
Matters needing attention in the culture of star anise gold plate

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Under the temperature condition, the star anise gold plate likes the cold growth environment, and the suitable temperature is between 10 ℃ and 25 ℃, which is usually 18 ℃ in the daytime and 12 ℃ in the night. It is important to note that the persistent high temperature can easily make the leaves thinner and bigger and begin to droop.

Temperature condition

Star anise plate likes the cool growth environment, and the suitable temperature is between 10 ℃ and 25 ℃, which is usually 18 ℃ 20 min during the day and keeps good growth at night in the room with 10 mi 12 mol. It is important to note that the long-lasting high temperature can easily make the leaves thinner and bigger and begin to droop. Star anise gold plate is more hardy and can survive the winter safely if the temperature is above 7 ℃.

Light condition

Star anise gold plate is a semi-negative plant, strong negative tolerance, but avoid strong light. Suitable for greenhouse cultivation, except in winter, generally shading should reach more than 60%, especially pay attention to summer strong light direct light, strengthen shading work. On the other hand, if there is not enough light for a long time, the leaves will become small. There should be more sunshine in winter.

Water and fertilizer situation

During the growing period of star anise plate, that is, from April to October, thin liquid fertilizer is applied about every two weeks, and fertilizer is stopped after October. Water frequently during the hot season to keep the soil moist, while spraying water on and around the leaves to improve the humidity of the nearby air. After October, we should gradually reduce watering and control watering.

Soil requirement

It is suitable to choose fertile, loose and well-drained soil. Pot soil can be mixed with 3 parts of garden soil and 1 part of rice chaff ash, and then add a little base fertilizer.

Change the basin and turn the soil

In the process of breeding, the basin should be changed every 1-2 years, usually in March or April. When turning the soil and changing the basin, the base fertilizer should be put into the bottom of the basin.

How to raise star anise gold plate culture methods and matters needing attention of star anise gold plate

Star anise gold plate is a popular indoor foliage plant. Do you know how to raise star anise gold plate? Today, I'm going to share with you the breeding methods and points for attention of star anise gold plate.

The culture method of star anise gold plate:

1. The choice of soil. When raising star anise gold plate, choose neutral or weakly acidic soil that is fertile and permeable. This is beneficial to the growth of the rhizome of star anise gold plate and the absorption of nutrients. Clay loam, fine sandy soil and saline-alkali soil are not suitable for the cultivation of star anise.

2. Light and temperature. Star anise gold plate prefers semi-overcast environment, which can be placed in a bright indoor place for a long time when breeding. If the light is too strong, the leaves are easy to curl, dry tip, and even burn; lack of light will make the leaves thinner, yellowing, non-toughness, affecting its ornamental effect. The most suitable growth temperature of star anise gold plate is 10-20 ℃, and the culture temperature in winter should not be lower than 5 ℃, otherwise the plant will be frozen; if the temperature is too high, the plant will grow too long, and the leaves will be thin and sagging yellow.

3. Watering and fertilizing. Star anise Jinpan likes the humid environment, and the daily management should keep the basin soil moist without stagnant water. It should be watered once every 4-7 days in winter, 3-4 days in spring and autumn, and once in the morning and evening in summer. But rainy days should be less watering or no watering, rainy season, we should pay attention to prevent stagnant water in the basin, otherwise it will cause star anise gold plate rotten roots. The leaves of the octagonal gold plate can be properly sprayed to maintain its ornamental quality.

During the growth period in summer, star anise gold plate should be fertilized once a week, and granular fertilizer such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can be used to loosen the soil. Star anise gold plates of variegated leaves should apply less nitrogen fertilizer, too much nitrogen fertilizer patches will gradually fade and turn green.

4. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. When raising star anise gold plate, we should pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, and make early detection and early treatment.

5. Pruning and plastic surgery. When breeding star anise gold plate, we should pay attention to its proper shaping and pruning. In addition, the pot can be changed before the new buds sprout every spring.

6. The reproduction of star anise gold plate. Star anise gold plate can be propagated by sowing, cutting or ramet propagation.

Matters needing attention in the culture of star anise gold plate:

1. Star anise gold plate grows well in the environment of high air humidity and sufficient soil moisture, so we should pay attention to the basin soil can not be short of water, otherwise it will cause a large number of leaves to fall off. If you use plastic containers for planting, pay attention to drainage.

2, star anise gold plate should be placed in semi-shade, pay attention to timely shade in summer, do not let the scorching sun shine directly. In addition, poor ventilation or too dark light will also lead to the loss of octagonal gold plate leaves.

How to raise star anise gold plate, the method of star anise gold plate culture and matters needing attention

Star anise plants are native to the gardens of southern Japan, North China and Kunming, Yunnan. Because star anise gold plate plant can absorb indoor harmful gas, at the same time can also green indoor environment, is the best indoor decorative plant. The leaves of star anise plants are graceful and evergreen all the year round. Popular indoor foliage plants. So, let's learn about how to raise star anise gold plate, the methods of star anise gold plate culture and matters needing attention.

Star anise gold plate how to raise, star anise gold plate culture methods and matters needing attention:

1, growth habits: it is understood that star anise plants like a warm and humid growth environment, at the same time, shade-tolerant, drought-intolerant, have a certain degree of cold tolerance. The plant is planted in well-drained and moist sandy loam, which is more beneficial to the growth of star anise plant.

2. Watering and fertilization: after the star anise plant grows for a period of time, the growers should water it scientifically and rationally, not too much, otherwise it will lead to root rot. In the rainy season, growers should drain water in time, which is more conducive to the normal growth of plants. Star anise plants generally enter the vigorous growth period from April to October, and thin liquid fertilizer can be applied every 14 days, and fertilization should be stopped in time after October. In the hot summer and autumn season, growers should water frequently and spray water on the leaves and the surrounding space to increase the air humidity around the star anise plate.

3. Illumination: star anise plants belong to semi-negative plants. Growers should avoid strong sunshine. The cultivation of star anise plants in greenhouse should supplement the full absorption of photosynthesis in winter, shade more than 60% in spring, summer and autumn, and direct sunlight for a short time in summer, which may also lead to sunburn disease in the leaves of star anise plants. Star anise plants lack of light for a long time, resulting in smaller leaves. Star anise plants are raised outdoors in April and should be maintained in a shade shed or in the shade of trees.

The above is how to raise star anise gold plate, star anise gold plate breeding methods and matters needing attention, star anise gold plate careful management and breeding, can make its plants absorb air and harmful gases in the outside world, at the same time, indoor ventilation management should be strengthened. can effectively improve the ornamental value of star anise gold plate plants.