
Hydroponic Culture skills of Xianglong Blood Tree

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, 1. The fragrant dragon blood tree is a plant in the tropics, and it can withstand an overly dry environment. When watering every day, you should not water too much, or it will lead to the rot of the fragrant dragon blood tree. It can be watered once every 10 days after it has been watered thoroughly.

1. Water quantity

Xianglong blood tree is a tropical plant, it can withstand too dry environment. When watering every day, you should not water too much, or it will lead to the rot of the fragrant dragon blood tree. Water can be watered once every 10 days after being thoroughly watered.

2. Watering according to the actual situation

As everyone breeds Xianglong blood tree in a different environment, so there is no prescribed watering time, so watering itself is an irregular thing. We should always observe the condition of the soil. If it is too dry, we can water it less, and if it is too wet, we can stop watering temporarily.

3. Water quality of watering

Not only the fragrant dragon blood tree, all plants are not recommended to water directly with tap water, tap water is also known as "hard water". Watering plants with hard water for a long time can easily cause plants to turn yellow and their leaves fall off. Well water or rice washing water can be used instead of tap water to water plants.

4. Overwintering watering

The fragrant dragon blood tree hibernates in winter. Hibernating will not absorb a large amount of water, so it is necessary to control the amount of water. Water can be watered more than ten days to keep the soil in a relatively dry state, so that it can safely hibernate.

Now you know how the fragrant dragon blood tree is watered. In fact, the fragrant dragon blood tree can also be hydroponically cultivated. Let's learn how to hydroponically cultivate the fragrant dragon blood tree.

What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Dragon Blood Tree?

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The green leaves of the dragon blood tree can not only decorate the interior well, but also play an important role in air purification. The bright green plants make people feel happy to look at them. Therefore, the home is not without the decoration of green plants. Dragon blood tree is a common foliage plant with beautiful and regular plant shape and colorful leaves. It is an excellent foliage plant for modern indoor decoration. Let's follow the editor to learn more about the dragon blood tree.

[introduction to Dragon Blood Tree] Dragon Blood Tree is also called horse mule sugarcane tree. Mainly like to grow in the tropics. Mainly in Africa and southern Asia. The shape of the dragon blood tree is very strong, and the leaves are colorful and beautiful. The plant type is beautiful and regular, and the leaf shape is colorful. It is an excellent plant for decorating the room. Can also secrete a kind of light fragrance, people call it the dragon blood tree, the stem of the dragon blood tree, can secrete the bright red resin, for it "dragon blood", the dragon blood tree's good name gets from this. [the culture method of dragon blood tree] number one: soil. Dragon blood tree likes loose, fertile, highly permeable sandy soil. An appropriate amount of organic fertilizer and ferrous sulfate can be added to the nutritious soil. This is more conducive to his growth. It can also be cultivated with a mixture of rotten leaf soil and some sandy soil. Second: watering. The dragon blood tree grows in the tropics, so its drought resistance is very good. Watering is not suitable for too much. Too much may cause tree trunk rot and root rot. In order to maintain normal moisture, you can water it every 10 days or so. Third: light. The dragon blood tree is not afraid of the sun. But it is still necessary to avoid the exposure of the hot summer sun. Dragon blood trees like warm, moist and sunny environments. In the case of sufficient light, its color will be more gorgeous, and the color will be more changeable. Fourth: temperature. The dragon blood tree is not resistant to cold. Although the temperature of its growing environment is about 15 ℃ in winter, the lowest temperature is 5: 10 ℃. If the temperature is too low, because the root system does not absorb enough water, there will be yellowish-brown patches on the leaf tip and leaf edge. Fifth: fertilization. The dragon blood tree should apply thin fertilizer, less nitrogen fertilizer and more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, but any plant can avoid applying too much nitrogen fertilizer, and the golden markings on the leaves of the dragon blood tree will not be obvious. it is a dormant period in winter to stop fertilization sixth: insect pests. The dragon blood tree has fewer diseases and insect pests. Being eroded by diseases and insect pests, insecticides can be sprayed on plant branches and then covered with plastic sheet to suffocate eggs or larvae. You can also peel off some of the bark, pick out pests, and then spray drugs to prevent spread.

