
Sowing method of thousand-day red

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sowing time: Qianrihong collected seeds from September to October and sowed seeds from April to May. The suitable sowing temperature was 20: 25 ℃ and sowed in the open field seedbed. It was planted in June. Seed treatment: thousand-day red seeds are covered with hairy hair, so slow emergence needs artificial germination treatment.

Sowing time:

The seeds of Qianrihong were collected from September to October and sowed from April to May. The suitable temperature for sowing was 20: 25 ℃ and sowed in the open field seedbed. It was planted in June.

Seed treatment:

Thousand-day red seeds are densely covered with hairy hair, so slow emergence requires artificial germination treatment. Soak the seeds with water for a day before sowing, wrap the seeds with gauze after soaking, put them in a shallow basin, drench them with clean water every day, and put them in a warm and bright place. You can usually see white buds after two weeks, and you can sow seeds at this time.

Sowing method:

The germinated seeds are sown on the surface of the prepared basin soil, and then covered with a layer of shallow soil, and finally covered with glass can play a role in heat preservation and moisturizing.

After germination, it is sown in the basin, covered with shallow soil, and then covered with glass to keep warm and moisturizing.

After all the seedlings have grown, pull out the thin seedlings. The red seedlings grow slowly and will accelerate after June. When the seedlings grow 7-8 leaves, move the seedlings to other flowerpots or containers.

Post-broadcast management:

During the growth period should not be too much watering and fertilization, otherwise it will cause stems and leaves to grow only, flowering rare. Pay attention to replenish water when it is hotter in summer, you can maintain the flowerpot in the open air and pay attention to the rain.

In order to dwarf the plant, the heart should be picked once at the seedling stage, and the residual flowers should be cut off in time to promote the germination of new branches so as to make them blossom again.

How to plant thousand-day red planting method

The safflower does not wither after it is dried and remains the same for a long time, so it is named Qianyihong. Generally planted in the courtyard, balcony and other places, summer and autumn flowering, flowers small, born at the end of the branch, dense into a ball. How to grow the thousand-day red? Next, let's learn about the planting method of thousand-day red.

First, how to grow thousand-day red

It was sowed in greenhouse in March or in open field seedbed in early April. Because like warm and hot, such as the temperature is not high, sprouting is bad, the growth is very slow. Therefore, sowing in advance, if not heated, the effect is not significant. The seedlings grew slowly at the initial stage, but grew faster after June. After one transplant, the seedlings were planted in the open field after the middle of June with a distance of 30 cm. Such as potted plants, after the occurrence of true leaves, you can put on the 3-inch pot and turn it to 6-inch pot one after another. Seeds are difficult to germinate and can be accelerated. Soak the seeds in warm water for half a day, then wrap them with gauze, put them in a shallow basin, rinse them with clean water once or twice a day, place them in a warm place, sprout in about two weeks, and then sow them on the seedbed. The requirements for fertilizer, water and soil are not strict, and the management can be extensive.

Second, the planting method of thousand-day red

1. Fertilization: in addition to using rotten chicken manure as base fertilizer during planting, rarefied liquid fertilizer rich in phosphorus, potassium and potassium should be applied every half a month in the stage of vigorous growth.

2. Watering: thousands of days of red light tide, dry soil environment, more drought-resistant. Therefore, when the seedlings grow new leaves, it is necessary to properly control watering; when the plant flower bud differentiation, appropriately increase the amount of water, in order to facilitate the normal growth of flowers.

3. Light: thousands of days of red happy sunny environment, the cultivation process, should ensure that the plant not less than 4 hours of direct sunlight every day. The cultivation site should not be too hidden, otherwise the plant will grow slowly and the flower color will be dim.

4. Pruning: pick the heart once when the seedling is high 15cm, in order to promote branching. In the future, it can be decided whether to carry out the second heart removal according to the growth situation. When shaping and pruning, attention should be paid to the circle shaping of the plant, so that the thousand-day red has a higher ornamental value. When the plant is formed, the flowering period can be effectively controlled by coring the branches.

5. Florescence management: after the flowers bloom, keep the potted soil in a slightly tidal state, be careful not to spray water on the flowers, stop topdressing fertilizer and maintain normal light. It should be pruned in time after flowering in order to branch and blossom again.

6. Disease control: it is easy to occur blight in thousand-day red seedling stage. The control methods can be used to treat the seedling bed with 1500-fold Likuning 5-6 days before sowing, or to irrigate the diseased plants with 1000-fold Likuning.

The above is the thousand-day red planting method to share, to understand the thousand-day red planting method can better plant thousand-day red, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

How to grow thousand-day red planting methods and matters needing attention

Qianrihong is one of the most popular flowers, especially beautiful women. Because it not only has a high medicinal value, and its flowers are excellent flavor herbal tea, with a good beauty effect. But many flower friends do not know enough about the planting method of thousand-day red, the following editor will introduce how to grow thousand-day red for you.

