
Diagram of cutting method of Catharanthus roseus

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cut the strong twigs, dry the wound, put them in a water culture bottle, then put them in a cool and ventilated place for maintenance, change the water every day, and usually take root in about 7-10 days. After taking root, bury it in the soil and put it in the shade for a week without light (or see astigmatism). After confirming the survival, you can slowly take care of it.

Water plug

Cut the sturdy twigs, dry the wound, put it in a water culture bottle, and then put it in a cool and ventilated place for maintenance. Change water every day. Generally, it can take root in about 7-10 days. After taking root, bury it in the soil and put it in the shade for a week without light (or see astigmatism). After confirming survival, slowly maintain normally.

Soil insertion

Cut the shoots in spring or early summer (April-July), cut off the lower leaves, leave the top 2-3 pairs of leaves, insert them into the sand bed or rotten leaf soil (other substrates can also), keep the soil slightly moist, room temperature 20-24 ℃, rooting 15-20 days after planting.

After the cuttings take root and survive, they can be transplanted to the pot. Because the growth of cutting seedlings is not as good as that of sowing seedlings, it is rarely used in cultivation.

Common indoor plant culture methods

The key points of this article

Flowerpots, sprinklers, soil, fertilizers, flower scissors.

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First, the breeding method of dripping Guanyin (has the effect of removing air dust, can not be put in the bedroom)

1. Temperature. Dishui Guanyin can only grow well in an environment of no less than 18 ℃. If the temperature is lower than 18 ℃, Dishui Guanyin will be dormant and stop growing. 2. Fertilization. Dishui Guanyin likes to be fat, so we have to fertilize Dishui Guanyin every month. 3. Watering. Dripping Guanyin should be watered more in summer, but not too much, dry and wet when appropriate, and there can be no stagnant water in the soil, otherwise the tubers will rot. Dormancy in winter, less watering, stop fertilizing. 4. Sunshine. Dripping Guanyin likes yin, don't let the sun shine directly. Let Dishui Guanyin become "wilted", mainly because there is not enough fertilizer, we should pay attention to topdressing. Maintenance: Dishui Guanyin likes warm, humid and slightly shaded environment, but the flowering period should be sunny, otherwise the Buddha flame will be green and affect the quality. It is necessary to ensure that the light lasts for 5 hours every day, otherwise the petiole will lengthen and affect the ornamental value. Dishui Guanyin is not cold-resistant and will be moved into the greenhouse in mid-October. In summer, under the condition of shade, we often spray water to cool and moisturize. Dripping Guanyin likes moist and fertile soil, which is often called "big fat and big water". It should be watered during the growth period.

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Second, the culture method of African jasmine (the volatile oil produced has significant bactericidal effect. It can make people relax, help to sleep, and improve work efficiency)

1. Temperature African jasmine grows well in a warm climate, and the optimum growth temperature is 18 ℃ to 32 ℃. When the summer temperature is above 38 ℃, it will inhibit plant growth. Some areas of South China can survive the winter in the open field, while potted plants in the north of the Yangtze River require that the greenhouse temperature is not lower than 3 ℃ to 5 ℃ in winter. 2. African jasmine likes the sun, and the primary environment is mostly in a semi-shaded state. South China is planted as a garden greening tree, preferably in a place with side shade; potted plants in the north of the Yangtze River can receive full light in spring and autumn, and shade is required in summer. Or move it in the shade of a big tree, at least avoid direct sunlight for several hours before and after noon. It is particularly noteworthy that the temperature rose sharply and the light was very strong on a sunny day after a long rain from June to July. Shading must be done to prevent young shoots and leaves from being burned. Potted plants in public places are required to have sufficient scattered light, or placed near the window, should not be too dark, otherwise lead to leaf loss of green yellowing or shedding. 3. Water no matter in the ground or in the pot, sufficient water is required, but the roots should not accumulate water, otherwise they are easy to rot. Watering in spring and autumn to keep the basin soil moist; beware of stagnant water in plum rain season; in hot summer, spray water once in the morning and afternoon to humidify and cool down; for indoor potted plants in winter, it is appropriate to keep the pot soil slightly tide. and spray water to the leaves when the temperature is relatively high around noon. In spring, summer and autumn, under the condition of normal fertilization, if the lower leaves of potted plants turn yellow and fall off, it is likely to be due to stagnant water and rotten roots, so it is necessary to turn the basin and change the soil in time; in summer, if you are negligent in watering, when the newly drawn tender shoots wilt and droop, you can not immediately water the basin soil, but spray some water to the leaves first, and then pour appropriate amount of water to the basin soil after the leaves have recovered a little. 4. Planting in the south of the soil requires that the planting site is loose, fertile and well-drained sandy loam. Potted plants in the north can be prepared with 7 parts of rotten leaf soil, 1 part of river sand, 1 part of retted organic fertilizer and 1 part of fermented sawdust. During the growing season, the potted plants were loosened once a month to keep their roots in a good state of penetration. In addition, the soil of potted plants can be changed every 1 to 2 years. 5. Fertilizer potted plants apply thin mature cake fertilizer and water once a month in the growing season, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer once before flowering in May to promote plant flowering, and then apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer 1 or 2 times after autumn to pass the winter safely. Potted plants in northern China, in order to prevent leaf yellowing, 0.2% ferrous sulfate was added during the growing season. When planting in the ground, it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer, and at the end of autumn, cake fertilizer is applied in trenches outside the root system, 0.5 to 1 kg per plant.

