
Points for attention in planting Catharanthus roseus

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Catharanthus roseus germinated 14 to 21 days after sowing, and the newly grown seedlings could not be exposed to strong light for a long time. 2-3 hours of shade were needed at noon when the temperature was high. Seedlings grow to 5 cm, grow three pairs of true leaves can be potted, grow 6-8 pairs of true leaves can be planted. Flower beds will be planted in May and watered every 3-5 days.

Catharanthus roseus germinated 14 to 21 days after sowing, and the newly grown seedlings could not be exposed to strong light for a long time. 2-3 hours of shade were needed at noon when the temperature was high. Seedlings grow to 5 cm, grow three pairs of true leaves can be potted, grow 6-8 pairs of true leaves can be planted. Planting flower beds in May, watering every 3-5 days, and proper fertilization are beneficial to the growth of Catharanthus roseus.

Key points and matters needing attention in planting Catharanthus roseus

Aliases for Catharanthus roseus-thirty thousand flowers, 04:00 spring, wild goose laihong, five-petal plum. Origin: originally from eastern Africa. Do you know its planting points and points for attention? The following editor of Huinong Network gives it a detailed introduction:

1. Soil selection: the basin soil is suitable to use sandy soil with loose soil, good air permeability, rich humus and smooth drainage, and apply appropriate amount of base fertilizer.

two。 Cultivation: ① is usually sown in spring and April.

After sowing, ② should be covered with a thin layer of fine soil and keep the soil moist. After 10-20 days, it can sprout.

③ can be transplanted into the pot when the seedlings grow 3 or 4 true leaves, and 3 plants can be planted in each pot for survival and ornamental purposes.

④ should not be watered too much after planting.

After ⑤ planting, the flowerpot is usually changed every 2 years, which is suitable for spring.

3. Watering: ① should not water the plant too much on weekdays, so as to keep the basin soil wet or slightly dry.

② can appropriately increase the amount and frequency of watering when it is hot and dry in summer, but pay attention to eliminate stagnant water in the rainy season.

③ should control the amount and frequency of watering after moving the plant into the room in winter, and the basin soil should be kept dry, otherwise it is easy to suffer frost damage.

4. Fertilization: fertilizer can be applied every half a month during the growing season, and more nitrogen fertilizer should be applied. Phosphate fertilizer and potash fertilizer should be added during the bud period, which can promote the plant to blossom and make the flowers pure and gorgeous.

5. Temperature: Catharanthus roseus likes to be warm. The suitable temperature for growth is 18: 24 ℃ from March to September, 13: 18 ℃ from September to March of the following year, and 20: 25 ℃ for sprouting. It should be moved into the room in winter, and the temperature in the room should not be below 10 ℃.

6. Lighting: during the growing season, plants should get enough sunlight to make the leaves green and bright and the flowers brightly colored. When the sun is strong in summer, it is time to shade the sun moderately for the plant, not in a shady place for a long time.

7. Propagation: Catharanthus roseus is often propagated by sowing and cutting.

8. Pruning: when the seedling grows to 7cm high, one coring can be carried out, and then two more coring can be carried out to promote the sprouting of new branches and flowering.

9. Pest control: the common diseases of ① Catharanthus roseus are rust and leaf rot. Spraying with 2000 times of 50% WP can effectively prevent and control rust, while spraying with 65% Daimen zinc WP can control leaf rot.

The main pest of ② Catharanthus roseus is root wart nematode, which can be killed by spraying 50 times of 80% dibromochloropropane EC.

When is it best to plant Catharanthus roseus? Analysis of the best planting time of Catharanthus roseus and matters needing attention

Catharanthus roseus is a kind of flower that combines ornamental value and medicinal value, and its beautiful appearance is very popular in daily life, so when is Catharanthus roseus best? The following editor will analyze the best planting time and matters needing attention for Catharanthus roseus in detail.

First, the suitable planting season

In fact, the most suitable season for planting Catharanthus roseus is in spring and autumn. In spring, the planting time is from March to May, when the temperature is generally maintained at about 20 to 25 degrees. Autumn is September to October can not be advanced, because the temperature is too high before September, which is very disadvantageous to the flower bud germination of Catharanthus roseus.

Second, spring and autumn

In fact, the planting of Catharanthus roseus is carried out in spring and autumn, because the temperature and environment of these two seasons are more conducive to the root growth and germination of Catharanthus roseus, because the temperature in these two seasons is not high. It won't burn Catharanthus roseus because the temperature is too high.

Third, the time of planting in spring

When planting in spring, you can choose March to May, because the temperature is between 20 and 25 degrees, but if you want your Catharanthus roseus to blossom early, you can sow it in the greenhouse.

Fourth, the time of planting in autumn

The second season is autumn, the specific time for autumn planting is between September and October, when we plant in autumn, it is best not to plant in advance, because the temperature is very high before September, which is very disadvantageous to the sprouting of Catharanthus roseus.

Matters needing attention when planting

After we sow, Catharanthus roseus will sprout in about 2 to 3 weeks. At this time, it can not be exposed to direct sunlight. When it grows three true leaves, it can be transplanted into the pot. In the later stage, attention should be paid to watering, fertilizing and replenishing nutrients.

The best planting time of Catharanthus roseus is in spring and autumn, but in order to improve the survival rate, you need to pay attention to planting skills. The above is a detailed analysis of the best planting time of Catharanthus roseus and matters needing attention. I hope it will be helpful to the growers.