
Improper management leads to failure of raising seedlings what to do when cucumber seedlings encounter disaster

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Improper management leads to failure of raising seedlings what to do when cucumber seedlings encounter disaster

Early spring cucumber seedlings, in winter and spring, often encounter overcast, cold, wind, snow, rain and other bad weather, poor management often leads to cucumber seedling failure, causing losses to melon seedlings, in order to reduce harm, the following measures should be taken:

cucumber seedling

1. Cold weather. Winter or early spring, in case of continuous low temperature, cold weather. To appropriate late removal of straw mat, straw mat and other coverings, after removal of the mat, pay attention to the change of bed temperature, such as a slight drop in bed temperature, should be removed with the cover; Bed temperature slightly picked up, can be re-covered before 2 p.m., in order to strengthen night insulation, straw mat number can be appropriately increased to make the cover thicker; straw mat is insufficient, cover straw mat. Many vegetable farmers often do not remove the mulch all day long or even for several days in a row in cold weather, which will make cucumber seedlings grow weak, and when the weather warms up, it is easy to cause wilting and dead seedlings.

2. In case of strong wind, pay attention to windbreak. During the day, fix the transparent cover, do not let the north wind blow away, cover tightly at night, cover well, if necessary, put the reed wool mat, grass mat equal pressure, otherwise, once blown off by the wind, the seedlings are easy to freeze.

3. Snow day, should snow side, side clearance. When it snows during the day, it should be covered with reed wool, and then covered with straw. After the snow stops, immediately remove the snow; snow at night, in order to stop the snow, snow in time, keep the mulch dry, and timely remove the mulch, so that seedlings see the light. Continuous cloudy snow days and then suddenly turn clear, after removing the cover, pay attention to observe the change of cucumber seedlings, found wilting, immediately cover the reed hair cover, recover and then open, wilting and then cover, so repeated, after 2~3 days, can be transferred to normal management; if uncovered, easy to cause fallen seedlings.

4. It's raining. After the rain, timely drying grass, paper quilt. In the daytime, the mulch shall be removed in time to prevent the reed mat and straw mat from being wet by rain and affecting the insulation effect, but it shall be noted that the rain shall not be allowed to drench into the border; in the evening, the mulch shall be dried after rain.

5. It was cloudy for several days. After the straw cover is opened, the temperature in the bed does not drop to prevent wilting and death of seedlings; when the temperature rises, the straw cover should be slowly opened to facilitate photosynthesis of cucumber seedlings to produce nutrients and promote the growth of melon seedlings.