
Planting techniques of Jerusalem artichoke

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Land preparation: before planting, it is necessary to turn over the land memorial, which is the balance of land nutrition, and the land can be smoothed with a rake. Sowing: seed selection should choose tubers with a quality of more than 30g, disease-free and injury-free, which can be sown in whole or cut. If you cut into pieces and sow seeds

Land preparation:

Before planting, the land needs to be memorialized, so that the nutrition of the land is balanced. The land can be ground flat with a rake.


Seed selection should select tubers with a mass of more than 30g, disease-free and non-damaged as seeds, which can be sown in whole or cut into pieces. If cut into pieces, it is recommended that the planting row spacing be 50 cm square, the hole sowing or trench sowing should be about 10 cm deep, sprinkle a seed, and then cover the hole.


There are two kinds of fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer and organic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer applied about 3000-4500 kg of fertilizer, and inorganic fertilizer 30-40 kg of diammonium phosphate per mu.

Field management:

Jerusalem artichoke about 30 days after sowing will grow seedlings, two weeks or so need to carry out field weeding, can be used to weed, can also be artificially pulled grass, and then for the first time. When the seedlings grow to about 15 cm, carry out the second weeding and cultivation. Timely watering, removing lateral roots, preventing apical dominance.


Jerusalem artichoke growth needs two topdressing, the first time in late May, each time about 10kg fertilizer. The second time in the early bud, potassium sulfate 15kg per mu, remember to add water after fertilization.


If the flowers turn yellow and wilted, water them, but not too much.

Pest control:

Diseases and insect pests are a major problem in planting. Diseases may cause erythema, spot blight, powdery mildew, etc., which can be controlled by 800 times solution of 50% carbendazim.

Jerusalem artichoke cultivation method_Jerusalem artichoke picture appreciation

Jerusalem artichoke is a perennial herb, 1-3 meters tall, with massive underground stems and fibrous roots. The soil requirements are not strict. In addition to acid soil, swamps and saline-alkali zones, some land unsuitable for planting other crops, such as ruins, houses and roadsides, can grow. So since it's such a good plant, isn't it easy to cultivate it? Next, let's get to know each other... Introduction to Jerusalem artichoke growth The ground temperature in northern China began to rise in March, and the dormant tubers of Jerusalem artichoke gradually recovered from freezing. Germination begins when the local temperature reaches 10℃, leaves emerge from the ground and begin to grow in early April, during which late frost has no effect or damage on them. Under normal circumstances, Jerusalem artichoke stem height of about 2 meters from the end of August to the beginning of September began to bloom. Flowers are pure yellow, odorless and odorless, with 13 petals. Due to different varieties, the color and width of leaves are also different. Although the flower color is the same, the width of petals varies.... Jerusalem artichoke cultivation method Jerusalem artichoke cultivation: spring after emergence or rain to timely weeding, and combined with cultivation for soil. After the Jerusalem artichoke is thawed in spring, 20- 25g tubers are selected for sowing, 50kg of tuber seeds are required per mu, the plant spacing is 0.5× 0.5m, the sowing depth is 10- 20cm, and seedlings emerge about 30 days after sowing. Jerusalem artichoke is sown in one year, tubers remain in the soil after harvest, and can not be sown in the following year, but in order to distribute the plants evenly, the over-dense places should be thinned, and the places lacking plants should be replanted. After Jerusalem artichoke emergence, to timely supplement seedlings, combined with supplement seedlings for 1 weeding. Intertillage weeding is generally carried out 30-40 days after sowing, and the depth is about 6 cm. Combined with intertillage, weeding is carried out. The second time of intertillage is carried out before budding, combined with weeding, to create good conditions for tuber growth and development. Jerusalem artichoke conservation management After harvest in autumn, soil preparation shall be carried out, 5000 kg of mixed manure shall be applied per mu, 70% shall be scattered, 30% shall be concentrated in furrow when sowing, 15 kg of potassium sulfate shall be applied additionally, deep ploughing shall be carried out for 30 cm, and the furrow shall be leveled for sowing after ploughing. On the basis of applying enough basal fertilizer, Jerusalem artichoke needs to be applied twice in its growth period: the first time is applied with urea of 10kg per mu around the last ten days of May to promote strong seedlings and multiple new branches; the second time is applied with potassium sulfate of 15kg per mu at the initial stage of bud emergence, and then watered. The seedling stage, jointing stage, budding stage and tuber expansion stage of Jerusalem artichoke are the four key stages of watering. Generally, seedling water can be poured in the middle of April, jointing water in the last ten days of May, budding water in the middle of August, tuber expansion water in the middle of October. Although Jerusalem artichoke is drought-resistant, the yield can be greatly increased when the soil moisture is sufficient. In the semiarid areas of central China, when severe drought does not occur in normal precipitation years, watering is generally not needed. In case of continuous drought in summer and autumn, bud water should be irrigated once in the middle and late August, and dry land should be irrigated by rainwater collection.... Xiao Bian summary Jerusalem artichoke tubers are rich in starch and are excellent juicy feed. Fresh stems and leaves for silage, nutritional value than sunflower is higher. Today's Xiaobian's introduction to this plant cultivation method is over. Thank you for your appreciation. Cultivation techniques of Jerusalem artichoke in North America Jerusalem artichoke, perennial herb, ground chrysanthemum, underground taro, leaves long ovate, heads, autumn flowers, tubers spindle. Stem and leaf yield of 5000-10000 kg per mu, high nutritional value, known as high-quality "protein chrysanthemum", can be used as feed.