[matters needing attention of the dragon blood tree] first: the dragon blood tree likes warmth, fears severe cold, likes light and fears scorching sun exposure, so it is most suitable to grow in a warm but not very hot environment. The three seasons of spring, summer and autumn are the exuberant season for the growth of dragon blood trees. During this period, there must be sufficient sunshine and moisture. Second: winter dormancy period to rest fertilization, control watering, generally overwintering indoors, can be watered every ten days and a half month, such as no sunlight for a long time, can be used to turn on the lights at night, artificial lighting can be carried out to ensure the beauty of the leaves. Conclusion: it is an excellent foliage plant for modern interior decoration, which can decorate the study, living room and bedroom. A good pot of dragon blood tree has a good effect on the layout of the environment, but it also takes skill to maintain a good dragon blood tree. I hope the above content can help you all.

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Technology of hydroponic flower culture

Soilless cultivation method of Rich Tree

The wealth tree posture is graceful, the leaf crown is majestic, the leaf color is emerald green, put in the family living room, both elegant and generous, but also lovable.

The rich tree is a perennial evergreen shrub, native to the Malay Peninsula and the Nanyang Islands. In recent years, through cultivation and breeding, it has widely entered the urban and rural families of our country. As a family cultivation, we should pay attention to the following four points according to their living habits of high temperature, humidity, frost and dryness:

One is to pay attention to the sunshine. The rich tree likes high temperature, humidity and sunlight, so it can't be shaded for a long time. Therefore, it should be placed in a sunny place indoors during maintenance and management. When placed, the leaves must be facing the sun. Otherwise, because the leaves tend to light, the whole branches and leaves will be distorted. In addition, spray water on the leaves every 3 to 5 days, which is not only conducive to photosynthesis, but also make the branches and leaves more beautiful.

Hydroponic Culture method of Catharanthus roseus

Apocynaceae Catharanthus roseus, also known as five-petal plum.

Biological characteristics: Catharanthus roseus is native to eastern Africa. Prefer a warm, slightly dry and sunny environment. The suitable temperature for growth is 18: 24 ℃ from March to July, 13: 18 ℃ from September to March of the following year, and the winter temperature is not lower than 10 ℃.

Catharanthus roseus avoid dampness and fear of waterlogging, basin soil watering should not be too much, too wet affects growth and development. In particular, indoor winter plants should be strictly controlled watering, it is better to dry, otherwise it is easy to freeze. Open field cultivation, midsummer showers, pay attention to timely drainage, so as not to cause the whole area to die by waterlogging.

Catharanthus roseus is a light-loving plant, there must be sufficient sunshine during the growing period, the leaves are green and shiny, and the flowers are bright. If you grow in the shade for a long time, the leaves will turn yellow and fall.

Suitable for fertile and well-drained loam, resistant to barren soil, but do not be alkaline. Clayey soil with hardening and poor ventilation results in poor growth of plants, yellowing leaves and no flowering.

Propagation methods: commonly used sowing, cutting and propagation.

Cultivation management: when the seedlings have 3 pairs of true leaves, they are transplanted to 10 cm pots, 3 plants in each pot. When the seedling is 7cm high, the heart is removed once, and then twice again, so as to promote more germination and branching and more flowering. Fertilize once every semimonthly during the growing period, or use the special fertilizer of "Huiyou" potted flowers with 15mur15Mu30. Potted plants or flower beds were planted in the basin, blooming from late May to early November for more than 5 months. Remove the residual flowers at any time during the flowering period so as not to affect the plant growth and ornamental value. The harvest period of Catharanthus roseus is from August to October, and it should be picked along with ripening so as not to lose the seeds.

Pest control: often harmed by leaf rot, rust and root wart nematodes. Leaf rot was sprayed with 65% Dysen zinc wettable powder 500 times. The rust was sprayed with 2000 times the solution of 50% verapamil wettable powder. Control of root wart nematode with 50-fold solution of 80% dibromochloropropane EC

The method of hydroponics in Caiyun Pavilion

Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae, also known as the triangular overlord whip. Originally from South Africa.