Disease and pest control 1. ① anthracnose mostly occurs on twigs and leaves, with nearly round to irregular sunken spots, brown edges, gray-white to grayish brown in the center, and sparse black grains on the top, which is its conidial disk. Prevention and treatment: at the initial stage of the disease, 50% carbendazim wettable powder 800 times, 25% chlorothalonil wettable powder 800 times, or 25% carbendazim wettable powder 500 times, alternately sprayed every 10 days for 3 to 4 times. ② sunburn disease in hot summer under the condition that the shade is not in place, the young shoots and young leaves of potted African jasmine are prone to sunburn, which is characterized by gray or light white burn spots on the leaves. Prevention and control methods: use shading net to shade and change position properly; in high temperature and dry season, appropriately increase watering times and amount of water, and if necessary, pour water on the leaf surface; for the burned plants, move them to the shade shed in time, cut off the burnt shoots and young leaves, strengthen water and fertilizer management, and make the plants return to health as soon as possible. 2. Pest African jasmine occasionally occurs leaf-eating pests, such as short-forehead negative locusts, resulting in more holes or defects in the leaves of the plant. 90% trichlorfon crystal 800 times solution should be sprayed in time to kill it.

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Third, the cultivation method of white palm (inhibiting the exhaust gas exhaled by the human body, such as ammonia and acetone. It can also filter benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde in the air. Its high evaporation rate can prevent the nasal mucosa from becoming dry, greatly reducing the possibility of disease.) White palm is an "expert" in inhibiting the exhaust gases exhaled by the human body, such as ammonia and acetone. It can also filter benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde in the air. Its high evaporation rate can prevent dryness of nasal mucosa and greatly reduce the possibility of disease. This beautiful indoor plant, native to the Venezuelan rainforest, is undoubtedly a medical and biological miracle. The following is an illustration. Light conditions: neutral plants, suitable for planting in semi-shade. Required maintenance: keep the basin soil moist and fertilize regularly the leaves need to be sprayed frequently. The suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃ 28 min, and the overwintering temperature is 10 C. Can be removed: ammonia, acetone, benzene, trichloroethylene, formaldehyde.

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Fourth, the Silver Queen's breeding method (famous for its unique air purification ability: the higher the concentration of pollutants in the air, the more it can exert its purification ability! Therefore, it is very suitable for dark rooms with poor ventilation. (this kind of plant with gray leaves likes to live in a constant temperature. If it is watered with warm water, it can survive for a long time. ★ suitable temperature: 16-21 ℃ ★ can remove nicotine and formaldehyde

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5. The culture method of Dryopteris Dryopteris (which can absorb about 20 micrograms of formaldehyde per hour, so it is considered to be the most effective biological "purifier". People who deal with paint or paint all day long, or people who like to smoke around them, should put at least one fern in the workplace. In addition, it can also inhibit the release of xylene and toluene from computer monitors and printers. Dryopteris prefers loose, permeable and fertile calcareous sandy loam, and the cultivated soil can be mixed with loam, rotten leaf soil and river sand. Liquid fertilizer is applied once a week during the growing period, and pay attention to keep the basin soil moist and high air humidity. In the dry season, water can often be sprinkled on the ground around the plant to increase air humidity. Dryopteris likes bright scattered light and avoids direct sunlight. The light is so strong that the leaves turn yellow and even die. It likes to be warm and hardy, and the suitable temperature for growth is 13mur22, and the winter overwintering temperature is 5. Among ferns, Dryopteris is one of the most popular cultivated species. Beautiful stems and leaves, beautiful shape, small plant type, very suitable for small pot cultivation and embellished with mountain and stone bonsai. Because the black petiole is slender and shiny, very similar to human hair, and its texture is very soft, like a girl's soft hair, it is also known as "girl's hair"; its light green thin leaves are paired with jet-black and shiny petioles. It is particularly elegant and elegant. It likes shade, has strong adaptability, is easy to cultivate, and is more suitable for indoor perennial potted plants. As a small potted shady foliage plant, it is better than asparagus in many aspects. Small potted plants can be placed on the desk or coffee table; larger potted plants can be used to decorate the windowsill, aisle or living room of the shady room, which can be appreciated for a longer time. The leaves of Dryopteris przewalskii are also good materials for cutting leaves and dried flowers.

