
The culture method of wrinkled leaf cold spray

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Wrinkled leaf cold water flower is one of the varieties of cold water flower, the most special place is that its leaves will have wrinkle marks, and wrinkled there is a certain degree of artistry, deep flower friends like. One of the functions of wrinkled leaves is to watch it in horticulture, which can be seen in the park.

Pilea frigida is one of the varieties of Pilea frigida, the most special place is that it grows out of the leaves will have wave wrinkles, and wrinkled there are certain artistic, deep flower friends like. One of the functions of Pilea rugosa is to be used as an ornamental in gardening, and can be seen in parks. In addition to this, the role of wrinkled leaf cold water flower can be used for clearing away heat and detoxification, swelling is also very useful, good for our stomach. Pilea rugosa leaves have a certain medicinal value, then is the drug three points poison, it is poisonous? In fact, wrinkled leaf cold water flower is non-toxic, itself contains toxicity but no harm to the body, daily maintenance do not eat by mistake will not have any problem. You can rest assured that farming, the following to understand how it should be raised it.

Pilewater cultivation considerations: 1, water:

Usually maintain soil moisture, see dry see wet, do not basin soil ponding.

2. Temperature:

Pilea rugosa is cold-resistant, winter room temperature is not lower than 6℃ will not be frozen, more than 14℃ began to grow.

3. Fertilization:

Pilea rugosa growth period of two weeks or so irrigation once 28% or pseudo-ginseng into nitrogen fertilizer to promote plant health. After autumn, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied to strengthen stems and prevent lodging.

4. Soil:

Pilea rugosa likes loose, well-drained soil, available loam, river sand, decayed leaf soil mixed preparation.

5. Diseases and pests:

Summer high temperature season easy to occur scale insects, aphids and other diseases, should be promptly scraped off or washed with soapy water, serious when spraying control. In addition, poor management, there will be leaf spot disease, should be timely prevention and control. Common leaf spot disease harm, can spray 200 times Bordeaux mixture prevention. Pot soil is too wet, easy to produce root rot, available topzin 1000 times the liquid irrigation. If nodule nematode is found, 3% carbofuran can be applied to control it. There are scale insects harm, with 40% omethoate 1000 times spray kill.

6. Placement:

Furnishing in the study, bedroom, elegant and pleasant.

The cultivation of coldwater culture method and disease and insect pest control coldwater also known as flower leaf nettle, white snow grass. Nettle family, Pilea genus. Native to Vietnam, it is mostly distributed in tropical regions. Configuration characteristic: perennial evergreen herb, plant height 15~40 centimeters. Leaves opposite, elliptic, 4 - 8 cm long. Leaf margin sparsely obtusely serrate at upper part, often entire at lower part. Leaf background is green, there are three longitudinal stripes main vein, vein part slightly concave. The main veins are interspersed with silvery white stripes, the stripes are slightly convex; the back of the leaf is green. Common cultivated varieties are: Pilea densiflora (P. c. cv. Nana): dense branches and leaves, shorter plants, less than 20 cm. Common cultivated species of the same genus are: Pilea rugosa: leaves cruciate opposite, veins brownish red, leaf surface yellow-green, surface wrinkled, margin serrated, veins tawny, leaf color and markings very similar to iron cross begonia Pilea vesiculosa: creeping, thin and numerous branches, covered with short and fine hairs. Leaves rounded, base cordate, thin, leaf margin semicircular serrate, mesophyll raised between veins. Pilea silverleaf: stem erect, much branched. Petiole short, leaf ovate lanceolate, thick green, with obtusely serrate, leaf center has a beautiful silvery-white stripe, from leaf base to tip. Habits: like warm, humid and semi-overcast environment, avoid direct sunlight, have strong resistance to shade. Both fertile and barren tolerance, like to be born in loam rich in organic matter. Not drought tolerance, has a certain cold tolerance, can withstand short-term 5℃ low temperature. Cultivation and management: Pilewater is not strict with soil requirements, ordinary garden soil and sand can be mixed as cultivation soil. In order to make the plants grow vigorously and the branches and leaves are thick and green, the potting soil can be prepared by mixing 5 parts of moldy soil or peat soil, 3 parts of pearlite and 2 parts of river sand, and adding a small amount of base fertilizer. It is maintained under warm and humid climate conditions. Pay attention to timely watering during growth, keep the pot soil moist, increase watering times in hot summer, water once a day, keep the pot soil moderate humidity, and often water the leaves and the ground to maintain sufficient air humidity. Reduce watering frequency in autumn and winter, otherwise black spots may appear on leaves. Watering should master the principle of "see dry see wet" and avoid ponding. During the growing season, thin liquid fertilizer can be applied once every 2-3 weeks, but nitrogen fertilizer cannot be applied partially. Granular fertilizer can also be used, but do not let the fertilizer touch the leaves, it is best to sprinkle the leaves with water after fertilization to wash away the fertilizer that accidentally falls into the leaves. In summer, it should be kept in shade and avoid strong direct light. But if the light is too dim, the leaf color will fade. Under the sparse shade environment, the leaves are white and green, the internodes are short and compact, and the leaves are bright and shiny. Under all circumstances, it is often excessive, internodes become longer, stems are soft, easy to lodge, and plant shape is loose. In order to enhance the potted ornamental effect of coldwater flower, pruning should be carried out regularly during the growth period to promote its branching and maintain full plant shape. If you want to dwarf the plant, you can prune it properly or remove it 2~3 times. Pay attention not to excessive pruning, otherwise it will easily lead to more and smaller leaves, affecting the aesthetics. When the plant grows to about 40 cm, the stem begins to lodge outward. Should be cut short in time to promote the germination of lower axillary buds, so that dense and compact branches. It can also be planted with 3 - 5 plants in a pot, green. The suitable temperature for Pilea chinensis growth is 18~22℃, and the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 7℃. Plants grow quickly, should be replaced every April, pots should be slightly larger, but to be slightly shallow, good drainage. Potted plants should be renewed once every 2~3 years. Culture: generally adopted cuttage culture, but also available ramets culture. 1. Cutting can be carried out in spring and summer. Summer high temperature season is not suitable for cuttage, winter cuttage growth is slow. Select the branches that grow well, cut the stem tip 5~8 cm long as cuttings, keep a few leaves at the tip, directly insert them into the sand bed with vermiculite or plain sand as the substrate, or cut them into the basin soil mixed with peat and soil, and the depth of penetration should not exceed 2 cm. Place in semi-shade, keep the soil temperature at 18~20℃, spray water with a watering can when dry, take root in about 2~3 weeks, transplant or pot after 1~2 months. 2, plant culture: cold water flower cluster is very strong, can be combined with pot change soil to divide the whole pier column cluster into several parts respectively on the pot, at the same time the old stem is cut short, retain the stem base 2~3 nodes, survive after axillary buds can germinate quickly and sprout new lateral branches. Diseases and pests: summer high temperature season easy to occur scale insects, aphids and other diseases, should be promptly scraped or washed with soapy water, serious when spraying control. In addition, poor management, there will be leaf spot disease, should be timely prevention and control.