
How can Diaozhumei blossom more?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, First, to ensure the appropriate light of Diaozhu plum is a temperature-loving plant, during the growing period, Diaozhu plum must ensure sufficient light, so as to ensure that the plant grows dense and full leaves. If you grow in a dark place with insufficient light, it will lead to slender, scattered and irregular stems and leaves, and the leaves will be thin and unhealthy.

First, to ensure the proper lighting of Diaozhumei.

Phyllostachys pubescens is a temperature-loving plant, during the growing period, it must ensure sufficient light, so as to ensure that the plant grows dense and full leaves. If you grow in a dark place with insufficient light, it will lead to slender, scattered and irregular stems and leaves, and the leaves are thin and unhealthy. It should be noted that although the light of hanging bamboo plum should be bright, it should not let the scorching sun shine directly, and it is easy to lose moisture and wither.

Second, the suitable temperature for the growth of Prunus mume.

Diaozhumei is suitable to grow in a warm environment, spring, summer and autumn are its growing period, and it grows slowly or enters the dormant period directly when the winter temperature is low, so it is necessary to pay attention to the heat preservation when the winter temperature is lower than 10 degrees.

Third, the watering situation of Diaozhumei.

During the growth period of Diaozhumei, it is not advisable to water it too frequently and keep the basin soil slightly moist, which will make the leaves of Diaozhumei more colorful. In the dormant period in winter, watering once a month is enough to ensure its water absorption, too much watering will lead to root rot and plant death.

How to raise Diaozhumei will it blossom?

I. Propagation method of Diaozhumei

Diaozhumei are propagated by cutting, which can be carried out all the year round. Cut the main vine or branch to make cuttings, keep at least 3 nodes in each segment, and bury the basal section in plain sandy soil or unfertilized culture soil, which can take root in about a week. For rapid prototyping, 3-4 stem vines can be inserted in a basin, which can grow into plump pot plants after they have roots. Shade should be maintained after cutting, and the basin soil should not be too wet to prevent the incision from decay.

2. Key points of culture of Diaozhu Mei

1. Basin soil

Dendrocalamus angustifolia has strong adaptability and low requirements for soil, but it grows better in fertile and loose soil. The best basin soil should be the mixture of rotten leaf soil, garden soil and river sand.

2. Fertilization

Apply dilute liquid fertilizer once every half month or so, but pay attention not to apply too much fertilizer, if you apply too much nitrogen fertilizer, the leaf color will fade. However, they are most afraid of random fertilization, concentrated fertilizer and partial application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, which requires to follow the principle of "light fertilizer applied frequently, less and more times, and complete nutrition".

3. Environmental requirements

Hanging bamboo plum like semi-overcast environment, spring and autumn season should be placed in the indoor bright scattered light, summer in a well-ventilated place to maintain, to avoid exposure to the hot sun.

4. Winter protection

The optimum growth temperature is 18 ℃ ~ 30 ℃, avoid cold frost, overwintering temperature needs to be kept above 10 ℃, and enter dormancy when the winter temperature drops below 4 ℃. Sunshine seedling net suggests that if the ambient temperature is close to 0 ℃, it will die of frostbite.

5. Shaping and pruning

In order to make the plant shape plump, the newly planted seedlings pick the heart when the stem grows to about 20 cm, in order to promote its branches, otherwise the branches will grow slender and affect the ornamental effect. If the plant has been cultivated for too long, the basal leaves turn yellow or fall off, which affects the ornamental. At this time, the overly long branches and leaves should be cut off to promote the new buds at the base to sprout and grow new branches. The cut part can be used for cutting propagation.

III. Matters needing attention in the culture of Diaozhumei

1. Phyllostachys pubescens can be propagated by cutting and dividing plants, which can be carried out all the year round. Hanging bamboo plum cuttings can be combined with heart-picking, cutting strong branches as cuttings, inserted into the river sand, put in a semi-shady place, keep moist, very easy to root. The stem of Phyllostachys pubescens is creeping on the ground, and it can be separated and planted to form a new plant after taking root at the node.

2. During the growing season, the basin soil should be kept moist, and water should be often sprayed on the stems and leaves to maintain high air humidity so as to prevent the leaves from drying and scorching.

