
Seed price and planting method of Radix Ginseng

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Seed price and planting method of Radix Ginseng

Radix Pseudostellariae is a perennial herb of Platycodon grandiflorum family, mostly born in low mountain grass and rock crevices, distributed in Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan and other places. It has the effect of nourishing yin and clearing heat, moistening the lungs and resolving phlegm, benefiting stomach and promoting fluid. It can be divided into South Radix Ginseng and North Radix Ginseng, and the cultivation value is very high. Let's take a look at the seed price and planting method of Radix Glehniae.

How much is the seed of sand ginseng per jin?

The seed price of southern ginseng is about 2030 yuan per jin, and that of north ginseng is about 3040 yuan per catty. Due to different prices such as variety, quality, producing area and purchase quantity, seeds are generally used about 2 jin per mu. Radix Ginseng can be divided into South and North, which are distributed in Jiangsu, Hunan, Anhui, Zhejiang and Jiangxi, and are distributed in Shandong, Hebei, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia and other places.

Sowing method of Radix Glehniae

1. Land selection and land preparation: sand loam or loam with sufficient sunshine, fertile soil, rich in humus and good drainage is selected for planting sand or gentle slope land, with compost or ring manure 2000,2500kg per mu and mixed phosphate fertilizer 2050kg as base fertilizer. After spreading evenly, the base fertilizer is ploughed 30 to 40cm, raked fine and leveled for border, the border width is 1 to 1.3 meters.

2. Sowing method: sand ginseng is propagated with seeds, divided into spring sowing and autumn sowing, spring sowing in the first and middle of April and autumn sowing before freezing in November. According to the row spacing of 30 cm to 40 cm, open a shallow trench 4 cm to 6 cm, spread the seeds evenly in the ditch, cover them with fine soil, gently compact them, and then water them. If possible, cover a layer of grass to keep warm to promote germination. The seedlings emerged after 20 days of spring sowing and from March to April of the following year.

Planting method of Radix Ginseng

1. Fixed seedlings: sand ginseng seedlings with 2 or 3 true leaves, with the degree of non-overlap of seedling leaves. The height of the seedling is 12 cm and 15 cm, and the distance between plants is 10 cm and 15 cm. Water the seedlings and fertilize them properly.

2. Middle ploughing and weeding: sand ginseng seedlings select cloudy days to remove weeds, set seedlings combined with topdressing and loosening soil to weed, plants should stop weeding to avoid breaking stems and branches after sealing, drainage should be paid attention to in rainy days, and proper watering can be done in dry days.

3. Rational fertilization: application of 10% light human feces or 2% urea water at seedling stage, topdressing once after seedling setting, 1000 kg per mu of soil fertilizer before winter, once after seedling emergence in the second year, 1000 kg per mu from June to July before flowering and mixed with a small amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

4. Topping at the right time: sand ginseng grows rapidly from the second year. In order to reduce nutrient consumption and promote root growth, it can be topped when the plant height is 40-50 cm.

5. Harvest and storage: sand ginseng was harvested 2 ~ 3 years after sowing, the roots were dug in autumn, the stems, leaves and whisker roots were removed, the soil was washed, and the skin was scraped off with bamboo slices when fresh, sliced and dried.

Disease and pest control of Radix Glehniae

1. Root rot

[harm] Root rot is a disease caused by fungi, which damages the roots and often occurs in rainy seasons.

[prevention and treatment] clear the garden, treat the disease with lime, and spray the root and stem with 50% bacillus 500 times solution.

2. Brown spot

Brown spot is a fungal disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani, which is harmful to leaves.

[prevention and cure] clear the garden by drainage and spray the leaves with 1 Vera 1000 Bordeaux solution or 65% Dysenamine wettable powder 500 times solution.

3. Aphids

[harm] to do harm by sucking stem juice.

[prevention and control] clear the garden in winter, spray 50% fenitrothion 1000-2000 times or 8% dichlorvos emulsion 1500 times.

4. Ground tiger

[harm] it is harmful for the larvae to bite off the roots of the plants at the seedling stage, resulting in lack of seedlings and, in serious cases, a large area of dead seedlings and lack of seedlings.

[control] clear the garden, apply fully rotten manure, or black light trap, or trap or poison bait, spray with 90% trichlorfon 1000-1500 times liquid during the damage period.