
Time and method of planting Noodle vegetables

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Time and method of planting Noodle vegetables

Slim vegetable is an annual herb that can be eaten as a wild vegetable. In some areas, it is called wheat yellow vegetable, lantern grass or wild spinach and rabbit head. It is a kind of wild vegetable that many people like. Now we all know that wild vegetables are actually more popular than vegetables, and the cultivation of slim vegetables is also a trend of market development. So when do slim dishes usually be planted? How do you plant it? Now let's take a look at it together.

1. Sowing time

Now the planting industry is developing rapidly, and the planting technology is constantly improving. If the greenhouse planting technology is used, it can basically be planted all the year round. But if it is planted in the open field, it is usually in March and April in spring and in September in autumn. Among them, the planting time is related to the planting area, climate, temperature and other factors. as for the specific planting time, it can be determined according to the rising temperature of the local soil.

2. Land consolidation

The vitality of wild vegetables is relatively exuberant, and the requirements for the soil are not high, so noodle vegetables can be planted in the general soil. However, there is plenty of water near the planting site, or it is even better if drainage and irrigation are more convenient. Land consolidation is generally 30 to 40 centimeters deep, and then the soil will be broken, as thin as possible, and finally sprinkled with sufficient farm manure, rake the land can be. It is necessary to set up a good ditch in the field to facilitate later field operation.

3. Sowing method

There are two most commonly used sowing methods for slim vegetables, namely, sowing and strip sowing. When sowing, you need to wet the soil first, and then spread the seeds evenly on the soil. You can gently press the seeds into the soil with a stick or broom, and finally cover with a layer of straw to keep warm. If there is no seed pressure, then the seed needs to be covered with fine soil and covered with straw. Strip sowing needs to set up a good small trench, pour the trench thoroughly, and then sow the seeds evenly, cover with soil and cover with plastic film to keep warm.

4. Temperature control

Temperature management after sowing is very important, it is related to the emergence of slim vegetables, as well as the growth of slim vegetables. After sowing, the temperature in the field is generally kept at about 15 to 20 degrees, while about a week before emergence, the temperature on the planting ground is generally between 20 and 25 degrees. This temperature can make noodle seeds sprout and grow quickly. When about 75% of the seeds have emerged, the straw or film covered in the field should be removed in time so as not to burn out the seedlings.

5. Scientific management

In the later stage, fertilizer and water management, weeding and pest control directly affect the yield and quality of seedling vegetables. Before the emergence of seedlings, we should spray water to keep the soil moist, so as not to harden the soil and affect the growth of seedlings. When most of the seedlings have bud tips, we need to spray foliar fertilizer to promote the growth of the seedlings and achieve the effect of unifying and strengthening the seedlings. When the slim vegetables grow three or four true leaves, the seedlings should be reasonable. After the seedlings is the peak period of the growth of slim vegetables, water demand is very large, it is necessary to water scientifically, and combined with weeding and fertilization to promote the rapid growth of seedlings. The most common diseases and insect pests of slim vegetables are downy mildew, aphids and cabbage insects, which can be treated and poisoned with metalaxyl wettable powder, imidacloprid wettable powder and dimethoate EC, respectively.

That's all the editor wants to share with you today. It is mainly about the planting time of slim vegetables and its planting method. If you have friends who want to grow slim vegetables, you can get a general idea of how to grow slim vegetables through the above, and hope to help more friends in need.