3. Apply dilute liquid fertilizer every 15 days or so, but pay attention not to apply too much fertilizer, if you apply too much nitrogen fertilizer, the leaf color will fade.

4. Hanging bamboo plum likes semi-overcast environment. It should be placed in a bright scattered light place indoors in spring and autumn, and maintained in a well-ventilated place in summer to avoid being exposed to the hot sun.

5. In winter, the room temperature of breeding bamboo plum should be kept above 10 ℃, and the amount of water should be reduced properly. if it is watered too much at this time, the basin will be moist for a long time, and it is easy to cause rotten roots and yellow leaves. Winter should be placed on the south-facing windowsill to make Diaozhumei see more sunshine.

How to raise Diaozhumei will it blossom?

I. Propagation method of Diaozhumei

Diaozhumei are propagated by cutting, which can be carried out all the year round. Cut the main vine or branch to make cuttings, each segment should keep at least 3 nodes, and the basal segment should be buried in plain sandy soil or unfertilized culture soil, which can take root in about a week. For rapid prototyping, 3-4 stem vines can be inserted in a basin, which can grow into plump pot plants after they have roots. Shade should be maintained after cutting, and the basin soil should not be too wet to prevent the incision from decay.

2. Key points of culture of Diaozhu Mei

1. Basin soil

Dendrocalamus angustifolia has strong adaptability and low requirements for soil, but it grows better in fertile and loose soil. The best basin soil should be the mixture of rotten leaf soil, garden soil and river sand.

2. Fertilization

Apply dilute liquid fertilizer once every half month or so, but pay attention not to apply too much fertilizer, if you apply too much nitrogen fertilizer, the leaf color will fade. However, they are most afraid of random fertilization, concentrated fertilizer and partial application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, which requires to follow the principle of "light fertilizer applied frequently, less and more times, and complete nutrition".

3. Environmental requirements

Hanging bamboo plum like semi-overcast environment, spring and autumn season should be placed in the indoor bright scattered light, summer in a well-ventilated place to maintain, to avoid exposure to the hot sun.

4. Winter protection

The optimum growth temperature is 18 ℃ ~ 30 ℃, avoid cold frost, overwintering temperature needs to be kept above 10 ℃, and enter dormancy when the winter temperature drops below 4 ℃. Sunshine seedling net suggests that if the ambient temperature is close to 0 ℃, it will die of frostbite.

5. Shaping and pruning

In order to make the plant shape plump, the newly planted seedlings pick the heart when the stem grows to about 20 cm, in order to promote its branches, otherwise the branches will grow slender and affect the ornamental effect. If the plant has been cultivated for too long, the basal leaves turn yellow or fall off, which affects the ornamental. At this time, the overly long branches and leaves should be cut off to promote the new buds at the base to sprout and grow new branches. The cut part can be used for cutting propagation.

III. Matters needing attention in the culture of Diaozhumei

1. Phyllostachys pubescens can be propagated by cutting and dividing plants, which can be carried out all the year round. Hanging bamboo plum cuttings can be combined with heart-picking, cutting strong branches as cuttings, inserted into the river sand, put in a semi-shady place, keep moist, very easy to root. The stem of Phyllostachys pubescens is creeping on the ground, and it can be separated and planted to form a new plant after taking root at the node.

2. During the growing season, the basin soil should be kept moist, and water should be often sprayed on the stems and leaves to maintain high air humidity so as to prevent the leaves from drying and scorching.

3. Apply dilute liquid fertilizer every 15 days or so, but pay attention not to apply too much fertilizer, if you apply too much nitrogen fertilizer, the leaf color will fade.

4. Hanging bamboo plum likes semi-overcast environment. It should be placed in a bright scattered light place indoors in spring and autumn, and maintained in a well-ventilated place in summer to avoid being exposed to the hot sun.

5. In winter, the room temperature of breeding bamboo plum should be kept above 10 ℃, and the amount of water should be reduced properly. if it is watered too much at this time, the basin will be moist for a long time, and it is easy to cause rotten roots and yellow leaves. Winter should be placed on the south-facing windowsill to make Diaozhumei see more sunshine.