
Brief introduction and picture appreciation of non-spicy pepper

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Brief introduction and picture appreciation of non-spicy pepper

Vegetable pepper is a very popular dish nowadays. At first, pepper was only used as an ingredient for everyone to eat and season other dishes. Moreover, we generally don't eat pepper. We only eat main dishes. Then there are also specially made peppers to eat. That is, the vegetable pepper to be mentioned next. Vegetable pepper is also called sweet pepper, bell pepper, etc. Its taste is not spicy at all. It can be eaten directly. It also has a little sweet taste. Some people still don't know what vegetable pepper is. Let me introduce you to the handsome below!

Vegetable pepper is a variant of pepper. It tastes different from ordinary pepper. It will not be spicy when eaten directly. Vegetable pepper is not spicy, or only a little spicy. Therefore, this kind of pepper can be eaten directly as a main dish. The typical representative dish is our chili fried meat. I believe Changsha people know that pepper is very delicious.

Pepper itself is not only green, its variants have many colors, such as green pepper is only one of them, and when eating some people will find that eating chili peppers with spicy children's heartbeat will accelerate, skin blood vessels will dilate, will make people feel very hot, this Chinese medicine gives the explanation that this is also chili has the effect of warming middle and lower qi and dispelling cold and dehumidification.

Vegetable peppers do not have high requirements for growing environment, just like ordinary vegetables, so they can be planted in all seasons of the year. Moreover, due to the large-scale development of urbanization, the planting area of vegetables is continuing to decrease. Now, in order to meet the supply of vegetable peppers in urban and rural areas, large-scale planting is carried out almost every year to meet the demand of the market. Generally, friends who have fields at home or live in rural areas can plant them themselves.

Pepper contains very rich nutrients, and its vitamin C content is also unexpectedly high, like tomatoes and eggplant are vegetables with very high vitamin C content, which are not as high as pepper vitamin C content, vitamin C can increase appetite, improve digestion, so long-term eating pepper is very good for the body, for some common diseases have a good preventive effect.

The method of cooking pepper is also various. In addition to fried meat, it can also be eaten with salad dressing. This is a very popular novel eating method. In addition, the taste of pepper and perilla is very good after mixing well. It is also very simple to cook.

Pepper contains some antipyretic analgesic substances, but also can prevent cancer and increase appetite to help digestion, has a good appetizing effect, prevent cancer.

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