Caiyun Pavilion is a perennial succulent plant. The stem is erect, 3-angled and 4-angled, dark green, with gray-green irregular beautiful markings in the center of the stem. The edge has a dentate process, and there are Obovate leaves at the protuberance. There are many branches, all vertical upward, forming a unique plant shape. The whole plant contains repeated milk. Caiyun Pavilion, with its peculiar shape and exotic customs, is a good product for several tables of green decoration.


Caiyun Pavilion likes to be half overcast, but it requires sufficient scattered light. Can withstand a low temperature of 5 degrees. Caiyun cabinet likes to dry and avoid wetting for a long time, but it is very suitable for hydroponic conditions.


Caiyun Pavilion usually uses cutting to propagate. From May to September, about 10 cm of the branches of the mother plant were taken as cuttings for cutting. The cuttings cut should not be cut immediately, for immediate cutting will cause the rot of the cut and lead to the failure of cutting. Caiyun Pavilion cut will flow out of milk, cut should be dipped in plant ash or toner, and dry in the shade for several days, after the incision is fully dry before cutting, it is very easy to take root.

Key points of water training

1: if there is a shell bug, in addition to moving it to a ventilated and transparent place, you can use a toothbrush to remove the shell bug and spray 250 liquid detergent to kill it.

2: the white emulsion in the stem of Caiyun cabinet is poisonous. Be especially careful not to look into the eye.

The method of obtaining hydroponic material

Cuttings and root washing. The cut branches should be dried in a cool and ventilated place for several days, and then inserted into the water after the incision is dry, otherwise it will rot and new roots can grow after a month.

Hydroponic Culture method of Herba Euphorbiae

Auspicious grass, also known as Guanyin grass, is a perennial green herb of the genus Liliaceae. Leaves clustered, broadly linear, midvein concave, tail acuminate, 15 to 40 cm long; stem creeping root-like, node end rooting; flowering period from September to October, flowers lilac, erect, terminal spike, about 6 cm long; fruit bright red, spherical; it originated in southwest China, sexual preference for warm, humid environment, more cold and shade tolerance, low requirements for soil, strong adaptability. As the auspicious grass plant shape is beautiful, green leaves, if we make use of its cold and shade tolerance of this growth habit, put it into a variety of goldfish tanks or other glassware for water culture, and then put it on the bar, coffee table, then there is water in the tank, stone in the water, roots in the stone, clean and clean, it is a kind of exquisite and elegant work of art. The following is the introduction of its cultivation methods.

First, material selection. Select plants with thick green leaves, exuberant growth and free of diseases and insect pests, carefully dig them out of the soil with a shovel and clean their roots. In the process of digging, we should pay attention to dig as deep as possible and bring as much soil as possible. This is done for two purposes, one is not to damage the root, which is conducive to the growth of water culture, and the other is because the water is transparent, the complete root can show a unique beauty in the water.

Second, pressing stone. Select the pebbles or Yuhua stones used to lay the garden path, wash them clean, first lay a layer on the bottom of the glass tank, put the auspicious grass on the stone, and then use the stones to stabilize its roots so as not to let them lodge, and inject clear water into the glass dishes until the whole root is immersed. The transparency of water determines that the pressing stone should also have certain aesthetic skills, and the author can design it through his own creativity to highlight his personality.

Third, management. As the root of auspicious grass is soaked in water for a long time, the water is easy to smell after a long time, so it is better to change the water frequently and once a week. In terms of fertilization, regularly drop a few drops of nutrient solution or potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution. Auspicious grass is more shade-tolerant, and its needs of photosynthesis can be met by 1 to 2 hours of fluorescent light every night.