How to grow thousand-day red

1. Sowing time

The seeds were usually collected from September to October, sowed from April to May, and planted in June. The seedlings grew slowly. The seedlings were sowed in the open field from April to May in spring, and the suitable sowing temperature was 20-25 ℃.

2. Seed treatment

Thousand-day red seeds are covered with hairy hair, so the emergence of seedlings is slow. In order to promote its quick emergence, it is necessary to accelerate germination before sowing. Before sowing, soak the seeds in warm water for one day or in cold water for two days, then squeeze out water, dry slightly, mix with plant ash or fine sand, the dosage is 2-3 times of the seeds, so that it is loose and easy to sow.

3. Sowing method

Thousand-day red seeds are relatively large, about 400 seeds / g, can use ordinary sowing land, choose sandy soil with sufficient sunshine, high groundwater level, good drainage, loose and fertile soil as the seedbed.

4. Post-broadcast management

After thousands of days red sowing, slightly covered with soil, the temperature was controlled at 20-25 ℃, and seedlings could emerge in about 10-15 days. After the seedlings come out, the seedlings will not cover each other with a certain growth space. After the seedlings are poured with 1000 times urea solution, the foliage should be sprayed in time after applying fertilizer to prevent the seedlings from being burned by fertilizer.

Planting methods and matters needing attention of thousand-day red

1. Planting method of thousand-day red

1. Lighting

Thousand days like the sunny environment, in the maintenance process, to ensure that not less than 4 hours of direct sunlight every day. The maintenance site should not be too shady, otherwise the plant will grow slowly and the flower color will be dim. If you happen to meet one day in the thousand-day red seedling stage, you can use fluorescent lamps to make up the light.

2. Watering

Qianrihong likes slightly wet, dry soil environment, more resistant to drought, watering would rather dry than waterlogging. In the growth stage of seedlings, especially in the time of long leaves, watering should be properly controlled, and the amount of water can be increased properly after flower bud differentiation to ensure the normal growth of flowers.

3. Fertilization

Qianri Hongxi fertilizer, in addition to adding sufficient base fertilizer to the soil during planting, applying phosphorus and potassium fertilizer every half a month during the peak growth period can not only promote plant growth, but also enhance resistance and reduce infection.

4. Shaping and pruning

Thousand-day red grows rapidly, and when the seedling grows to 15 cm, it picks the heart once to promote branching. After that, the second coring was decided according to the growth of the plant, and the plant type and florescence were controlled. In addition, the yellowing and wilting leaves should be cut off in time during the growth process, and the branches and leaves should be thinned properly to ensure the beautiful plant shape.

II. Points for attention

1. Florescence management

After flowering, this is a stage that everyone is easy to ignore, mainly keep the potted soil slightly tidal, do not water from the top down, and avoid the flowers from getting wet. Stop fertilizing during flowering to ensure sufficient light. Cut off the flower branches in time after flowering to promote re-branching and flowering.

2. Prevention and control of diseases and pests

Thousand-day red often yellowing is a blight disease, it is necessary to do a good job of prevention, disinfection in time before planting, when the disease with fungicide root irrigation.

The function of thousand-day safflower tea

1. Thousand-day safflower tea is a kind of characteristic tea containing a variety of amino acids and vitamins, which not only can refresh the mind, but also has the effect of clearing liver and eyesight, so it is an ideal health tea in people's life.

2. Thousand-day safflower tea is an ideal drink for the three high people. after entering the human body, this kind of tea can eliminate toxins in the body and lower the blood pressure of the human body. at the same time, it can also prevent hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia.

3. Thousand-day safflower tea has a good health effect on respiratory tract, can relieve cough and asthma, and has a good therapeutic effect on bronchitis, chronic bronchitis and asthma.

4. Thousand-day safflower tea has the effect of promoting blood circulation, dredging collaterals and dispersing wind and relieving pain. it can also be used in the treatment of women's amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea.

The Medicinal prescription of Thousand Ribbon

1. Cure headache: three dollars for a thousand days of safflower and seven for vervain. Pan-fried suit.

2. Children cry at night: five red flowers in a thousand days, three cicada clothes, seven points of chrysanthemums, fried clothes in water.

3, to treat asthma: ten red flowers in a thousand days, fried water, a small amount of yellow wine clothes, three times in a row.

4. Infantile liver fever: seven to fourteen red flowers in thousands of days, fried in water. Or add wax gourd sugar with stew.

5. Treatment of white dysentery: ten inflorescences for thousands of days, fried in water, washed into yellow rice wine and taken with a small amount.

6. Infantile eclampsia: ten safflower in a thousand days and seven grasshoppers. Drink stewed clothes with boiled water.

7, urinate disadvantageous: thousand-day red inflorescence 1 to 3 money, fried service.