
Cultivation techniques of Acer truncatum

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Acer truncatum is planted in winter and spring. Landscaping scenic forest needs large hole soil preparation, dig 80~2500px square planting hole, apply organic fertilizer and fine soil to mix well. When planting, cut off the excessively long roots of the seedlings, put them into holes, and bury the soil in layers. In windy and dry areas, the specification of the hole 1500px is square.

Acer truncatum is planted in winter and spring. Landscaping scenic forest needs large hole soil preparation, dig 80~2500px square planting hole, apply organic fertilizer and fine soil to mix well. When planting, cut off the excessively long roots of the seedlings, put them into holes, and bury the soil in layers. In the windy and dry area, the size of the hole 1500px is square, and the seedlings are deeply planted with 15~500px in the hole, that is, there is 15~500px in the topsoil distance from the ground after planting. The slope is planted according to the slope, and the reverse slope terrace can be dug. The fish scale pit is dug in the area with broken topography, the length, width and depth are 50 × 40 × 750px. After planting, a ridge is built along the outside of the tree hole to store water and preserve soil moisture. Scenic forest should be planted with more than 4-year-old seedlings with soil blocks. Street trees are generally planted in a single row, with a distance of 5 to 6 m and a height of 2 to 2.5 m under the branches. Courtyard cultivation, row planting, plant row spacing 3m × 3m 4m, plant spacing 4m 5m, large seedlings above 2m in height.

Acer truncatum must be watered after planting, and pay attention to loosening the soil and weeding, deep turning and expanding holes, increasing the application of organic fertilizer, and topdressing perennial trees every year. The ring cover soil is watered 1.5 ~ 2.0m away from the main trunk, and the frozen water is irrigated once in winter. Pruning and shaping should be in early spring, cut short, remove dense branches, competitive branches and overlapping branches to cultivate a good trunk. Sprouting and de-sprouting should be done in time in the process of pruning.

You know the planting technology of Acer truncatum. Acer truncatum is a very valuable foliage tree species. Let's go on to understand its main value.

Cultivation and Management techniques of Acer truncatum

Acer truncatum, also known as Acer truncatum, is a deciduous tree of Acer family, which is mainly produced in the provinces of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River in China, and is also distributed in the south of Northeast China, northern Jiangsu and southern Anhui. Acer truncatum is a beautiful tree with red or yellow leaves in autumn. it is an excellent street tree and courtyard tree. The cultivation and management techniques are introduced as follows, for reference only.

Acer truncatum can be up to 10 meters to 13 meters high, the leaf blade palmately 5-lobed, 5 cm to 10 cm long, the base is often truncated, lobes apex pointed, entire, both sides glabrous. Flowers yellowish green, ca. 1 cm in diameter, forming terminal corymbose inflorescences. The Samara is flat, the wings are spread at right angles, the wings are wide, and their length is equal to or slightly longer than the kernel. The florescence is April and the fruit is from September to October.

Acer truncatum is resistant to semi-shade, likes warm, cool and humid climate, has lax requirements on soil, and can grow on neutral, acidic and calcareous soil, but the sandy loam soil with deep, fertile and moist soil layer grows best and grows well in plain sandy soil. it can grow normally in mild saline-alkali soil with pH 8.7 and salt content 0.2%, without adverse reactions. It is not resistant to drought and moisture, so it is not suitable to be planted in low-lying places, and stagnant water can easily lead to root rot.

