
Cautions for breeding colored calla lily

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, 1. Soil covering: The fibrous roots of colored post-lotus grow at the leaf base. If the soil covering is not deep enough, it is easy to have roots growing out of the ground and dehydration death in the later stage. Therefore, the color post-lotus is generally planted, and the soil covering should have at least the depth of one seed ball. However, the colored calla lily is afraid of waterlogging, and it is easy to control the moisture and cause the rotten ball if the ball is buried too deep.

1. Covering soil:

The whisker roots of colored calla lilies grow at the leaf base, and if the soil cover is not deep enough, it is easy for the roots to grow out of the soil and die of dehydration, so it is common to grow colored calla lilies and cover the soil with at least one seed ball depth. However, colored calla lilies are afraid of waterlogging, and if the ball is buried too deep, it is easy to control the moisture and cause rotten balls, so it is recommended that flower friends cover the soil by about four centimeters. If the roots are found to grow out of the soil in the later stage, add some soil to cover the roots. If the soil cover is too shallow, it will cause the roots to grow out of the soil, so just add some more soil at this time.

2. Compound flowers:

The natural flowering of colored calla lilies is in spring, but it can be planted in four seasons as long as the temperature is right. It will blossom a little faster in spring because of suitable temperature (usually blossom 1-2 months after planting bulbs) and lower temperature in autumn. Flowering will be delayed for a period of time (2-3 months after planting).

The colorful calla lilies planted in autumn will blossom in winter, cut off the scape after the flowers are withered, water them normally and replenish fertilizers properly, until the leaves are gradually withered and yellow, and control water after withering, and enter the dormancy period after withering completely. At this time, stop water and fertilizer. After the pot soil is dry, the bulbs can be dug up, the bulbs can be stored in a cool, dry and ventilated place, or they can be stored directly in the soil, and they can germinate again next spring. It is recommended to keep the pilling so that the budding of the bud can be observed in spring and can be planted and watered immediately after the budding is found.

Due to the high winter temperature in South China, calla lilies may not be dormant, but can be forced to dormancy by controlling water and cutting off water, which is beneficial to the effect of compound flowers.

The above is about the breeding methods and matters needing attention of colored calla lilies. Let's take a look at the breeding methods of colored calla lilies.

What is the culture method of colored calla lilies? What are the matters needing attention in the culture of colored calla lilies

The growth habit of colored calla lotus is not only afraid of cold, but also afraid of heat and high temperature. in the high temperature season, the aboveground part withered, the underground part of the rhizome entered dormancy, and calla lilies mostly dormant in low temperature in winter. If the temperature is suitable, it can blossom year-round, but the bulb planted after dormancy blossoms luxuriantly. The flowering period of greenhouse cultivation in the north is from November to May of the following year. The cut flowers are water-resistant and have a viewing period of 15-20 days in winter and 7-10 days in summer. Require loose, well-drained, fertile or slightly sticky soil. What is the color calla culture method? 1. Soil: the basin soil for calla culture is suitable to choose sandy acid soil with good ventilation and drainage, and the bottom layer of basin soil had better be covered with a layer of coarse sand which is beneficial to the growth of calla. With 1/3 of the garden soil and rotten leaves. And add a small amount of organic fertilizer. It is best to choose shallow pots for planting calla lilies. Culture method of colored calla 2. Temperature: calla lilies prefer a semi-overcast environment and avoid being placed in strong light. The optimum temperature for the growth of calla lilies is 22-30 degrees. When the temperature is below 20 degrees, the growth rate of horseshoes will slow down. It may even stop growing. Calla lilies like a warm, humid environment, so pay special attention to keeping calla lilies warm during the winter. Color calla culture method 3. Watering: calla lilies are similar to other potted plants. Watering calla lilies needs to be watered according to the dryness of the basin soil. Take a look at the soil before watering. Usually, you can spray water on the surface of the basin soil and flowers to keep the basin soil moist. During the growth period, like sufficient water, should often sprinkle water to the leaf surface, the ground, and pay attention to the leaf surface clean. Color calla culture method 4, fertilization: phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is suitable for calla lotus fertilizer, fertile soil is conducive to the growth of calla lotus, so it is necessary to apply thin fertilizer frequently to ensure that there are enough nutrients in the basin soil. Flower owners who want to keep the seed suggest spraying calla lotus with potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution with a concentration of 0.1% to 0.2% every 10 days after calla fruit. Color calla culture method 5. Illumination: calla lilies prefer a warm and shady environment in the process of growth, but it should be noted that calla lilies in different growth periods have different requirements for light. Calla lilies are more shady when they are in the growth stage. When it is in the period of vigorous growth, it needs abundant light conditions.

Color calla culture method 6. Disease prevention: when calla is poorly ventilated in the growing season, it is most prone to aphids. When insect pests occur, 40% omethoate emulsion 1500-2000 times can be sprayed for control, and attention should be paid to improving ventilation conditions.

