf surface 1-2 times a day, and the cup-shaped part in the middle of the leaf seat can be filled with water. But remember not to water too frequently. Water should be watered in the middle cup shape, not directly in the flowerpot. At the same time, pay attention to the cup shape in the middle, feel the water inside to control the amount of water, and the water should be clean.

2. It is worth noting that the root system of Hongxing pineapple is underdeveloped, only small and short roots, so do not apply too much fertilizer to prevent root rot, leaves yellowing, should be raised with thin fertilizer and water. There is no need to apply fertilizer during flowering, but cut off the flowers and replenish the fertilizer in time after flowering. The suitable growth temperature is 21-28 ℃ in daytime and 18-21 ℃ at night, and the highest temperature can not exceed 35 ℃.

3. Red star pineapples have to pay attention to different maintenance all the year round. In winter and spring, we should pay attention to the change of temperature. Once the temperature is lower than 10 ℃, we should put on transparent plastic bags in time to reduce the stimulation of cold and open the plastic bags in time when the temperature rises. The summer sun is in the sky, and the ornamental pineapples should avoid direct sunlight so as not to be burned. The sunshine in autumn is shortened, but the sun is still strong. It is still necessary to maintain semi-overcast and avoid direct sunlight. More sunshine can be given after autumn is cool, while keeping the humidity in the air above 50%. As for the inflorescence extracted in winter and spring, after a half-year viewing period, it has gradually faded, and it can be cut off to reduce the consumption of nutrients to facilitate the growth of lateral buds. When the lateral teeth are up to 10 cm long, the lateral teeth can be cut with a knife and planted in a small basin with a diameter of 9 cm to reproduce. Under the condition of maintaining ventilation, proper light and proper watering, good luck can generally grow well.

Reproduction mode and pest prevention of colorful red stars

I. the mode of reproduction: the method of dividing plants.

In the daily management of multicolored red star ramets, water management is particularly important. It needs to be watered every day in summer. Continuous moisture in the cup formed by the leaf base should be ensured, but it should be properly controlled in winter. The cultivated soil should be mixed with peat soil and fern to facilitate aeration and water penetration.

II. Disease prevention and control

The colorful red star is mainly harmful to leaf spot, which can be sprayed with 100x Bordeaux solution or 1000 times carbendazim wettable powder.

Variety classification of colorful red stars

Colorful red stars are divided into bottle bud pineapple, concentric leaf pineapple, fireball pineapple, tricolor pineapple, beautiful pineapple, stone pattern pineapple, all-sided beautiful shy pineapple, Mei's beautiful shy pineapple.

1. Bottle bud colorful leaf pineapple

It is a common cultivated species of the same genus. The plant is shorter. The leaves are dark green, with brown markings, and the leaf tube is about 15 cm high. There are short inflorescences in the leaf tube, florets, blue.

two。 Concentric coloured leaf pineapple

It is a common cultivated species of the same genus. The leaf is about 30 cm long and 10 cm wide, with short black thorns on the edge, purple spots on the green leaves, light green on the back and silver-gray stripes on the back. The leaves in the central part turn purplish red when they bloom. Inflorescences short, inserted in leaf tube, with blue miniaturization.

3. Fireball colored leaf pineapple

It is a cultivated variety of concentric color leaf pineapple, with almost all the leaves turning purplish red and light green on the back. Other characters are similar to those of concentric pineapple.

4. Three-color leaf pineapple

Alias tricolor beautiful shy pineapple, colorful pineapple. It is a variety of colorful pineapple. The plant height is 25 cm. The leaves are clustered and form a cup at the bottom, which can store water in the cup. The leaves are wide and short, the leaf margin is serrated, the central leaf has pink patches, and the center of the green leaf has yellow-white wide longitudinal stripes. When blooming, the base of the cup-shaped leaf turns red, making it the most popular foliage flower in recent years. Have a certain cold tolerance, more than 4 ℃ can survive the winter.

5. Beautiful colorful pineapple

Alias Yanmei leaf pineapple, beautiful water tower flower, shy pineapple, western evergreen. It is a common cultivated species of the same genus. The leaf tip is red plaque, the leaf is green, with gray horizontal stripes, the back of the leaf is white and powdery, and the leaf base is purplish.

6. Stone grain colorful pineapple

Alias shyness pineapple. It is a common cultivated species of the same genus. The plant height is 20-25 cm. Leaves banded, yellowish green, about 50 cm long, with purple-brown spots, similar to marbling.

7. Beautiful and shy pineapple on all sides

Alias Phnom Penh colorful. It is a cultivated variety of colorful pineapple. The newly introduced variety is the most popular variety among Guanye pineapple. The plant height is 18-20 cm, the leaves are tufted, radiate, the clump diameter is about 40 cm. Leaf blade thick, hard, leathery, green, glossy, leaf margin and leaf blade center with yellow-white longitudinal stripes. The leaves are 2U-25 cm long and 4-4.5cm wide. The base of the leaf gradually turns pink when it blossoms. It has strong cold tolerance and can survive the winter when it is more than 4 ℃.

8. Mei's beautiful and shy pineapple

Alias colorful red star, Mei's colorful leaf pineapple. It is a cultivated variety of colorful pineapple. Recently introduced, long florescence, sustainable ornamental for about 1 year, plant height 20-25 cm. The leaves are 23-25 cm long and 5 cm wide. It is characterized by the red base of leaves before flowering, which is extremely beautiful and moving. The indoor temperature should be kept above 5 ℃ in winter.