Fertilizing and watering Yuanbao maple like fertilizer. When transplanting, some rotten fermented circle fertilizer should be used as base fertilizer, and the base fertilizer should be fully mixed with the planting soil. Some nitrogen fertilizer can be applied in early summer, which is beneficial to restore the tree potential and accelerate the growth of branches and leaves. At the end of autumn, combined with frozen water, apply rotten leaf fertilizer or cow and horse manure. In the following year, nitrogen fertilizer was applied once at the beginning of April, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer at the beginning of July, and cow and horse manure at the end of autumn. From the third year, it is only necessary to apply cow and horse manure once a year in spring. Attention should be paid to water management during cultivation. The first three water should be watered well when transplanting, and then water should be watered once a month. After each time, the soil should be loosened to preserve soil moisture. On rainy days in summer, watering should be reduced or not watered. If there is stagnant water in the tree plate, it should be eliminated in time. Cold water should be poured thoroughly at the end of autumn. The thawing water should be irrigated in time in the early spring of the following year. April and May are the periods of rapid rise in temperature, and it is also during the spring monsoon period in North China. In these two months, water can be irrigated every half a month, which can effectively provide water for plant growth and benefit the plant to grow roots and leaves. After that, you can pour permeable water once a month, and pour frozen water at the end of autumn according to the method of the first year. The third year is watered in the same way as the second year. From the fourth year, we should pay attention to pour thawing water and frozen water, other times reliable natural precipitation growth, but in particularly dry years, need to be properly watered.

Pruning method

The trunk of Acer truncatum is poor, so the shaping and pruning before reaching the fixed stem height is very important, which will directly have an important impact on the quality and ornamental value of seedlings, so the pruning in the nursery should be strengthened. In pruning, it is necessary to combine thinning, truncation and bud peeling. Pruning should be strengthened in the process of cultivation, first of all, trunk extension branches should be established, and for seedlings with principal axis branches, lateral branches should be restrained and main branches should be promoted during pruning. If the advantage of the terminal bud is not strong, the top should be pruned, the next vigorous side branch should be selected instead of the main branch, the strong bud close to the main axis should be left under the cut, and the other pair of buds should be erased. The cut should be parallel to the bud with a spacing of 6 mm to 9 mm. In this way, the new branches are close to the main axis, and the position and direction of the buds left in the subsequent pruning should be opposite to that of the buds selected last year. Only by this method can we ensure that the growth of the extended branch will not deviate from the main axis and make the trunk grow straight. After the extension of the trunk is established, the other lateral branches are cut short or thinned. After the trunk cultivation work is completed, there is a fixed trunk culture crown. Three buds that are well developed and not on the same track can be selected under the shearing mouth for main branch culture. When the main branch is 80 cm long, it should be coring. Two side branches should be cultivated on each main branch, and the side branches should occupy one side and not overlap each other. When the side branches are about 1 meter long, they can be cut short and cultivate secondary side branches. In this way, the basic tree shape is determined, in the future pruning work, only the dense branches, drooping branches, disease and insect branches can be trimmed. It should be mentioned that Yuanbao maple is not suitable for pruning in winter and early spring, if pruning in winter and early spring is extremely vulnerable to wind chill, and bleeding will occur at the cut, so it is best to prune at the end of March and early April, when the flow of pruning injury is less, the wound is easy to heal, and does not affect the tree potential.

Reproduction method

The breeding method of Acer truncatum is generally sowed. When the Samara of Acer truncatum changed from green to yellowish brown in autumn, the sturdy plant with straight trunk and no diseases and insect pests was selected as the mother tree. After the seed was collected and dried for 3 to 4 days, the seed was stored in a clean cloth bag and stored in a cool and dry place. The sowing nursery should have flat terrain, convenient drainage and irrigation, deep soil layer and fertile soil. It is best to choose sandy loam. After meticulous soil preparation, 3000 kg to 5000 kg of mature and fermented cow and horse manure per mu are applied and built into a flat bed. The seeds were sown the following spring. Before sowing, soak the seeds in 40 ℃ warm water for 30 minutes, then soak them in cold water for 24 hours, remove them and place them in the leeward direction. Rinse with warm water once a day and stir evenly. After more than 50% of the seeds are cracked, they can be sown. Strip sowing, row spacing 25 cm to 35 cm, sowing depth 2 cm, sowing 15 kg to 20 kg per mu, soil cover 1.5 cm thick. Cover the grass after sowing to keep the soil moist. The seeds can germinate 15 to 20 days after sowing, and the grass cover can be removed. When the height of the seedling is about 10 cm, choose a cloudy day for inter-seedling, fixed seedling, plant spacing of 10 cm to 15 cm. After setting the seedlings, irrigate and fertilize every 10 to 15 days, applying 5 kg to 8 kg compound fertilizer per mu each time. Timely ploughing and weeding to control diseases and insect pests. Stop applying nitrogen fertilizer and irrigation in September. The height of the seedling is about 1 meter in the same year, and it can be transplanted to cultivate large seedlings.

