
Can bananas be planted at home?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, First, the shape of the water ghost banana is actually very suitable for growing at home. The shape of the water ghost banana is beautiful, the plant size is appropriate, and it is of great ornamental value. Therefore, it is very suitable to grow bananas at home.

I. the physical suitability of Shuighui banana.

Water ghost banana is actually very suitable for growing at home. The shape of water ghost banana is beautiful, the plant size is right, and it is of great ornamental value. Therefore, it is very suitable to grow bananas at home.

Second, the solution of the toxicity of banana.

People may worry that the toxicity of bananas will endanger human health, but in fact, the toxicity of bananas is not terrible at all, because its toxicity is mainly on its bulbs, so it is 100% safe as long as it is not eaten at will.

Third, the benefits of planting bananas at home

Moreover, planting water ghost bananas at home on the one hand comes from the love of plants, on the other hand, it can also improve their hands-on ability and increase the frequency of interaction with nature, which is very conducive to physical and mental health.

Fourth, the convenience of planting bananas at home.

In addition, the price of Shuighui banana is also very affordable. If you accidentally fall or fall, you can use the leaves of Shuighui banana to be mashed for treatment, which is convenient and simple.

Knowing that bananas can be grown at home, do you especially want to know how to grow bananas? Next, the editor will continue to talk to you about the planting skills of Shuigui bananas.

The value of water ghost banana I. the value of garden use

The water ghost banana attracts many spectators with its beautiful and colorful figure and flawless flowers, and its flower fragrance is attractive, so it can be used in garden planting, such as arranging flower beds, flower mirrors and decorating roadsides.

Second, the ornamental value of family planting

As mentioned above, the shape of Shuigui banana is colorful and slender, beautiful flowers, emerald green leaves, often accompanied by flower fragrance, simple planting method, easy to survive, very suitable for the layout and decoration of the garden.

In addition, the water ghost banana can also be made into a pot ornamental, beautiful posture, leaf posture, graceful, graceful and elegant without losing chic.

Although the banana is a poisonous plant, as long as a little attention is paid, there is no threat to this toxicity at all. Therefore, friends who are attracted by Shuighui bananas should not give it up because of its toxicity. It is a kind of plant with great ornamental value. Don't forget it when decorating your home.

