
Maintenance method of Longbai bonsai

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Place: Dragon cypress should be placed in a place with air circulation and sufficient sunshine. Winter cold resistance, generally can be in the outdoor winter, the pot will be placed in a sunny place to avoid the wind. Except for small potted plants, shade is generally not required during high temperature period in summer. Watering: Dragon cypress drought-resistant, afraid of waterlogging, so watering can not be wet, must see dry see wet

Placement site:

Long Bai should be placed in a well-ventilated and sunny place. Can withstand the cold in winter, generally can survive the winter outdoors, put the basin in the sunny place to take shelter from the wind. In the midsummer high temperature period, except for small bonsai, generally do not need shade.


Dragon cypress resistant to drought, afraid of waterlogging, so watering should not be wet, must be dry and wet, do not water. During the rainy season, you should pay attention to the fact that there is no water in the basin, water it sooner or later in summer, and keep the basin soil moist in winter.


The requirement of fertilizer is not strict. If thin and rotten cake fertilizer or organic fertilizer is applied 2 times in spring and 2 times in autumn, the branches and leaves will be dense and grow well.


Dragon cypress is generally heart-picking, to the long side branches can be cut off its tip, in order to promote the growth of side branches. When the early summer enters the exuberant growth period, we should pick the heart and shoot in time to keep the crown dense and beautiful. The big branches that affect the shape of the tree should be pruned during the dormant period.

Turn the basin:

The bonsai of dragon cypress grows slowly and can be turned every 3-4 years, and the best time is from March to April in spring. When turning the basin, we can cut off part of the old root, remove the old 1B2 soil, and replace it with fertile and loose culture soil to promote the growth and development of the new root. Attention should also be paid to the basin bottom pad with tiles and a layer of coarse sand to facilitate drainage. Especially the cliff-type bonsai, using a thousand-cylinder basin, the bottom of the basin should be covered with 1B3 tiles and coarse sand, so as not to accumulate water and be beneficial to growth.

Pest control:

The main disease of dragon cypress is rust, which can be controlled by spraying 1% Bordeaux solution or 3% lime water; the main pest is red spider, which can be sprayed with 1500 times of dichlorvos.

How to shape the dragon and cypress bonsai? Maintenance skills of dragon and cypress bonsai

Some flower friends want to cultivate dragon and cypress bonsai, but they don't know how to maintain and how to shape dragon and cypress bonsai-dragon cypress bonsai is a kind of plant which is very suitable for making ornamental bonsai. Let's learn about the maintenance skills of dragon cypress bonsai.

First, create a suitable environment: Dragon and cypress generally prefer a warm and humid environment, so when planting, we should choose a sunny place and spray water regularly to dragon and cypress at the same time. In addition, good ventilation is also very conducive to the growth of dragon and cypress bonsai.

Second, choose suitable soil to plant dragon cypress. Dragon cypress bonsai is suitable for dry, fertile and deep soil, and it is suitable to use loose and fertile sandy soil rich in humus, which can be prepared by pine needle soil, peat soil, mountain mud, noodle sand soil and so on.

Third, do a good job of water and fertilizer management: after Longbai basin work is done, we need to do a good job of maintenance, in which the work of water and fertilizer management is very important. Watering needs to follow: the basin soil is suitable to dry and wet, avoid drought and waterlogging; in addition, if the weather is dry, we need to spray water to the crown at the right time; after entering the growing period, in order not to affect the growth of cypress, we need to apply liquid fertilizer 3 to 4 times.

Fourth, in order to avoid affecting the ornamental value in the later stage, we need to do a good job of picking buds in the planting process. If the top buds of dragon and cypress branches grow faster, then we should remove them in time, so that they can balance the growth of lateral buds, which is more conducive to future pruning.

Fifth, do a good job in the protection of diseases and insect pests: in general, dragon and cypress are prone to diseases and insect pests such as red spiders, blight, branch blight, and so on, so we need to pay more attention to them in our daily life. Once we find such diseases and insect pests, we can take the following methods:

1. Alternately spraying 20% mite EC 3000 times, 1.8% mites EC 5000 times, or 15% Dazinone EC 3000 times for the control of red spiders

2. At the initial stage of the disease, 70% methyl topiramate wettable powder can be irrigated with 700 Mel 800 times.

3. 1000 times of 70% chlorothalonil wettable powder can be sprayed to control withered branch disease.

The modeling method of dragon cypress bonsai is as follows:

First of all, carry on the preliminary pruning and modeling work of the dragon and cypress bonsai, so that the bonsai has a general artistic modeling image; the second is to consolidate the modeling achievements and improve this modeling, and in this process, some horizontal details need to be adjusted. let it slowly become the image in your mind.

Finally, it is the stereotype work, after the first two steps of the operation, has completed more than half of the plastic work, the next is to talk about some beautiful branches cut off, such a beautiful dragon and cypress bonsai is a success.

The matters needing attention in the modeling process are: Dragon and cypress should not be over-trimmed, modeling processing is mainly climbing, climbing with brown wire or metal wire can be used, generally metal wire climbing is more convenient, twisting, extension and flexion can be done freely. Emphasis should be placed on the climbing shape of the trunk and branches. Do not clamp up too tightly to facilitate the growth of branches. Twigs can be properly trimmed and shaped. It is appropriate for posture to be carried out from March to April.

The above is some knowledge of dragon and cypress bonsai culture. I hope it can be helpful to everyone. In addition, in order to make the bonsai grow better, we need to do some pot-turning work in 2-3 years, usually the best in spring and autumn.

Maintenance and modeling of dragon and cypress bonsai

Maintenance and fertilization of dragon cypress bonsai

The adaptability of dragon cypress is relatively strong, but if it is in a state of lack of fertilizer for a long time, its leaves will gradually change from healthy green to light green, affecting its best ornamental state. If you want to apply fertilizer to dragon cypress bonsai, it is best to choose spring and autumn, 2-3 times is enough. For the choice of fertilizer, it is better to apply organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer alternately.

Pick the bud

For dragon and cypress bonsai, we should be diligent in picking sprouts. The growth rate of the terminal bud of the cypress branch is faster, if it is placed in the period, it will not only greatly affect its ornamental value, but also affect the balance of the growth of the lateral bud; when the terminal bud is removed, the leaves of other branches will be more neat and dense.


Whether it is spring when everything is sprouting or hot and hot summer, you should put it in a sunny, moist and well-ventilated place, so that dragon and cypress bonsai can grow more exuberantly.

Turn over the soil

Dragon and cypress bonsai is a stage in two years, that is to say, the soil of dragon and cypress bonsai should be turned over once in two years. If the formed dragon and cypress bonsai can be turned over once in three years. The best time to turn the soil is in spring and autumn.

The modeling of dragon and cypress bonsai

Planting modeling: refers to the initial pruning; the shape of the dragon cypress bonsai after reasonable and rough pruning

Cooked billet modeling: after two years of planting modeling, the two years should be carefully maintained and the horizontal branches should be adjusted.

Finished product modeling: after 2 to 3 years of cooked billet modeling, the dragon cypress bonsai is basically qualitative, adjusting and pruning the unsuitable ends of the branches.

A good bonsai modeling is not easy, the final show is the result of painstaking efforts and time, careful care will see the results.