Hydroponic method of cyclamen

Select cyclamen and containers to select 1-3-year-old cyclamen plants that are pest-free, vigorous and budding, and are best cultivated with soilless substrates such as perlite, vermiculite and sawdust. After changing the environment, it does not hurt the roots, does not slow the seedlings, and adapts quickly. Water containers are simple and economical, and can play the role of waste utilization in daily life, as long as they can hold water, such as fish tanks, teacups, beverage boxes, wine bottles and vases; transparent containers are the best, and roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits can be fully viewed. No matter what kind of container is used, its size, height and color should be consistent with cyclamen plants, so as to show the exquisitely carved, crystal and elegant charm of water-raised cyclamen.

Water culture time and methods the florescence of cyclamen is usually from October to June of the second year, so the water culture time is generally from September to April of the second year. The selected cyclamen plants are removed from the pot and washed with 20 ℃ warm water to wash the matrix adhered to by the root system. Then put it directly into a pre-prepared container, the depth of the water is flush with the rhizosphere, the deepest can not exceed 1 / 3 of the bulb to prevent the corm from rotting. Finally, put it in the right place in the room, add water and nutrient solution regularly. After the flowers failed in water for two to three months, the plants were taken out and planted in the cultivation medium for the summer.

Water quality, water temperature water cyclamen water used had better be mountain spring water or magnetized water, the water quality is clean, not turbid, not precipitated, and contains a variety of trace elements necessary for plants, there is no need to change water during the whole water culture period. Tap water contains chlorine, which is disadvantageous to the growth of flowers, and it is easy to be turbid and precipitate. It should be changed every few days and should not be used as far as possible. The water temperature should be close to the indoor temperature at that time, usually 10 ℃ to 20 ℃.

Light, indoor temperature cyclamen like the sunny environment, water containers should be placed on the indoor sunny table or windowsill, not directly on the radiator. The most suitable indoor temperature is 15 ℃ to 20 ℃, the highest is not more than 25 ℃ and the lowest is not less than 10 ℃. Adding nutrient solution to raise cyclamen should also supplement nutrition regularly during flowering. Generally, 50ml 1 ∶ 100x ornamental plant nutrient solution is added to each plant every 10 days, and mountain spring water is also used to prepare nutrient solution. If you find yellow leaves, small leaves, small flowers, etc., in the case of excluding rotten roots, you can add more nutrient solution as appropriate.

Hydroponic culture of Rabdosia angustifolia

English name: clam grass

Alias: Yinbian grass

Family and genus name: Gramineae

Latin scientific name: Arrhenatherumelatius

Characters: perennial herbs

Plant height: 50ml 100cm high

Florescence: summer (June-August)

Cold tolerance: cold tolerance (above-5 ℃)

Negative tolerance: positive

Morphological features: underground stem white rosary-shaped; aboveground stem clustered, smooth. Leaves tufted, linear-lanceolate, 30cm long, ca. 1cm wide, with yellow-white margins. Panicle long pedicellate, ca. 50cm, branched; spikelets with two flowers, bisexual or female above, male below; florescence June-July. Originally from Europe.

Habits: extremely strong, cold-resistant and drought-resistant, regardless of soil. At the height of summer, the aboveground part often withered and dormant, and sprouted and grew again in early September.

Propagation and cultivation: ramet propagation is usually carried out in 2-3 years, in March-April in spring or when the new leaves are first drawn after dormancy in September, the old plants should be dug up and separated, each plant should carry 2 Mel and 3 new buds, and be separated together with the moniliform underground stem. The old plant should be pruned every year, the leaves should not be too long, the local lower stem should be cultivated in time after exposure, the plant cluster is exuberant and beautiful. When there is too much fertilization or excessive lack of fertilizer in cultivation, the leaf white spots will disappear and show green, which will affect the ornamental effect.

The method of hydroponic culture of duck foot wood

Dragon blood tree hydroponic culture: the hydroponic plant of dragon blood tree can be obtained by referring to the above propagation method, or directly from soil culture, the specific methods are as follows:

Look at the root hydroponics, sterilize and kill insects one week before the cultivation, and select the plants with good appearance for cultivation. If the above cuttings are cultured in water (soil culture is used as the material to remove the roots and promote the roots by rapid propagation), it is best to put the planting basket into it first, and when the roots grow 5cm long and do not return to the land, put them into the mutagenesis pond for mutagenesis. At the beginning, the concentration of the nutrient solution should be lower. After the plants adapt to the growth environment in water, the concentration can be increased according to the plants, but also reduce the increase of oxygen, and finally stop the increase of oxygen. When the root is long enough to be bottled, you can bottle it!

