
The price and planting method of star anise seedlings

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, The price and planting method of star anise seedlings

Star anise, also known as star anise, anise, and so on, is the fruit of star anise, which can be directly used in daily seasoning or processed directly into spice powder. Its peel, seeds and leaves are important raw materials for the manufacture of cosmetics, sweet wine, beer and food industry. Let's take a look at the price and planting method of star anise seedlings.

How much is a star anise sapling?

The price of star anise seedlings is generally about 2 to 10 yuan, and its price is mainly determined by the variety, height, dry diameter and other factors of the seedlings. Star anise tree is a tree species in the south subtropical zone, which likes warm winter and cool summer climate. It is suitable for growing well on sandy loam or loam with deep soil layer, good drainage, fertile and humid, acidic sandy loam, and poor growth in dry, barren or low-lying stagnant water areas. It has been cultivated in Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian and Taiwan.

Cultivation conditions of star anise tree

1. Temperature: the suitable growth temperature of star anise is 20: 30 ℃, the coldest daily average temperature is above 10 degrees, the hottest average temperature is 25-28 degrees, the annual accumulated temperature is more than 6000 degrees, and the frost-free period is more than 315days. Short-term light frost period has no great effect on plant growth.

2, humidity: star anise trees like to grow in humid mountain climatic conditions, requiring annual rainfall of 1200 to 2000 mm, and uniform distribution, air relative humidity of more than 80%.

3. Illumination: star anise seedlings like to grow in shady conditions. With the growth of plants, the demand for sunlight increases gradually. Trees that blossom and bear fruit need plenty of sunlight, but they taboo the direct exposure of strong sunlight.

4. Wind: the star anise tree is weak in wood, fragile in branches, the main root is not deep, and most of the lateral roots are distributed within 50 cm of the topsoil layer, so its wind resistance is not strong, and it is easy to be blown down by the strong wind, and the strong wind is very disadvantageous to the blooming and fruiting of star anise.

5. Soil: star anise tree is not strict on soil, but the content of nutrients in soil will directly affect the yield and quality of star anise, so it is suitable to grow in latosol with loose texture, deep soil layer, rich humus and rich humus.

Planting method of star anise tree

1. Forest land consolidation: star anise afforestation should choose the land on the north slope of the hilly and mountainous area with undulating topography and shelter from the wind, and the soil layer is deeper and more loose, and the drainage and irrigation is more convenient. Because it is a shallow root tree species, the branches are quite brittle, it is not suitable to choose the place where the strong wind blows.

2. Timely planting: the best time for star anise tree afforestation is before and after Greater Cold, and it is best to plant seedlings on the same day. If you cannot immediately plant and apply yellow mud dipped in roots and transported to the afforestation site for afforestation, in order to improve the survival rate, the best time for afforestation is in cloudy and rainy days.

3. Scientific fertilization: the best time for star anise tree fertilization is February and June every year. Spring fertilizer can promote the growth of star anise, summer fertilizer can promote the vigorous growth of star anise, nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer, and compound fertilizer can be applied to the young forest more than three years old.

4. timely weeding: star anise trees are ploughed and weeded at least once or twice a year, which can be carried out in January-February and May-June respectively. The forest land with large occurrence area can directly use glyphosate for chemical weeding.

5. Young forest management

① pruning and shaping: star anise tree pruning is generally carried out when the young forest is 1.5-2.0 meters high to promote branches, and the number of branches can be kept at 2-3 branches per tree, cutting off overgrown branches, cross branches and withered branches, over-dense branches, disease and insect branches, weak branches and so on.

② shade moisturizing: star anise young forest should cover most of the bare open space, and natural plants such as weed shrub and weed forest can be used as shade trees to achieve the purpose of balancing temperature, keeping moisture, preventing sunburn, reducing soil erosion and so on.

6. Adult forest management

① pruning and shaping: less or no sparse branches, properly re-cut the inner bore branches with few or too dense fruit or the lower part of the crown, lightly cut the outer edge branches or the middle and upper branches of the crown, and heavy-cut the diseases and insect branches with more dry branches and abnormal growth and development.

② forest reclamation: reclamation can change the soil structure of star anise planting to supplement soil moisture and promote the normal differentiation of flower buds and the growth and development of young fruits. Reclamation is usually carried out once every 3-4 years.

7. Disease control

① anthracnose: star anise anthracnose can completely remove the susceptible branches and leaves and burn them centrally. 0.5% Bordeaux solution is sprayed at the initial stage of the disease. In order to improve the disease resistance of star anise trees, more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer or farm manure should be applied.

② leaf beetle: star anise beetle sprays water with 80% trichlorfon or 80% dichlorvos EC.

③ hanging filariasis: the star anise filariasis was sprayed with water with leaf cicada powder EC or 203EC. After the spray, the worm was surprised and dropped, and then sprayed on the ground again.