
Planting method and time of Sugarbeet

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting method and time of Sugarbeet

When it comes to sugar beets, many people are not very clear about what sugar beets are. Most of what we call sugar beets are used to make sugar, and a few are used for cooking. Due to the different natural conditions in different regions of our country, the planting time and methods of sugar beets will change. Then let's learn more about the planting method and sowing time of sugar beets.

Planting time

Because of the different climate, the planting time must be different. In Northeast China, North China and the central and western parts of Inner Mongolia, the seeds are basically sown in mid-and early April, and in Heilongjiang region, it is basically mid-and late-April. Generally, the planting time in the northern region can not be later than the first ten days of May. The Yellow River basin or places where plants can be sown two seasons a year are basically sown in summer.

Planting method

Land selection, soil preparation and fertilization: in order to ensure the yield of sugar beet, the requirements for the land are also relatively strict, the land should be relatively fertile and should not be uneven, and the uneven place is not conducive to drainage. Too much water will lead to water blast in sugar beet. Secondly, in the soil preparation to ensure that the soil quality is loose, can not be sandwiched with large soil blocks, fertilization should be reasonable, appropriate use of chemical fertilizer At the same time, when necessary, combined with farm fertilizer, general chemical fertilizer is basically nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, and potassium chloride, farm manure can be livestock excreta or plant ash or decaying plants.

Seed selection, transplanting and weeding: excellent varieties with strong disease resistance, high sugar content and high yield should be selected. In order to better prevent disease, the seeds can be soaked when sowing, which can effectively protect the seedlings from being hurt by insects. The purpose of transplanting is to ensure that the planting density of sugar beet is reasonable, which is beneficial to increase the yield of sugar beet, and is beneficial to the absorption of fertilizer, better photosynthesis and increase sugar content. In the process of sugar beet growth, weeding should be carried out many times, at least three times, and fertilized in time in the process of weeding to ensure the nutrition needed for its growth.

Disease prevention

Brown spot: Brown spot is a common disease in sugar beet. Brown spot occurs in many areas. It is very harmful to sugar beet and should be prevented in late June.

Blight: blight usually occurs in the early stages of growth, which means you should start loosening the soil, reducing soil moisture, and taking medication.

Beetles: the beetle is a bug that likes to eat leaves, so spray it as soon as it appears, or it will be eaten up.

The above is the sugar beet planting method brought by the pro-agricultural network today, which is also the most common planting method. Everyone should know the planting time of sugar beet. If you have a better opinion, you can recommend it to the editor!