
Seed price and planting method of Di Ding

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Seed price and planting method of Di Ding

Di Ding, also known as Corydalis, Arrow Grass, Sheep Horn, etc., is a perennial herb of the genus Corydalis of the opium poppy family. It is highly adaptable and likes a warm and slightly cool climate. It is distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and other places. It is dried for medicinal use and has the effect of heat-clearing and detoxification. Let's take a look at the seed price and planting methods of Di Ding.

How much is the Di Ding seed per jin?

The price of Di Ding seed is about 3040 yuan per jin, but it varies according to the quality, variety, origin and quantity of seeds. Dding often uses seeds to breed, and should be planted in sandy loam with sufficient water sources and fertile water. it needs about 6 kilograms of seeds per mu, which is usually interplanted with Gramineae plants and can be harvested after half a year of cultivation. The average yield per mu is about 600 kilograms and 700 kilograms. The high yield can reach 800 kilograms, and the market price of dry products is about 3 kilograms and 5 yuan per jin.

Sowing method of Di Ding

1. Soil disinfection: 2 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of rotten leaf soil and 1 part of fine sand are generally used for sowing bed soil. Soil disinfection should be carried out before sowing, and bed soil can be sprayed with 0.3-0.5% potassium permanganate solution.

2. Sowing time: spring sowing is carried out in early and middle March, and autumn sowing is carried out in early August. After sowing, the temperature is controlled between 15-25 ℃, and seedlings emerge in about a week.

3. Sowing method: sowing method can be used when sowing, sowing seeds evenly on the soaked bed soil with a small seed seeder or by hand, and covering with fine sifted soil after sowing, and the covering thickness should be no seed.

Seedling Management of Di Ding

The main results are as follows: 1. Seedling management: the management of young seedlings should be strengthened after emergence, especially the temperature should be controlled to prevent the seedlings from growing, and the light should be sufficient at this time. The temperature should be controlled at 15 ℃ during the day and 8 ℃ ~ 10 ℃ at night to keep the soil slightly dry.

2. Seedling transfer: the seedlings begin to divide when they grow the first true leaf, the root system should be extended when the seedlings are moved, the bottom water should be watered thoroughly, the mature organic fertilizer solution can be applied appropriately to promote the growth of the seedlings, and it can be planted when the seedlings grow to more than 5 leaves.

Planting method of Di Ding

1. Field management: Dding is a shade-loving plant, so it should be watered frequently after emergence, strengthen management, pay attention to do not bury small seedlings when the autumn crops are ripe and harvest, pour frozen water before freezing, cover with ring fertilizer, smash and flatten the dung blocks after the next spring thawing.

2. Fertilizer and water management: when the new leaves have not yet covered the ground from Qingming Festival to Guyu Festival, 10 kg of urea per mu should be applied, and watering should be stopped after the Beginning of Summer to prevent stems and leaves from rotting and reduce yield.

3. Pest control: when the seedlings turn green, there is often a kind of black larva of Lepidoptera that bites the tender buds, which can be sprayed with 500 / 1000 times liquid of cyanobacteria or poisonous soil with 2500 grams of bacterial powder and 15,25 kilograms of fine soil per mu.

4. Harvest and processing: the whole grass is used as medicine, usually around the small full festival, when the local half-seed and half-flower is selected to cut the whole grass on a sunny day, dry and sell or store it.