
Causes of yellowing of velvet bamboo taro leaves

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Temperature Velvet Taro likes warm and humid environment, the suitable temperature for growth is 20-28 ℃. Too high temperature or too dry air will make velvet taro leaves curl, shrink and turn yellow. Velvet taro is a shade-loving plant. You should pay attention to shading when breeding and avoid exposure to the scorching sun.


Velvet taro likes warm and humid environment, and the suitable temperature for growth is 20-28 ℃. Too high temperature or too dry air will make velvet taro leaves curl, shrink and turn yellow.


Velvet taro is a shade-loving plant. When breeding, you should pay attention to shading and avoid exposure to the scorching sun. If the direct sunlight will burn the leaves of velvet taro, the edge of the leaves will be partially scorched, the new leaves will stop growing, and the leaves will turn yellow.


Velvet bamboo taro has been in the environment of high temperature, humidity and poor ventilation for a long time, which will make the plant grow weaker and prone to leaf blight. Generally, the infection starts from the leaf edge and leaf tip, and the disease spot is irregular, reddish brown to grayish brown, and the disease is serious in the lower leaves of the plant.

When you encounter the yellowing of velvet taro leaves, you should know how to deal with it, do you know what are the uses of velvet taro? Let's get to know it.

What to do about the yellow and drooping leaves of velvet bamboo taro (with solution) the reason for the yellow drooping of velvet bamboo taro leaves

Velvet taro can be seen in many places in our country at present, and it is a common plant. Because of its high ornamental value, it is deeply loved by consumers and bought. However, many people after buying home, because of improper maintenance, there is the phenomenon of yellowing leaves, in fact, there is a trick to avoid.

What if the leaves of velvet bamboo taro turn yellow and droop (with solution)

1. Maintenance. Basically, for the yellowing and drooping phenomenon of velvet taro, it is mainly prevention, and there are several key points that need to be paid attention to in the maintenance process. First of all, it is best to give priority to semi-overcast lighting to avoid direct sunlight. Water and fertilizer are also very important. in summer, to keep the basin soil moist, you can spray more water, and watering should be controlled in winter. If you apply fertilizer, it is better to apply it every half a month during the growth period, which should be rich in elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

2. Trim. If the leaves of velvet taro have become yellow and drooping, they need to be trimmed at this time. Spray the leaves of velvet taro with water first, which is beneficial to pruning and can avoid more damage during pruning. Trim the yellow and drooping leaves by trimming the scorched parts of the leaves with scissors, without leaving a yellow edge, so that the leaves look green. The movement should be as gentle as possible when pruning to avoid causing more damage to the leaves.

The reason for the yellow and drooping leaves of velvet bamboo taro

1. There is little water in summer. Velvet taro likes to grow in a humid environment, and it is relatively dry in summer. if the water is not sufficient or the air is relatively dry, it is easy for velvet taro to have a scorched edge because of insufficient water supply in the maintenance process.

2. There is more low temperature water in winter. In winter, the temperature is relatively low, it is easy to cause velvet taro scorched edge, if too much watering at this time, serious will lead to velvet taro root rot.

3. Improper fertilization. Improper fertilization can also cause the scorched edge of velvet taro leaves to curl, mainly refers to too much or too little fertilization. If you fertilize too much, it will cause root burning, leaves will appear scorched edge curling phenomenon, too little fertilization, will make velvet taro lack of some growth elements, the emergence of scorched edge.

4. The sun shines directly. Direct sunlight is not suitable for velvet taro, because too much light can burn and scorch the leaves of velvet taro.

What are the main diseases of velvet taro?

1. Leaf blight. Leaf blight can dry up a large area of leaves. At the beginning of the disease, there were small red fold spots on the leaves, and then they soon expanded into a circle, and the disease spots showed a light brown water stain. In the later stage, the edge of the lesion turns reddish brown, and if left untreated, it can quickly make half of the leaves or even the whole leaf die.

2. Anthrax. Air humidity requirements between 75-90%, low air humidity will appear rolling leaves, dead leaves, coke edge phenomenon, this is anthrax.

3. Leaf spot. Generally, the infection starts from the leaf edge and leaf tip, and the disease spot is irregular, reddish brown to grayish brown, and the disease is serious in the lower leaves of the plant.

Control methods of Velvet Taro Diseases

1. Leaf blight. Prevention and treatment methods: when the disease occurs, turn the basin in time, cut off the rotten roots of diseased leaves, soak in methyl thiophanate solution for 15 minutes, change to aseptic plant cultivation after drying, and then use chlorothalonil (also known as Dakening) 75% wettable powder, mixed with water 600-800 times. Spray once every 7-10 days, spray three times in a row, can effectively subdue leaf blight.

