
Control methods of common diseases and insect pests of lentil

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Control methods of common diseases and insect pests of lentil

Lentils strengthen adaptability, generally plant a few plants, provide them with climbing shelves, it can grow well, the yield is higher, it is a vegetable that many farmers like to grow. However, if the planting management is improper, it is vulnerable to diseases and insect pests, and when it is serious, it leads to no harvest, which is very annoying, so how to prevent and control these diseases and insect pests? The following pro-agricultural network brings common disease and pest control methods for lentils.

1. Rust

Rust mainly harms the leaves, at the initial stage of the disease, the leaves appear yellow-white disease spots, there are prominent blisters, fragmentation and rust-colored powder. With the development of the disease, the disease spot expanded to appear dark brown spots, after the rupture appeared black-brown powder, and finally the leaves withered and yellow fell, causing great harm.

Control methods: rust is mainly caused by spores overwintering on soil or other diseased bodies. Continue to do harm in the following year, after harvest, collect and burn the sick and disabled bodies in time, turn the soil deeply into the sun, and disinfect it once before planting. Increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer during planting to improve the disease resistance of the plant and spray the disease with strychnine when the disease occurs.

2. Virus disease

The symptoms of virus disease are different, such as leaf atrophy type and bright vein wrinkle type, they all have different characteristics, mosaic and leaf mottled deformity, and some leaves become smaller, or leaves curl not stretch, plants are short.

Control methods: it is mainly transmitted by insects, but in high temperature climate, dry environment and plants in poorly drained and clayey soil, excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer will also lead to the disease. In the early stage of the disease, the disease was sprayed with antiviral agents or virgin.

3. Anthrax

Anthracnose can occur at seedling stage and adult plant, disease spot appears in cotyledon at seedling stage, pink sticky substance appears when the temperature is too high, disease spot appears in adult plant, disease spot appears in leaf, reddish-brown disease spot appears in petiole and stem, when it is lost in high temperature and humidity environment, stem vine will also appear disease spot, with the aggravation of disease, plant rot will die.

Control methods: disinfect seeds and soil before planting, avoid continuous cropping, and rotate with non-legume crops for more than 2 years. Strengthen the field management, clean up and burn the diseased plants in time, turn the soil deeply, prevent the bacteria from spreading again, and use carbendazim wettable powder to treat the disease.

4. Aphids

Aphids, also known as honey insects, mainly harm the leaves and delicate parts of the plant. generally, aphids like to gather on the back of the leaves to suck sap, resulting in leaf wrinkling, curling, yellowing, hindering the normal function of plants, and eventually leading to plant wilting and even death.

Prevention and control methods: remove all weeds and sundries before overwintering, turn the soil deep and eliminate insect eggs. Aphids reproduce fastest at 23: 27 ℃ and 75% to 85% humidity. Strengthen management, create an environment unfavorable to aphid growth, and control natural enemies or chemical spraying.

The above are the common lentil pest control methods brought by the pro-agricultural network. This is the end of the introduction on the lentil pest control methods. For more relevant agricultural knowledge, please pay attention to the pro-agricultural network.