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Sixth, the breeding method of duck foot wood (to bring fresh air to smoking families. Leaves can absorb nicotine and other harmful substances from the smoky air and convert them into harmless plant-owned substances through photosynthesis. In addition, it can reduce the concentration of formaldehyde by about 9 mg per hour. It can be watched for a long time in a bright and well-ventilated home. Such as indoor direct light for about 4 hours a day can grow well. Varieties with yellow and white markings, such as weak light or partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, will blur their markings and lose their original characteristics. The suitable temperature for growth is 15 ~ 25 ℃, and the lowest temperature in winter should not be lower than 5 ℃, otherwise the leaves will fall off. New leaves will appear in the following spring. It grows well in the environment of high air humidity and sufficient soil moisture, but it has strong adaptability to the dry climate in the north. Pay attention to the basin soil can not be short of water, otherwise it will cause a large number of leaves to fall off. The water should be properly controlled under the condition of low temperature in winter. Liquid fertilizer was applied every 1-2 weeks in the growing season. Change the basin every spring, if you use plastic containers, you should pay attention to drainage. The basin soil is prepared with peat soil, rotten leaf soil, perlite and a small amount of base fertilizer. It can also be potted with fine sand. Pruning does not require big pruning. If the lower leaves fall out and become bare poles, cut short from the upper half to promote the germination of new branches, the cut branches can also be cut, and after taking root, they will become new plants. if you do not want the duck foot wood to grow too high, you can wait until it grows to 30cm, that is, wipe the head, wipe off the top buds, and grow lateral branches over a period of time.

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Seventh, the culture method of Cymbidium (can absorb 95% of carbon monoxide and 85% of formaldehyde in the air.) Matrix: Cymbidium has strong adaptability to all kinds of soil and is easy to cultivate. Fertile sandy loam, humus, peat soil, or fine sandy soil with a small amount of base fertilizer can be used as potted soil. Reproduction: it is usually propagated by the method of plant division, which can be carried out in other seasons except that the winter temperature is too low to be suitable for plant division. Potted seedlings with roots on flower stems can also be cut. Watering: the hanging orchid likes the wet environment, and the basin soil is easy to keep wet. However, the hanging fleshy root can store a lot of water, so it has a strong ability to resist drought, and it will not dry to death without watering for several days. Below 5 degrees in winter, less watering, basin soil should not be too wet, otherwise the leaves are easy to yellowing. Fertilization: liquid fertilizer is applied every two weeks during the growing season. Flower and leaf varieties should apply less nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise the white or yellow markings on the leaves will become less obvious. Stop fertilizing when the ambient temperature is below 4 degrees. Lighting: hanging orchid likes semi-overcast environment and can be cultivated in bright indoor all the year round. Hanging orchids cultivated outdoors can also grow well in summer in strong direct sunlight. However, hanging orchids that are regularly cultivated indoors should avoid strong direct sunlight and cover 50% to 70% of the sun. Temperature: the hanging orchid is resistant to high temperature. The suitable temperature is above 15 degrees, and the winter overwintering temperature is above 4 degrees. Humidity: like the moist environment, in order to make the orchid fresh and fresh green, you can often spray water to the leaves. Pruning: cut off the yellow leaves at any time. The basin can be turned once a year in March to cut off the old root, rotten root and excess fibrous root. Cutting off some of the old leaves of Cymbidium in the first and middle of May will promote the germination of more new leaves and small orchids. Hydroponic culture: the orchid can be hydroponically cultivated, the potted orchid can be poured out of the basin, the soil will be washed with water, the old leaves and roots will be cut off, placed in hydroponic utensils and poured with clean water. Don't have too much water, just to the root and stem. In order to grow vigorously, you can drop a few drops of nutrient solution into the water (can be self-made). Wide-mouth glass bottles, glasses and other containers can be used for utensils. The water in the container can be changed every few days, or some water can be added.