What are the matters needing attention in the culture of colored calla lilies 1. Pay attention to the right amount of fertilization: during the growing period, the horseshoe should be fertilized every 20 days, and the rotten bean cake water should be used as fertilizer. Thin fertilizer should be applied in the peak growing season, once every 10 days. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer solution was applied to calla lilies. Be sure to avoid pouring fertilizer and water into the leaf sheath, which will cause calla lilies to rot. Less fertilization may cause malnutrition and yellowing of leaves, and too much fertilizer will also cause yellow leaves of calla lilies. Clean them with clean water after fertilization. Matters needing attention in the cultivation of colored calla 2. Pay attention to the planting season: calla enters a dormant period from June to July, when the bulbs around mature plants can be removed to cultivate new potted plants. The most suitable season for breeding is from August to September. Ramet reproduction must be in autumn, otherwise it is very difficult to blossom in that year, that is, flowering, flowering is also late. Matters needing attention in color calla culture 3. When to blossom: February to April is the flowering season of calla lilies. Pay attention to giving enough light in order to produce pure healthy flowers. If the temperature is suitable, it can blossom year-round, but the bulbs planted after dormancy bloom luxuriantly. The flowering period of greenhouse cultivation in the north is from November to May of the following year. The cut flowers are water-resistant and have a viewing period of 15-20 days in winter and 7-10 days in summer. Matters needing attention in color calla culture 4. Management of dormant period: after flowering, calla will enter dormancy period, at this time, the amount of water should be reduced, especially after May, the plant begins to wither and yellow, and the room should pay attention to ventilation and keep dry to prevent tuber from rotting. When the plant is completely dormant, the tubers can be taken out, dried and stored, and then planted in autumn. Matters needing attention in color calla culture 5. Toxicity of calla: calla lotus is poisonous and contains a large number of herbal calcium crystals and alkaloids. Accidental eating will cause toxic symptoms such as drowsiness. This species is a non-toxic plant included in the Chinese plant atlas database. Its toxicity is that tubers, bracts and fleshy inflorescences are poisonous, and chewing a small tuber can cause tongue and throat swelling. Matters needing attention in the culture of colored calla 6. Update the old leaves in a timely manner:

In the period of vigorous growth and flowering, if the leaves are too luxuriant and crowded, the old leaves that have been drawn from the flower stem should be stripped off in time and cut off from the base, in order to avoid excessive leaves affecting light and ventilation, promote the growth of the flower stem and increase the yield. If there are not many old leaves, but the new leaves are too exuberant, the internal ventilation is poor, and the flower stems are less, we can also carry out leaf pulling treatment and gently press the leaves around to make the plants develop, so that the flower yield can be increased by combining reasonable measures of water and fertilizer.

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How to cultivate colorful calla lilies the culture methods and matters needing attention of colored calla lilies

Colored calla lilies are a kind of calla lilies. How to raise them? What I will introduce to you today is the culture methods and matters needing attention of colored calla lilies.

Culture methods of colored calla lilies:

1. Temperature: the suitable temperature for the growth of colored calla lilies is 15 ℃-25 ℃, and the daytime temperature during flowering should be 16 ℃-19 ℃. If the temperature is higher than 25 ℃ or lower than 5 ℃, colored calla plants will be forced to go into dormancy. The flowering period of colored calla is mainly affected by temperature and light, and the flowers can be supplied year-round by controlling temperature and light.

2. Soil: the sandy soil with good drainage condition, rich in organic matter and pH value of about 7 should be selected for culturing colored calla, and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and a large amount of mature organic fertilizer should be applied.

3. Lighting: colorful calla lilies like the sun. They need plenty of light in winter and avoid direct sunlight in summer.

4. Watering: breeding colored horseshoes prefer a sunny and warm and humid environment, not resistant to cold and drought, and generally should be wet at the initial stage of growth. After the calla lily plants bloom, the amount of water should be gradually reduced, and when the leaves turn yellow and wilt, the watering should be stopped completely.

5. Fertilization: in the growing season of colored calla, thin liquid fertilizer is applied every half a month, and when the flower is extracted, it should be increased to once a week until the end of the flowering period of colored calla.

Points for attention in the culture of colored calla lilies:

After the flower fade of the colored calla lotus plant, the amount of water should be gradually reduced, moved outdoors in late April, placed in a slightly shaded place for maintenance, watered once a day, and sprinkled water on the ground near the flowerpot to increase air humidity.

After June, the leaves of colored calla lilies gradually withered and yellow into the dormant period, when it is necessary to cut off the dead leaves, control watering, stop fertilization, move the flowerpot to a ventilated and cool place, and promote the colored calla lilies to enter the dormancy period.

When the weather turns cool in autumn, the colored calla lotus tubers are poured out of the flowerpot, the large tubers are taken out, and the colored calla lilies are replanted with fresh and fertile culture soil. When the tubers sprout leaves, gradually increase the amount of water, and restore fertilization at the same time, so that calla lilies can continue to bloom.