20 kinds of bulb flower conservation Daquan leek lotus likes a warm environment. Generally speaking, it blossoms in September, the 6th month of each year. The most suitable temperature for the growth of leek lotus is 16-28 ℃, which is not cold-resistant, and the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃. If the indoor can maintain more than 15 ℃ in winter, leek lotus can also continue to grow healthily. It can even blossom. Leek lotus likes the sunny environment, if the growth environment is shady, then the quality of the seed balls will be poor. Although the semi-shade can also blossom, but the number of flowers is small, the florescence is short. Iris is suitable for growing in moderately moist, well-drained, humus-rich, slightly alkaline clayey soil, or swamp soil or shallow water layer; Iris likes plenty of sunshine, cool climate, strong cold resistance, but also resistant to semi-shady environment. Purple flowers like light, the cultivation place full sunshine, half-day sunshine are ideal, but should not be shaded. Like high temperature, heat-resistant, fertile temperature of 24-30 degrees. Purple flower is not strict on the soil, resistant to barren, fertile and well-drained sandy loam or loam bloom exuberantly. Shuighui banana likes light and is suitable for growing in a warm and humid environment. It is not resistant to cold and the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 15 ℃. The growth of bananas requires fertile soil and adequate water and fertilizer during the growing period. When planting in the open field, dig balls in autumn and hide them indoors. 20 kinds of bulb flower maintenance Daquan evening fragrant jade bogey stagnant water, if too dry, the edge of the leaf will curl up, the bud will wrinkle, it is difficult to open. Summer is the peak growing season, the basin soil should always be kept moist and watered once a day. Suitable for growing in a sunny environment, requiring well-ventilated environmental conditions, adequate sunshine in the hospital or maintenance on the balcony from the beginning of May to the end of September. The flower plant of Shandan Danhua Mountain is 30cm high and 40cm high. The stem is leafy and slender, like pine leaves. Flowers bloom in late spring and early summer, the flowers droop, the petals turn outward, the color is bright red, and some varieties have spots on their petals. Wild Shandan flowers grow in grasslands, shrubs and other places, like the soil with rich and deep soil layer and good drainage. It grows well on the slope of half-yin and half-yang and slightly acidic soil. Of course, now it is also gradually moved to the home, potted to watch. The growth temperature of Castanopsis grossedentata has different requirements in different seasons, from January to October is 18 ℃, and from October to January is 10 ℃. The suitable temperature can make the leaves grow luxuriantly and the flowers bright. Paulownia likes semi-shaded and warm environment, so it is necessary to pay attention to proper shading, avoid direct sunlight, absorb scattered light and make continuous adjustment according to the actual growth situation. Watering should be appropriate, too much is easy to cause tuber rot, leaves withered and yellow, high temperature in summer, it is necessary to appropriately increase the number of watering, often spray water spray around the plant to maintain environmental humidity. Gladiolus is a warm plant, high temperature is not good for its growth. It is not resistant to cold, and the most suitable temperature for growth is 20-25 ℃. The corm can sprout in the environment above 5 ℃. Gladiolus is a typical long-sunshine plant, which is conducive to flower bud differentiation in a sunny environment, and the number of flowering in insufficient light will be reduced. However, after flower bud differentiation, short-day light is beneficial to the formation of flower buds and early flowering. There are different varieties of Gladiolus in different flowering time. For summer flowering varieties, bulbs should be stored indoors to survive the winter, and the indoor temperature should not be lower than 0 ℃. The planting soil of Gladiolus should be fertile sandy loam and somewhat acidic. Gladiolus likes fertilizer, and proper phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can improve the quality of flowers. A complete collection on the conservation of 20 kinds of bulb flowers

Green onion orchid

Green onion orchids like fertile soil, like sufficient sunshine, resistant to semi-shade and low humidity, and should be fertile, sticky and well-drained soil. Green onion orchid is cold-resistant, can remain evergreen in the Yangtze River basin, and can survive for a long time below 0 °C. Under the condition of-10 °C, it will not be frozen for a short time, but it may freeze to death for a long time. Green onion orchid is easy to divide balls naturally, and it is easy to propagate in separate plants. as long as you pay attention to cold protection in winter, it is very easy to maintain. Colorful taro likes high temperature, high humidity and semi-overcast environment, and is not resistant to low temperature and frost and snow. When planting, choose plants with rich, loose soil and good drainage. The suitable growth temperature of colorful taro is 20: 30 ℃, the growth period is from June to October, and the most suitable temperature is 21: 27 ℃. The suitable temperature of dormancy period from October to June of the following year is 1824 ℃. Ensure that the temperature at night should not be lower than 10 ℃. Avoid bright light. Colorful taro likes clayey soil, which is mostly made of five parts of clayey soil, two parts of rotten leaf soil and three parts of sand. Dahlia adapts to different climates and soils across the country, with few diseases and insect pests, easy to manage, and best to breed. Dahlias are easy to reproduce, sowing, cutting and root splitting. They like sunshine and loose, fertile and well-drained soil. Grafting at the beginning of the bud can produce colorful marble and dahlia. The wild species of the other bank flower grows in the gloomy tide wetland (grave or country road), and its place is red soil, so it has strong cold tolerance, likes shade, and can bear the daily average temperature limit of 24 ℃. It likes moist, drought and is accustomed to acid soil, and the loose and fertile humus soil is the best. Have the habit of summer dormancy. It is very easy to reproduce, and usually a piece of Lycoris can easily develop into a piece of Lycoris.