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8. The cultivation method of aloe (one pot of aloe is equivalent to nine biological air cleaners) family potted aloe can not only beautify the room, but also can be picked at any time to obtain the freshest aloe leaves for family health care. Some people say that planting a few pots of aloe at home is tantamount to hiring a resident "private doctor". Although this statement is somewhat exaggerated, it is not entirely unreasonable. Whether aloe is used as medicine to treat diseases, or for beauty care, only the use of fresh aloe can get the best results. 1. Preparation of potted soil the preparation of aloe pot substrate has a variety of formulations, the general common formula uses humus soil, pastoral soil and river sand, the proportion is 4:4:2, the practice has proved that this kind of substrate preparation is more suitable. Good results can be achieved by using sawdust instead of river sand, reducing the weight of matrix and increasing air permeability and water permeability. It is better for sawdust to choose hardwood, which should be piled up and fermented before use. 2. Disinfection of basin soil as a basin soil for indoor cultivation of aloe, it is best to disinfect it before use in order to kill eggs and germs that may exist in the substrate. There are three common methods: burning soil disinfection, steam disinfection and drug disinfection. (1) soil-burning disinfection: put the mixed matrix on the stove with iron plate to heat and stir-fry. Generally, under the condition of 80 ℃, it takes 30 minutes to kill harmful microorganisms and all kinds of eggs in the matrix. (2) Steam disinfection: put the prepared matrix in a container to steam through, the general household coal stove and gas stove can be used for heating and disinfection. Steam disinfection should be kept above 80 ℃, and steaming for 2 hours can achieve the effect of thorough disinfection. (3) Drug disinfection: 40% formalin is commonly used, 400-500 ml solution per cubic meter of culture medium is evenly sprinkled in the substrate, sealed and covered with plastic film, then opened after being stuffed for 1-2 days, and dried for 2-3 days, and then put on the basin after the liquid volatilizes. 3. The process of potting and changing the cultivated aloe in the flowerpot is called the upper pot. Potting time: should be carried out in spring and summer. When the indoor temperature is 15-28 ℃, it is suitable. The method of potting: it is important to select seedlings before potting. Strong aloe seedlings with short and thick leaves, dark green color, and with more than 4 self-rooting. When putting on the basin, first put some broken tiles at the bottom of the basin to facilitate drainage and ventilation, and then fill in some matched substrates, put aloe into the basin, stretch the root system as far as possible, fill the soil to cover the root, gently lift the seedling up, and compact it slightly, so that the root system is in close contact with the substrate, and then fill the basin soil to about 2 cm from the edge of the basin. Finally, slowly pour water into the basin, and the basin is finished. After the basin should not be watered, generally do not dry do not water, dry is thoroughly watered. Often spray water on the leaves of aloe, which can speed up the green and rooting of aloe. Aloe vera just on the basin do not let the sun shine directly, but can be maintained in a semi-shady place. Change the basin: family potted aloe usually needs to be changed once in 1-2 years. Spring is also better when changing pots. When changing the basin, it is necessary to master the correct de-basin technology. Turn the pot plant upside down, hold the basin soil in the left hand, hit the edge of the basin fiercely in the palm of the right hand, and knock several times in a row, the basin is naturally separated from the old basin soil. Then move the aloe and soil mass together into a larger new basin, and then add new basin soil around the basin, then compact the basin soil with your hands, and then pour water through it. After changing the basin, you still need to keep it in a semi-shady place for a period of time, and then move to a sunny place after completely slowing down the seedlings. 4. The management of family potted aloe mainly includes fertilization, watering and winter heat preservation. Fertilization: aloe needs a large number of elements in the growth process, such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium, magnesium, iron and so on, in which carbon, hydrogen and oxygen come from the air, while other elements are absorbed from the pot substrate. In addition, boron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, copper, chlorine and other elements are needed. Although the demand is small, they cannot be replaced by other elements. Scientific fertilization can supplement nutrition. Watering: in winter, it can be watered once every 15-20 days, and foliar water can be sprayed if necessary. Watering as little as possible and keeping the basin soil dry is beneficial to the safety of the plant through the winter; in spring, it is usually watered once every 5-7 days. If it is not dry or irrigated, it will be watered thoroughly, and the basin soil will be dry and wet; in summer, the temperature is high and evaporation is large, which requires watering once every 2-3 days, and can spray water on the leaves of aloe vera every morning and evening. Also pay attention to less exposure to the hot sun, reduce the loss of water; in autumn, the watering method of aloe is basically similar to that of spring, so the basin soil should be dry and wet. The watering time is generally better in the early morning and evening, when the water temperature is close to the basin soil temperature, which can avoid the drastic change of the basin soil temperature and affect the root growth. Remember: "potted aloe would rather be dry than wet." 5. Overwintering management (1) temperature requirements: aloe vera can survive the winter safely and naturally in tropical areas of southern China and frost-free areas such as southern Fujian, coastal areas of Guangdong and Hainan, but also strengthen anti-freezing management in other areas. 5 ℃ is the lowest overwintering temperature safety line of aloe. Mastering the safe overwintering temperature of aloe is one of the key techniques for the success or failure of family potted aloe. (2) the method of increasing temperature and heat preservation: in areas where winter is not very cold or where there are indoor heating conditions, potted aloe vera can generally survive the winter safely. When the temperature cannot be guaranteed above 5 ℃, some corresponding measures must be taken to keep warm. Such as digging rectangular holes (commonly known as Ditangzi), self-made a simple incubator and so on. (3) Control watering and increase light: watering as little or no watering as possible in winter to keep the basin soil dry. If the air is too dry, foliar spray can be used. In addition, try to make potted aloe see more sunshine.