Ceramsite planting: the root is the same as hydroponic culture before the pot, do not plant the plant too low, that is not good for the growth of the plant, when the root system of the plant grows out of the pot, it can be sold.

During the production period, take fungicides and spray foliar fertilizer every other week. Family care, in addition to referring to the product manual, but also according to its growth habits, dormancy season to stop fertilization, put in a sunny place, ceramsite planted in winter and early spring water to be less, put in the dark place for too long, leaves yellowing, no life, and the tip of the leaf is easy to blacken, like hot water, do not lack of water in the growing season.

Tricolor thousand-year-old wood alias: tricolor dragon blood tree, rainbow dragon blood tree, colorful grain Zhu Jiao

Families and genera: tequila family, dragon blood tree genus

Morphological features: small evergreen trees. The stem is thin, erect, up to 3 meters high. The leaves are 15 cm long and 1 cm wide, sword-shaped. There are milky white, yellow-white and red stripes on the green leaves. It is a unique species in the genus tequila.

Distribution and habits: native to Madagascar.

Like a warm, moist environment with bright scattered light. More resistant to shade, avoid strong light direct light. The suitable growth temperature is 18-28 degrees. The overwintering temperature should be above 10 degrees.

Propagation method: cutting

Key points of hydroponics:

The main results are as follows: 1) hydroponic culture with water insertion method is easy to take root, and the water root is white, which is rich in ornamental value. Changing water is the key to success, especially when it is just inserted, changing water every other day can increase its nutrient content until the root system grows, and after adapting to water culture, it can be changed or added once a week or every month according to season.

2), when the summer water temperature is above 35 degrees, the root system is easy to rot, so you should stop using the nutrient solution and cultivate it with only clear water, and increase the number of water changes to keep the water quality clear.

3), furnished in the brightly lit indoor position, generally speaking, change the water once a month in autumn and winter. If the water is raised in a transparent container, wipe off the substances attached to the utensils with a soft cloth while changing the water, making it transparent, which can better show the beauty of the plant roots. After changing the water, you can drop a few drops of commercially available nutrient solution into the water or add some phosphoric acid accompanied by 1000 water and potassium hydrogen to provide nutrients for plant growth. If spraying foliar fertilizer or 1000 potassium dihydrogen phosphate as extra-root topdressing in the growing season, it can grow stronger.

Can be removed: toluene, xylene, benzene, trichloroethylene, formaldehyde

The method of hydroponic Culture of Cymbidium

Cymbidium is a perennial herb with creeping rhizomes. Ye Ye Sheng, often 2 to 6 pieces in bundles, the leaf is erect, leathery, thick, the apex has a short tip, dark green, with light grayish green horizontal lines, named for markings such as tiger skin. It is 80 cm high and 3-7 cm wide. Spring and summer flowering, spikes, florets 3-8 in a bunch, white or light green, fragrant.

Tiger tail orchid likes the warm climate, the suitable temperature for growth is 20-30 degrees, it is not cold-resistant, it stops growing when it is below 13 degrees, the overwintering temperature is not lower than 8 degrees, and the temperature is too low, often rotting from the base, resulting in the death of the whole plant.

Tiger tail orchid likes light, but it should prevent hot sun exposure in summer. It is very shady and can be furnished in the shade for a long time.

Tiger tail orchid is a desert plant that can tolerate harsh environmental conditions.

Reproduction is usually propagated by means of separate plants. Ramets are usually carried out in spring and autumn. Take the plant out of the basin and separate the daughter plant from the mother plant with a sharp knife. Try to avoid damaging the root system and let the separated sub-plant carry as many roots as possible. After separation, the seeds should be placed in a dark place indoors to prevent rain and control watering, so as not to cause the rot of the incision, and wait for the new leaves to grow before they can be transferred to normal maintenance.

