
Planting techniques of overwintering spinach

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting techniques of overwintering spinach

Spinach, which originated in Iran, was introduced into China from Nepal during the period of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty. Now it is one of the vegetables widely cultivated in China. Spinach can be divided into spring spinach, summer spinach, autumn spinach and overwintering spinach according to its sowing time. Overwintering spinach refers to the spinach sown from mid-October to early November and harvested around the Spring Equinox in the coming year. The listing of overwintering spinach can effectively fill the gap in the market and has high planting value. So how should this overwintering spinach be grown? Pro-agricultural network next to introduce to you: overwintering spinach planting technology.

I. selection of varieties

Because overwintering spinach needs to grow throughout the winter, varieties with strong overwintering ability, strong cold tolerance, good quality, fast growth and great potential for yield increase should be selected. the general spinach varieties are easy to reduce the yield and quality due to bolting during the overwintering period. affect the value of spinach.

II. Land preparation

After the previous harvest, the stubble was killed in time, and then 5000 kg of mature organic fertilizer and 50-60 kg of ternary compound fertilizer were needed per mu, with deep ploughing of more than 25 cm, and then formed into a flat bed 1.2m ~ 1.5m wide.

Third, sowing seeds

The choice of sowing time is very important. Practice has proved that it is safe for spinach to have 4 or 5 leaves during the overwintering period, so it is appropriate to sow from late September to early October. Spinach seeds germinate slowly. In order to shorten the emergence period, the spinach seeds can be soaked in 20 ℃ warm water for 12 hours on the day before sowing, then the seeds can be removed and then sown. If sowing is late, soak the seeds in cold water for 12-24 hours 4-5 days before sowing, take out the stacking chamber, about 15 cm thick, cover the sack for heat preservation, turn once a day, make the temperature and humidity in the heap uniform, keep the temperature about 20 ℃, after 3-4 days, wait for more than 60% of the seeds to expose the radicle. Coated seeds do not need to be soaked to accelerate germination. There are two sowing methods: dry sowing and wet sowing. Dry sowing is sowing, suppression, and then watering; wet sowing is watering before sowing, water seeping before sowing, and sowing after sowing. Seeds that sprout must be sown wet. There are two ways of sowing: sowing and strip sowing. Strip sowing must have enough moisture at the bottom; when sowing, sow seeds evenly, and then cover the soil about 2 centimeters. The general seed consumption per mu is 4-5 kg, and the late sowing is appropriately increased. In addition, the sowing time of overwintering spinach also directly affects the overwintering ability, receiving time and yield of seedlings.

IV. Daily management

The daily management of overwintering spinach is mainly aimed at the management of three periods of overwintering spinach, including seedling management, overwintering management and exuberant growth period management. The management methods needed in different periods are different, the following pro-agricultural network will give you a specific introduction.

1. Seedling management: after sowing, such as soil drought, you can pour a small amount of water, when the soil moisture is suitable, shallow border surface, loose topsoil, in order to facilitate seedling emergence. When 1-2 true leaves emerge, keep the soil moist; when 3-4 true leaves, water can be properly controlled to promote root development to facilitate overwintering. If the seedlings are too dense, the seedlings can be separated by 2-3 true leaves, and the distance between seedlings is 3-5 cm. If there is aphid harm, it should be sprayed to control.

two。 Overwintering management: it is the overwintering period from the cessation of spinach growth to the return of green in the following spring. In order to prevent cold and drought injury, frozen water can be poured once before freezing; if there is insufficient fertilization, urine water can be mixed. After freezing, it can be covered with horse manure or ring fertilizer to protect the seedlings from overwintering. Before turning green, choose sunny and warm weather, and sprinkle fresh urine after the frost thaws, 1000-2000 kg per mu, ending at 3-4 p.m.

3. Management of vigorous growth period: in early March of the following year, spinach began to turn green and grow. Therefore, when the temperature is still low, if the soil moisture is good, it can not be watered temporarily, and it is necessary to paddle and hoe to preserve soil moisture; if the soil moisture is not good and the temperature picks up quickly, water can be watered once, and the amount of water should be small rather than large. However, saline-alkali soil can be properly watered and pressed with salt. Wind barrier border and sandy loam, the temperature rises quickly, so it should be irrigated early. After spinach began to grow vigorously, the demand for fertilizer and water surged. In this period, the soil should be kept moist and should not be drought. we should pay close attention to topdressing and watering, promote vegetative growth and delay the bolting period. Generally, 15-20 kg of urea per mu. Watering after fertilization, sufficient fertilizer and water, spinach grows fast and can be harvested in 10-15 days. The cultivation methods of wind barrier and plane plastic film mulching (plastic film mulching for 7-10 days) in early spring can achieve the goal of early listing and high yield.

Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

The main diseases and insect pests affecting overwintering spinach are downy mildew, anthrax, virus disease and aphids. Downy mildew and anthracnose can be sprayed with 75% chlorothalonil 600 times, 25% metalaxyl 700-800 times or 40% aluminum ethyl phosphate wettable powder 200-300 times at the initial stage of the disease. In addition to crop rotation, virus diseases should also be controlled in time, such as aphids and other virus vectors. Aphids can be controlled with imidacloprid and other agents.

VI. Timely harvest

Generally, seedlings with a height of more than 10 cm can be harvested in batches. About 15 days before one-time harvest, 15-20 mg / kg 920 can be sprayed on the leaf, and urea or ammonium sulfate can be added to harvest early and increase the yield.

7. Keep the seed

The sowing date of spinach for keeping seeds is a little later than that of overwintering spinach. Strip sowing, line spacing 20-23 cm. After turning green in spring, the miscellaneous plants and early bolting male plants were pulled out one after another, and some nutritious male plants were left, so that the plant spacing was about 20 cm. During the bolting period, it is not suitable to irrigate more water, so as to avoid weak lodging of flower bolts and reduce seed yield. After flowering, topdressing, irrigation and foliar spraying of 1% murine 2% superphosphate clarification solution to make the seeds full. The male plant is pulled out after bearing seeds to facilitate ventilation and light transmission. Most of the stems and leaves are withered and yellow, and the seeds are harvested when they are ripe and threshed several days after ripening.

The above is the introduction of the planting skills of overwintering spinach brought by the pro-agricultural network. As can be seen from the above, the most critical step in the planting skills of overwintering spinach is the sowing time, which is also the focus that farmers should pay attention to.