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9. The culture method of tortoise back bamboo (absorbing carbon dioxide at night to improve air quality) 1) use soil and change pots. Cuttings of tortoise back bamboo take root, and fertile pond mud or black mud can be used when transplanting into the pot. Because of its rapid growth, the basin needs to be changed every year. The time to change the basin should be between March and April. When changing the basin, remove some of the old soil and withered roots and replace it with a larger basin. Put some hooves and broken bones at the bottom of the basin as base fertilizer and fill them with a mixture of rotten leaf soil, vegetable garden soil and sand soil. (2) pay attention to the growing environment. The tortoise is not resistant to the cold because of the scorching sun. Midsummer should be placed indoors or under the shade, not on the balcony where the sun is too strong, otherwise, it is easy to cause dead leaves and affect the ornamental value. When the temperature drops to 6 ℃ in winter, it should be moved into the room to keep warm. 3) keep the basin soil moist. Tortoise back bamboo likes to be moist and needs plenty of water during its growth. Daily watering can be once a day, one in the morning and one in the evening in summer. when the weather is dry, it is more necessary to spray water to the leaves and spray water to the maintenance environment to keep the air and leaves bright. In winter, 3Mel is watered once every 4 days. Spray the leaf surface with water close to room temperature every 10 days to keep the plant evergreen and fresh and improve the ornamental value. (4) it is necessary to apply fertilizer properly. Tortoise back bamboo is a more fertilizer-loving flower. From April to September, thin pancake fertilizer and water can be applied every 15 days; it can also be applied thinly with retted human urine and water. In addition, the newly planted growing plants should be framed and tied in time, and attention should be paid to pruning the whole plant after shaping, so as to make the plant look beautiful. Let me tell you a few more ways to prevent insects, listen carefully! The main diseases and insect pests of Phyllostachys pubescens are shell insects and gray leaf spot. (1) scale insects. If the indoor cultivation of tortoise back bamboo is not ventilated, shell insects are easy to appear on the stems and leaves, losing the ornamental value. When a small amount occurs, it can be caught manually, and in severe cases, it can be sprayed with 1000 omethoate emulsion. (2) Gray spot of bamboo on tortoise back. The disease usually starts from the injury of the edge of the leaf. The disease is more serious after low temperature, smoking and insect pests. After injury, the lesion was black at first and oval or irregular after enlargement. Margin dark brown inside grayish brown. Control methods: ① to strengthen plant maintenance, timely disinfestation, cut off some diseased leaves. When ② occurs, it is sprayed with 1000 times of topiramate or 0.5 Bordeaux solution.

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Ten, the culture method of ivy (the champion of absorbing formaldehyde) as long as it is dry and watered, the principle of not watering and watering thoroughly can be raised. Ivy can also be raised by water, and you can put some nutritious water to keep it hygienic and beautiful in the vase. Give it a try!

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Eleven, rubber tree culture methods (to eliminate harmful substances versatile) the growth rate of rubber trees is still relatively fast! ① illumination. Except for proper shading in summer (3050%), it is best to give sufficient light at other times. ② temperature. Rubber trees like high temperature, the suitable temperature is between 20 and 32 ℃, not less than 10 ℃. ③ humidity. The high humidity environment is conducive to growth, but also will grow gas roots, so in addition to normal watering, but also often spray water, of course, it is best to grow the environment with 75% humidity. ④ watering. Should not be overworked, should be watered after the topsoil is dry, and should not be long-term dry or only irrigated topsoil. ⑤ fertilization. Compound fertilizer based on nitrogen fertilizer can be applied by hole or irrigating fertilizer solution, but the fertilization must be between 18 and 30 ℃. ⑥ pruning. In fact, this link is only for plump plant type or control growth, but will affect its growth! ⑦ pest control. Under normal maintenance, there are few diseases and insect pests, and only in winter indoor maintenance, red spiders and shell insects can be harmed, and special insecticides can be sprayed to control them, such as triclofenac (red spider) and paracetamol (shell insects).

