
Lamb production needs a lot of nutrition how to supplement feeding to make lambs strong

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Lamb production needs a lot of nutrition how to supplement feeding to make lambs strong

Supplementary feeding should give priority to meet the needs of ewes in the later stage of pregnancy, lambs and breeding rams. Because more than 0% of the weight of the sheep fetus grows within 3 hours after pregnancy, and the ewe will face the heavy nutritional consumption of giving birth, lactation and feeding lambs, good supplementary feeding can make the lambs have great birth, strong disease resistance and high survival rate. Ewes have plenty of breast milk after delivery. The growing lambs are in a strong growth period, and their nutrient reserve capacity is poor, so they are fed with more feed to meet the needs of growth and life maintenance.


I. change the feed

The replacement of feed should be carried out gradually, and the sudden change of feed will affect the microbial activity of rumen microflora of sheep, lead to digestive system dysfunction and reduce feed conversion rate.

Second, supplementary feed

The sheep were first fed with a small amount of palatable concentrate, and then fed with roughage. This method can promote appetite, increase the intake of roughage, increase the secretion of digestive glands, stimulate the reproduction and growth of fiber decomposing bacteria in sheep rumen, accelerate the synthesis of digestive enzymes, make more nutrients digested and utilized, and improve digestibility.

Third, supplement straw and other coarse fodder

Straw has a wide range of sources, low cost and easy to popularize. After fermentation treatment, the utilization rate and nutritional value of straw can be improved. After being cut short, crushed and eaten, the contact surface of rumen microorganisms of sheep can be increased and the acidity can be adjusted; after ammoniation and microsilage, the digestibility can be increased by 10% 12%, and the crude protein can be increased by 45%. However, it should not be chopped too much, otherwise it will weaken the ruminating function of sheep and affect digestion and absorption. Supplementary feeding ammoniated straw should be put into other feed, the amount of feed can account for 70% of the supplementary dry matter feed, if the addition of soybean meal, the effect will be better.

IV. Supplement of mineral substances and vitamins

Sheep fed with low-quality forage (and straw) lack minerals and vitamins, which affect the health of sheep and the digestion of fiber feed, weaken their resistance and decrease their production performance. Newborn lambs are physically weak, gain weight slowly, and are prone to gastrointestinal diseases. In particular, it has a great impact on pregnant ewes and growing sheep. In order to improve the production performance and promote the metabolism of sheep, salt bricks can be fed to let the sheep lick freely. For ewes and adult sheep which are difficult to maintain normal growth and development of sheep fetus due to vitamin deficiency, feed rich in β-carotene should be added to supplementary feed, such as high-quality hay, carrots and so on.

Fifth, replenish high-energy and high-protein concentrate

Corn, high-quality dry alfalfa and blood meal with low rumen degradation level or sheep's rumen degradable concentrate feed should be selected to protect protein, starch and other nutrients, avoid glycolysis, enter directly into the true stomach, facilitate digestion and absorption, and improve the conversion rate.

VI. Replenish silage

Especially supplement legume semi-dry silage to activate the growth and reproduction of rumen fiber decomposing bacteria and promote the utilization of fiber feed in sheep. The amount of supplementary feeding can account for about 20% of the total dry matter. Supplementary feeding of frozen silage is prohibited in spring, which can easily lead to ewe miscarriage.