Pest control

The common insect pests of Acer truncatum are: grasshopper cicada, Beijing maple polymorphic aphid, Yuanbao maple fine moth, Huang Na diamondback moth, six-star copper bugs, bare-shouldered longicorn beetles, star longicorn beetles, and small-line bark moths. If a cicada occurs, the branches with eggs should be cut off and burned in time, and the newly emerged adults should be artificially killed. If necessary, 48% Lesbon EC can be sprayed 3500 times. If there is harm to the polymorphic hair aphid of Beijing maple, the branches and leaves can be sprayed with 2000 times of imidacloprid wettable powder, or 1000 times of 1.2% bitter tobacco EC or 7000 times of 1% azadirachtin water. If there is harm to Maple Spodoptera litura, 1.8% Alfotin EC 2000 times can be sprayed on the surface of the plant leaves. If there is the occurrence of Huang Na diamondback moth, light can be used to trap and kill adults and spray 75% Sendelao wettable particles 20 g / mu during the feeding period of larvae. If the worm is harmful, it can be sprayed dry with 1000 times of imidacloprid wettable particles when the adult is about to Eclosion, block the adult that is about to come out of the hole, and spray 1.2% nicotinine EC 1000 times during the adult emergence period. If bare-shouldered longicorn beetles and longicorn beetles are harmful, adults can be artificially killed in the adult stage, or 150 times of green Weilei solution can be sprayed for control. If the bark moth occurs, it can be trapped and killed by light and sex attractant in its adult stage, and it can also be used for biological control by injection of 413 Beauveria bassiana and nematode.

The common diseases of Acer truncatum are brown spot, powdery mildew and Samara lacquer spot.

These three diseases are all caused by the infection of semi-known fungi. If brown spot occurs, the disease can be effectively controlled by spraying 70% mancozeb wettable powder 400 times, once every 7 days, 3 to 4 times continuously. If powdery mildew occurs, 70% Chlorothalonil wettable powder 800 times solution can be sprayed once every 10 days to effectively control the disease. If Samara lacquer spot occurs, it can be sprayed with 500 times of 50% wettable powder, once every 7 days, 3 to 4 times continuously to control the disease. (the author's unit is Huamei Integrated Service Office of Huabei Oil Field, Renqiu City)

Cultivation and Management techniques of Acer truncatum

China Garden Network, July 3: Acer truncatum, also known as Acer truncatum, is a deciduous tree of Acer family, which is mainly produced in the provinces of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River in China, and is also distributed in the south of Northeast China, northern Jiangsu and southern Anhui. Acer truncatum is a beautiful tree with red or yellow leaves in autumn. it is an excellent street tree and courtyard tree. The cultivation and management techniques are introduced as follows, for reference only.

Acer truncatum can be up to 10 meters to 13 meters high, the leaf blade palmately 5-lobed, 5 cm to 10 cm long, the base is often truncated, lobes apex pointed, entire, both sides glabrous. Flowers yellowish green, ca. 1 cm in diameter, forming terminal corymbose inflorescences. The Samara is flat, the wings are spread at right angles, the wings are wide, and their length is equal to or slightly longer than the kernel. The florescence is April and the fruit is from September to October.