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12. The culture method of asparagus (protective umbrella to eliminate bacteria and viruses) asparagus, also known as Phyllostachys pubescens, is a perennial evergreen vine of Liliaceae. Native to southern Africa. Ecological habits: asparagus is not cold-resistant, not resistant to drought, like warm, semi-shady environment, avoid frost. Asparagus has strict requirements for basin soil, which is loose, fertile, good drainage and good air permeability, and the basin soil had better be neutral. Rotten leaf soil, sand and mature fertilizers can be used. Asparagus is not cold-resistant and afraid of heat, and the suitable temperature for growth is between 15 and 25 ℃. That is, it can not stand direct light, but also can not stay in the shade for too long. Watering should not be too much, grasp the principle of watering dry and wet. Fertilizer can be used once a month to meet the growth needs. Asparagus born in 2012 has the most ornamental value. Three-year-old asparagus begins to draw branches and should set up a support for it to climb. If you do not want to set up a bracket, you can also cut off the climbing branches to the root. Asparagus is not resistant to cold, and the overwintering temperature is 10 ℃.

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Common questions about family flower cultivation:

Why the tender leaves of ⒈ asparagus become scorched and blackened when they grow to a certain height, while branches and leaves can still grow on the side? The scorch at the tip of young leaves of asparagus is mainly caused by excessive drying of basin soil, lack of fertilizer or fertilizer damage. In addition, asparagus is originally a climbing plant, when it grows tall, it must have a pillar or rope to make it climb up, otherwise, due to the bending and drooping of the top tip, affecting the supply of water and nutrients, a similar situation will occur. 2. What diseases are easy to occur in asparagus? How to prevent and cure it? ① asparagus branchlets yellowed but did not detach, which was mainly caused by insufficient nutrients and malnutrition in basin soil. Some are because the basin soil is hard and the vitality of the root system with poor ventilation decreases, which affects the normal growth of the plant. In addition to replacing the basin with culture soil rich in organic matter in spring, the surface of the basin soil should be often loosened and attention should be paid to strengthening fertilization. The withered and yellow leaf tip or shedding of ② asparagus is mainly caused by less watering, dry basin soil, or low relative humidity. Should always keep the basin soil moist, and often spray water to the plant, the water temperature had better be the same as room temperature, and put asparagus in a place with high air humidity. Mixed fertilizers should be properly applied in the growing season to make the plants healthy and strong and enhance their resistance. The shoot color of ③ asparagus is dark yellow or yellowish green, which is caused by strong light or too much watering. It should be moved to a shaded place or a window with curtains to avoid direct exposure to strong light and be careful not to water too much. The roots of ④ asparagus are rotten and the branches are scorched and yellow, mainly due to strong winds in the hot summer season or long-term stagnant water in flowerpots. So in summer, we should pay special attention to prevent the attack of thundershowers or typhoons. The causes and control methods of yellowing of branches and leaves of ⒊ bamboo in pot cultivation. A) the light is too strong. Asparagus likes semi-shade and avoids strong light. If it is placed in direct sunlight in summer, it will cause branches and leaves to wither and yellow. Once this phenomenon occurs, the flowerpot should be moved to a cool place, and water is often sprayed on the branches and leaves to increase the relative humidity, most of which are not seriously damaged can be restored. B) improper watering. Although asparagus likes to be wet, it is afraid of stagnant water in the basin. More water is easy to rot the roots, while less water is easy to dry up the leaf tip. If root rot occurs, watering should be controlled and the soil should be loosened often. If the leaf tip is dry and withered, it is appropriate to irrigate a small amount of water first, then increase gradually, and spray water on the branches and leaves at the same time. C) nutrient deficiency. Asparagus loves fertile soil. If the soil is not changed for a long time, the supply of nutrients falls short of demand, and the branches and leaves will turn yellow. At this time, thin liquid fertilizer should be irrigated once a week, and water and loosen the soil in time. D) improper fertilization. If the concentration of topdressing fertilizer is too strong or the application of immature fertilizer is too strong, it is easy to cause fertilizer damage, which will lead to leaf drying and shedding. Once fertilizer damage occurs, the pot should be poured out, and the fertilizer should be removed, then the soil mass should be washed with clean water and the new culture soil should be replaced. E) mismanagement in winter Asparagus loves warmth and should be sunny in winter. if it is placed in a place with insufficient light for a long time, coupled with poor ventilation and cold, it is easy to cause withered and yellow branches and leaves. At this time, it should be transferred to a warm place with sunshine, and at the same time properly controlled watering, it can be gradually restored as usual. F) infection of diseases and insect pests Once asparagus is infected with shell insects and other pests, it will also cause withered and yellow branches and leaves, so it should be controlled in time.

