
The mode of reproduction of golden cherry

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The mode of reproduction of golden cherry

The golden cherry has a high medicinal value. When we were young, we often ate the golden cherry as a fruit, and the taste was quite good. As the value of golden cherry is gradually developed, people pick wild varieties without restraint. Resulting in a sharp decline in the number of wild, only rely on artificial planting to ensure the demand of the market. But do you know how to reproduce golden cherry when planting? Let's take a look at it with the editor.

1. Sowing and reproduction

Sowing and propagation is the most common way of reproduction, sowing is mainly to raise seedlings first, and transplant after successful breeding. However, the survival rate of sowing and reproduction is very low, because the seeds have very strict requirements on the surrounding growth environment. If the requirements are not met slightly, then the germination of seeds will be greatly hindered, or even unable to germinate, so it is generally not recommended to use the way of sowing and reproduction.

2. Ramet propagation

Ramet propagation is mainly to select the golden cherry plant with strong growth, stout stem and developed root system, and cut off the small branches growing from its root and stem base. Then it is planted to make the branches grow into independent plants. the method of branch propagation is higher and simpler than that of sowing and reproduction. But the yield is less, and it is generally used on all kinds of horticultural ornamental golden cherry plants.

3. Cuttage propagation

Cutting propagation is the most commonly used propagation method in the propagation of golden cherry. First of all, the golden cherry plant with strong branches, disease-free and harmless should be selected as the mother plant. Then select the branches as cuttings, and cut them in time after picking the cuttings, so as to prevent the cuttings from withering due to lack of water and fertilizer. When cutting, we should pay attention to disinfect the cutting branch section, and maintain a certain temperature, not too high and too low, too high will easily lead to incision rot, too low will hinder the rooting of cuttings. The survival rate of cutting propagation is high, and the yield is also high, so it is a preferred breeding method for growers.

4. Striping propagation

The main method of striping propagation is to press the branches of the plant in the nutrient solution, and then wait until the branches take root and then separate the rooting place from the mother plant. When planting to form new plants, the survival rate of striping propagation is higher, but the reproduction coefficient is not large, which is generally used when other propagation methods are not effective, or when the planting area is to be expanded. When choosing striping propagation, we should pay attention to the good quality of the mother plant, and we should not select the plant with serious disease, thin branches or weak growth.

5. Grafting propagation

Grafting propagation is the same as striping propagation, which belongs to the asexual reproduction of golden cherry, and the method of grafting reproduction has both advantages and disadvantages. The benefit is that the survival rate of the plant is high, the growth is fast, and the recovery rate can be improved. But there is also a bad thing is that the output may not be very ideal and we need to manage it carefully. So the method of grafting propagation is usually used on potted golden cherry.

These are the breeding methods of golden cherry, there are many ways to reproduce golden cherry, but each method has different advantages and disadvantages. When breeding, we should also pay attention to the rational use of various breeding methods according to their own planting situation and planting direction, so as to ensure the economic benefits of planting. This is the end of today's introduction, this article is for reference only, friends who want to know more related information, please continue to follow us!