
Seed price and planting method of plantain seed

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Seed price and planting method of plantain seed

Plantain seeds, also known as plantain, etc., are dry mature seeds of plantain or plantain, which are distributed all over the country and are often born in grasslands, beaches, gullies, meadows, fields and roadsides. Medicine has the effects of diuresis, dampness and diarrhea, clearing the liver and clear eyes, clearing heat and resolving phlegm. Let's take a look at the seed price and planting method of plantain.

How much is the seed of plantain per jin?

The price of plantain seed is about 4580 yuan per jin, but it varies according to the quality, variety, origin and quantity of plantain seed. Plantain seeds are generally propagated by seeds and have strong adaptability. from south to north, the mountain fields and roadside riversides in China can be seen everywhere, with cold and drought tolerance, lax requirements on the soil, and can grow well on warm, moist, sunny and sandy fertile soil. the soil is better in slightly acidic sandy alluvial loam, and the general amount of seed per mu is 0.5 kilogram.

What varieties do you have in front of the car?

1. Plantago asiatica: the leaf is ovate or broadly ovate, the petiole base is often enlarged into a sheath, spikes, with 15 seeds, mainly produced in Hebei, Liaoning, Shanxi, Sichuan and other places, as well as Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Qinghai, Shandong and other places.

2. Plantago lanceolata: the leaves are long oval or elliptic-lanceolate, all the leaves are root, spikes, capsule cleft, 4 seeds, 5 seeds, distributed in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Qinghai and other places.

Sowing method of Plantago asiatica

1. Land selection and land preparation: plantain seed planting wet and fertile sandy loam is better, soil preparation should be meticulous, 15-20 cm of land should be turned over, soil blocks should be broken for border, and 4000 kg of organic matter base fertilizer should be applied per mu.

2. Sowing at the right time: plantain seed strip sowing method is simple, labor-saving and labor-saving, shallow trench is opened, the depth is 1-1.5 cm, less soil is covered after sowing, it is appropriate to see no seeds, and suppress it once, which is beneficial to seed germination.

3. Chemical seed dressing: in order to ensure the seedling rate when sowing, 25% carbendazim powder can be used for seed disinfection and phoxim mixed with fine sand on the ground to control underground pests.

4. Post-sowing management: plantain seeds germinate slowly, for example, water can be sprayed once 2-3 days after soil drought sowing, water flow should be small, dry soil should be loosened after water, and seeds should be avoided. Seedlings usually emerge 10-15 days after sowing.

Planting method of Plantago asiatica

1. Weeding between seedlings: plantain seeds are small, grow slowly after emergence, and are easy to be inhibited by weeds, so weeds should be removed in time at seedling stage, generally loosening soil and weeding 3 or 4 times a year.

2. Reasonable topdressing: plantain seeds were generally applied three times, the first was 1500 kg per mu of human and animal manure in May, the second was 10 kg per mu of diammonium phosphate in early July, and the third was 1500 kg of stable fertilizer per mu after seed collection.

3. Pest control: the main diseases of plantain are powdery mildew, a layer of gray powder appears on the surface or back of the leaves, and finally the leaves die. At the initial stage of the disease, 50% methyl topiramate is sprayed with 1000 times solution.

4. Harvesting and processing

① seed harvest: the lower fruit shell of plantain seed ear is light brown at first, the middle fruit shell is yellow at the beginning, and the upper fruit can be harvested when the upper fruit has been collected. It should be harvested in the morning or cloudy day, and the seeds should be stored in a dry place after drying.

② whole grass harvest: plantain seeds can be harvested as vegetables when the seedlings grow to 6 cm 7 leaves 13 cm high, and the panicles are as long as leaves and have the highest efficacy at the end of flowering at the late stage of vigorous growth and heading stage, so the whole grass can be harvested.