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13. The cultivation method of palm bamboo (eliminating heavy metal pollution and carbon dioxide). Palm bamboo, also known as Guanyin bamboo, Jintou bamboo, palm bamboo, dwarf palm bamboo, is an evergreen foliage plant of palm family. Brown bamboo is a tufted shrub with an erect stem and a height of 1 Mel 3 meters. Stems as slender as fingers, unbranched, with leaf nodes, wrapped in leaf sheaths with brown reticular fibers. Leaves set; stem apical, palmate, parted almost to base, with 12 lobes 3murine, 25cm long and 1cm wide; petiole slender, ca. 820cm. Inflorescences of fleshy spikes axillary, flowers small, yellowish, numerous, unisexual, dioecious. The florescence is from April to May. Berries globose, seeds globose. Brown bamboo is native to Guangdong, Yunnan and other places in China, as well as in Japan. There are more than 20 species of the same genus, mainly distributed in Southeast Asia. It often thrives on hillsides and ditches in shady, moist bushes, cultivated with large leaves, middle leaves and fine leaves, as well as flowers and leaves. It likes warm, humid, semi-overcast and well-ventilated environment, afraid of the hot sun, slightly cold-resistant and can withstand about 0 ℃ of low temperature. Brown bamboo can be propagated by sowing and ramet propagation, and family planting is mainly ramet propagation. The sowing is based on loose permeable soil, which is generally mixed with rotten leaf soil and river sand. Before sowing, the seeds can be soaked in warm soup (30m / 35 ℃ for two days). When the seeds begin to germinate, the seeds can be sowed again. Because of its irregular germination, it is appropriate to cover the soil a little deeper after sowing. Generally speaking, it can be germinated within 2 months after sowing, and the germination rate can reach about 80%. When the cotyledons of the seedlings are as long as 8 mi 10 cm, they can be transplanted. It is worth noting that when transplanting, 5 plants should be planted in a clump to facilitate survival and growth. Ramet propagation is usually carried out in spring combined with changing pots, and the original sprouting clumps are divided into several clumps with a sharp knife, so that the roots and buds are not hurt as much as possible, so that each clump contains more than 10 plants, otherwise the growth is slow and the ornamental effect is poor. Put the ramet in a semi-shady place after potting, keep it moist, and often spray water to the leaves to prevent the leaves from withering and yellowing. Wait for the germination of new branches and then move to the sunny place for maintenance, and then carry out normal management. Brown bamboo pot cultivation can be mixed with rotten leaf soil, garden soil and river sand as substrate, and appropriate amount of base fertilizer can be added when planting. During the vigorous growth period, liquid fertilizer was applied twice a month from May to September; the basin soil should be moist and wet rather than dry, but it would be easy to rot the roots without stagnant water. The amount of water should be reduced appropriately in autumn and winter. The growing season should be shaded, especially in summer, or the leaves will turn yellow, the plant will grow slowly and low, and the shading degree will generally be about 50%. Brown bamboo growth requires a well-ventilated environment, such as poor ventilation is prone to shell insects. If a small amount occurs, it should be manually scraped off in time, and controlled with 800 times omethoate, while paying attention to ventilation and timely pruning of withered branches and leaves. Brown bamboo is an important indoor foliage plant with compact and beautiful shape, tall and straight clumps, beautiful leaves, dark green and shiny leaves, both tropical Phoenix rhyme and bamboo chic. It is very shade-resistant. It is not only suitable for small and medium-sized potted plants for indoor decoration in general families, but also can be planted in large-scale buildings for indoor layout. It is one of the large indoor foliage plants. It can be enjoyed for a long time in the bright room, and it can be watched continuously in the darker room for 4 weeks. 2. The method of hydroponic culture of palm bamboo, also known as Guanyin bamboo. Originated in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan and other places. Characteristic evergreen tufted shrubs. Stem Terete, unbranched, jointed as bamboo, with brown coarse fibrous leaf sheaths, such as brown. Leaves concentrated on stem tip, leathery, dark green and glossy, palmately parted, lobes 4-10 branches. Dioecious. Habits like warm, humid and well-ventilated environment. The suitable temperature for growth is 20-30 degrees, which should be kept above 4 degrees in winter and can withstand a short-term low temperature of about 0 degrees. Reproduction is generally carried out in combination with turning the basin, select the plants with large and dense plants, first lift the plants out of the basin, then divide the plants into several clumps with a sharp knife, cut the roots as little as possible, and the separated plants maintain a certain plant shape, and then re-basin, pour water through and place in a semi-shady and humid place, and often spray water to the leaves, which can be transferred to normal maintenance after resuming growth. The seeds were sown in the basin with harvest after the seeds matured in autumn, moved into the greenhouse in winter, and emerged in the following spring. Water culture protection point 1: shade-tolerant but weak light is easy to produce yellow leaves, poor ventilation breeds parasites. 2: during the growing period, water should be often sprayed on the leaf surface, and the method of obtaining hydroponic materials should be potted root washing. The root texture of brown bamboo is relatively hard, and it is not easy to rot after hydroponic culture, but it takes more than one and a half months to sprout new roots.

