
How to manage Houttuynia cordata Thunb

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to manage Houttuynia cordata Thunb

Houttuynia cordata is a very traditional Chinese medicinal material in China. Now there are many areas where Houttuynia cordata is also made into pickled vegetables. However, the taste of Houttuynia cordata was very strange. Many people could not accept its taste, but many people liked to eat it. Therefore, the market demand is not low. Now the area planted with Houttuynia cordata is relatively wide, but some people do not know how to manage it after planting. Today, Xiaobian brought you the field management of Houttuynia cordata. Let's take a look together!

1. Intertillage and weeding

After sowing and seedling emergence, it should be sealed in time to provide a good growth environment for Houttuynia cordata. According to the soil conditions and seedling growth timely intertillage weeding, intertillage is to improve the ventilation of the soil, promote the respiration of the roots of Houttuynia cordata, enhance nutrient absorption capacity. Weeding is to reduce the competitiveness of weeds, prevent competition with Houttuynia cordata for nutrients and water, and affect the growth and development of Houttuynia cordata. Intertillage and weeding at seedling stage is very important because it is directly related to the growth and yield of Houttuynia cordata at later stage.

2. Water management

Houttuynia cordata is a kind of wet but dry crops, in the growth period of houttuynia cordata to keep the soil in a moist state, soil moisture content can not be lower than 75%. Watering timely after sowing or cutting to promote the rooting and germination of Houttuynia cordata. Especially in summer and other hot and dry weather, water must not be too little. Pay attention to the method of watering, try to use small drops of irrigation, prevent excessive moisture caused by soil hardening, is not conducive to the growth and development of Houttuynia cordata. Pay attention to the water quality when watering. Do not irrigate seriously polluted and deteriorated water, otherwise it will cause various diseases and insect pests.

3. Timely topdressing

Before sowing houttuynia cordata, the base fertilizer should be applied sufficiently, because houttuynia cordata is more fertile, if the base fertilizer is sufficient, then in the growth process of houttuynia cordata can be less or even no topdressing. However, around Qingming Festival is the vigorous period of growth and development of Houttuynia cordata. In order to ensure sufficient nutrition of Houttuynia cordata during this period, proper topdressing should be applied. The fertilizer can be decomposed farm manure, and the dosage should be controlled, generally at 1500kg/mu. And in order to improve the yield and quality of Houttuynia cordata, we can apply appropriate foliar fertilizer such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate. Stop topdressing about a month before harvesting Houttuynia cordata to prevent waste of fertilizer.

4. Picking the heart and bud

Regularly observe the growth of houttuynia cordata, prevent houttuynia cordata growth too dense, appear excessive growth and other phenomena. When this is found, it is necessary to remove the branches that grow too vigorously and too densely in time, and then do a good job of pinching the plants to inhibit the growth of lateral branches. Let nutrition concentrate on the rhizome part, promote the accumulation and expansion of nutrition in the rhizome part, and enhance the quality. And if the planting purpose is not flowers, then it should be removed at the early stage of flower buds to reduce the nutrient consumption of flowers and prevent the two growth methods from competing for nutrients.

The above is a brief introduction to the field management methods of Houttuynia cordata, among which there is a more important one is pest control. Pest control is the most important in all management work. Houttuynia cordata has many different pests and diseases, which will affect Houttuynia cordata to varying degrees, thus reducing the yield of Houttuynia cordata. I hope everyone must pay attention to it. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, thank you for reading and support.