
Soilless cultivation techniques of coriander

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Soilless cultivation techniques of coriander

Coriander is very common in our daily life, and with the continuous development of planting technology, the planting pattern has changed greatly. One of the most famous is the soilless cultivation technology, which can increase the yield of coriander. It is easy to manage, and can effectively reduce the planting cost. So how to carry out soilless cultivation of parsley? The following editor brings you the soilless cultivation technology of coriander, let's have a look!

1. Choose a place to build a garden

The first thing of soilless cultivation of coriander is to select the planting plot, which should be surrounded by sufficient and clean water, ventilation and sufficient electricity. After choosing the planting base, we should build the cilantro planting greenhouse, and pay attention to the measures to isolate from the outside world when building the greenhouse. For example, the place where the greenhouse film is in contact with the ground and the skylight to prevent the invasion of diseases, insects and animals. Soilless cultivation mainly takes the foam board as the cultivation board, controls the cultivation density and punches the cultivation hole on the foam board, and the cultivation board specially used for soilless cultivation can be purchased in the market.

2. Sowing seeds at the right time

Coriander planting generally begins to sow and raise seedlings in autumn and winter, because the temperature in autumn and winter is conducive to the germination of coriander seeds. If you sow seeds in summer when the temperature is high, do a good job of accelerating germination at low temperature before sowing. After processing the seeds, then sow the seeds on the seedling sponge, because the leaves of parsley are double leaves, so the sowing should not be too deep. After sowing, water should be watered regularly to improve moisture and promote seed germination. when two cotyledons are unearthed, start spraying nutrient solution to promote nutrient absorption of seedlings. When one or two more leaves are grown, they can be transplanted at the right time.

3. Nutrition management

After transplanting, the main nutrient absorption of coriander seedlings is through the roots. When we provide nutrition, we should mainly use recycling to reduce the planting cost. The concentration of the nutrient solution mainly depends on the growth of coriander. For example, the concentration of the nutrient solution is usually about 1.1 in the seedling stage and 0.4 or so in the middle stage. In the later stage of growth, in order to promote the ripening of coriander plant, the concentration should be increased to about 1.9 to strengthen nutrient absorption. And in the process of cultivation, foliar fertilizer should be sprayed regularly to promote the photosynthesis of coriander, increase the chlorophyll in leaves, and prevent the loss of green leaves caused by lack of light.

4. Pest control

Although the use of soilless cultivation techniques can reduce the incidence of diseases and insect pests, some diseases and insect pests can occur if mismanaged. For the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, we mainly focus on prevention, do a good job of isolation between the greenhouse and the outside world, and do a good job of disinfection and sterilization before cultivation. Reduce the number of germs and eggs, reduce the incidence, and avoid the use of pesticides as far as possible. And when using the nutrient solution, carry on the ultraviolet sterilization to the nutrient solution to improve the vitality of the nutrient solution and eliminate the germs among them.

The above is a brief introduction to the soilless cultivation technology of coriander. The growth cycle of soilless cultivation of coriander is about one month. And harvest is more convenient than traditional cultivation, and easy to store, so soilless cultivation technology is an innovation of agricultural planting in our country, I hope you can learn! This is the end of today's introduction, this article is for reference only, friends who want to know more related information, please continue to follow us!