
What is the reason why the leaves of the money tree turn yellow?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Watering too wet money tree leaves fleshy, can store water, so it can withstand drought, but avoid wet water, too much watering will often lead to rotten roots, resulting in yellow leaves. The air is too dry, the tree likes the humid environment, the suitable air humidity is about 85%, too dry leaves will cause yellow leaves.

Watering is too wet

Money tree leaves fleshy, can store water, so it can withstand drought, but avoid wet water, too much watering will often lead to rotten roots, resulting in yellow leaves.

The air is too dry

The money tree likes the humid environment, and the suitable air humidity is about 85%. If the leaves are too dry, they will cause yellow leaves.

What is the reason why the leaves of the tree turn yellow? what if the leaves of the tree turn yellow?

Money tree is a kind of foliage plant, which is often raised in the office or in some indoor environment. But many people who breed money trees, in the process of breeding, there will be yellow leaves of money trees, but many people do not know what the cause is, and they do not know what to do when the leaves of money trees turn yellow. First of all, when we cultivate the money tree, we should have a simple understanding of it, such as growth habits, morphological characteristics and so on. Next, let's take a detailed look at the reason why the leaves of the tree turn yellow, and how to do it? [introduction to the money tree] the money tree, also known as American iron taro and golden pine, is a perennial green herb and a very rare foliage plant with underground tubers, native to tropical Asia. The tree has no main stem in the aboveground part, and it is mainly a kind of relatively large compound leaf formed by the germination of adventitious bud tuber. it has a relatively short petiole above the leaflet, and it looks very tall and straight, and the color is dark green. Underground tubers grow more fat. Its pinnate compound leaves grow from the top of the tuber, the leaf axis is very strong, the leaflets are opposite or nearly opposite, and the base of the petiole is hypertrophic and Lignified. In general, each compound leaf has 6-10 pairs of leaflets growing, the vitality is more than 5 years, in the process of growth, will continue to produce new leaves, vitality is very strong, breeding is also very easy. [growth habits of the money tree] the money tree is native to the savanna climate region with relatively little rainfall in eastern Africa. It likes to grow in an environment with plenty of sunshine, semi-shade, little temperature change and slightly dry. Its drought resistance is relatively good, but avoid cold, strong light, exposure to the environment to grow, and it is afraid of growing in the sticky soil, basin soil stagnant water its growth will also cause disadvantages. If the permeability of the basin soil is not good, it will lead to tuber rot. It likes to grow in loose and fertile, good drainage, rich in organic matter or acidic and slightly acidic soil, and its germination is very strong, after the large tuber is pruned, the stem produces new leaves quickly. What is the reason why the leaves of the money tree turn yellow? 1. Watering: for the cash tree just bought, the soil will be more hardened. It is necessary to water the tree in time so that the soil moisture can be fully absorbed. Only in this way can it be more conducive to the normal development of the root. If it is not watered in time, it will cause the root to turn yellow, and if the water is too much, it will cause the root to rot. The leaves will also turn yellow. two。 Lighting: money tree is a kind of plant with strong shade tolerance, but it also needs some light in different seasons, but the phenomenon of avoiding strong light appears, especially in summer, otherwise the leaves will be burned. appear when the leaves of the tree turn yellow. From the end of spring to the Mid-Autumn Festival, 50% shading should be carried out, otherwise the leaves will be yellowed and the leaves will grow sparsely, thus reducing the ornamental value. 3. Fertilization: when raising money trees, you should pay attention to fertilizing the plants and maintain sufficient nutrients in the soil. If you encounter malnutrition, there will be a lack of chlorophyll on the leaves, which will lead to yellowing of the leaves. 4. Pest prevention: when raising money trees, we should spray pesticides regularly to effectively prevent and control diseases and insect pests. If there is a pest or disease, the leaves of the tree will also turn yellow. [what if the leaves of the tree turn yellow?] the yellowing of the leaves of the tree is mainly caused by the amount of water, fertilizer, light, temperature, diseases and insect pests, and so on. When these situations occur, we should prevent or improve them in a timely manner. When you encounter plants damaged by diseases and insect pests, you should get rid of them in time. The harm of diseases and pests is closely related to water quality. Attention should be paid to rain shelter cultivation. After being attacked by Rain Water, it should be drained in time and placed in a ventilated place. Do not have too high humidity in the growing environment, otherwise it will also cause the leaves to turn yellow. In order to improve the ph value of the soil, coke ash, plant ash, hydrated lime and so on can be added to the nutritious soil, so as to increase the silicon, calcium and other trace elements in the soil. During the cultivation, the soil should be disinfected or baked and sterilized. When the disease occurs at the beginning, it can be sprayed or irrigated to the soil, green painting, chlorothalonil and so on for effective prevention and control. The cultivation of money tree is very easy, as long as a little careful breeding, there will not be leaves yellowing situation.

