
How to fattening Meat Rabbit

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to fattening Meat Rabbit

Rabbit meat is rich in nutrients, and the demand for meat rabbits in the market is also gradually increasing. The market price of meat rabbit is also considerable, and the breeding scale of rabbit meat is also expanding, but it still does not meet the market demand. One of the important reasons is that it is difficult for meat rabbits to be fattened in the process of breeding, and the meat yield is very low. So the editor sorted out the breeding methods of fattening meat rabbits, below you can seriously take a look.

1. Scientific deworming

In the breeding process of meat rabbits, deworming is a more important point. If the meat rabbit has more parasites and is not dewormed, then no matter how it is raised, even if it is fattened through unscientific fattening methods, there is little chance of success. Because all the nutrients it ingests will be absorbed by parasites. So we have to deworming meat rabbits from time to time, especially before fattening. Deworming we can use levamisole hydrochloride tablets or injections for deworming, usually for three days.

2. Fattening by grouping

Reasonable feeding density is also an important factor in fattening. Generally speaking, it is best to raise only six to eight adult meat rabbits per square meter, which is easy to manage. First of all, we need to divide male rabbits and female rabbits into groups, which is conducive to feeding and management and promoting the growth and development of meat rabbits. Then it is divided into groups according to the strong and weak, which can avoid the phenomenon that the rabbits fight for food and the strong bully the weak. At the same time, the feeding of feed will also be reasonably prepared according to different rabbits.

3. Fattening environment

The fattening environment is also very important. We should keep the breeding environment quiet, because meat rabbits are timid, easy to be frightened and have stress reactions, which will weaken their appetite and, in serious cases, even lead to starvation to death, let alone fattening. In addition, the sanitary environment of the breeding room should also be kept clean, and regular cleaning and disinfection should be carried out to prevent the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, which is also conducive to promoting the weight gain of meat rabbits.

4. Fattening feed

The feed is also different in different periods, so that the fattening effect can be achieved. The most suitable feed combinations for fattening are corn, wheat, wheat bran, sweet potato and bean cake. In the initial fattening period, the feed formula is generally corn, wheat bran, combined with appropriate amount of bean cake, bone meal and salt for feeding. In the later stage of fattening, corn was mainly fed with appropriate amount of hay, wheat bran, bone meal and salt. During this period of time, a large amount of green fodder is needed to ensure the balance of nutrition.

5. Fattening methods

In the fattening stage of meat rabbits, the amount of feed is about 25% higher than that of normal feeding. And when feeding, a warm water feed is fed, which can promote the absorption of nutrients. At the same time, it is necessary to feed a small amount of food frequently, and every time the remaining feed should be cleared out in time, so that they can not continue to eat. And the times of feeding should be at least three times more than usual, and increasing the proportion of concentrate can improve the nutritional level of meat rabbits and promote the rapid growth of meat rabbits. And in the evening, the meat rabbit needs to be fed with forage to ensure the healthy growth of physical skills.

The above is a simple fattening method for meat rabbits, which is sorted out by the editor. I believe you also have a general understanding of how to feed fat rabbits, and hope to help more friends in need. If you encounter some other problems when raising meat rabbits, you can also discuss them with the editor.