The cuttage method can be used in mass propagation of tiger skin orchid. The cuttings are carried out from May to July, select robust and substantial leaves, cut them into small segments of 5cm to 7cm, or use whole-leaf cuttings, the cut leaves should be placed in a dry and cool place for several days, and after the incision is dried, they are directly or obliquely inserted into the medium, and the depth of insertion is 1x3 or 1pp2 of the cut length, and water is watered once after cutting. When cutting, you should remember the upper and lower position of the cuttings, if you cut them upside down, they will not take root. Under the condition of 15-20 degrees, roots or rhizomes will grow from the base in about a month, and gradually grow into new plants. When the seedlings grow 2-3 leaves, they can be planted in pots.

Do not add too much water, soak the roots, let a small part of the root on the surface, can absorb oxygen. After giving birth to water bacon, you can add less nutrient solution and change the water every three or four days in summer. In winter, it takes six or seven days to see the turbid degree of the water. In general, woody flowers are more difficult to grow in water. You have to be patient.

Key points of hydroponic culture of eight immortal flowers

Scientific name: Hydrangeamacrophylla

Aliases: Hydrangea, Douqiu, Hydrangea, Hydrangea, Ziyang Flower

Families and genera: Saxifragaceae

Plant characteristics Baxian flower is native to the Yangtze River Basin and southern provinces in China, with a natural plant height of 1 to 2 meters and a potted plant height of 30 to 50 centimeters. Leaves opposite, Obovate or elliptic, margin serrate. Corymbose inflorescences terminal, 20 cm in diam., subglobose, sexual flowers small, asexual flowers many and large. The flower color is changeable, at the beginning white, gradually turns blue or pink, the natural flowering period is from May to July, deciduous shrub, the leaf is green, the flower color is bright, the ornamental period is long, deeply loved by people.

Ecological habit Baxian prefers warm and humid environment, the suitable temperature for growth is from 18 ℃ to 28 ℃, and not less than 5 ℃ in winter. The light should be half overcast, and the leaves will be burned and crimped if they are too strong. Like loose and fertile soil, water demand is large, but avoid stagnant water, strong resistance to harmful gases such as sulfur dioxide.

Common cultivated variety V.hortensica: all the flowers are sterile and the sepals are ovate. Blue-edged Immortals (V.coerulea Wils): flowers bisexual, dark blue, with blue or white marginal flowers. V.otaksa Bailey: sterile flowers, large inflorescences, up to 20 cm in diameter, thick leaves, globose inflorescences, blue or light red, mostly used in gardens. Honeysuckle (V.maculata Wils): it is divided into two kinds: fertile and infertile, with narrow leaves and white edges, used for ornamental leaves.

Propagation method Baxian flower can be propagated by means of ramet, striping, cuttage and so on.

Cuttings can be carried out all year round in the greenhouse. Generally from May to June, combined with early spring pruning and post-anthesis plastic surgery. Select semi-lignified and pest-free branches, each section 10 to 15 cm long, retaining 2 to 3 nodes and 1 to 2 leaves at the top, and insert them in a seedbed with river sand or vermiculite as substrate to shade properly. Keep the substrate moist, the air humidity above 80%, and begin to take root in about 18 days. After that, the frequency of water spraying was gradually reduced and the light was increased, and it could be transplanted in about 1 month.

Cultivation and management of planting cuttings should be put into pot in time after rooting. Baxianhua prefers loose, fertile and well-drained soil. It is usually prepared with rotten leaf soil, garden soil and organic fertilizer at the ratio of 4 ∶ 4 ∶ 2. Grass carbon, perlite and organic fertilizer should be prepared at the ratio of 6 ∶ 2 ∶ 2 for large-scale production and thoroughly sterilized before use.

Fertilize eight immortal flowers like fertilizer, generally every half a month to pursue organic fertilizer. There is more nitrogen fertilizer in the early growth stage, and more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in the flower bud differentiation and bud formation stage. 0.1% to 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can also be sprayed on the leaves for 2 to 3 times, and the fertilization can be stopped after the flower buds are transparent.

