
How to prevent and cure endometritis in sows with infertility and loss of appetite

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to prevent and cure endometritis in sows with infertility and loss of appetite

Endometritis in sows is usually a mucinous inflammation of the uterine mucosa, which is a common reproductive organ disease in sows. The disease is generally caused by bacterial, viral, parasitic, nutritional and other factors. Sow endometritis can be divided into acute and chronic endometritis clinically.


Acute endometritis often occurs after delivery or miscarriage. Diseased pigs have decreased appetite or abstinence, elevated body temperature, arched back, frequent urination, frequent urination, discharge of foul-smelling brown mucus or purulent secretions from the vagina, and increased outflow when lying down. Chronic endometritis is mostly caused by the untimely transformation of acute endometritis. Diseased pigs may periodically discharge a small amount of turbid mucus from the vagina, some often discharge gray or yellowish-brown purulent secretions from the vagina, and there are more purulent secretions when lying down, and purulent secretions are sticky on the skin around the vagina and on the tail root, forming a thin scab after drying. When rinsing the uterus, the reflux fluid is turbid, like dilute noodle paste, and sometimes yellow pus. Sows have abnormal estrus, even if they can have regular estrus, they are often infertile. For sow endometritis, mainly to prevent, severe endometritis generally have no therapeutic value, even if cured, but also lose the ability to reproduce.

1. When mating and inseminating sows, the insemination instruments should be strictly disinfected.

2. Create a quiet living environment for sows to prevent trauma.

3. Sows should be fed 3-5 days before parturition, forbidden on the day of delivery, 3 days before weaning, and not fed on the day of weaning. In addition, before weaning, piglets should control the number of lactation and slowly reduce breast activity. Sows are injected intramuscularly with 10 mg of prostaglandins within 30-48 hours after delivery to promote the excretion of uterine contents.

4. The body surface of piglets and sows should be strictly disinfected.

5. Keep the pig house clean and dry, that is, give birth to sows, do a good job of delivery disinfection, and scrub the genitals, buttocks and breasts of sows with 1% potassium permanganate solution.

6. when dystocia occurs, you should operate carefully to avoid damage to the birth canal and inject antibiotics.

7, sows postpartum, take motherwort and other traditional Chinese medicine to enhance uterine contractility.

8. After giving birth to piglets, sows are prevented by intravenous injection of the following drugs: the first bottle is 0.9% sodium chloride injection 500ml + 1.6 million international units of penicillin 5 branches intravenous injection. The second bottle is 500 ml glucose injection + vitamin C + vitamin B intravenous rehydration. Sows with mild endometritis can be treated with drugs. Drug therapy: penicillin and streptomycin 3 ∶ 1 were used in combination, usually 1.6 million international units of penicillin 7: 10 were administered intravenously with streptomycin. Washing the uterus: rinse the uterus with 1/1000 potassium permanganate solution extracted from the clean and hygienic vas deferens.