
Common diseases and insect pests of eggplant and their control methods

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Common diseases and insect pests of eggplant and their control methods

Eggplant is a vegetable that we often eat. It is nutritious and widely loved by people, but it is also easily disturbed by diseases and insect pests. What are the main diseases and insect pests of eggplant? How to prevent and cure it? The following pro-agricultural network brings you the common diseases and insect pests of eggplant and their control methods.

1. Sudden collapse disease

Eggplant quenching disease often occurs in eggplant seedling stage, when the stem discoloration necrosis, gradually shrinking, seedlings close to the ground, until the plant rot and death.

Control methods: planting and selecting varieties with good disease resistance, disinfecting seeds and soil before planting, selecting plots with sunny and good drainage, and spraying fungicides when the disease occurs.

2. Cotton blight

Cotton blight, also known as rotten eggplant, is the most common disease of eggplant, with a high incidence, especially in the plum rain season, when the disease is serious, a large number of fruit rot, seriously affecting the yield of eggplant.

Control methods: the same selection of varieties with strong disease resistance, disinfection of seeds and soil before sowing, pruning frequently in the growth stage, ensuring ventilation and light transmittance, reasonable fertilization to promote strong plant growth, combined with chemical treatment when the disease occurs.

3. Sclerotinia disease

Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is one of the common diseases of vegetables, which not only harms eggplant, but also harms many household vegetables. at the beginning of the disease, white cotton-like hyphae grow at the base of the stem at the beginning of the disease, and white cotton-like hyphae grow with the release time, and the stems and leaves die seriously, and finally the whole plant dies, affecting the yield.

Control methods: the pathogen of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum mainly comes from soil, and the sterilization treatment of soil is very strict. Carbendazim wettable powder can be used to spread the soil evenly on the planting area. Planting should pay attention to keep warm and strengthen ventilation, find diseased plants, pull out and burn them in time, and disinfect the soil of diseased plants so as not to infect other plants.

4. Aphids

Aphids mainly eat stems and leaves, and the initial harm is less, but when there are too many aphids, they also do great harm to the plants, which will directly gnaw away the stems and leaves and lead to plant death.

Prevention and treatment: when aphids are found, spray them with special agents directly.

5. Red spider

The red spider is very small and often gathers together to suck the sap of the leaves. At first, the leaves will appear small white spots and slowly turn yellow and white. In severe cases, the leaves of the whole plant will dry up and turn red, and the leaves will fall off.

Control method: deal with it from the source, clean up the fallen leaves near the plant, reduce the source of insects, and use insecticide to kill in time when insect pests are found.

The above pro-agricultural network brings you common eggplant diseases and insect pests and control methods, do a good job of eggplant disease and pest protection work, is the key point of eggplant production, we should pay absolute attention to it.