The transpiration of the leaves of the watered eight Immortals is very large, so it must be watered in time, even if the lack of water for a short time wilts, it can also cause the leaf margin to dry up and the flowers to die. Especially in summer, it is necessary to shade and cool down to reduce transpiration and maintain more than 60% air humidity. In addition, the flower color of Baxian flower is usually blue in acidic environment and red in alkaline environment, which is affected by soil pH value. Therefore, the pH value of the water should be determined according to the desired color.

The temperature of Baxian flower is not tolerant to high temperature, and the temperature is required to be between 15 ℃ and 25 ℃. The high temperature will dilute the color of the dwarf flower and reduce the quality. After the flower bud is colored, the temperature is kept at 10 ℃ to 12 ℃ to improve the flower color and keep it fresh.

The eight Immortals are resistant to shade, and direct sunlight will cause sunburn, so shade is needed. Usually 60% shading is needed during the growing period, and the inflorescence should also be shaded properly after the color is transparent, so as not to fade and lose its luster.

Pruned Baxian flower has strong germination ability, and many vegetative branches will germinate at the base of the plant. in order to reduce nutrition loss, it should be erased in time. If the old branch needs to be replaced, a robust vegetative branch can be selected as the reserve branch. Cut it short in time after anthesis and retain 2 or 3 strong buds to promote new shoots.

In order to make the eight Immortals bloom during the Spring Festival, the robust plants of 3 to 5 years old can be selected. After 14 days of low temperature treatment of 2 ℃ to 4 ℃, they were moved into the greenhouse for heating, kept for 10 ℃ to 20 ℃, and blossomed in 50 to 60 days. Pay attention to regular ventilation, maintain good light conditions and high air humidity, and apply organic liquid fertilizer once a month until flowering.

The prevention and control of diseases and insect pests is less, mostly aphids, leaf mites and so on, which can be controlled by spraying internal absorbent agents while ensuring good ventilation. Most of the common diseases are leaf diseases, such as white rot, gray mold, leaf spot and so on, so it is necessary to spray insecticides regularly to prevent the disease, and the diseased leaves can be removed and burned.

Introduction to Yushu

[alias] Sedum tree, swallow palm, emerald tree, fall to the ground to take root.

[scientific name] Crassulaarborescens

[families and genera] Sedum family, green lock dragon genus.

[morphology] evergreen succulent plant, 45-75 cm tall, stem semi-lignified. The leaves are opposite, fleshy, broad-oval, entire, 3-5 cm long and 1-3 cm wide. The leaf color is dark green and glossy. After illumination, the leaf margin turns red. Horticultural varieties have variegated leaves and colored leaves.

[habits] originated in South Africa. It likes warmth, drought, light and half shade, so it grows best under the condition of bright scattered light. Like fertile, loose, draining and breathable sandy loam.

[propagation] Cuttage propagation. Both branch and leaf cuttings are easy to take root, and they can survive by water insertion. The cutting time is from May to September, take 5-10 cm branch or 1 leaf, insert it in plain sandy soil, pay attention to moisturizing, and root after a week.

[cultivation] 2 parts of garden soil and 1 part of rotten leaf soil were used in basin soil, and the culture soil was prepared by adding proper amount of river sand. After potting, the seedlings are watered, placed in a shaded place, and placed in a bright place after survival, so as not to let the sun shine directly. Pay attention to cool ventilation in summer. In order to make the plant shape plump and compact, usually the fat and water should not be too large, and the basin soil should be dry and wet. Enter the room at the end of autumn to keep warm, the room temperature should be above 7 ℃. Don't water too much in winter. The basin should be turned over and the soil changed once a year in spring.

Although Yushu is easy to propagate, easy to plant and easy to manage, it is still common for Yushu on the balcony of some households to face the wind in spring, summer and autumn, but it wilts and turns pale after winter, and even becomes a "shirtless chicken". This is mainly because flower growers only see the easy side of Yushu and ignore its fragile side. After entering the severe cold, they still put it on the open balcony, allowing it to be attacked by the cold wind, causing Yushu to suffer frost damage. After the freezing injury, the fleshy leaves and tender stems of Yushu began to show the same trauma as scalded by boiling water, and then gradually became soft, shriveled, and finally fell off, leaving only the naked main stem in serious cases.

