
Feeding and management of weaned piglets

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Feeding and management of weaned piglets

Pig breeding will go through a variety of different growth stages, each stage has different feeding and management methods. Among them, the management of piglets after weaning is the most important and the most troublesome stage. To change the diet of piglets, adapt to the environment, improve disease resistance, if not managed properly, it is easy to make piglets produce stress response. The following editor brings you the feeding and management methods of weaned piglets, let's have a look!

1. Control temperature

Piglets are very weak and sensitive to changes in temperature after being weaned. Moreover, the hair and fat of the piglets are not fully grown, and the body temperature is relatively low, so they can rely on the sows for warmth before weaning, but if the temperature is not controlled properly after weaning, the piglets are very easy to catch cold. Therefore, after weaning, you first need to adjust the temperature, the temperature should not be lower than 25 degrees. If it is in winter, try to prepare the incubator, and the temperature difference between day and night can not be too large, otherwise it is difficult for piglets to adapt and produce stress reaction.

2. Reasonable feeding

After weaning or weaning, the adaptation of piglets to feed is not very strong. So we first feed some water after weaning, and then slowly adjust according to the time, so that the piglets have a diet transition period. Feed about 3-4 times a day, pay attention to the interval between each feeding and the feeding time of the piglets, do not let the piglets eat for too long, otherwise it will reduce the appetite of the piglets. And pay attention to improve the brightness when feeding, the bright environment can improve the appetite of piglets. And gradually increase the dry material, after a period of time will adapt to the dry material, a successful transition.

3. Drinking water management

The drinking water of piglets is more important and should not be fed with unclean and polluted water. And we have to adjust the temperature of drinking water according to the changes of the weather season, for example, when the winter temperature is very low, make sure that the temperature of drinking water is not lower than 10 degrees. Otherwise, piglets are very easy to catch cold and develop some gastrointestinal diseases. And a small amount of baking soda can be added to the first drinking water of piglets. Baking soda can improve the ability of intestines and stomach and promote peristaltic digestion. It is best to disinfect drinking water every time before feeding water to prevent piglets from problems caused by drinking water.

4. Daily management

If you want piglets to thrive and improve the survival rate, you must do a good job in daily management and train piglets to defecate. When the piglets are resting, sprinkle some feed in the place where they rest, because the piglets will not defecate on the feed, and then the piglets will slowly look for places where there is no feed, and they will naturally form a habit over time. In the piglet period, we also need to regularly observe the growth, food intake and feces and other conditions, if there is an abnormal situation should be dealt with in time to prevent the occurrence of disease, resulting in the death of piglets.

These are the feeding and management methods of piglets after weaning. Weaning is the most difficult period in the whole growth period. Improper management may lead to the death of piglets, even if there is no death, there will be a lot of problems in later growth, such as difficulties in gaining weight, diseases and so on. So everyone must manage well! That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.