Acer truncatum is resistant to semi-shade, likes warm, cool and humid climate, has lax requirements on soil, and can grow on neutral, acidic and calcareous soil, but the sandy loam soil with deep, fertile and moist soil layer grows best and grows well in plain sandy soil. it can grow normally in mild saline-alkali soil with pH 8.7 and salt content 0.2%, without adverse reactions. It is not resistant to drought and moisture, so it is not suitable to be planted in low-lying places, and stagnant water can easily lead to root rot.

Fertilizing and watering Yuanbao maple like fertilizer. When transplanting, some rotten fermented circle fertilizer should be used as base fertilizer, and the base fertilizer should be fully mixed with the planting soil. Some nitrogen fertilizer can be applied in early summer, which is beneficial to restore the tree potential and accelerate the growth of branches and leaves. At the end of autumn, combined with frozen water, apply rotten leaf fertilizer or cow and horse manure. In the following year, nitrogen fertilizer was applied once at the beginning of April, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer at the beginning of July, and cow and horse manure at the end of autumn. From the third year, it is only necessary to apply cow and horse manure once a year in spring. Attention should be paid to water management during cultivation. The first three water should be watered well when transplanting, and then water should be watered once a month. After each time, the soil should be loosened to preserve soil moisture. On rainy days in summer, watering should be reduced or not watered. If there is stagnant water in the tree plate, it should be eliminated in time. Cold water should be poured thoroughly at the end of autumn. The thawing water should be irrigated in time in the early spring of the following year. April and May are the periods of rapid rise in temperature, and it is also during the spring monsoon period in North China. In these two months, water can be irrigated every half a month, which can effectively provide water for plant growth and benefit the plant to grow roots and leaves. After that, you can pour permeable water once a month, and pour frozen water at the end of autumn according to the method of the first year. The third year is watered in the same way as the second year. From the fourth year, we should pay attention to pour thawing water and frozen water, other times reliable natural precipitation growth, but in particularly dry years, need to be properly watered.

Pruning method

The trunk of Acer truncatum is poor, so the shaping and pruning before reaching the fixed stem height is very important, which will directly have an important impact on the quality and ornamental value of seedlings, so the pruning in the nursery should be strengthened. In pruning, it is necessary to combine thinning, truncation and bud peeling. Pruning should be strengthened in the process of cultivation, first of all, trunk extension branches should be established, and for seedlings with principal axis branches, lateral branches should be restrained and main branches should be promoted during pruning. If the advantage of the terminal bud is not strong, the top should be pruned, the next vigorous side branch should be selected instead of the main branch, the strong bud close to the main axis should be left under the cut, and the other pair of buds should be erased. The cut should be parallel to the bud with a spacing of 6 mm to 9 mm. In this way, the new branches are close to the main axis, and the position and direction of the buds left in the subsequent pruning should be opposite to that of the buds selected last year. Only by this method can we ensure that the growth of the extended branch will not deviate from the main axis and make the trunk grow straight. After the extension of the trunk is established, the other lateral branches are cut short or thinned. After the trunk cultivation work is completed, there is a fixed trunk culture crown. Three buds that are well developed and not on the same track can be selected under the shearing mouth for main branch culture. When the main branch is 80 cm long, it should be coring. Two side branches should be cultivated on each main branch, and the side branches should occupy one side and not overlap each other. When the side branches are about 1 meter long, they can be cut short and cultivate secondary side branches. In this way, the basic tree shape is determined, in the future pruning work, only the dense branches, drooping branches, disease and insect branches can be trimmed. It should be mentioned that Yuanbao maple is not suitable for pruning in winter and early spring, if pruning in winter and early spring is extremely vulnerable to wind chill, and bleeding will occur at the cut, so it is best to prune at the end of March and early April, when the flow of pruning injury is less, the wound is easy to heal, and does not affect the tree potential.

