
Planting time and method of knife bean

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting time and method of knife bean

Knife bean is also a kind of beans, knife bean it mainly uses fresh and tender pods, often in the form of stir-fried in our lives, nutrition is very rich, for young women who love beauty, eating more knife beans can whiten. Now many cosmetics contain knife bean ingredients, at the same time knife bean love can be used in medicine, the treatment of some of the more common ailments or pain or hate and effect. Today, the pro-agricultural network brings you discomfort about the nutritional value of knife beans, but its planting method and its planting time, let's take a look at it with the editor below.

Planting time

Knife bean is a relatively heat-tolerant plant, so it can be sown in spring, summer and autumn, but the varieties planted in each season will be slightly different, and we will choose varieties with better resistance according to seasonal changes. Planting in spring is usually like February and March. Summer is sown around May and autumn is sown in August. The best temperature for seed germination of knife bean is between 25 and 30 degrees, while the best temperature for the growth of knife bean seedlings is between 20 and 25 degrees, and the temperature in the sowing month of each season is more or less inappropriate, so we should also maintain and control the temperature in the field when sowing.

Planting method

1. Land preparation

In fact, the cultivation of knife beans is very simple. In the past, in rural areas, most fields were used to grow major crops, such as corn, rice, and so on, but they were not very needed for knife beans, so they planted one or two plants. Then casually heavy on the ridge of the field is good, so we can see that it does not have high requirements for soil, and there is no need for soil preparation. If you want to have a high yield, it is generally selected in the sandy soil with good drainage and irrigation function, and ridging and ditching need to be done during soil preparation, and the width of each ridge is about 30 cm, which can ensure the smooth drainage of the field. Finally, a good base fertilizer is used, which is usually sprinkled with a layer of livestock manure on each ridge.

2. Sowing seeds

The seed coat of knife bean is relatively hard, and the speed of sprouting is very slow if it is not treated before sowing, so we usually soak the seed in water for a day or so. Then mix the seeds in formalin solution, remove them and rinse them in clean water 20 minutes later, generally rinse them three times, and finally pack the seeds in a cotton bag. Put it in an environment of 25 to 30 degrees to promote germination, and bud white will grow in about five days. At this time, we can sow seeds. When we sow seeds, we dig holes in the ridges at a distance of 40 centimeters apart. Then put two or three seeds in each hole, and finally cover the seeds with thin soil and water them again.

3. Fertilization

When the bean seedlings break through the soil, we will be able to prepare for weeding and fertilization. generally, about a week after emergence, we will carry out intermediate ploughing and weeding. After weeding, an average of 1,000 jin of farm manure, 50 jin of compound fertilizer, 50 jin of potash fertilizer and 30 jin of phosphate fertilizer per mu need to be irrigated with water. The second fertilization is when the bean seedlings grow to about 30 centimeters. In order to promote the growth of the seedlings, we mainly apply 1000 jin of urea. The third fertilization is when knife beans blossom and bear pods, when the purpose of fertilization is to promote flowers and protect fruits, so you can spray a certain amount of foliar fertilizer boron fertilizer and 100 jin of potash fertilizer at the same time.

4. Set up a frame

Scaffolding management is a thing that must be done when the bean seedlings grow to 40 to 50 centimeters, because the bean seedlings grow a little longer, so if it is allowed to crawl and grow on the ground, first of all, there is not so much space in the field. second, if you crawl on the ground, it will be greatly affected by moisture, temperature and light, which will seriously reduce the yield, so we usually build a support next to each plant. Then attach some rope to the bracket, and then hold the bean seedlings on the frame and let them crawl along the frame to grow on the rope, which can not only improve the harvest after the yield and provide convenience for the daily management of the field.

5. Disease prevention

The most common diseases of knife bean are root rot, blight, rust and powdery mildew. The common control methods are spraying with dioxone, chlorothalonil, Dysen zinc and methyl topiramate, once every ten days, about three times. The main pests are aphids, Liriomyza huidobrensis and Bemisia Tabaci. Aphids can be treated with 2000 times dimethoate or 800x dichlorvos. While Liriomyza huidobrensis and Bemisia Tabaci can be controlled with 10% imidacloprid wettable powder and 20% rice full suspension.