2. Anthrax. Prevention and control methods: need to foliar spray carbendazim, methyl thiophanate and other internal absorption of wettable powder 800 murine powder solution for prevention and control. This kind of fungicide can also be used to dilute 500-600 times the liquid to irrigate basin soil. In the future, pay attention to spraying water to the foliar surface or growing environment to increase air humidity and reduce the occurrence of anthrax. It is best to choose pure water or Rain Water. Tap water must be dried for about 2-3 days before it can be irrigated. Fertilization should be based on the principle of frequent application of light fertilizer, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, and it is best to choose fully water-soluble fertilizer, such as' Huaduoduo 'and other special fertilizer for soilless cultivation.

3. Leaf spot. Prevention and control method: spray with lime equivalent Bordeaux solution.

The yellowing of velvet taro leaves is generally caused by fertilizer and water or light, so we need to pay more attention to these aspects in the process of breeding. Velvet taro is also susceptible to disease transmission, so disease prevention and control is also an important factor to ensure its growth.

Culture method of velvet taro what to do about the yellowing of velvet taro leaves

Velvet taro, also known as flower leaf taro, the leaves are furry, with zebra-shaped dark green stripes, rich in luster. How do you raise velvet taro that day? What if the leaves of velvet taro turn yellow? Let's learn about it next.

I. Culture method of velvet taro

1. Temperature: velvet bamboo taro likes warm and humid environment, is not resistant to cold, and is afraid of drying. The culture temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃ in winter and 35 ℃ in summer, otherwise it is very disadvantageous to the growth of velvet taro.

2. Watering: velvet taro is very sensitive to water. During the growing season, the basin should be fully watered to keep the basin soil moist. But do not water too much, the soil is too wet, will cause root rot, or even death. In addition, if the air humidity is small, the leaves of velvet taro will immediately become curly, so we should pay attention to maintain appropriate humidity during cultivation, especially at high temperature to spray water to the leaves to increase air humidity.

3. Lighting: velvet taro likes semi-overcast environment and avoids strong light exposure. Therefore, when raising velvet taro, the light should not be too strong, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow and curl up, but it is not good to put velvet taro in a completely shaded environment for a long time, which will affect the photosynthesis of velvet taro, thus affecting its normal growth.

4. Fertilization: during the vigorous growth period of velvet taro, liquid fertilizer can be applied every 1-2 weeks, and phosphate fertilizer can be applied 1-2 times properly to maintain the luster of leaves. Plants with low temperature in winter grow slowly or enter a dormant period, so fertilizing should be stopped and watering should be controlled.

5. Diseases and insect pests: velvet taro is easy to suffer from leaf blight, leaf spot, whitefly, red spider and shell insect, so we should pay attention to observation when breeding and treat the disease in time after discovery.

6. Change the basin: when raising velvet taro in pots, the pots should be changed every May. It is mainly to cut off part of the old roots and add new soil for planting. If the plant is larger, it can be planted in a larger pot or ramet, watered thoroughly after planting and cultivated in a semi-shady place. Pot soil should be mixed with rotten leaf soil with good drainage and river sand, and a small amount of bone powder should be added to the bottom of the basin as base fertilizer. Do not use sticky soil pot planting, pot depth to not expose the root is appropriate.

7. Reproduction: velvet taro is mainly propagated by individual plants, and the best time is after soil thawing in early spring (February and March). Ramets should not be too small, so as not to affect the growth of new plants. After potted, the moisture of the new plant should be controlled and maintained in a semi-shady place, and the new root should be fully irrigated after the new root is sent out.

2. What if the leaves of velvet taro turn yellow

1. Temperature: velvet bamboo taro likes warm and humid environment, and the suitable temperature for growth is 20-28 ℃. Too high temperature or too dry air will make velvet taro leaves curl, shrink and scorch edge. So let it grow at the right temperature.

2. Sunshine: velvet taro is a shade-loving plant, so you should pay attention to shading and avoid the scorching sun when breeding. If direct sunlight will burn the leaves of velvet taro, the edge of the leaves will be partially scorched, the new leaves will stop growing and the leaf color will turn yellow.

3. Disease: velvet bamboo taro is in the environment of high temperature, humidity and poor ventilation for a long time, which will make the plant grow weaker and prone to leaf blight. Generally, infection occurs from leaf edge and leaf tip, and the disease spot is irregular from small to large, reddish brown to grayish brown, and the disease is serious in the lower leaves of the plant. The main diseases and insect pests are leaf spot disease and leaf blight, which are sprayed with lime Bordeaux solution. The insect pest is harmful to whitefly and is sprayed with 1000 times of imidophos EC.

The above is the introduction of velvet taro culture methods and how to yellowed velvet taro leaves. Velvet taro potted plants are suitable for family, hotel and public decoration, and are often used for flower arrangement.