
How to increase the output of Chinese Yam

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to increase the output of Chinese Yam

Chinese yam, also known as potato, Huaishan and so on, is a kind of root vegetable. Chinese yam has a series of effects, such as nourishing body, relieving diarrhea, helping elimination and so on. Also has the effect of preventing diabetes, in our country is used to make dishes, processed into a variety of products and so on. At present, many people are planting yam, hoping to get more economic benefits from high yield, so how can we increase the output of yam? Let's introduce it to you by the editor.

1. Select superior species

First of all, before planting, we should select varieties with high yield and strong disease resistance. Usually, disease resistance is an aspect that everyone will ignore when selecting seeds. The rhizome of Chinese yam can reach a very long place underground, and it is easy to suffer insect pests if the disease resistance is not strong. And it is very difficult to find that it naturally leads to a decline in yield, so we should pay attention to the selection of varieties before planting. And we can't use the same variety all the year round, because better new varieties will appear in two years at the most, and we should replace them in time to ensure our own output.

2. Reasonable scaffolding

Not only is the root of the yam very long, but the branches and leaves on the ground are also very luxuriant. If there is no scaffolding, the branches and leaves will collapse on the ground. The permeability becomes extremely poor, resulting in the obstruction of photosynthesis, affecting the accumulation of nutrition, the lack of nutritional growth of the rhizome of Chinese yam, resulting in a decrease in yield. Therefore, after the emergence of Chinese yam, we should set up the shelf in time, the shelf height is about 1.8-2 meters. The shelf is built in the way of "people" to improve the stability and wind resistance of the shelf, and pay attention to the distance between the shelves. This not only enhances the permeability of the field, but also increases the yield.

3. Fertilizer and water management

The fertilizer and water management of Chinese yam in the planting process is very important. Chinese yam is a kind of fertilizer-loving crop, so we should improve the soil fertility and apply enough base fertilizer before planting. Then according to the growth of yam timely topdressing, the application of organic fertilizer should pay attention to decomposition, otherwise it is easy to produce insect pests. In addition, we should pay attention to the nutritional proportion of fertilizer, control the amount of fertilizer, and do not apply too much nitrogen fertilizer to prevent the excessive growth of yam. Chinese yam likes water and is not resistant to waterlogging, so while ensuring that the soil is moist, we should prevent excessive stagnant water and timely drainage in rainy weather to prevent waterlogging, root rot and reduce yield.

4. Pest control

Diseases and insect pests are the main reasons for the decline and serious shortage of yam production. Therefore, pest control work should be strictly managed from planting to harvest and even during storage. Yam planting is best not to be cropped continuously. If continuous cropping, then the incidence of diseases and insect pests will be infinitely expanded. Strengthen the management during the planting period, spray regularly, reduce bacteria, and spray when adding appropriate amount of new high-fat membrane to improve the efficacy of the drug. However, pay attention to the concentration, otherwise it will also have an inhibitory effect on the growth of yam.

The above are several ways to increase the output of yam, in fact, we should pay attention to some of the management work when planting. In other words, increasing production is closely related to our day-to-day management. if it is not well managed, the natural output will decline. So I hope everyone can pay attention to daily management and enhance their own planting technology. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.