Reproduction method

The breeding method of Acer truncatum is generally sowed. When the Samara of Acer truncatum changed from green to yellowish brown in autumn, the sturdy plant with straight trunk and no diseases and insect pests was selected as the mother tree. After the seed was collected and dried for 3 to 4 days, the seed was stored in a clean cloth bag and stored in a cool and dry place. The sowing nursery should have flat terrain, convenient drainage and irrigation, deep soil layer and fertile soil. It is best to choose sandy loam. After meticulous soil preparation, 3000 kg to 5000 kg of mature and fermented cow and horse manure per mu are applied and built into a flat bed. The seeds were sown the following spring. Before sowing, soak the seeds in 40 ℃ warm water for 30 minutes, then soak them in cold water for 24 hours, remove them and place them in the leeward direction. Rinse with warm water once a day and stir evenly. After more than 50% of the seeds are cracked, they can be sown. Strip sowing, row spacing 25 cm to 35 cm, sowing depth 2 cm, sowing 15 kg to 20 kg per mu, soil cover 1.5 cm thick. Cover the grass after sowing to keep the soil moist. The seeds can germinate 15 to 20 days after sowing, and the grass cover can be removed. When the height of the seedling is about 10 cm, choose a cloudy day for inter-seedling, fixed seedling, plant spacing of 10 cm to 15 cm. After setting the seedlings, irrigate and fertilize every 10 to 15 days, applying 5 kg to 8 kg compound fertilizer per mu each time. Timely ploughing and weeding to control diseases and insect pests. Stop applying nitrogen fertilizer and irrigation in September. The height of the seedling is about 1 meter in the same year, and it can be transplanted to cultivate large seedlings.

Pest control

The common insect pests of Acer truncatum are: grasshopper cicada, Beijing maple polymorphic aphid, Yuanbao maple fine moth, Huang Na diamondback moth, six-star copper bugs, bare-shouldered longicorn beetles, star longicorn beetles, and small-line bark moths. If a cicada occurs, the branches with eggs should be cut off and burned in time, and the newly emerged adults should be artificially killed. If necessary, 48% Lesbon EC can be sprayed 3500 times. If there is harm to the polymorphic hair aphid of Beijing maple, the branches and leaves can be sprayed with 2000 times of imidacloprid wettable powder, or 1000 times of 1.2% bitter tobacco EC or 7000 times of 1% azadirachtin water. If there is harm to Maple Spodoptera litura, 1.8% Alfotin EC 2000 times can be sprayed on the surface of the plant leaves. If there is the occurrence of Huang Na diamondback moth, light can be used to trap and kill adults and spray 75% Sendelao wettable particles 20 g / mu during the feeding period of larvae. If the worm is harmful, it can be sprayed dry with 1000 times of imidacloprid wettable particles when the adult is about to Eclosion, block the adult that is about to come out of the hole, and spray 1.2% nicotinine EC 1000 times during the adult emergence period. If bare-shouldered longicorn beetles and longicorn beetles are harmful, adults can be artificially killed in the adult stage, or 150 times of green Weilei solution can be sprayed for control. If the bark moth occurs, it can be trapped and killed by light and sex attractant in its adult stage, and it can also be used for biological control by injection of 413 Beauveria bassiana and nematode.

The common diseases of Acer truncatum are brown spot, powdery mildew and Samara lacquer spot.

These three diseases are all caused by the infection of semi-known fungi. If brown spot occurs, the disease can be effectively controlled by spraying 70% mancozeb wettable powder 400 times, once every 7 days, 3 to 4 times continuously. If powdery mildew occurs, 70% Chlorothalonil wettable powder 800 times solution can be sprayed once every 10 days to effectively control the disease. If Samara lacquer spot occurs, it can be sprayed with 500 times of 50% wettable powder, once every 7 days, 3 to 4 times continuously to control the disease. (the author's unit is Huamei Integrated Service Office of Huabei Oil Field, Renqiu City)