Matters needing attention

Pay attention to the indoor temperature!

Plant culture

How many varieties of Cymbidium are there? what is the best variety of Orchid? appreciation diagram of Cymbidium varieties

The varieties of Cymbidium are mainly divided into the original varieties introduced and the improved varieties formed later. The common varieties are Dashengli, monk, dyeing factory, oil craftsman, yellow technician, Japanese orchid, sparrow orchid and so on. Among them, the monk is the training basis of many later improved varieties.

1. How many varieties are there in Cymbidium

1. A great victory

Originally a palace variety, it later flowed into the people and was handed over to the Victory Park by Zhang Youti, an old florist in the post-liberation period. in order to commemorate the victory of the War of Resistance against Japan, it was named as the Great Victory. the leaves of this variety are medium-wide, wedge-shaped, short-pointed, dark green, glossy and delicate; flowers and arrows are thick, flowers are bright red, flowers bloom neatly; spherical berries. On the basis of it, there are "two victories" and so on.

two。 Monk

As one of the early famous products, it was cultivated by the old monk who protected the country in Changchun for many years and was called "monk" after it came out. The variety has broad leaves, sharp tip, fish-scale-shaped leaf sheath, obvious but not prominent veins, poor glossiness, dark green, purplish red flowers and oblong fruit. The improved varieties cultivated on the basis of this variety are as follows:

1) round head and style

This variety is one of the most popular varieties among flower lovers at present. Its leaves are short and thick, and the top is gradually round.

2) round head short leaf

This variety has short, wide, round leaves, upright and straight leaves, protruding veins, light green leaves, bright luster, bright flowers and neat plant type. it is an excellent tool orchid and one of the popular varieties at present.

3) short leaves

The leaves are medium-wide and short, the head is round and shiny, the veins protrude, the head lines are good, dark green; the flowers are fan-shaped, orange-red; the fruit is round, which is a tool orchid for cultivating short-leaf bodies.

4) wax film flower face

The veins of the leaves are clear, the luster is like wax, the color is lighter, and the blue is delicate.

5) Henglan

The leaf length-width ratio is 1:1, so it is named "Henglan". It is small and exquisite and has strong stability.

3. Dyeing factory

It gets its name from Chen Guoxing, manager of Changchun Dongxing dyeing Factory. It has broad leaves, acuminate tip, thin and arched leaves, dark green, inconspicuous veins and poor gloss; flowers are bright red; fruit is oval.

4. Oil craftsman

It is one of the early excellent varieties. Leaves broad, acuminate, green and glossy; leaves long oblique, veins raised; flowers large orange-red; fruit globose. Take it as the mother, but also breed "little oil craftsman" and other varieties.

5. Huang technician

It is cultivated by Huang Yongnian technician of Changchun Biological products Research Institute, hence the name "Huang technician". Its leaves are wide and short-pointed, the color is light and yellow, the stiffness is good, shiny, the vein is "field" shaped protuberance; the flower is orange-red, the flower back has Venus twinkling, the flower blossoms neatly; the fruit is spherical.

6. Japanese orchid

Introduced from Japan in the mid-1980s, the ratio of leaf length to width is 2:1, the leaf is spreading symmetrically, the head is round, the arrangement is neat, the orchid is rough, the vein is not obvious, the bulge is not strong, and the gloss is poor.

7. Sparrow orchid

This is a budding variety of Cymbidium, named because the sharp tip of the leaf resembles the small mouth of a sparrow.

2. What is the best variety of orchids

According to its leaf shape, leaf color, leaf vein and flower pattern, Cymbidium is divided into treasures, fine products, good products, good products, mediocre products and inferior products, while the renewal of varieties of Cymbidium makes the best varieties of Cymbidium always change. so far, it is recognized that the best varieties of Cymbidium are colored Cymbidium, Anshan Orchid, Foguang Orchid, Changchun Orchid and so on, these are expensive varieties.

Third, the diagram of variety appreciation of Cymbidium.

As there are many varieties of orchids, according to different standards, there are different categories, so the editor now gives only the appreciation pictures of the above-mentioned varieties, friends feast your eyes!

A great victory

Round-headed monk

Round head short leaf

Short leaf

Wax film flower face

Horizontal orchid

Dyeing factory

Oil craftsman

Huang technician

Japanese orchid

Sparrow orchid

Dear friends, will you feel that the gentleman's orchid has dazzled your eyes? The varieties of gentleman orchids are basically similar, and you have to rely on your own cultivation to get the experience.