Therefore, it is very important to do a good job in overwintering the potted jade trees on the balcony, and we should mainly focus on the following links:

1. Move the basin into the room in time. After entering winter, Yushu should be moved to an indoor thermal insulation that can maintain 7 ℃ to 10 ℃. In warmer days, Yushu can be moved to the balcony at noon to bask in the sun, and the night still moves indoors.

2. Control the dry humidity of the basin soil. In winter, the basin soil is mainly slightly dry, and timely spray fine mist to replenish water. In general, there is no need to directly water the basin soil.

3. Move into the greenhouse to keep warm. Conditional pots can be moved into the greenhouse, no conditions can also be sealed with plastic film cover, but need to pay attention to the humidity in the cover, found that the water is too wet, it is necessary to remove the cover in time to change air to prevent rotten leaves.

4. If Yushu has suffered frost damage due to the mistake of anti-freezing measures in the early stage, do not discard the plant easily. As long as the frozen leaves and twigs are removed, the full main stem is preserved and fertilized properly in the coming spring, new branches and leaves can still germinate on the main stem. Generally, after 1 to 2 years of cultivation, it can develop into a perfect jade tree.

Yushu hydroponics:

You can choose to cut the branches of the mother plant of Yushu in spring, summer and autumn, and sterilize, disinfect and kill insects in the week before interception. The branch cuttings maintain a certain humidity of the substrate and need water spraying and shading at the beginning. After the callus grows below, you should spray less water, or do not spray water, otherwise it is easy to lose leaves and rot. After the roots grow out 2 to 3 centimeters, you can go to the hydroponic nursery bed for hydroponic root pulling.

[purpose] the interior decoration should decorate the hall. Attachment: the same foliage plant swallow palm, alias Crassulaportulacea, leaves Obovate, cultivation method is the same as Yushu.

It can also be hydroponically cultured without adding nutrient solution. ~ like hanging orchid, it will grow well without nutrient solution ~ you can put two pieces of compound fertilizer in it, or soak the nutritious soil in water and take the one that is clear above. It can also be used as a nutrient solution, ah, a nutrient solution can be bought in a florist.

Hydroponic watermelon peel must be in spring and autumn, hydroponic culture will certainly die in winter, watermelon peel leaves had better be inserted in the soil, hydroponic culture on the choice of roots. At the beginning, you can often change the water and wait for the long root to put the nutrient solution.

My pocket coconut has grown very well, thank you! I am lazy, and there is another way to reduce the frequency of changing water. Just add 3 drops of Amway Lexin to the water, which is very useful, but there are different amounts of water in each bottle. Start with a small amount and explore slowly.

Hydroponic culture of Polygonum multiflorum

Let me pour some cold water on it:

1. Not all flowers can be hydroponically cultured.

two。 Either wash the roots of the flowers originally cultivated in soil and put them in water or hydroponic culture, they can live.

3. Fish farming in the water and flower roots compete for oxygen. Fish excreta makes the water deteriorate quickly, which can easily cause root rot, fish disease, and only advertising effect.

4. The light passes through the glass bottle, causing the production of algae, competing for oxygen, covering the surface of the flower root and suffocating the root.

5. The fibrous root is squeezed together in the water, and it is easy to die from lack of oxygen and blackening.

Hydroponic white taro

Let me also talk about the production process of hydroponic products in our base:

Preferred mother plant-removing pot, punching root-cutting root or cutting base-disinfection and rooting treatment-planting cup planting (ceramsite planting)-promoting root bed-water culture bed mutagenesis-refining seedlings for sale (period management is computer-aided management)

The real hydroponic flowers are not as simple as washing roots and soaking in water. the cultivation process of hydroponic flowers is a very complicated process, which goes through a series of processes such as root washing, root cutting, disinfection, root induction, and so on. the time required ranges from one to twenty days to half a year.