
Control methods of common diseases and insect pests in wax gourd

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Control methods of common diseases and insect pests in wax gourd

Wax gourd is favored by people because of its beauty and slimming effect, but diseases and insect pests will inevitably occur in the process of wax gourd planting, if improper control will lead to low yield and poor quality of wax gourd. Therefore, to understand the characteristics of its diseases and insect pests, in order to prescribe the right medicine, the harm will be reduced to a minimum, the following pro-agricultural network brings common pest control methods of wax gourd.

1. Epidemic disease

The blight mainly harms the wax gourd fruit, when the disease occurs, the fruit appears waterlogged disease spot, and there is a circle of white mildew spots on the periphery of the disease spot. If you cut open the lesion location, you will find that the flesh inside has turned brown. If you do not deal with it in time, the whole fruit will rot eventually.

Control method: the disease survives the winter through the bacteria in the soil, spreads through Rain Water in the coming year, selects varieties with strong growth and strong disease resistance, and disinfects the soil deeply before overwintering, so as to prevent the bacteria from surviving safely through the winter. Spray chemical control regularly in the fruit period, and spray Kangbo medicine when the disease occurs.

2. Vine blight

Vine blight mainly occurs in 18-25 degrees, high humidity environment, the leaves appear brown spots, black spots, stem nodes long disease spots, discoloration is black, overflow of yellowish-brown secretions, when the disease is serious, the stems and leaves rot into hemp.

Prevention and control methods: seed dressing with Fumishuang wettable powder before planting to eliminate germs on the seed surface, reduce the incidence of diseases, crop rotation, control soil moisture, timely drainage, regular chemical spraying and treatment with chlorothalonil.

3. Fusarium wilt

The outbreak conditions of Fusarium wilt and blight are similar, and the pathogen survives the winter safely in the soil and spreads through various ways, especially in the environment with high humidity. When the disease occurs, the leaves begin to fade and wither, pink or white mold appears when the humidity is high, the base of the stem is wet rotten, the interior turns brown, and finally dies because of withering.

Prevention and control methods: disinfect the seeds similarly, turn the soil deeply before overwintering, carry out crop rotation, spray chemical control regularly, and use copper succinate wettable powder to treat the disease.

4. Insect pests

The main pests are aphids and red spiders, they all like to attach to the leaves, sucking leaves or rhizome branches and leaves, the leaves appear yellow-white disease spots, serious leaf withering and falling off, affecting the yield.

Control method: remove the surrounding weeds in time and spray them with special insecticides.

The above are the common prevention and control methods of winter gourd diseases and insect pests brought by the pro-agricultural network. Observe carefully when planting, early detection and early prevention and control, in order to achieve high and high yield of wax gourd, more agricultural knowledge, please pay attention to the pro-agricultural network.