The yield of tubers per mu is 3000-5000 kg. It can be used as vegetables, miscellaneous grains, starch and alcohol. Jerusalem artichoke is also a kind of flowers, flowers can beautify the environment. Compared with grain amaranth, pine herb and other forages produced separately, it has great effect, high value, wide adaptability and popular market.

I. Nutritional value

Jerusalem artichoke stems and tubers are rich in protein and other nutrients, which are called "crops shared by human and livestock in the 21st century" by FAO officials. Its stems and leaves grow luxuriantly from the beginning of spring to the beginning of winter, and the growth period reaches 7-8 months. The appearance and protein of stems and leaves are equivalent to those of colophonium perfoliatum, which cattle, sheep, pigs, rabbits, chickens and ducks like to eat.

The south harvests 2-3 crops a year, and the crude protein content of one mu of stems and leaves is 200-350 kg. The harvested dry stems and leaves can also be processed into pellet feed. After fermentation, the nutritional value of feed additives is higher.

Tubers contain more than 14% protein and 1% lysine. Its palatability is better than sweet potato and radish, and its nutritional value is higher than that of general grain and feed crops. It is not only an ideal feed for livestock and poultry, but also an ideal green nutritious food for human beings. The market prospect of planting and development is promising.

II. Cultivation techniques

1. Sowing

North American artichoke is usually spring sown. The method of sowing is embedding tubers. Due to climate differences, sowing is generally carried out from March to May. Germination and emergence can be achieved at an average ground temperature of 10-15℃. When sowing, Jerusalem artichoke can be planted in front of houses, roadside and barren hills due to its drought resistance and wide saline-alkali resistance adaptability.

Before sowing, the tubers are sorted, cut into several pieces with a clean knife according to the number of germination points, dig a pit with a depth of 5-10 cm, put the tuber germination points upward into the soil, cover the soil and gently press them with feet. The sowing density is about 4000 plants/mu, and the density of poor soil conditions can be increased to more than 5000 plants. When sowing, water in dry weather or sow after rain.

2. Field management

1. Intertillage weeding: weeding 2-3 times at seedling stage, which is beneficial to preserve moisture and seedling. When the stems and leaves are more than 30 cm high and cover most of the ground, they can control the growth of weeds. Do not weed again. A few tall grass can be plucked out.

2. In case of long-term drought and yellow leaves, water them in due time. Under normal circumstances do not water.

3. Cultivate soil. In case of strong wind after rain, when Jerusalem artichoke falls askew, it is necessary to strengthen soil cultivation in time, and dig ditches for drainage to prevent soil moisture from occurring.

④ Fertilization: 30-50 kg diammonium phosphate per mu shall be applied before sowing, and topdressing shall be applied once or twice in the whole growth period, once in June and once in August respectively. Each time nitrogen phosphorus potassium compound fertilizer about 15 kilograms.

3. Pest control

Jerusalem artichoke generally no obvious diseases and insect pests, such as root rot phenomenon at the base of the stem, can be sprayed with 0.1% methyl thiophane.

In order to prevent mole cricket and cutworm damage in early seedling stage or seedling stage, soil treatment can be carried out before sowing, and low toxicity pesticides such as trichlorfon can be mixed with poison bait after sowing. Available omethoate or carbendazim spray kill red spiders and bugs, etc.

4. Harvest

Generally around November, Jerusalem artichoke flowers and leaves dry, you can harvest stems and leaves, dug tubers.