A complete collection on the conservation of 20 kinds of bulb flowers

Saffron saffron is a typical autumn bulb flower, native to southern Europe, like cold, cool, humid and semi-shady environment, more hardy. Saffron is suitable for growing in sandy loam with good drainage and rich humus. PH value is 5.56.5. Saffron corms dormant in summer and root and sprout leaves in autumn. It blossoms in late October and the flowers are closed day and night. Cyclamen likes warmth, is afraid of heat, is more hardy, and can withstand a low temperature of 0 ℃ without freezing. It grows best in a cool environment and in a rich sandy loam rich in humus. The growing season is from September to February and is semi-dormant in summer. The most suitable temperature for growth in winter is 12: 16 ℃, and the temperature is controlled at 18: 22 ℃ to promote flowering. When the temperature is lower than 5 ℃, the plant grows slowly and the flower color is dim. Oxalis has a warm, moist, sunny environment and likes light, and hot areas need shade in summer. The ability to resist drought is weak and it is not resistant to cold. In winter, North China needs to be maintained indoors and can be cultivated on land to the south of the Yangtze River. Like the shady and wet environment, the adaptability to the soil is relatively strong, ordinary garden soil can grow. It usually grows on hillsides and grasslands, along river valleys, by the side of the road, by the edge of the field, or in shady places under the forest, and blossoms only when the sun is shining. Summer goes into a short period of dormancy. Zhu Dinghong likes the warm, humid environment, the suitable growth temperature is 18-25 ℃, not resistant to extreme heat, to avoid direct sunlight, agriculture can be placed in a greenhouse for maintenance. For fear of waterlogging, you should not water too much. Winter dormancy period, in the cold and humid climate can be safe through the winter. The most suitable temperature is 10-12 ℃, and the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃. When the temperature exceeds 25 ℃, the branches and leaves grow vigorously, which will affect dormancy. Like sandy soil rich in humus, loose soil and good drainage. The ph of the soil was controlled between 5.5 and 6.5, keeping the soil relatively dry. A complete collection on the conservation of 20 kinds of bulb flowers


Tulips are native to high mountains and like hot and dry environments in cold and wet winters and summers. Dormant in summer, root and sprout in winter. But the buds are not unearthed, and they grow to form branches and leaves after winter. The florescence is in March / April of each year, and the suitable temperature is 15-20 ℃. Tulips like the light and shelter from the wind. Strong cold resistance, can withstand the low temperature of-14 ℃, winter snow cover can survive the winter. But I'm afraid of the heat. It requires loose, fertile and acidic sandy soil. Fragrant snow orchid likes to come to a cool, humid, sunny environment, not cold-resistant, the most suitable temperature for growth is 15: 20 ℃. The lowest temperature in winter is 3-5 ℃. Enlarging the temperature difference between day and night is beneficial to the growth and development of the plant. It is suitable to grow in the soil with loose, good drainage and rich humus. The corm of Vanilla can take root and sprout quickly at the temperature of 13.5 ℃ ~ 15 ℃. The temperature should be kept at 8 ℃ ~ 13 ℃ during flower bud differentiation. The temperature of flower bud development was kept at 13 ℃ ~ 18 ℃. When the temperature is below 18 ℃, the florescence will be delayed and the flower stem will be shortened. Xiangxue orchid is a short-day plant, short light can promote flower bud differentiation. After flower bud differentiation, increasing sunshine regularly can promote early flowering. The growth of hyacinth needs sufficient light, its own cold resistance is strong, and the cool and moist growth environment is more suitable. Hyacinth should be planted in fertile sandy soil with good drainage, in addition to land planting, but also hydroponic culture. Hyacinth sprouts in spring, takes root in autumn, and florescence is usually in March. The lily has plenty of sunshine and the semi-shaded environment with moist soil is the most favorable for the growth of lilies. High temperature and drought are disadvantageous to its growth, and the cold tolerance of lily is also weak. The temperature of 16-24 ℃ is the best temperature for lily growth. The temperature below 5 ℃ and above 30 ℃ will almost stop the growth of lily, and the normal growth of lily can be ensured only when the temperature is above 10 ℃. The choice of soil should give priority to adequate fertilizer and humus, do not use hard clay, the use of slightly acidic soil is the best; secondly, to ensure good drainage.

A complete collection on the conservation of 20 kinds of bulb flowers