
How to grow Bidens bipinnata

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to grow Bidens bipinnata

If people who have lived in rural areas have basically seen Bidens bipinnata, it is often called clingy grass in rural areas, and it is a kind of wild herb. And it is a kind of weed that many growers in rural areas hate very much, but it has high medicinal value. It can generally be used for heat-clearing and detoxification, treatment of appendicitis, infantile diarrhea and hypertension and other diseases. Today let's take a look at how Bidens bipinnata is planted.

1. Select cultivated land

In fact, the seeds of Bidens bipinnata are easy to obtain, and they can generally be obtained from wild Bidens bipinnata in rural areas. We have to choose seeds that are full of particles and free from diseases and insect pests, and then the impurities on Ah Jing's seeds are removed, and then they can be sown. Bidens bipinnata is a kind of weed with strong vitality and no requirement for planting environment. Generally, it can be planted in wasteland, hillside and canyon where crops can not be planted. It doesn't take much effort to prepare the land, and finally sprinkle a little rotten farm manure to plant it.

2. Scientific sowing

Bidens bipinnata is usually sown by direct broadcast or strip sowing. But at present, the most commonly used is direct seeding, where the seeds are scattered evenly in the whole soil, gently press the seeds into the middle of the soil with a rake, and cover with a layer of rotten withered grass. On the other hand, strip sowing needs to choose a shallow ditch according to the row spacing of about 30 cm, and then sow the seeds evenly in the ditch and cover the seeds with soil.

3. Replenish seedlings with inter-seedlings

The germination rate of Bidens bipinnata is also relatively fast, and the emergence rate is also very high. Well, after the seeds emerge, we need to check the emergence of seedlings in the field. When the seedlings of Bidens bipinnata grow to about 10 centimeters, we begin to carry out inter-seedlings. Generally, we can keep three seedlings per plant, and the distance between each plant is about 15 centimeters. Then the separated seedlings are planted on the ground where there are no seedlings at a certain distance to ensure the evenness of the seedlings in the field.

4. Field management

The growth ability of Bidens bipinnata is very strong, and it has the characteristics of moisture tolerance, cold tolerance, drought tolerance, barren tolerance and fertilizer tolerance. Therefore, in the process of planting Bidens bipinnata, we do not need to deliberately water and fertilize. But what we need to do is to clean up the weeds in the field, but we can't use herbicides, which will lead to the elimination of Bidens bipinnata. When the weather is very dry, watering is also needed to prevent Bidens bipinnata from drying to death due to lack of water.

The cultivation of Bidens bipinnata is very simple, its field management is also very easy, and the cost of planting is also very low, so it is a choice for many people to plant medicinal materials. If you want to know more about Bidens bipinnata, remember to leave a message for the editor.