
Propagation of Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Metasequoia glyptostroboides can be propagated by cutting or sowing. Sowing is carried out in the middle and late March every year, as long as the seeds of metasequoia mother trees are used to sow seeds, but the germination rate is not very high, so many people use the method of cutting. cutting propagation can be carried out in spring, summer and autumn

Metasequoia glyptostroboides can be propagated by cutting or sowing, and sowing is carried out every year in mid-late March, as long as the seeds of metasequoia mother trees are used for sowing, but the germination rate is not very high, so many people use the method of cutting. cutting propagation can be carried out in spring, summer and autumn.

Friends who like metasequoia bonsai can buy a basin of metasequoia to breed. Pay attention to the above points, you can raise metasequoia bonsai very beautifully, which is a beautiful scenery at home.

Propagation method of Metasequoia glyptostroboides

With the development of the times, people pay more attention to the cultivation of spiritual life than material enjoyment. How can we enrich our spiritual life? Potted metasequoia bonsai can not only make us feel good, but also help us resist the sulfur dioxide around us, and plants can help us purify harmful substances in the air. So what are the reproduction methods and bonsai arrangement methods of Metasequoia glyptostroboides? Here's what I'll tell you.

Propagation methods of Metasequoia glyptostroboides

There are two main propagation methods of Metasequoia glyptostroboides, one is sowing propagation and the other is transplanting propagation.

Sowing and propagation of metasequoia glyptostroboides

The seed-bearing age of Metasequoia glyptostroboides begins relatively late. Generally speaking, large Metasequoia glyptostroboides trees for more than 10 years begin to bud, and the seeds of Metasequoia glyptostroboides have many shrunken seeds.

The sowing of Metasequoia glyptostroboides is usually carried out in the middle and late March, and the mother tree seeds of Metasequoia glyptostroboides are usually obtained from the origin of Metasequoia glyptostroboides. The germination rate of Metasequoia glyptostroboides seeds is only about 8%. The seedlings are thin and weak, and they are afraid of drought and waterlogging, so choose the soil with flat terrain and convenient drainage and irrigation.

Cuttage propagation of Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Due to the lack of provenance and low seed survival rate, it is common to propagate Metasequoia glyptostroboides by cutting. Metasequoia glyptostroboides cuttings can be cut in spring, summer and autumn, mainly in spring. It is best to choose the mother plant propagated by seed as the ear mother tree. The scion was selected on the current-year branches of 1-3-year-old seedlings, the rooting period was early and the cutting rate was high. Metasequoia glyptostroboides cutting is divided into hardwood cuttings and tender wood cuttings.

1. The hardwood cuttings of Metasequoia glyptostroboides in the south of the Yangtze River are suitable for early and middle March, and it is best to use drugs to promote rooting before cutting. Many rows of shade after spring planting.

2. The softwood cuttings of Metasequoia glyptostroboides are carried out from late May to early June, which should be carefully managed and double-layer shade sheds should be set up. Autumn is inserted in September and carried out with semi-mature branches. If it takes root in the same year but does not send a tip, a single-layer shade canopy should be used.

The arrangement method of Metasequoia bonsai

1. Metasequoia bonsai is usually placed on one side of the living room, implying wealth and wealth. The study can also be placed, it is best not to put it in the bedroom, because the plants are negative in the five elements.

two。 Do not put the position and the kitchen into a straight line, the kitchen in the five elements belong to fire, and bonsai are negative, so it is likely to lead to the withered and yellow bonsai.

3. If you are fastidious in fengshui and the five elements, it is best to put metasequoia bonsai according to your five elements, and judge the suitable position of metasequoia bonsai according to your five elements.

4. Metasequoia bonsai as a kind of plant bonsai, when placed, avoid putting a single plant, because this forms a "sleepy" word in the house, so it is not appropriate to put a tree in the house.

5. If your choice of metasequoia bonsai is relatively small, be careful not to hinder the activities of your family and to avoid chaos. At the same time, we should also pay attention to pruning and care on bonsai, because to a certain extent, fengshui can have a beautiful leaf shape and affect the luck and prospects of the family.

Propagation methods of Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Picture: Metasequoia glyptostroboides

[frequently asked questions] Propagation methods of Metasequoia glyptostroboides

[expert answers]

1. Sowing and reproduction

The seeds are collected immediately after the cone is ripe, and after exposure, the seeds are screened out and stored dry. Sow seeds in spring in March. The sowing rate of 0.75~1.5kg per mu should be strip sowing (row spacing 20~25cm) or sowing. After sowing, the grass cover should not be too thick, and the soil should be kept moist frequently.

2. Cuttage propagation

Hardwood cuttings and tender wood cuttings can be used.

3. Hardwood cuttings

Selection of cuttings mother tree: 1-year-old robust branches were cut from 2 ~ 3-year-old mother trees as cuttings.

Cutting time: cutting in January, cutting around March 10.

Cuttings specification and treatment: cuttings cutting length 10~15cm, then according to 1001 bundle in sand softening, heat preservation, moisturizing and anti-freezing, before cutting with the concentration of 100mg/LABT1 rooting powder solution soaked for 10 hours for 20 hours.

Post-cutting management and cutting methods: using field cutting, planting 20,000 ~ 30,000 plants per mu, raising seedlings in full light after cutting, watering, weeding and loosening soil at the right time.

Effect: the branches soaked with ABT rooting powder took root 15-20 days ahead of time, the rooting was more and thicker, and the survival rate was more than 90%, which was about 35% higher than that of other branches without ABT rooting powder.

4. Softwood cutting

From late May to early June. Select semi-lignified twigs as cuttings, grow 14~18cm, retain top tip and upper 4-5 feather leaves, insert 4~6cm into soil, and plant 70, 000 ~ 80, 000 plants per mu. Insert shade and spray 3-5 times a day. The shady shed can be removed after late September. The nursery is always moist and ventilated, which can promote the cuttings to take root as soon as possible. Attention should be paid to the control of blight and stem rot at seedling stage.

[editor's comments] the above is the metasequoia propagation method sorted out by the first Agricultural economy Xiaobian for you. I hope it will be helpful to you. For more relevant information, please pay attention to the first Agricultural Economic related channel or special channel. We have been working hard and your support is our driving force to move forward.