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Do you know the reason why the leaves of the money tree turn yellow?

Money tree is a common indoor plant, this kind of plant is easy to raise, but if there are inappropriate conditions, the leaves will turn yellow, so what is the reason why the leaves turn yellow, do you know?

What if the leaves of the money tree turn yellow?

Reason 1, water yellow: the basin soil is wet for a long time, resulting in soil hypoxia, which weakens the ability of partial root rot, water absorption and fertilizer absorption. It is shown in that the young leaves are dark yellow and dull, the new shoots are shrinking at the center, and the branches are small yellow and green. If this happens, the soil should be loosened, watering should be controlled, fertilization should be stopped, the heavy ones can be removed from the basin, and the soil ball should be dried in the shade and then put on the basin.

Reason 2. Fat yellow: the leaf yellow caused by excessive fertilization or concentration, especially the partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, shows that the new leaves are thick and shiny, but the leaves are concave and convex, and the old leaves gradually turn yellow and fall off. At this time, we should stop fertilization and appropriately increase the amount of water to dilute nutrients, the lack of fertilizer and water in potted flowers or small pots, and the senescence or overdensity of roots in the pots will also make the leaves of flower plants thinner and yellow. at this time, the pot should be changed to change the soil, usually from Rain Water to the Beginning of Summer.

Reason 3. Alkali yellow: chlorosis is often caused by alkaline reaction of soil. It is shown in the veins that begin from the new leaves at the tip of the branch, while the leaf vein, especially the main vein, remains green, and the phenomenon of yellow and green is very obvious. With the aggravation of the yellowing degree, the leaf veins gradually turn green, and then the whole leaves turn white, the leaf margin scorched, the leaves withered, and in serious cases, the top of the shoot withered, and even the whole plant died. for this "yellowing" phenomenon, acid fertilizer or acid substance can be used to improve it, or alum fertilizer and water can be often applied.

Reason 4, Yin yellow: the branches and leaves are often withered and yellow due to lack of indoor light, so the pot should be moved to outdoor ventilation to illuminate. For semi-negative flowers, such as asparagus, the leaves will also be yellowed in strong light, so to avoid exposure to high temperature and strong light in summer, you should move indoors or build a shade shed for storage.

Reason 5, dry yellow: due to long-term no watering, or less watering, there are yellow leaves or brown ends, brown edges, old leaves withered yellow shedding from bottom to top. However, new leaves generally grow normally, and when this phenomenon occurs, water should be replenished so that the soil is no longer short of water.

Reason 6, burning yellow: this phenomenon occurs, the basin can be placed in the shade.

Reason 7, damp-hot yellow: yellow leaves caused by poor ventilation and improper shading in midsummer, such as hanging bell begonia in summer. Therefore, high temperature and humidity is also easy to cause leaves to turn yellow, this kind of leaf yellowing as long as pay attention to ventilation and cooling, and the basin soil can not be too wet to prevent.

The above is the relevant introduction of this article, I believe you have a simple understanding after reading it, if necessary, you can continue to pay attention to the No. 1 home network for more information.